In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist, jaccard
from sklearn import cluster, linear_model
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import argparse
import json
import pprint
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2
import oauth2
import pandas as pd
import missingno as msno
from collections import defaultdict
%matplotlib inline
In [ ]:
In [9]:
SEARCH_PATH = '/v2/search/'
BUSINESS_PATH = '/v2/business/'
with file('/Users/spardy/.config/OAUTHS/Yelp.json') as f:
KEYS = json.load(f)
def request(host, path, url_params=None):
"""Prepares OAuth authentication and sends the request to the API.
host (str): The domain host of the API.
path (str): The path of the API after the domain.
url_params (dict): An optional set of query parameters in the request.
dict: The JSON response from the request.
urllib2.HTTPError: An error occurs from the HTTP request.
url_params = url_params or {}
url = 'http://{0}{1}?'.format(host, urllib.quote(path.encode('utf8')))
consumer = oauth2.Consumer(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
oauth_request = oauth2.Request(method="GET", url=url, parameters=url_params)
'oauth_nonce': oauth2.generate_nonce(),
'oauth_timestamp': oauth2.generate_timestamp(),
'oauth_token': TOKEN,
'oauth_consumer_key': CONSUMER_KEY
token = oauth2.Token(TOKEN, TOKEN_SECRET)
oauth_request.sign_request(oauth2.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(), consumer, token)
signed_url = oauth_request.to_url()
conn = urllib2.urlopen(signed_url, None)
response = json.loads(
return response
def search(term, location, search_limit=20, offset=0):
"""Query the Search API by a search term and location.
term (str): The search term passed to the API.
location (str): The search location passed to the API.
dict: The JSON response from the request.
url_params = {
'term': term.replace(' ', '+'),
'location': location.replace(' ', '+'),
'limit': search_limit,
'offset': offset
return request(API_HOST, SEARCH_PATH, url_params=url_params)
In [2]:
dataset = []
with file('/Users/spardy/Data/yelp/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json') as f:
for line in f:
In [3]:
madison_businesses = [datum for datum in dataset if datum['city'] == 'Madison']
In [4]:
madison_restaurants = [business for business in madison_businesses if ('Restaurants' in business['categories'])]
In [5]:
# these attributes have more than 450 listings
good_attributes = ['stars', 'Alcohol', 'latenight', 'street', 'Has TV', 'divey', 'trendy', 'breakfast',
'validated','Good for Kids','casual','Price Range','valet','Delivery','hipster','lot','touristy',
'Accepts Credit Cards','Take_out','intimate','dessert','lunch', 'Wheelchair Accessible',
'Outdoor Seating', 'Takes Reservations', 'Waiter Service', 'brunch', 'Wi_Fi', 'Caters', 'romantic',
'garage', 'dinner', 'classy', 'upscale', 'Good For Groups']
good_attributes = np.array([attr.replace(' ', '_') for attr in good_attributes])
attributes = pd.DataFrame(columns=good_attributes)
Ncols = attributes.shape[1]
In [6]:
wifi_attribute = {'no': 0, 'paid': 1, 'free': 2}
bar_attribute = {'none': 0, 'beer_and_wine': 1, 'full_bar': 2}
In [7]:
for i, restaurant in enumerate(madison_restaurants):
_temp_attrs = np.empty(Ncols)+np.nan
for k, v in restaurant['attributes'].iteritems():
k = k.replace(' ', '_')
if type(v) is dict:
for k2, v2 in v.iteritems():
k2 = k2.replace(' ', '_')
if k2 in good_attributes:
_temp_attrs[good_attributes == k2] = int(v2)
if k in good_attributes:
if k == 'Wi_Fi':
_temp_attrs[good_attributes == k] = wifi_attribute[v]
elif k == 'Alcohol':
_temp_attrs[good_attributes == k] = bar_attribute[v]
_temp_attrs[good_attributes == k] = int(v)
_temp_attrs[0] = restaurant['stars']
attributes.loc[i] = _temp_attrs
In [29]:
use_attributes = ['Price Range']
use_attributes = np.array([attr.replace(' ', '_') for attr in use_attributes])
formula = 'stars ~ ' + ' + '.join(['C(%s)' %attr for attr in use_attributes])
print formula
In [30]:
res = smf.ols(formula=formula, data=attributes).fit()
print res.summary()
In [31]:
dset = [attributes['stars'][attributes['Price_Range'] == i] for i in xrange(1, 5)]
_ = plt.boxplot(dset)
In [32]:
counter = 0
for i in xrange(len(madison_restaurants)):
if sum(np.isnan(attributes.loc[i])) == 0:
counter += 1
print counter
In [33]:
print sum(attributes['Caters'] == 0)
print sum(attributes['Caters'] == 1)
print sum(np.isnan(attributes['Caters']))
In [34]:
In [35]:
stars = defaultdict(list)
for restaurant in madison_restaurants:
categories = restaurant['categories']
for category in categories:
all_stars = np.array([restaurant['stars'] for restaurant in madison_restaurants])
In [36]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5))
cutoff = 10
all_data = [v for k, v in stars.iteritems() if len(v) > cutoff]
names = [k for k, v in stars.iteritems() if len(v) > cutoff]
axis.violinplot(all_data, showextrema=True, showmedians=True, points=10)
axis.set_xticks([y+1 for y in range(len(all_data))])
labels = axis.set_xticklabels(names, rotation='vertical')
axis.set_ylabel('Ratings (stars)', fontsize=12)
plt.savefig('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/images/ratings/all_ratings.jpeg', dpi=100)
In [37]:
counter = 0. # Bonferroni Correction
pval = 0.05
for k, v in stars.iteritems():
if len(v) < cutoff:
counter += 1.
_other_stars = [_i for _k, _v in stars.iteritems() for _i in _v if _v != v]
print "KS for {:s}: ".format(k) +\
"{:g}, p-value: {:g}".format(*stats.ks_2samp(sorted(v), sorted(_other_stars)))
print "Cuttoff is : {:3.5f}".format(pval/counter)
In [38]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5))
from itertools import cycle
colors = ['#66c2a5','#fc8d62','#8da0cb','#e78ac3','#a6d854','#ffd92f','#e5c494','#b3b3b3']
names = ['Food Trucks', 'Fast Food', 'Sports Bars']
bins= np.arange(0.9, 5.9, 0.5)
bar_width = 0.07
for i, name in enumerate(names):
v = stars[name]
hist, bins = np.histogram(v, bins=bins)
hist = hist.astype('float')/np.sum(hist)[:-1]-0.4+bar_width*i,
hist, label=name, width=0.07, color=colors[i])
v = all_stars
hist, bins = np.histogram(v, bins=bins)
hist = hist.astype('float')/np.sum(hist)[:-1]-0.4+bar_width*4,
hist, label='All', width=0.07, color='black')
labels = axis.set_xticklabels([str(i+0.1) for i in bins[:-1]] + [''],fontsize=12)
axis.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=2)
axis.set_xlabel('Rating (stars)', fontsize=12)
axis.set_ylabel('Relative Frequency', fontsize=12)
In [20]:
import sys
import json
import re, string
import random
import bisect
from numpy import cumsum, random
import copy
regex = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
cachedStopWords = ['Restaurants', 'Food']
def accumu(l):
total = 0
for x in l:
total += x
yield total
class kMeans():
def __init__(self, tweets, k):
self.max_iterations = 1000
self.tweets = tweets
self.k = k
self.seeds = self.initializeSeeds()
self.clusters = {} # cluster to tweetID
self.rev_clusters = {} # reverse index, tweetID to cluster
self.jaccardMatrix = {} # stores pairwise jaccard distance in a matrix
def jaccardDistance(self, setA, setB):
# Calcualtes the Jaccard Distance of two sets
return 1 - float(len(setA.intersection(setB))) / float(len(setA.union(setB)))
except TypeError:
print 'Invalid type. Type set expected.'
def bagOfWords(self, string):
# Returns a bag of words from a given string
# Space delimited, removes punctuation, lowercase
# Cleans text from url, stop words, tweet @, and 'rt'
words = string.lower().strip().split(' ')
for word in words:
word = word.rstrip().lstrip()
if not re.match(r'^https?:\/\/.*[\r\n]*', word) \
and not re.match('^@.*', word) \
and not re.match('\s', word) \
and word not in cachedStopWords \
and word != 'rt' \
and word != '':
yield regex.sub('', word)
def initializeMatrix(self):
# Dynamic Programming: creates matrix storing pairwise jaccard distances
for ID1 in self.tweets:
self.jaccardMatrix[ID1] = {}
bag1 = set(self.bagOfWords(self.tweets[ID1]['text']))
for ID2 in self.tweets:
if ID2 not in self.jaccardMatrix:
self.jaccardMatrix[ID2] = {}
bag2 = set(self.bagOfWords(self.tweets[ID2]['text']))
distance = self.jaccardDistance(bag1, bag2)
self.jaccardMatrix[ID1][ID2] = distance
self.jaccardMatrix[ID2][ID1] = distance
def initializeSeeds(self):
# Computes initial seeds for k-means using k-means++ algorithm
# 1. Choose one center uniformly at random from among the data points
seed = random.choice(self.tweets.keys())
# 2. For each data point x, compute D(x),
# the distance between x and the nearest center that has already been chosen
seeds = set([seed])
while len(seeds) < self.k:
distanceMatrix = {}
sum_sqr_dist = 0
for seed in seeds:
bag1 = set(self.bagOfWords(self.tweets[seed]['text']))
for ID in self.tweets:
if ID == seed:
bag2 = set(self.bagOfWords(self.tweets[ID]['text']))
dist = self.jaccardDistance(bag1, bag2)
if ID not in distanceMatrix or dist < distanceMatrix[ID]:
distanceMatrix[ID] = dist
prob_dict = {}
for ID in distanceMatrix:
sum_sqr_dist += distanceMatrix[ID] * distanceMatrix[ID]
for ID in distanceMatrix:
prob_dict[ID] = distanceMatrix[ID] * distanceMatrix[ID] / sum_sqr_dist
# 3. Choose one new data point at random as a new center,
# using a weighted probability distribution
# where a point x is chosen with probability proportional to D(x)^2.
IDs, weights = prob_dict.keys(), prob_dict.values()
seed = random.choice(IDs, p=weights)
# 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until k centers have been chosen.
return list(seeds)
def initializeClusters(self):
# Initialize tweets to no cluster
for ID in self.tweets:
self.rev_clusters[ID] = -1
# Initialize clusters with seeds
for k in range(self.k):
self.clusters[k] = set([self.seeds[k]])
self.rev_clusters[self.seeds[k]] = k
def calcNewClusters(self):
# Initialize new cluster
new_clusters = {}
new_rev_cluster = {}
for k in range(self.k):
new_clusters[k] = set()
for ID in self.tweets:
min_dist = float("inf")
min_cluster = self.rev_clusters[ID]
# Calculate min average distance to each cluster
for k in self.clusters:
dist = 0
count = 0
for ID2 in self.clusters[k]:
dist += self.jaccardMatrix[ID][ID2]
count += 1
if count > 0:
avg_dist = dist/float(count)
if min_dist > avg_dist:
min_dist = avg_dist
min_cluster = k
new_rev_cluster[ID] = min_cluster
return new_clusters, new_rev_cluster
def converge(self):
# Initialize previous cluster to compare changes with new clustering
new_clusters, new_rev_clusters = self.calcNewClusters()
self.clusters = copy.deepcopy(new_clusters)
self.rev_clusters = copy.deepcopy(new_rev_clusters)
# Converges until old and new iterations are the same
iterations = 1
while iterations < self.max_iterations:
new_clusters, new_rev_clusters = self.calcNewClusters()
iterations += 1
if self.rev_clusters != new_rev_clusters:
self.clusters = copy.deepcopy(new_clusters)
self.rev_clusters = copy.deepcopy(new_rev_clusters)
#print iterations
def printClusterText(self):
# Prints text of clusters
for k in self.clusters:
for ID in self.clusters[k]:
print self.tweets[ID]['text']
print '\n'
def printClusters(self):
# Prints cluster ID and tweet IDs for that cluster
for k in self.clusters:
print str(k) + ':' + ','.join(map(str,self.clusters[k]))
def printMatrix(self):
# Prints jaccard distance matrix
for ID in self.tweets:
for ID2 in self.tweets:
print ID, ID2, self.jaccardMatrix[ID][ID2]
def printSeeds(self):
for seed in self.seeds:
print seed
In [21]:
tags = {}
for i, restaurant in enumerate(madison_restaurants):
categories = restaurant['categories']
tags[i] = {}
tags[i]['text'] = ' '.join(categories)
In [22]:
kmeans = kMeans(tags, 10)
clusters = kmeans.clusters
In [23]:
dists = []
for cluster_name, cluster in clusters.iteritems():
_dists = []
for i in cluster:
for j in cluster:
cat1 = set([category for category in madison_restaurants[i]['categories']
if category not in cachedStopWords])
cat2 = set([category for category in madison_restaurants[j]['categories']
if category not in cachedStopWords])
if len(cat1) == 0 and len(cat2) == 0:
dist = 0
dist = kMeans.jaccardDistance(kmeans, cat1, cat2)
In [40]:
inter_cluster_distance = []
for dist_list in dists:
print np.mean(inter_cluster_distance)
In [41]:
for nclusters in xrange(10):
kmeans = kMeans(tags, nclusters)
clusters = kmeans.clusters
dists = []
for cluster_name, cluster in clusters.iteritems():
_dists = []
for i in cluster:
for j in cluster:
cat1 = set([category for category in madison_restaurants[i]['categories']
if category not in cachedStopWords])
cat2 = set([category for category in madison_restaurants[j]['categories']
if category not in cachedStopWords])
if len(cat1) == 0 and len(cat2) == 0:
dist = 0
dist = kMeans.jaccardDistance(kmeans, cat1, cat2)
inter_cluster_distance = []
for dist_list in dists:
print np.mean(inter_cluster_distance)
In [42]:
NClusters = len(clusters)
counter = NClusters # Bonferroni Correction
pval = 0.05
_X = []
for cluster, cluster_val in clusters.iteritems():
_names = []
_stars = []
for ci in cluster_val:
_other_stars = [restaurant['stars'] for i, restaurant in enumerate(madison_restaurants) if i not in cluster_val]
print "KS {:g}, p-value: {:g}".format(*stats.ks_2samp(sorted(_stars), sorted(_other_stars)))
print np.median(sorted(_stars)), np.median(_other_stars)
with open('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/resources/ratings/jaccard_kmeans_restaurants_{:d}.txt'.format(cluster),
'w') as f:
for _name in _names:
f.write(_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore') + '\n')
print "Cuttoff is : {:3.5f}".format(pval/counter)
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(7.5, 5))
_ = axis.violinplot(_X, showmedians=True)
axis.set_xlabel('Cluster Number', fontsize=12)
axis.set_ylabel('Stars', fontsize=12)
axis.set_xlim([0, 11])
fig.savefig('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/images/ratings/jaccard_kmeans_restaurants_dist.jpeg', dpi=100)
In [43]:
ignore = ['Restaurants', 'Food']
all_tags = np.array([key for key in stars.keys() if key not in ignore])
Ntags = len(all_tags)
similarity_matrix = np.zeros((Ntags, Ntags))
count = np.zeros(Ntags)
for restaurant in madison_restaurants:
categories = restaurant['categories']
for category1 in categories:
if category1 in ignore:
i = np.where(all_tags == category1)[0]
for category2 in categories:
if category2 in ignore:
j = np.where(all_tags == category2)[0]
similarity_matrix[i, j] += 1.
count[i] += 1.
for i in xrange(Ntags):
similarity_matrix[i, :] /= count[i]
In [44]:
In [45]:
from sklearn import cluster, linear_model
NClusters = 10
spectral = cluster.SpectralClustering(n_clusters=NClusters,
labels = spectral.fit_predict(similarity_matrix)
In [46]:
counter = NClusters # Bonferroni Correction
pval = 0.05
_X = []
for i in xrange(NClusters):
#print all_tags[labels == i]
_tags = all_tags[labels == i]
_stars = np.array([])
_other_stars = np.array([])
with open('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/resources/ratings/spectral_tags_{:d}.txt'.format(i),
'w') as f:
for restaurant in madison_restaurants:
categories = restaurant['categories']
if any([category in _tags for category in categories]):
_stars = np.append(_stars, restaurant['stars'])
f.write(restaurant['name'].encode('ascii', 'ignore') + '\n')
_other_stars = np.append(_other_stars, restaurant['stars'])
print "KS {:g}, p-value: {:g}".format(*stats.ks_2samp(sorted(_stars), sorted(_other_stars)))
print "Cuttoff is : {:3.5f}".format(pval/counter)
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(7.5, 5))
_ = axis.violinplot(_X, showmedians=True)
axis.set_xlabel('Cluster Number', fontsize=12)
axis.set_ylabel('Stars', fontsize=12)
axis.set_xlim([0, 11])
fig.savefig('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/images/ratings/spectral_restaurants_dist.jpeg', dpi=100)
In [47]:
ignore = ['Restaurants', 'Food']
all_tags = np.array([key for key in stars.keys() if key not in ignore])
Ntags = len(all_tags)
Nrestaurants = len(madison_restaurants)
input_matrix = np.zeros((Nrestaurants, Ntags))
for i, restaurant in enumerate(madison_restaurants):
categories = restaurant['categories']
for category1 in categories:
if category1 in ignore:
j = np.where(all_tags == category1)[0]
input_matrix[i, j] += 1.
In [ ]:
kMeansVar = [cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=k).fit(input_matrix) for k in xrange(1, 15)]
centroids = [X.cluster_centers_ for X in kMeansVar]
k_euclid = [cdist(input_matrix, cent) for cent in centroids]
dist = [np.min(ke, axis=1) for ke in k_euclid]
wcss = [sum(d**2) for d in dist]
tss = sum(pdist(input_matrix)**2)/input_matrix.shape[0]
bss = tss - wcss
In [51]:
from sklearn import cluster, linear_model
NClusters = 10
AC = cluster.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=NClusters, affinity='euclidean')
labels = AC.fit_predict(input_matrix)
In [56]:
counter = NClusters # Bonferroni Correction
pval = 0.05
_X = []
for i in xrange(NClusters):
w = np.where(labels == i)[0]
with open('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/resources/ratings/AC_restaurants_{:d}.txt'.format(i),
'w') as f:
for wi in w:
f.write(madison_restaurants[wi]['name'].encode('ascii', 'ignore') + '\n')
_stars = [madison_restaurants[wi]['stars'] for wi in w]
_other_stars = [restaurant['stars'] for i, restaurant in enumerate(madison_restaurants) if i not in w]
print "KS {:g}, p-value: {:g}".format(*stats.ks_2samp(sorted(_stars), sorted(_other_stars)))
print "Cuttoff is : {:3.5f}".format(pval/counter)
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(7.5, 5))
_ = axis.violinplot(_X, showmedians=True)
axis.set_xlabel('Cluster Number', fontsize=12)
axis.set_ylabel('Stars', fontsize=12)
#axis.set_xlim([0, 11])
fig.savefig('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/images/ratings/AC_restaurants_dist.jpeg', dpi=100)
In [63]:
w = np.where(labels == 0)[0]
categories = []
for wi in w:
categories += [category for category in madison_restaurants[wi]['categories']]
In [66]:
unique = set(categories)
counter = {u: 0 for u in unique}
for category in categories:
counter[category] += 1
In [71]:
print counter
In [ ]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5))
names = ['Food Trucks', 'Fast Food', 'Sports Bars']
all_data = [stars[name] for name in names]+[all_stars]
violin_parts = axis.violinplot(all_data, showmedians=True, points=10)
names += ['All Restaurants']
axis.set_xticks([y+1 for y in xrange(len(names))])
labels = axis.set_xticklabels(names, rotation='vertical',fontsize=12)
axis.set_ylabel('Rating (stars)', fontsize=12)
colors = ['#66c2a5','#fc8d62','#8da0cb','#e78ac3','#a6d854','#ffd92f','#e5c494','#b3b3b3']
for pc, color in zip(violin_parts['bodies'], colors):
In [12]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 5))
from itertools import cycle
colors = cycle(['#66c2a5','#fc8d62','#8da0cb','#e78ac3','#a6d854','#ffd92f','#e5c494','#b3b3b3'])
cutoff = 50
for i, (category, v) in enumerate(stars.iteritems()):
if len(v) < cutoff or category == 'Food':
label='All Restaurants', color='black', linewidth=3)
axis.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=2)
axis.set_ylabel('P (<Rating)', fontsize=12)
axis.set_xlabel('Rating (stars)')
In [71]:
categories = {'asian': ['Japanese', 'Korean', 'Vietnamese', 'Indonesian', 'Chinese'],
'American': ['American', 'Pub', 'Burger'],
'Other': ['Mexican', 'Middle Eastern']}
In [159]:
Results = {c: {subgroup: search(subgroup, 'Madison, WI') for subgroup in group} for c, group in categories.iteritems()}
#Japanese = search('Japanese', 'Madison, WI')
In [187]:
Results_V = {}
for name, category in Results.iteritems():
for i, (subname, subcategory) in enumerate(category.iteritems()):
Results_V[subname] = []
print subname
for j, business in enumerate(subcategory['businesses']):
print np.mean(Results_V[subname])
In [191]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(5, 5))
axis.boxplot([v for k, v in Results_V.iteritems()])
axis.set_xticklabels([k for k, v in Results_V.iteritems()], rotation='vertical')
In [212]:
results = {}
categories = ['Japanese', 'Korean', 'Vietnamese', 'Indonesian', 'Chinese', 'American', 'Pub', 'Burger', 'Mexican', 'Middle Eastern', 'Gastro pub']
for cat in categories:
temp = search(cat, 'Madison, WI')
sz = len(temp['businesses'])
tot = temp['total']
results[cat] = []
for t in temp['businesses']:
for off in xrange(sz, tot, 20):
temp = search(cat, 'Madison, WI', offset=off)
for t in temp['businesses']:
In [216]:
results_V = {}
for name, category in results.iteritems():
results_V[name] = []
print name
for j, business in enumerate(category):
print np.mean(results_V[name])
In [217]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(5, 5))
axis.boxplot([v for k, v in results_V.iteritems()])
axis.set_xticklabels([k for k, v in results_V.iteritems()], rotation='vertical')
In [10]:
results_lim = {}
categories = ['Asian', 'American']
for cat in categories:
temp = search(cat, 'Madison, WI')
sz = len(temp['businesses'])
tot = temp['total']
results_lim[cat] = []
for t in temp['businesses']:
for off in xrange(sz, tot, 20):
temp = search(cat, 'Madison, WI', offset=off)
for t in temp['businesses']:
results_lim_V = {}
for name, category in results_lim.iteritems():
results_lim_V[name] = []
print name
for j, business in enumerate(category):
print np.mean(results_lim_V[name])
In [18]:
colors = ['#1b9e77', '#d95f02']
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(5, 5))
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(results_lim_V.iteritems()):
hist, bins = np.histogram(v, bins=[0.9, 1.4, 1.9, 2.4, 2.9, 3.4, 3.9, 4.4, 4.9, 5.4])
hist = hist.astype('float')/np.sum(hist)[0.9, 1.4, 1.9, 2.4, 2.9, 3.4, 3.9, 4.4, 4.9])+0.20*i,
hist, label=k, width=0.20, color=colors[i])
axis.legend(loc='upper left')
axis.set_xlabel('Ratings', fontsize=15)
axis.set_ylabel('Share', fontsize=15)
plt.savefig('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/images/ratings/asian_american_Ratings.jpeg', dpi=100)
In [14]:
print "Skew: Asian: {:g}, American: {:g}".format(stats.skew(results_lim_V['Asian']),
print "Kurtosis: Asian: {:g}, American: {:g}".format(stats.kurtosis(results_lim_V['Asian']),
In [15]:
colors = ['#1b9e77', '#d95f02']
test_samples = {}
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(5, 5))
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(results_lim_V.iteritems()):
hist, bins = np.histogram(v, bins=[0.9, 1.4, 1.9, 2.4, 2.9, 3.4, 3.9, 4.4, 4.9, 5.4])
hist = hist.astype('float')/np.sum(hist)
hist = np.cumsum(hist)
test_samples[k] = hist
axis.step([1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5], hist, color=colors[i], label=k)
axis.legend(loc='upper left')
axis.set_xlabel('Ratings', fontsize=15)
axis.set_ylabel('Cumulative Share', fontsize=15)
plt.savefig('Yelp_Ratings_Cumulative.pdf', dpi=600)
In [16]:
print "Test statistic: {:g}, p-value: {:g}".format(*stats.ks_2samp(test_samples['Asian'], test_samples['American']))
In [ ]: