Word prediction using Quadgram

This program reads the corpus line by line.This reads the corpus one line at a time loads it into the memory

Time Complexity for word prediction : O(1)

Time Complexity for word prediction with rank 'r': O(r)

Import corpus

In [16]:
from nltk.util import ngrams
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict
import string
import time
import gc

start_time = time.time()

Do preprocessing:

Remove the punctuations and lowercase the tokens

In [17]:
#returns: string
#arg: string
#remove punctuations and make the string lowercase
def removePunctuations(sen):

    #split the string into word tokens
    temp_l = sen.split()
    i = 0

    #changes the word to lowercase and removes punctuations from it
    for word in temp_l :
        for l in word :
            if l in string.punctuation:
                word = word.replace(l," ")
        temp_l[i] = word.lower()

    #spliting is being don here beacause in sentences line here---so after punctuation removal it should 
    #become "here so"   
    content = " ".join(temp_l)

    return content

Tokenize and load the corpus data

In [18]:
#returns : void
#arg: string,dict,dict,dict,dict
#loads the corpus for the dataset and makes the frequency count of quadgram and trigram strings
def loadCorpus(file_path,bi_dict,tri_dict,quad_dict,vocab_dict):

    w1 = ''    #for storing the 3rd last word to be used for next token set
    w2 = ''    #for storing the 2nd last word to be used for next token set
    w3 = ''    #for storing the last word to be used for next token set
    token = []
    word_len = 0

    #open the corpus file and read it line by line
    with open(file_path,'r') as file:
        for line in file:

            #split the line into tokens
            token = line.split()
            i = 0

            #for each word in the token list ,remove pucntuations and change to lowercase
            for word in token :
                for l in word :
                    if l in string.punctuation:
                        word = word.replace(l," ")
                token[i] = word.lower()

            #make the token list into a string    
            content = " ".join(token)
            token = content.split()
            word_len = word_len + len(token)  

            if not token:

            #add the last word from previous line
            if w3!= '':

            temp0 = list(ngrams(token,2))

            #since we are reading line by line some combinations of word might get missed for pairing
            #for trigram
            #first add the previous words
            if w2!= '':

            #tokens for trigrams
            temp1 = list(ngrams(token,3))

            #insert the 3rd last word from previous line for quadgram pairing
            if w1!= '':

            #add new unique words to the vocaulary set if available
            for word in token:
                if word not in vocab_dict:
                    vocab_dict[word] = 1
                    vocab_dict[word]+= 1
            #tokens for quadgrams
            temp2 = list(ngrams(token,4))

            #count the frequency of the bigram sentences
            for t in temp0:
                sen = ' '.join(t)
                bi_dict[sen] += 1

            #count the frequency of the trigram sentences
            for t in temp1:
                sen = ' '.join(t)
                tri_dict[sen] += 1

            #count the frequency of the quadgram sentences
            for t in temp2:
                sen = ' '.join(t)
                quad_dict[sen] += 1

            #then take out the last 3 words
            n = len(token)

            #store the last few words for the next sentence pairing
            w1 = token[n -3]
            w2 = token[n -2]
            w3 = token[n -1]
    return word_len

Create a Hash Table for Probable words for Trigram sentences

In [19]:
#returns: void
#arg: dict,dict,dict,dict,dict,int
#creates dict for storing probable words with their probabilities for a trigram sentence
def createProbableWordDict(bi_dict,tri_dict,quad_dict,prob_dict,vocab_dict,token_len):
    for quad_sen in quad_dict:
        prob = 0.0
        quad_token = quad_sen.split()
        tri_sen = ' '.join(quad_token[:3])
        tri_count = tri_dict[tri_sen]

        if tri_count != 0:
            prob = interpolatedProbability(quad_token,token_len, vocab_dict, bi_dict, tri_dict, quad_dict,
                            l1 = 0.25, l2 = 0.25, l3 = 0.25 , l4 = 0.25)

        if tri_sen not in prob_dict:
            prob_dict[tri_sen] = []

    prob = None
    tri_count = None
    quad_token = None
    tri_sen = None

Sort the probable words

In [20]:
#returns: void
#arg: dict
#for sorting the probable word acc. to their probabilities
def sortProbWordDict(prob_dict):
    for key in prob_dict:
        if len(prob_dict[key])>1:
            sorted(prob_dict[key],reverse = True)

Driver function for doing the prediction

In [21]:
#returns: string
#arg: string,dict,int
#does prediction for the the sentence
def doPrediction(sen,prob_dict,rank = 1):
    if sen in prob_dict:
        if rank <= len(prob_dict[sen]):
            return prob_dict[sen][rank-1][1]
            return prob_dict[sen][0][1]
        return "Can't predict"

For Computing Interpolated Probability

In [22]:
#returns: float
#arg: float,float,float,float,list,list,dict,dict,dict,dict
#for calculating the interpolated probablity
def interpolatedProbability(quad_token,token_len, vocab_dict, bi_dict, tri_dict, quad_dict,
                            l1 = 0.25, l2 = 0.25, l3 = 0.25 , l4 = 0.25):
    sen = ' '.join(quad_token)
    prob =(   
              l1*(quad_dict[sen] / tri_dict[' '.join(quad_token[0:3])]) 
            + l2*(tri_dict[' '.join(quad_token[1:4])] / bi_dict[' '.join(quad_token[1:3])]) 
            + l3*(bi_dict[' '.join(quad_token[2:4])] / vocab_dict[quad_token[2]]) 
            + l4*(vocab_dict[quad_token[3]] / token_len)
    return prob

For Taking input from the User

In [23]:
#returns: string
#arg: void
#for taking input from user
def takeInput():
    cond = False
    #take input
    while(cond == False):
        sen = input('Enter the string\n')
        sen = removePunctuations(sen)
        temp = sen.split()
        if len(temp) < 3:
            print("Please enter atleast 3 words !")
            cond = True
            temp = temp[-3:]
    sen = " ".join(temp)
    return sen

main function

In [9]:
def main():

    #variable declaration
    tri_dict = defaultdict(int)            #for keeping count of sentences of three words
    quad_dict = defaultdict(int)           #for keeping count of sentences of three words
    vocab_dict = defaultdict(int) #for storing the different words with their frequencies    
    prob_dict = OrderedDict()   #for storing the probabilities of probable words for a sentence
    bi_dict = defaultdict(int)

    #load the corpus for the dataset
    token_len = loadCorpus('corpusfile.txt',bi_dict,tri_dict,quad_dict,vocab_dict)
    print("---Preprocessing Time for Corpus loading: %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

    start_time1 = time.time()

    #creates a dictionary of probable words 
    #sort the dictionary of probable words 
    # writeProbWords(prob_dict)
    print("---Preprocessing Time for Creating Probable Word Dict: %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time1))

  File "<ipython-input-9-6275781483df>", line 31
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

In [ ]:
if __name__ == '__main__':

For Debugging Purpose Only

Uncomment the above two cells and ignore running the cells below if not debugging

In [24]:
#variable declaration
tri_dict = defaultdict(int)            #for keeping count of sentences of three words
quad_dict = defaultdict(int)           #for keeping count of sentences of three words
vocab_dict = defaultdict(int) #for storing the different words with their frequencies    
prob_dict = OrderedDict()   #for storing the probabilities of probable words for a sentence
bi_dict = defaultdict(int)

#load the corpus for the dataset
token_len = loadCorpus('corpusfile.txt',bi_dict,tri_dict,quad_dict,vocab_dict)
print("---Preprocessing Time for Corpus loading: %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

---Preprocessing Time for Corpus loading: 22.767502307891846 seconds ---

In [25]:
start_time1 = time.time()
#creates a dictionary of probable words 
#sort the dictionary of probable words 
# writeProbWords(prob_dict)
print("---Preprocessing Time for Creating Probable Word Dict: %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time1))

---Preprocessing Time for Creating Probable Word Dict: 17.206525087356567 seconds ---

In [26]:
sen = takeInput()
start_time2 = time.time()
prediction = doPrediction(sen,prob_dict)
print("Word Prediction:",prediction)
print("---Time for Prediction Operation: %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time2))

Enter the string
emma by jane
Word Prediction: austen
---Time for Prediction Operation: 0.0007853507995605469 seconds ---