In ESMValTool the provenance log generating parts are spread all over the source code --> no simple prov API integration for the near future --> translation of prof log end results to standard W3C prov format
Info from Axel: point where file informations is collected:
- reformat_scripts/defaults/reformat_default_main.ncl
- reformat_scripts/defaults/reformat_default_func.ncl (read_var , apply_fixes)
- reformat_scripts/constants.ncl (write_output)
- interface_scripts/messaging.ncl (main, write_header, write_flist, write_references)
- interface_scripts/data_handling.ncl (main, add_data_var, read_data)
- other info is written in indiv. diagnosis (ncl) scripts and collected by the wrappers
Steps forward:
To install the prov library using pip with support for graphical exports:
pip install prov[dot]
Code Repository:
Parameters In:
In [95]:
## ToDo: improve and write tests
from prov.model import ProvDocument
from IPython.display import Image
def generate_prov(input_files, output_files, generating_process, author):
Generates Prov model entities and prov model relationships between them
output python prov instance which can be serialized/de-serialized based on json
d1 = ProvDocument()
# Namespaces should be imported from a central place
# e.g. a simple controled vocab server, or github later
d1.add_namespace('enes', '')
d1.add_namespace('file', '')
d1.add_namespace('user', '')
d1.add_namespace('esgf', '')
d1.add_namespace('enes_data', 'http://enes_org/enes_data#')
d1.add_namespace('workflow', '')
inputs = []
for i,entry in enumerate(input_files):
inputs.append(d1.entity(entry['name'], entry['properties']))
outputs = []
for i,entry in enumerate(output_files):
outputs.append(d1.entity(entry['name'], entry['properties']))
processor = d1.activity(generating_process['name'])
the_agent = d1.agent(author['name'])
# AttributedTo relationships
for i,entry in enumerate(output_files):
d1.wasAttributedTo(outputs[i],author['name'] )
# wasDerivedFrom relationships
for i,out_entry in enumerate(output_files):
for j,in_entry in enumerate(input_files):
d1.wasDerivedFrom(out_entry['name'], in_entry['name'])
# used and wasGeneratedBy relationships
for i, in_entry in enumerate(input_files):
d1.used(generating_process['name'], in_entry['name'])
for j, out_entry in enumerate(output_files):
d1.wasGeneratedBy(out_entry['name'], generating_process['name'])
return d1
def visualize_prov(prov_doc):
from import prov_to_dot
from IPython.display import Image
dot = prov_to_dot(prov_doc)
return Image('tmp1.png')
In [82]:
# Example input, output and tool/WPS process as well as agent
input_files = [{'name':'esgf:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1',
'properties': {'prov:label': 'experiment-mpi-m',
'prov:type': 'Dataset',
'properties': {'prov:label': 'experiment-miroc',
'prov:type': 'Dataset',
output_files = [{'name':'',
generating_process = {'name':'workflow:temporal-mean-cdo',
'properties':{'prov:label': 'experiment-mpi-m',
'prov:type': 'enes_data:Dataset',
author = {'name':'enes:Stephan Kindermann'}
In [72]:
# generate example provenance object
prov_doc = generate_prov(input_files,output_files,generating_process,author)
In [73]:
# print serialized provenance object
print prov_doc.get_provn()
In [83]:
# visualize
PROV-JSON is natively supported by the library and is the default serialisation format.
In [ ]:
# serialize / desirialize
serialized_version = prov_doc.serialize()
print serialized_version
In [75]:
print prov_doc.serialize(indent=2)
You can also serialize the document directly to a file by providing a filename (below) or a Python File object.
In [76]:
A PROV-JSON file can also be deserialised into a ProvDocument
instance as follows.
In [77]:
d2 = ProvDocument.deserialize('esgf-prov.json')
prov_doc == d2 # Is it the same document we saved earlier?
In [96]:
## initial version of simple log file parser
## requires small changes to current log file format of esmval tools
## Input: esmvaltool log file
## Output: [tool_prov,authors_prov,contributer_prov,project_prov,agent,output_files] (all entities have assigned namespace prefixes)
def add_entry(my_dict,my_key, my_entry):
if my_key in my_dict.keys():
import re
bracket_number = re.compile('\(\d*\)')
fh = open('refs-acknows_SeaIce-small.txt')
#fh = open('refs-acknows_SeaIce.txt')
# namespaces: enes,enes_data, model_data, obs_data, user, esgf, esmval_diag, var, path
# initialize dictionaries for tools, data, authors, etc.
tool_prov = {} # tools --> input data
#path_prov = {} # tools --> path(s)
authors_prov = {} # tools --> authors
contributers_prov = {} # tools --> contributers
projects_prov = {} # tools --> projects
#model_prov = {} # tools --> model(s)
#var_prov = {} # tools --> variables
# context of a file entry:
# tool_name, variable, model, path
# in this context: files
for line in fh.readlines():
line_list = line.rsplit()
#print line
#print line_list
if line_list != []:
if line_list[0] == "===":
tool_name = "esmval_diag:"+line_list[1]
if line_list[0] == "Variable:":
variable_name = "var:"+line_list[1]
#print line
if line_list[0] == "Model:":
model_name = "model:"+line_list[1]
if line_list[0] == "Input" and line_list[1] == "path:":
path_name = "path:"+line_list[2]
if line_list[0] == "-A-":
if line_list[0] == "-C-":
if line_list[0] == "-P-":
if bracket_number.match(line_list[0]):
## not yet extracted from log
agent = {'name':'enes:Axel Lauer'}
output_files = [{'id':'',
In [97]:
from prov.model import ProvDocument
from IPython.display import Image
d1 = ProvDocument()
#namespaces: enes,enes_data, model_data, obs_data, user, esgf, esmval_diag, var, path
d1.add_namespace('enes', '')
d1.add_namespace('enes_data', 'http://enes_org/enes_data#')
d1.add_namespace('model_data', '')
d1.add_namespace('obs_data', '')
d1.add_namespace('user', '')
d1.add_namespace('esgf', '')
d1.add_namespace('esmval_diag', '') # just examples, esmval-related namespaces tbd
for key,value in tool_prov.iteritems():
tool = d1.activity(key)
for [data_item,variable_name,model_name,path_name] in value:
if data_item not in data_items:
data_properties = {'enes:variable':variable_name,
file_object = d1.entity(data_item)
for [data_item,variable_name,model_name,path_name] in value:
d1.used(tool, data_item)
#print tool
for out_entry in output_files:
for entry in output_files:
d1.wasAttributedTo(entry['id'],agent['name'] )
In [98]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# Configure ProvStore API Wrapper with your API Key
from provstore.api import Api
# see your API key at
api = Api(username='your ProvStore username', api_key='your API key')
Having the created a provenance document, you can upload it to ProvStore, a free repository for provenance documents, to share it publicly/privately, or simple just to store and retrieve it back at a later time. Another possibility is to register provenance documents in the birdhous CSW catalog.
If you want to find out more about how to use the library and ProvStore, here are some references:
<span xmlns:dct="" href="" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type"> This notebook</span> is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.