The first thing I tried was just counting up the number of articles in each of the "[year] deaths" categories, from 2000-2016.
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pickle
%matplotlib inline'seaborn-darkgrid')
In [2]:
!pip install pywikibot
import pywikibot
site = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
In [ ]:
In [3]:
def yearly_death_counts(startyear,endyear):
years = np.arange(startyear,endyear+1) # add 1 to endyear because np.arange doesn't include the stop
deaths_per_year = {}
for year in years:
deaths_per_year[year] = 0
for year in years:
yearstr = 'Category:' + str(year) + "_deaths"
deathcat = pywikibot.Page(site, yearstr)
deathcat_o = site.categoryinfo(deathcat)
deaths_per_year[year] = deathcat_o['pages']
yearly_articles_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(deaths_per_year, orient='index')
yearly_articles_df.columns = ['articles in category']
yearly_articles_df = yearly_articles_df.sort_index()
return yearly_articles_df
In [4]:
yearly_articles_df = yearly_death_counts(2000,2016)
In [5]:
ax = yearly_articles_df.plot(kind='barh')
ax.set_xlabel("Number of articles")
ax.set_title("""Articles in the "[year] deaths" category in the English Wikipedia""")
One of the first things that we see in this graph is that the data is far from uniform, and has a distinct trend. This should make us suspicious. There are about 4,945 articles in the "2000 deaths" category, and the number steadily rises each year to 7,486 articles in the "2010 deaths" category. Is there any compelling reason we have to believe that the number of notable people in the world would steadily increase by a few percent each year from 2000 to 2010, then plateau? Or is it more of an artifact of what Wikipedia's volunteer editors choose to work on?
What if we look at this over a much longer timescale, like 1800-2016?
In [6]:
yearly_articles_df = yearly_death_counts(1800,2016)
In [7]:
ax = yearly_articles_df.plot(kind='line',figsize=[10,4])
ax.set_ylabel("Number of articles")
ax.set_title("""Articles in the "[year] deaths" category in the English Wikipedia""")