In [1]:
import glob
from io import open
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame as df
from os import path
import re
import gensim
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter

/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

In [3]:
import nltk

In [4]:
from nltk import word_tokenize

In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline

In [6]:
from tools import get_psycinfo_database

In [7]:
words_df = get_psycinfo_database()

In [8]:

Abstract Accession Number Author(s) Type of Book PsycINFO Classification Code Conference Document Type Grant/Sponsorship Key Concepts Institution ... Population Group Publication Status Publication Type Publisher Cited References Title Tests & Measures Volume Date Term
0 The examination of an Afro-Brazilian martial a... Peer Reviewed Journal: 2008-17783-005. Joseph, Janelle NaN Sports [3720]. NaN Journal Article NaN cultural commodity, authenticity, Afro-Brazili... Joseph, Janelle: University of Toronto, Toront... ... Human. Male. Female. Adulthood (18 yrs & older) NaN Journal\n\nPeer Reviewed Journal Human Kinetics; US Assuncao, M. R. (2005). Capoeira: The history ... The logical paradox of the cultural commodity:... NaN 25 2008 multiculturalism
1 Reviews the book, Multicultural understanding ... Peer Reviewed Journal: 2008-17535-024. Kim, Sun NaN Psychological Disorders [3210]. NaN Review-Book NaN multiculturalism, child psychopathology, adole... Kim, Sun: Department of Psychiatry, University... ... Human. Childhood (birth-12 yrs). Adolescence ... NaN Journal\n\nPeer Reviewed Journal American Psychiatric Assn; US Hermans, H. J. M., & Kempen, H. J. G. (1999). ... Review of Multicultural understanding of child... NaN 59 2008 multiculturalism
2 (create) This chapter considers the impact of ... Book: 2008-17305-010. Dana, Richard H\n\nAllen, James NaN Social Processes & Social Issues [2900]. NaN Chapter NaN globalization, psychological science, resident... Dana, Richard H.: Portland State University, R... ... Human NaN Book\n\nEdited Book Springer Science + Business Media; US NaN Globalization: Psychological problems and soci... NaN NaN 2008 multiculturalism
3 (create) This chapter selects and distills the... Book: 2008-17305-009. Dana, Richard H NaN Professional Education & Training [3410]. NaN Chapter NaN cultural competency training model, at risk mu... Dana, Richard H.: Portland State University, R... ... Human NaN Book\n\nEdited Book Springer Science + Business Media; US NaN A cultural competency training model. NaN NaN 2008 multiculturalism
4 (from the preface) Approaches cultural compete... Book: 2008-17305-008. Rogers, Margaret R NaN Professional Education & Training [3410]. NaN Chapter NaN cultural competency education, clinical & coun... Rogers, Margaret R.: Psychology Department, Un... ... Human NaN Book\n\nEdited Book Springer Science + Business Media; US NaN Cultural competency training in professional p... NaN NaN 2008 multiculturalism

5 rows × 29 columns

Generate Corpora

In [9]:
words_to_replace = {"/":"-", "bi-ethnic": "biethnic", "bi-racial": "biracial", 
                    "mono-ethnic": "monoethnic", "poly-ethnic": "polyethnic", 
                    "mono-racial": "monoracial", "multi-racial": "multiracial",
                    "inter-racial": "interracial", "mono-cultural": "monocultural",
                    "bi-cultural": "bicultural", "multi-cultural": "multicultural",
                    "other ethnicity":"other-ethnicity", "other race": "other-race", 
                    "mixed race": "mixed-race", "mixed ethnicity": "mixed-ethnicity"}

In [10]:
def FixText(text):
    for old, new in words_to_replace.items():
        text = text.replace(old, new)
    return text

In [11]:
abstracts = [FixText(x.lower()) for x in words_df.Abstract.fillna("").values]

In [12]:
abstract_text = [word_tokenize(x) for x in abstracts]

In [13]:


In [14]:
print("Number of Abstracts", len(abstract_text))
print("Number of words", sum(len(x) for x in abstract_text))

Number of Abstracts 28305
Number of words 5982943

In [15]:
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(sentences=abstract_text, size=16, window=5, min_count=2, sample=0,
                               workers=10, hs=1, sg=1, cbow_mean=0)

In [104]:"data/PsycInfo/processed/abstract_model.pkl")

In [105]:
ls -lh data/PsycInfo/processed/abstract_model.pkl

-rw-rw-r-- 1 rmyeid rmyeid 24M Mar 27 19:57 data/PsycInfo/processed/abstract_model.pkl

In [112]:
model = model.load("data/PsycInfo/processed/abstract_model.pkl")

In [16]:


In [18]:

[('counseling', 0.9698255062103271),
 ('counsellor', 0.9680532813072205),
 ('counselling', 0.9673334360122681),
 ('professional', 0.96677166223526),
 ('advocacy', 0.9642621874809265),
 ('science', 0.9636713266372681),
 ('sport', 0.9636472463607788),
 ('psychology', 0.9631773829460144),
 ('cross-cultural', 0.9626858234405518),
 ('globalization-cultural', 0.9619668126106262)]

In [19]:

[('multiracial', 0.9672592282295227),
 ('asian-white', 0.9613644480705261),
 ('ancestry', 0.9550033807754517),
 ('monoracial', 0.9530125260353088),
 ('inauthenticity', 0.9526103138923645),
 ('black-white', 0.9484965205192566),
 ('nonwhite', 0.9474827647209167),
 ('ethnic-racial', 0.9473452568054199),
 ('h3', 0.945253312587738),
 ('biethnic', 0.9410421252250671)]

In [20]:

[('nonwhite', 0.9694812297821045),
 ('inauthenticity', 0.9690624475479126),
 ('asian-white', 0.9675005078315735),
 ('black-white', 0.9654460549354553),
 ('counterparts', 0.9648268818855286),
 ('tg', 0.9640914797782898),
 ('monoculturals', 0.9639790654182434),
 ('ancestry', 0.9626777768135071),
 ('asian-australian', 0.9614773392677307),
 ('monoethnic', 0.9604117274284363)]

In [135]:
model.most_similar("bicultural", topn=10)

[('ethnic-racial', 0.9406040906906128),
 ('group', 0.927253246307373),
 ('monocultural', 0.9029431343078613),
 ('self-identity', 0.9024025201797485),
 ('matching', 0.8927230834960938),
 ('ethnocultural', 0.8855383396148682),
 ('supervisor-white', 0.8744437098503113),
 ('identity', 0.8736236691474915),
 ('self-schema', 0.8724583983421326),
 ('tricultural', 0.8712344765663147)]

Hierchical Clustering

In [49]:
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage, set_link_color_palette

In [23]:
words = ['monocultural', 'monoracial', 'bicultural', 'biracial', 'biethnic', 'interracial',
        'multicultural', 'multiracial', 'multiethnic', 'polycultural', 'polyracial', 'polyethnic',
        'mixed race', 'mixed ethnicity', 'other race', 'other ethnicity', 'multiculturalism', 'polyculturalism',
         'cultural pluralism']

In [24]:
expansion = []
for w in words:
    if w in model:
        expansion.extend([x for x,y in model.most_similar(w, topn=50)])
counter = Counter(expansion)
expansion = [x for x, y in counter.items() if y > 2]

In [137]:
y = []
X = []
normalized = True
for w in set(words + expansion):
    if w in model:
        v = model.syn0norm[model.vocab[w].index, :] if normalized else model[w]
X = np.asarray(X)
X = (X.T / np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)).T

In [138]:

(28, 16)

In [139]:

['fivethirtyeight', 'seaborn-pastel', 'grayscale', 'seaborn-colorblind', 'ggplot', 'seaborn-notebook', 'seaborn-dark-palette', 'dark_background', 'seaborn-whitegrid', 'seaborn-bright', 'bmh', 'seaborn-dark', 'seaborn-poster', 'seaborn-darkgrid', 'seaborn-ticks', 'seaborn-muted', 'seaborn-talk', 'seaborn-deep', 'seaborn-paper', 'classic', 'seaborn-white']

In [92]:
set_link_color_palette([str(x) for x in [0.3, 0.5, 0.75]])

In [180]:'seaborn-ticks')

In [181]:
Z = linkage(X, 'ward')

In [186]:
plt.figure(figsize=(25, 10))
plt.ylabel('Words', family = "Times New Roman", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel('Distance', family = "Times New Roman", fontsize=20)
_ = dendrogram(Z, orientation="left", above_threshold_color='k', color_threshold=1.4, labels=y,
               leaf_rotation=0., leaf_font_size=16.)

In [ ]: