A2: Bias in data

Project Overview

The goal of this project is to explore the concept of 'bias' in data by analyzing Wikipedia articles on political figures from different countries.

The data will include a dataset of political articles on Wikipedia, the predicted article quality scores for those articles, and a dataset of country populations.

The analysis will quantify the number of Wikipedia articles devoted to politicians in each country, label the quality of those articles, and consider how those measurements vary between countries.

The data visualization will include a series of plots that show:

  1. The countries with the greatest and the least coverage of politicians on Wikipedia compared to their population sizes.
  2. The countries with the highest and the lowest proportion of high quality articles about politicians.

In [ ]:
The code in this notebook cell is optional, you do not need to run this
    cell in order to run the code in subsequent cells, but if this cell
    isn't run, some intermediate values won't be displayed.
To run a cell, position the cursor inside the cell, so the cell border
    turns green, and simultaneously press the keys: control and return (or enter).

# This code displays all results created within a jupyter notebook cell.
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"

# This code displays Matplotlib objects inline.
from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')

Step 1. Getting the Data

We will be combining three sources of data:

  • the Wikipedia dataset,
  • the population dataset, and
  • the article quality prediction dataset.

Wikipedia Dataset

The Wikipedia dataset about political articles (also called pages) can be found on Figshare. The English language article data was extracted using the Wikimedia API, saved as a CSV file named page_data.csv, and uploaded to Figshare. For more information, see the README.md file in this data-512-a2 repository.

A copy of the page_data.csv file is also available in this data-512-a2 repository.

The columns in the page_data.csv file are:

  1. country: the country name, extracted from the category name
  2. page: the Wikipedia page (aka article) title
  3. rev_id: the revision_id for the last edit to the page

In [1]:
The code in this cell reads in the Wikipedia article data from the
    file page_data.csv to get this data:
        RangeIndex: 47197 entries, 0 to 47196
        Data columns (total 3 columns):
            page       47197 non-null object
            country    47197 non-null object
            rev_id     47197 non-null int64
The data is then stored in a pandas DataFrame (DF) object.

import csv
import pandas as pd

page_data = pd.read_csv("page_data.csv")

page country rev_id
0 Template:ZambiaProvincialMinisters Zambia 235107991
1 Bir I of Kanem Chad 355319463
2 Template:Zimbabwe-politician-stub Zimbabwe 391862046
3 Template:Uganda-politician-stub Uganda 391862070
4 Template:Namibia-politician-stub Namibia 391862409

In [2]:
print("Number of rows and columns in original page_data DataFrame", page_data.shape)

Number of rows and columns in original page_data DataFrame (47197, 3)

In [3]:
The code in this cell:
    (1) standardizes some of the country names in page_data for merging page_data
        with the population data; and 
    (2) removes two rows with revision ID values that don't exist in the dataset
        being used by the ORES API, and therefore return errors [807367030, 807367166].

# Part 1: standardize country names
# COUNTRY_MAP from Gary
    "East Timorese" : "Timor-Leste",
    "Hondura" : "Honduras",
    "Rhodesian" : "Zimbabwe",
    "Salvadoran" : "El Salvador",
    "Samoan" : "Samoa",
    "São Tomé and Príncipe" : "Sao Tome and Principe",
    "South African Republic" : "South Africa",
    "South Korean" : "Korea, South"

# A sample of original rows with values we want to replace
page_data.loc[page_data.index.isin([272, 443, 448, 541, 602])]

# use isin to filter for valid rows, and then use replace to replace the values

if page_data["country"].isin(COUNTRY_MAP.keys()).any():
    page_data["country"].replace(COUNTRY_MAP, inplace=True)

# Verify that the values were replaced in those sample rows
page_data.loc[page_data.index.isin([272, 443, 448, 541, 602])]

# Part 2: removal of revision ID values

# check if rev_id values in page_data
page_data.loc[page_data["rev_id"].isin([807367030, 807367166])]

# remove rows with rev_id in [807367030, 807367166]
page_data = page_data.loc[~page_data["rev_id"].isin([807367030, 807367166])]

page country rev_id
0 Template:ZambiaProvincialMinisters Zambia 235107991
1 Bir I of Kanem Chad 355319463
2 Template:Zimbabwe-politician-stub Zimbabwe 391862046
3 Template:Uganda-politician-stub Uganda 391862070
4 Template:Namibia-politician-stub Namibia 391862409
5 Template:Nigeria-politician-stub Nigeria 391862819
6 Template:Colombia-politician-stub Colombia 391863340
7 Template:Chile-politician-stub Chile 391863361
8 Template:Fiji-politician-stub Fiji 391863617
9 Template:Solomons-politician-stub Solomon Islands 391863809

In [4]:
print("Ending number of rows and columns in page_data", page_data.shape)

Ending number of rows and columns in page_data (47195, 3)

Population Dataset

The population data is on the Population Research Bureau website, download the CSV file. In this notebook, the population data CSV file is named, Population Mid-2015.csv.

In [5]:
The code in this cell reads in the country population data from
    the file population_mid-2015.csv and does some processing.

When you read population_mid-2015.csv without any parameters
    like the page_data.csv file above, the title becomes a
    single column. So, to get 6 columns instead of 1, set the
    second row (index 1) as the header with parameter: header=1.
    The original data in population_mid-2015.csv looks like this:
        RangeIndex: 210 entries, 0 to 209
        Data columns (total 6 columns):
            Location         210 non-null object
            Location Type    210 non-null object
            TimeFrame        210 non-null object
            Data Type        210 non-null object
            Data             210 non-null int64
            Footnotes        0 non-null float64

pop_data = pd.read_csv("population_mid-2015.csv", #skiprows=0,
                       header=1, sep=",", thousands=",")

# Only drop unneeded columns if they are in pop_data DF
if len(pop_data.columns) > 2:
    pop_data.drop(["Location Type", "TimeFrame",
                   "Data Type", "Footnotes"], axis=1, inplace=True)

# Rename columns to standardize names for future merging
pop_data.rename(columns={"Location" : "country",
                         "Data" : "population"}, inplace=True)


country population
0 Afghanistan 32247000
1 Albania 2892000
2 Algeria 39948000
3 Andorra 78000
4 Angola 25000000

Article Quality Prediction Dataset

The predicted quality scores for each article in the Wikipedia dataset comes from a Wikimedia API endpoint for a machine learning system called ORES ("Objective Revision Evaluation Service"). ORES estimates the quality of an article at a particular point in time, and assigns a series of probabilities that the article is best described by one of the categories listed below.

The range of quality scores are, from best to worst:

  1. FA - Featured article
  2. GA - Good article
  3. B - B-class article
  4. C - C-class article
  5. Start - Start-class article
  6. Stub - Stub-class article

These quality scores are a sub-set of quality assessment categories developed by Wikipedia editors. For more information about the scores, see Project Assessment.

The ORES API documentation can be found here and the web API is here. The API requires: a revision ID, which is the third column in page_data.csv (originally titled "last_edit"), and the machine learning model, which is "wp10."

When you query the API, the ORES returns a JSON object that includes a predicted quality score, as well as the probability values for each of the six possible quality scores. But, for the analysis in this project, you only need the predicted quality score value, not the probabilities.

The cell below is an example of a response in the JSON format from the ORES API:

# Example of the JSON format of ORES API response {"enwiki": { "models": { "wp10": { "version": "0.5.0" } }, "scores": { "774499188": { "wp10": { "score": { "prediction": "Stub", "probability": { "B": 0.03488477079112925, "C": 0.06953258948284814, "FA": 0.0025762575670963965, "GA": 0.007911851615317388, "Start": 0.4106575723489943, "Stub": 0.4744369581946146 } } } } } } }

In [6]:
import requests
import json
import time

def get_page_quality_scores(rev_ids):
    Function takes revision id values, calls the ORES API, and returns the
    revision id values recognized by the ORES API, the article quality scores, and
    the time for each API call.
    # start is the time in seconds as a floating point number
    start = time.time() 
    # Local variables
    local_scores = []
    local_rev_ids = []
    endpoint = "https://ores.wikimedia.org/v3/scores/{project}/?models={model}&revids={revids}"    
    params = {"project" : "enwiki",
              "model" : "wp10",
              "revids" : "|".join(str(x) for x in rev_ids)

    api_call = requests.get(endpoint.format(**params))
    response = api_call.json()
    #print(json.dumps(response, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
    # Strip out the quality score from the JSON object and save in list (scores)
    for rev_id in rev_ids:
            print("exception with rev_id:", str(rev_id))
    # Measure time to run batch of Get requests in minutes
    end = (time.time() - start)/60

    return local_rev_ids, local_scores, end

    # This is a shortcut to redefine page_data as a DF with the article_quality data
    # since getting the API data takes a about 3.52 minutes
    page_data = pd.read_csv("page_quality_data.csv")
    if page_data["Unnamed: 0"].any():
        page_data.drop(["Unnamed: 0"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    print("New page_data DataFrame rows and columns:", page_data.shape)
    # If no page_quality_data.csv file, then get the data from the ORES API
    lst_rev_ids = []
    lst_article_scores = []
    run_time = 0

    for i in range(0, len(page_data["rev_id"]), 100):
        # batches of 100 rev_id values to send to get_page_quality_scores()
        revision_ids = page_data["rev_id"][i:(i + 100)]    
        rev_id_vals, quality_scores, batch_time = get_page_quality_scores(revision_ids)   
        for id_value in rev_id_vals:
            # Keep a running list of rev_id values as an index for quality scores
        for score in quality_scores:
            # Keep a running list of quality scores to add to page_data

        run_time = run_time + batch_time
        # Test print statement for tracking time
        # print("i:", str(i) + ",  batch_time: %f,  run_time: %f" % (batch_time, run_time))

    # Add a column with the predicted article quality scores to the page_data
    df_scores = pd.DataFrame({"rev_id" : lst_rev_ids, "article_quality" : lst_article_scores})
    page_score_data = page_data.merge(df_scores, how='outer',
                                  on=["rev_id"]).dropna(axis=0, how='any')

    print("\nTotal Run Time: {0:5.2f} minutes\n".format(run_time))

New page_data DataFrame rows and columns: (47195, 4)
                                 page          country     rev_id  \
0  Template:ZambiaProvincialMinisters           Zambia  235107991   
1                      Bir I of Kanem             Chad  355319463   
2   Template:Zimbabwe-politician-stub         Zimbabwe  391862046   
3     Template:Uganda-politician-stub           Uganda  391862070   
4    Template:Namibia-politician-stub          Namibia  391862409   
5    Template:Nigeria-politician-stub          Nigeria  391862819   
6   Template:Colombia-politician-stub         Colombia  391863340   
7      Template:Chile-politician-stub            Chile  391863361   
8       Template:Fiji-politician-stub             Fiji  391863617   
9   Template:Solomons-politician-stub  Solomon Islands  391863809   

0            Stub  
1            Stub  
2            Stub  
3            Stub  
4            Stub  
5            Stub  
6            Stub  
7            Stub  
8            Stub  
9            Stub  

In [7]:

(47195, 4)

Step 2. Combining the Page and Population Datasets

After retrieving and including the ORES data for each article, we merge the wikipedia article data and the population data together. Both DataFrames have columns named "country" and we will merge the page_data and pop_data on the country values.

While merging the DataFrames, some entries won't be merged because a country name isn't in the other DataFrame, e.g. the population dataset does not have an entry for the equivalent Wikipedia country. So, we will remove the rows that do not have matching data. We had 47,195 rows in page_data initially and the final combine_df has 46,408 rows.

After consolidating the data, we save the DataFrame as a single CSV file with these columns:


In [8]:
    # Rename page_data columns
    page_data.rename(columns={"page" : "article_name",
                              "rev_id" : "revision_id"}, inplace=True)

# Combine DataFrames on country names and remove any rows with empty values
combine_df = page_data.merge(pop_data,
                             how='outer', on=["country"]).dropna(axis=0,
# Remove the old index which is now a column named index
# because I reset the index
combine_df.drop(["index"], axis=1, inplace=True)

# Change revision_id & population values from float to int
            "population"]] = combine_df[["revision_id",

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 46408 entries, 0 to 46407
Data columns (total 5 columns):
article_name       46408 non-null object
country            46408 non-null object
revision_id        46408 non-null int64
article_quality    46408 non-null object
population         46408 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 1.8+ MB

In [9]:
# Save final combined DataFrame to CSV file

article_name country revision_id article_quality population
0 Template:ZambiaProvincialMinisters Zambia 235107991 Stub 15473900
1 Gladys Lundwe Zambia 757566606 Stub 15473900
2 Mwamba Luchembe Zambia 764848643 Stub 15473900
3 Thandiwe Banda Zambia 768166426 Start 15473900
4 Sylvester Chisembele Zambia 776082926 C 15473900
5 Victoria Kalima Zambia 776530837 Start 15473900
6 Margaret Mwanakatwe Zambia 779747587 Start 15473900
7 Nkandu Luo Zambia 779747961 C 15473900
8 Susan Nakazwe Zambia 779748181 Start 15473900
9 Catherine Namugala Zambia 779748285 Start 15473900

Step 3. Analysis

The analysis calculates the proportion (as a percentage) of articles-per-population and high-quality articles for each country. "High quality" articles are defined as articles about politicians that ORES predicted would be in either the "FA" (featured article) or "GA" (good article) classes.


  • if a country has a population of 10,000 people, and you found 10 articles about politicians from that country, then the percentage of articles-per-population would be .1%.
  • if a country has 10 articles about politicians, and 2 of them are FA or GA class articles, then the percentage of high-quality articles would be 20%.

In [10]:
# Get the total number of articles for each country
df_test = combine_df[["country",

# Merge total number of articles for each country with population for each country
df_article_pop = df_test.merge(pop_data, on=["country"])

df_article_pop.rename(columns={"article_name" : "total_articles"},

# Divide the total number of articles by the country's population
art_per_pop = df_article_pop["total_articles"].div(df_article_pop["population"],

# Get a percentage value by multiplying by 100
df_article_pop["percent_articles_per_person"] = round(art_per_pop*100, 4)

prop_df = df_article_pop.sort_values(["percent_articles_per_person"],
# The 10 countries with the highest percentage of articles per person

country total_articles population percent_articles_per_person
122 Nauru 53 10860 0.4880
177 Tuvalu 55 11800 0.4661
144 San Marino 82 33000 0.2485
115 Monaco 40 38088 0.1050
99 Liechtenstein 29 37570 0.0772
109 Marshall Islands 37 55000 0.0673
74 Iceland 206 330828 0.0623
172 Tonga 63 103300 0.0610
3 Andorra 34 78000 0.0436
143 Samoa 77 194210 0.0396

In [11]:
# The 10 countries with the lowest percentage of articles per person

country total_articles population percent_articles_per_person
13 Bangladesh 324 160411000 0.0002
169 Thailand 112 65121250 0.0002
88 Korea, North 39 24983000 0.0002
160 Sudan 98 40883900 0.0002
119 Mozambique 60 25736000 0.0002
76 Indonesia 215 255741973 0.0001
184 Uzbekistan 29 31290791 0.0001
54 Ethiopia 105 98148000 0.0001
34 China 1138 1371920000 0.0001
75 India 990 1314097616 0.0001

In [12]:
# number of GA and FA-quality articles as a proportion of all articles from country

# Gets all the articles rated "FA" or "GA"
fa_ga = combine_df[(combine_df["article_quality"]=="FA") | (combine_df["article_quality"]=="GA")]

# Gets all the articles not rated "FA" snd not rated "GA"
no_fa_ga = combine_df[(combine_df["article_quality"]!="FA") & (combine_df["article_quality"]!="GA")]

# Adds up all the FA & GA articles for each country
total_fa_ga = fa_ga[["country",

# Adds up all the articles for each country regardless of quality rating
total_articles = combine_df[["country",

# Merge total_fa_ga and total_articles on country values
art_type_df = total_fa_ga.merge(total_articles, on="country")

art_type_df.rename(columns={"article_quality_x" : "total_FA_GA",
                            "article_quality_y" : "total_pages"},

art_type_df["percent_FA_GA"] = round(art_type_df["total_FA_GA"]/art_type_df["total_pages"].astype(float)*100, 2)

sort_prop_type_df = art_type_df.sort_values(["percent_FA_GA"],
# The 10 countries with the highest percentage of high quality articles

country total_FA_GA total_pages percent_FA_GA
68 Korea, North 9 39 23.08
112 Romania 45 348 12.93
116 Saudi Arabia 15 119 12.61
22 Central African Republic 8 68 11.76
111 Qatar 5 51 9.80
53 Guinea-Bissau 2 21 9.52
147 Vietnam 18 191 9.42
12 Bhutan 3 33 9.09
61 Ireland 31 381 8.14
142 United States 86 1098 7.83

In [13]:
# The 10 countries with the lowest percentage of high quality articles

country total_FA_GA total_pages percent_FA_GA
100 Nigeria 4 684 0.58
79 Luxembourg 1 180 0.56
138 Uganda 1 188 0.53
42 Fiji 1 199 0.50
90 Moldova 2 426 0.47
78 Lithuania 1 248 0.40
33 Czech Republic 1 254 0.39
107 Peru 1 354 0.28
132 Tanzania 1 408 0.25
43 Finland 1 572 0.17

In [14]:
# This code produces a crosstab of countries with their quality articles
# This code is partially based on the code from StackOverflow
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46290726/how-to-make-dummy-variables-with-comma-separated-valued-columns

df_articles = combine_df.set_index("country")["article_quality"].apply(pd.Series).stack()

# margins=True adds the All column & All row
cross_tab = pd.crosstab(df_articles.index.get_level_values(0),
                        df_articles, margins=True).rename_axis(None).rename_axis(None, 1)

B C FA GA Start Stub All
Dominica 0 2 0 0 4 6 12
Barbados 0 5 0 0 3 6 14
Eritrea 0 2 0 0 2 12 16
Belize 0 5 0 0 7 4 16
Guyana 0 6 0 0 8 6 20
Bahamas 0 3 0 0 10 7 20
Guinea-Bissau 1 2 0 2 7 9 21
Seychelles 0 1 0 0 3 18 22
Sao Tome and Principe 0 1 0 0 9 12 22
Antigua and Barbuda 0 7 0 0 10 8 25
Zambia 0 6 0 0 14 6 26
French Guiana 0 2 0 0 5 21 28
Trinidad and Tobago 0 5 0 1 15 7 28
Liechtenstein 0 1 0 0 13 15 29
Uzbekistan 0 6 1 1 12 9 29
Lesotho 0 7 0 0 14 9 30
Swaziland 1 4 0 0 4 23 32
Equatorial Guinea 1 1 0 1 14 15 32
Kiribati 0 3 0 0 6 23 32
Bhutan 0 3 0 3 7 20 33

In [15]:

B C FA GA Start Stub All
Norway 0 33 3 5 177 440 658
Nigeria 1 64 0 4 349 266 684
Netherlands 3 54 3 7 234 401 702
Germany 8 87 7 12 303 286 703
New Zealand 2 89 1 10 245 444 791
Poland 11 56 4 9 221 508 809
Italy 15 56 2 6 273 476 828
Iran 10 102 0 17 229 472 830
Canada 19 170 8 17 376 262 852
United Kingdom 32 249 12 42 324 208 867
Spain 13 95 30 11 314 418 881
Russia 26 141 9 26 348 332 882
India 8 59 3 12 236 672 990
Pakistan 4 68 3 11 324 635 1045
Mexico 4 41 2 5 132 897 1081
United States 64 262 19 67 414 272 1098
China 66 208 7 35 402 420 1138
Australia 14 183 11 33 470 855 1566
France 26 140 7 23 372 1121 1689
All 722 5637 278 858 15016 23897 46408

In [16]:
# This code produces a list of countries with no quality articles
countries_noQA = cross_tab.sort_values(["FA", "GA"]).head(41)

Index(['Andorra', 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Bahamas', 'Bahrain', 'Barbados',
       'Belgium', 'Belize', 'Burundi', 'Cape Verde', 'Comoros', 'Djibouti',
       'Dominica', 'Eritrea', 'Federated States of Micronesia',
       'French Guiana', 'Guadeloupe', 'Guyana', 'Honduras', 'Kazakhstan',
       'Kiribati', 'Lesotho', 'Liechtenstein', 'Macedonia', 'Marshall Islands',
       'Monaco', 'Mozambique', 'Nauru', 'Nepal', 'San Marino',
       'Sao Tome and Principe', 'Seychelles', 'Solomon Islands', 'Suriname',
       'Swaziland', 'Switzerland', 'Tajikistan', 'Timor-Leste', 'Tonga',
       'Tunisia', 'Turkmenistan', 'Zambia'],

Step 4. Visualization

Produce four visualizations that show:

  1. 10 highest-ranked countries in terms of number of politician articles as a proportion of country population
  2. 10 lowest-ranked countries in terms of number of politician articles as a proportion of country population
  3. 10 highest-ranked countries in terms of number of GA and FA-quality articles as a proportion of all articles about politicians from that country
  4. 10 lowest-ranked countries in terms of number of GA and FA-quality articles as a proportion of all articles about politicians from that country

In [41]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn
from textwrap import wrap

# based on example from http://matplotlib.org/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/barh_demo.html
fig, ((ax0, ax1), (ax2, ax3)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(20,15))

top_country = prop_df["country"].head(10)
y_pos0 = np.arange(len(top_country))
top_percent = prop_df["percent_articles_per_person"].head(10)

ax0.barh(y_pos0, top_percent, align='center',
         color="cadetblue", alpha=0.8)
ax0.set_yticklabels(top_country, fontsize=14)
ax0.invert_yaxis()  # labels read top-to-bottom
ax0.set_xticklabels(labels=[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], fontsize=12)
ax0.set_xlabel("Percent of Articles per Person", fontsize=14)
ax0.set_title("Countries with Highest Percent of Wikipedia Articles per Capita",
              fontsize=16, fontvariant="small-caps", fontweight="semibold")

bottom_country = prop_df["country"].tail(10)[::-1]
y_pos1 = np.arange(len(bottom_country))
bottom_percent = round(prop_df["percent_articles_per_person"].tail(10)[::-1], 5)

ax1.barh(y_pos1, bottom_percent, align='center',
         color="darkcyan", alpha=0.8)
ax1.set_yticklabels(bottom_country, fontsize=14)
ax1.set_xlabel("Percent of Articles per Person",
               fontsize=14, fontstretch="semi-condensed")
ax1.set_title("Countries with Lowest Percent of Wikipedia Articles per Capita",
              fontsize=16, fontweight="semibold")

top_FA_GA_country = sort_prop_type_df["country"].head(10)
y_pos2 = np.arange(len(top_FA_GA_country))
top_FA_GA_prop = sort_prop_type_df["percent_FA_GA"].head(10)

ax2.barh(y_pos2, top_FA_GA_prop, align='center',
         color="firebrick", alpha=0.8)
ax2.set_yticklabels(top_FA_GA_country, fontsize=14)
ax2.invert_yaxis()  # labels read top-to-bottom
ax2.set_xticklabels(labels=[0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0], fontsize=12)
ax2.set_xlabel("Percent of Wikipedia Articles Rated FA or GA",
               fontsize=14, fontstretch="semi-condensed")
ax2.set_title("Countries with Highest Proportion of FA and GA Rated Wikipedia Articles",
              fontsize=16, fontweight="semibold")

bottom_FA_GA_country = sort_prop_type_df["country"].tail(10)[::-1]
y_pos3 = np.arange(len(bottom_FA_GA_country))
bottom_FA_GA_prop = sort_prop_type_df["percent_FA_GA"].tail(10)[::-1]

ax3.barh(y_pos3, bottom_FA_GA_prop, align='center',
         color="darkred", alpha=0.8)
ax3.set_yticklabels(bottom_FA_GA_country, fontsize=14)
ax3.invert_yaxis()  # labels read top-to-bottom
ax3.set_xticklabels(labels=[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6], fontsize=12)
ax3.set_xlabel("Percent of Wikipedia Articles Rated FA or GA",
               fontsize=14, fontstretch="semi-condensed")
ax3.set_title("Countries with Lowest Proportion of FA and GA Rated Wikipedia Articles",
              fontsize=16, fontweight="semibold",



# Save plot to file


You are also expected to write a short reflection on the project, that describes how this assignment helps you understand the causes and consequences of bias on Wikipedia.

Write a few paragraphs, either in the README or in the notebook, reflecting on what you have learned, what you found, what (if anything) surprised you about your findings, and/or what theories you have about why any biases might exist (if you find they exist).

You can also include any questions this assignment raised for you about bias, Wikipedia, or machine learning.

In [27]:
combine_df.loc[combine_df["article_name"].isin(["George Washington",
                                                "John Adams",
                                                "Thomas Jefferson"
                                                "James Madison",
                                                "James Monroe",
                                                "John Quincy Adams",
                                                "Andrew Jackson",
                                                "Abraham Lincoln",
                                                "Ulysses S. Grant",
                                                "Rutherford B. Hayes",
                                                "James A. Garfield",
                                                "Theodore Roosevelt",
                                                "William Howard Taft",
                                                "Woodrow Wilson",
                                                "Warren G. Harding",
                                                "Benjamin Harrison",
                                                "Grover Cleveland",
                                                "Calvin Coolidge",
                                                "Herbert Hoover",
                                                "Franklin D. Roosevelt",
                                                "Harry S. Truman",
                                                "Dwight D. Eisenhower",
                                                "John F. Kennedy",
                                                "Lyndon B. Johnson",
                                                "Richard Nixon",
                                                "Richard M. Nixon"
                                                "Gerald Ford",
                                                "Jimmy Carter",
                                                "Ronald Reagan",
                                                "George H. W. Bush",
                                                "Bill Clinton",
                                                "Hillary Clinton",
                                                "Hillary Rodham Clinton",
                                                "William J. Clinton",
                                                "George W. Bush",
                                                "George Bush",
                                                "Barack Obama",
                                                "Donald Trump",
                                                "Donald J. Trump",
                                                "John McCain",
                                                "Bernie Sanders",
                                                "Sarah Palin",
                                                "Mahatma Gandhi",
                                                "Margaret Thatcher",
                                                "Vladimir Putin",
                                                "Vicente Fox",
                                                "Enrique Peña Nieto",
                                                "Enrique Nieto"])]

article_name country revision_id article_quality population
13641 Mahatma Gandhi India 806203768 FA 1314097616
28858 Theodore Roosevelt United States 806771467 FA 321234172
28864 Woodrow Wilson United States 806921107 FA 321234172
28906 Franklin D. Roosevelt United States 807395895 FA 321234172
28909 John McCain United States 807428251 GA 321234172
37175 John F. Kennedy Ireland 807423724 GA 4630308
41792 Margaret Thatcher United Kingdom 807039360 FA 65092000


About the Data

First and foremost, this English-language Wikipedia article data was generated from the "Category: Politicians by nationality" and one subcategory. So, the editors who created these articles had to categorize the subjects of these articles as "politicians" and decide on the subjects' "nationality."

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a politician as "a person experienced in the art or science of government," or "a person engaged in party politics as a profession," or "often disparaging: a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons."

Especially, since the term "politician" can be considered disparaging, it's possible that editors would be reluctant to label their articles as politicians. For example, out of the 33 most well-known U.S. presidents, only four have articles in our dataset, and one of those is John F. Kennedy, who's country is listed as "Ireland."

Politicians by nationality‎ (243 C)
► Assassinated politicians by nationality‎ (129 C)
► Political candidates by nationality‎ (15 C)
► Politicians by ethnic or national descent‎ (12 C)
► Politicians by former country‎ (18 C)
► Politicians by nationality and city‎ (15 C)
► Politicians by nationality and party‎ (232 C)
► Politicians convicted of crimes by nationality‎ (72 C)
► Politicians by nationality and century‎ (45 C)
► Leaders of political parties by country‎ (39 C)
► Politicians by century and nationality‎ (4 C)
► Politicians from dependent territories‎ (9 C)
► Women in politics by nationality‎ (234 C)
► LGBT politicians by nationality‎ (41 C)
► Sportsperson-politicians by nationality‎ (62 C)
► Politicians of African nations‎ (65 C)
► Politicians of Asian nations‎ (49 C, 1 P)
► Politicians of Caribbean nations‎ (28 C)
► Politicians of European nations‎ (62 C)
► Politicians of North American nations‎ (10 C)
► Politicians of Oceanian nations‎ (31 C)
► Politicians of South American nations‎ (16 C)


Country with the Highest Proportion of Per Capita Articles: Nauru (0.4880 %)

Country with the Lowest Proportion of Per Capita Articles ( > 0 ): Bangladesh (0.0002 %)

Country with the Highest Proportion of Quality Articles: North Korea (23.08 %)

Country with the Lowest Proportion of Quality Articles ( > 0 ): Finland (0.17 %)

Countries with No High Quality Articles: 'Andorra', 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Bahamas', 'Bahrain', 'Barbados', 'Belgium', 'Belize', 'Burundi', 'Cape Verde', 'Comoros', 'Djibouti', 'Dominica', 'Eritrea', 'Federated States of Micronesia', 'French Guiana', 'Guadeloupe', 'Guyana', 'Honduras', 'Kazakhstan', 'Kiribati', 'Lesotho', 'Liechtenstein', 'Macedonia', 'Marshall Islands', 'Monaco', 'Mozambique', 'Nauru', 'Nepal', 'San Marino', 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'Seychelles', 'Solomon Islands', 'Suriname', 'Swaziland', 'Switzerland', 'Tajikistan', 'Timor-Leste', 'Tonga', 'Tunisia', 'Turkmenistan', 'Zambia'

5 Countries with Highest Number of Articles:

 > France       1689  (population 64,346,720);  
 > Australia     1566;  
 > China         1138  (population 1,371,920,000);  
 > United States 1098;  
 > Mexico       1081  

Spain population: 46,368,000 United Kingdom population: 65,092,000

Possible Biases

Initially, one might think countries with higher populations, would have more politicians, and therefore more articles about those politicians on Wikipedia. That hypothesis is anecdotally supported by China being one of the most populated countries on Earth and having the third most articles in this dataset, and even India has the seventh most articles with 990 articles. However, France has the highest number of articles, yet has a population 21 times smaller than China.