PROV W3C using the Python Library - first steps

The PROV Python library is an implementation of the Provenance Data Model by the World Wide Web Consortium. This notebook illustrates how to use the library to:

  • create provenance statements in Python;
  • export the provenance to PROV-N, PROV-JSON, and graphical representations like PNG, SVG, PDF; and
  • store and retrieve provenance on ProvStore.
  • extend a data processing step with provenance tracing

(see also the python prov introduction notebook, from which some parts are borrowed)


To install the prov library using pip with support for graphical exports:

pip install prov[dot]

Create a simple provenance document

In this example, we use the Data Journalism example from Provenance: An Introduction to PROV by Luc Moreau and Paul Groth. If you do not have access to the book, you can find the example from the slides by Luc and Paul (starting from slide #15). Please familarise yourself with the example and relevant PROV concepts (i.e. entity, activity, agent, ...) before proceeding with this tutorial.

To create a provenance document, import ProvDocument class from prov.model:

In [78]:
from prov.model import ProvDocument

In [90]:
# Create a new provenance document
d1 = ProvDocument()  # d1 is now an empty provenance document

Before asserting provenance statements, we need to have a way to refer to the "things" we want to describe provenance (e.g. articles, data sets, people). For that purpose, PROV uses qualified names to identify things, which essentially a shortened representation of a URI in the form of prefix:localpart. Valid qualified names require their prefixes defined, which we is going to do next.

In [91]:
# Declaring namespaces for various prefixes used in the example
d1.add_namespace('enes', '')
d1.add_namespace('file', '')
d1.add_namespace('user', '')
#d1.add_namespace('bk', '')
d1.add_namespace('esgf_http', '')

<Namespace: esgf_http {}>

Now we can create things like entities, agents and relate them with one another.

In [92]:
# File(Collection) Entities:
e1 = d1.entity('esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1')
r1 = d1.entity('')
# Agent: enes:experiment

<ProvAgent: user:stephan>

The statements create input and output entities as well as an agent, responsible for creating the output

In [93]:
# Attributing the article to the agent
d1.wasAttributedTo(r1, 'user:stephan')

<ProvAttribution: (, user:stephan)>

In [94]:
# What we have so far (in PROV-N)
print d1.get_provn()

  prefix esgf_http <>
  prefix enes <>
  prefix file <>
  prefix user <>
  wasAttributedTo(, user:stephan)

We can adds properties to the input, which is a enes_data:Dataset and has the label experiment-mpi-m. The entity's type and label are domain-specific information; similar information can be added to any record as the last argument of a statement (or as a keyword argument other_attributes).

The last statement below then asserts that the result output was derived from the data set.

In [95]:
# 'now:employment-article-v1.html' was derived from govftp

d1.add_namespace('enes_data', 'http://enes_org/enes_data#')
d1.entity('esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1', {'prov:label': 'experiment-mpi-m', 'prov:type': 'enes_data:Dataset', 'dc:title':"dublin core title"})
d1.wasDerivedFrom('', 'esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1')

<ProvDerivation: (, esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1)>

In [96]:
print d1.get_provn()

  prefix enes <>
  prefix dc <>
  prefix esgf_http <>
  prefix user <>
  prefix file <>
  prefix enes_data <http://enes_org/enes_data#>
  wasAttributedTo(, user:stephan)
  entity(esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1, [prov:type="enes_data:Dataset", dc:title="dublin core title", prov:label="experiment-mpi-m"])
  wasDerivedFrom(, esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1, -, -, -)

Following the example, we further extend the document with an activity, a usage, and a generation statement.

In [110]:
# Adding an activity
d1.add_namespace('workflow', '')

d1.activity('workflow:temporal-mean-cdo','2012-03-31T09:21:00', '2012-04-01T15:21:00',{'dc:title':"dublin core title"})

<ProvActivity: workflow:temporal-mean-cdo>

In [111]:
# Usage and Generation
d1.used('workflow:temporal-mean-cdo', 'esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1')
d1.wasGeneratedBy('', 'workflow:temporal-mean-cdo')

<ProvGeneration: (, workflow:temporal-mean-cdo)>

Graphics export (PNG and PDF)

In addition to the PROV-N output (as above), the document can be exported into a graphical representation with the help of the GraphViz. It is provided as a software package in popular Linux distributions, or can be downloaded for Windows and Mac.

Once you have GraphViz installed and the dot command available in your operating system's paths, you can save the document we have so far into a PNG file as follows.

In [112]:
# visualize the graph
from import prov_to_dot
dot = prov_to_dot(d1)


In [113]:
from IPython.display import Image


The above saves the PNG file as article-prov.png in your current folder. If you're runing this tutorial in Ipython Notebook, you can display it as well.

In [11]:
from IPython.display import Image


In [12]:
# Or save to a PDF


Similarly, the above saves the document into a PDF file in your current working folder. Graphviz supports a wide ranges of raster and vector outputs, to which you can export your provenance documents created by the library. To find out what formats are available from your version, run dot -T? at the command line.

PROV-JSON export

PROV-JSON is natively supported by the library and is the default serialisation format.

In [65]:
print d1.serialize(indent=2)

  "wasDerivedFrom": {
    "_:id2": {
      "prov:usedEntity": "esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1", 
      "prov:generatedEntity": ""
  "used": {
    "_:id3": {
      "prov:entity": "esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1", 
      "prov:activity": "workflow:temporal-mean-cdo"
  "wasAttributedTo": {
    "_:id1": {
      "prov:entity": "", 
      "prov:agent": ""
  "agent": {
    "": {}
  "entity": {
    "": {}, 
    "esgf_http:cmip5.mpi-m.tas.v1": [
        "prov:type": "enes_data:Dataset", 
        "prov:label": "experiment-mpi-m"
  "prefix": {
    "enes": "", 
    "workflow": "", 
    "bk": "", 
    "esgf_http": "", 
    "user": "", 
    "file": "", 
    "enes_data": "http://enes_org/enes_data#"
  "activity": {
    "workflow:temporal-mean-cdo": {}
  "wasGeneratedBy": {
    "_:id4": {
      "prov:entity": "", 
      "prov:activity": "workflow:temporal-mean-cdo"

You can also serialize the document directly to a file by providing a filename (below) or a Python File object.

In [14]:

A PROV-JSON file can also be deserialised into a ProvDocument instance as follows.

In [15]:
d2 = ProvDocument.deserialize('article-prov.json')
d1 == d2  # Is it the same document we saved earlier?


Store and retrieve provenance documents from ProvStore

Having the created a provenance document, you can upload it to ProvStore, a free repository for provenance documents, to share it publicly/privately, or simple just to store and retrieve it back at a later time. In addition to storage and sharing, you can also retrieve your documents on ProvStore in further formats like XML and RDF, transform, and/or visualise them in various ways (see this poster for more information).

Before storing your document there, you need to register for an account. You can then upload the PROV-N or PROV-JSON export above via ProvStore's website. However, if you generated an API Key for your account, you can also upload the document there directly from this tutorial as shown below.

A wrapper for ProvStore's REST API is provided by the package provstore-api. Please follow the installation instructions there before proceeding.

In [17]:
# Configure ProvStore API Wrapper with your API Key
from provstore.api import Api
# see your API key at
api = Api(username='your ProvStore username', api_key='your API key')

In [18]:
# Submit the document to ProvStore
provstore_document = api.document.create(d1, name='article-prov', public=True)

# Generate a nice link to the document on ProvStore so you don't have to find it manually 
from IPython.display import HTML
document_uri = provstore_document.url
HTML('<a href="%s" target="_blank">Open your new provenance document on ProvStore</a>' % document_uri)

The first statement above submit the document d1 to ProvStore, giving it a name (required) and making it visible to everyone (optional and private by default). Clicking on the link generated will open the page on ProvStore for the document you just submitted.

The returned object is a wrapper for the document on ProvStore identified by, with which you can, of course, retrieve the document again from ProvStore.

In [19]:
# Retrieve it back
retrieved_document = api.document.get(
d2 = retrieved_document.prov
d1 == d2  # Is it the same document we submitted?


You can also remove the document from ProvStore via its API. It is a good idea to leave your account there nice and tidy anyway.

In [20]:
# Cleaning up, delete the document


In [77]:
# Just to be sure, trying to retrieve it again
#api.document.get(  # the document is no longer there

Further reading

There it is, through a very short tutorial, you have managed to create a provenance document, export it, and store it on the cloud. Simple!

If you want to find out more about how to use the library and ProvStore, here are some references:

Finally, if you have issues with the Prov Python library, please report them at our issue tracker on Github.

<span xmlns:dct="" href="" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type"> PROV W3C using the Python Library - first steps</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL"/></a> is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

In [ ]: