In [18]:
#import the modules necessary
from nltk.util import ngrams
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict
import nltk
import string
import time
start_time = time.time()
In [19]:
#return: string
#for encoding keys for the dictionary
#for encoding keys ,index has been used for each unique word
#for mapping keys with their index
def encodeKey(s,index,vocab_dict):
key = ''
#print (s)
for t in s:
#print (t)
if t not in vocab_dict:
vocab_dict[t] = index[0]
index[0] = index[0] + 1
key = key + str(vocab_dict[t]) + '#'
return key
In [20]:
#returns: string
#arg: string
#remove punctuations and make the string lowercase
def removePunctuations(sen):
#split the string into word tokens
temp_l = sen.split()
i = 0
#changes the word to lowercase and removes punctuations from it
for word in temp_l :
for l in word :
if l in string.punctuation:
word = word.replace(l," ")
temp_l[i] = word.lower()
#spliting is being don here beacause in sentences line here---so after punctuation removal it should
#become "here so"
content = " ".join(temp_l)
return content
In [21]:
#returns : void
#arg: string,dict,dict,dict,list
#loads the corpus for the dataset and makes the frequency count of quadgram and trigram strings
def loadCorupus(filename,tri_dict,quad_dict,vocab_dict,index):
w1 = '' #for storing the 3rd last word to be used for next token set
w2 = '' #for storing the 2nd last word to be used for next token set
w3 = '' #for storing the last word to be used for next token set
i = 0
sen = ''
token = []
with open(filename,'r') as file:
#read the data line by line
for line in file:
token = line.split()
i = 0
for word in token :
for l in word :
if l in string.punctuation:
word = word.replace(l," ")
token[i] = word.lower()
content = " ".join(token)
token = content.split()
if not token:
#first add the previous words
if w2!= '':
if w3!= '':
#tokens for trigrams
temp1 = list(ngrams(token,3))
if w1!= '':
#tokens for quadgrams
temp2 = list(ngrams(token,4))
#count the frequency of the trigram sentences
for t in temp1:
sen = encodeKey(t,index,vocab_dict)
tri_dict[sen] += 1
#count the frequency of the quadgram sentences
for t in temp2:
sen = encodeKey(t,index,vocab_dict)
quad_dict[sen] += 1
#then take out the last 3 words
n = len(token)
w1 = token[n -3]
w2 = token[n -2]
w3 = token[n -1]
In [22]:
#returns : float
#arg : string sentence,string word,dict,dict
def findprobability(s,w,tri_dict,quad_dict):
c1 = 0 # for count of sentence 's' with word 'w'
c2 = 0 # for count of sentence 's'
s1 = s + w
if s1 in quad_dict:
c1 = quad_dict[s1]
if s in tri_dict:
c2 = tri_dict[s]
if c2 == 0:
return 0
return c1/c2
In [23]:
#arg: list
#return: string,dict
#for decoding keys
def decodeKey(s,vocab_dict):
key = ''
l = []
item = list(vocab_dict.items())
temp_l = s.split('#')
del temp_l[len(temp_l)-1]
index = 0
for c in temp_l:
if c != ' ':
index = int(c)
key = ' '.join(l)
return key
In [24]:
#returns : void
#arg: string,dict,dict,dict,list
def doPrediction(sen,tri_dict,quad_dict,vocab_dict,index):
#remove punctuations and make it lowercase
temp_l = sen.split()
i = 0
for word in temp_l :
for l in word :
if l in string.punctuation:
word = word.replace(l," ")
temp_l[i] = word.lower()
content = " ".join(temp_l)
temp_l = content.split()
#encode the sentence before checking
sen = encodeKey(temp_l,index,vocab_dict)
max_prob = 0
#when there is no probable word available
#now for guessing the word which should exist we use quadgram
right_word = 'apple'
for word in vocab_dict:
#encode the word before checking
dict_l = []
word = encodeKey(dict_l,index,vocab_dict)
prob = findprobability(sen,word,tri_dict,quad_dict)
if prob > max_prob:
max_prob = prob
right_word = word
#decode the right word
right_word = decodeKey(right_word,vocab_dict)
print('Word Prediction is :',right_word)
In [25]:
def main():
tri_dict = defaultdict(int)
quad_dict = defaultdict(int)
vocab_dict = OrderedDict() #for mapping of words with their index ==> key:word value:index of key in dict\n",
index = [0] #list for assigning index value to keys\n",
cond = False
#take input
while(cond == False):
sen = input('Enter the string\n')
sen = removePunctuations(sen)
temp = sen.split()
if len(temp) < 3:
print("Please enter atleast 3 words !")
cond = True
temp = temp[-3:]
sen = " ".join(temp)
if __name__ == '__main__':