In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
from numpy import array, inf, maximum
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
In [3]:
import thunder
from showit import image, tile
import matplotlib.animation as animation
In [4]:
from os.path import join, exists
from os import mkdir, makedirs
import pandas as pd
In [5]:
import regression
In [6]:
import json
In [7]:
from import imread, imsave
In [8]:
directory = '/tier2/freeman/Nick/lfov.calibration'
In [68]:
key = '2016-04-24-6-vision'
name = 'anm-0330549'
In [69]:
path = join(directory, 'reprocessed', name, key)
In [70]:
frameRate = 1.9
In [71]:
savepath = join(directory, 'reprocessed', name, key, 'summary')
In [72]:
covariates = pd.read_csv(join(path, 'covariates','covariates.csv'))
In [73]:
records = thunder.series.frombinary(join(path, 'traces', 'norm'), engine=None)
In [74]:
from regional import many
In [75]:
tmp = []
for i in range(7):
with open(join(path, 'sources', 'sources-%04i.json' % i), 'r') as fid:
regions = many(tmp)
In [76]:
with open(join(path, 'summary', 'meta.json')) as infile:
meta = json.load(infile)
In [77]:
dims = meta['rois'][0]['npixels']
In [78]:
#base = imread(join(path, 'summary', 'localcorrD.tif'))
#base = imread(join(path, 'summary', 'rsqOverlayLC.tif'))
base = imread(join(path, 'summary', 'tuneCorPosRD.tif'))
In [79]:
avg = records.mean().toarray()
In [80]:
In [81]:
plt.plot(covariates.allTime, covariates.corPos);
plt.plot(covariates.allTime, 40*avg);
plt.xlim([0, 500])
In [82]:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import get_cmap
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, ListedColormap, Normalize
from regression import LinearRegression
In [83]:
def build_bins(value, scale, debug=False):
max_val = np.floor(max(value)/scale)*scale
min_val = np.ceil(min(value)/scale)*scale
bins = np.arange(min_val,max_val,scale)
if debug:
print 'bins:'
print bins
return bins
In [84]:
def build_mat(value, bins, debug=False):
bins = np.concatenate((bins, [np.Inf]))
design_mat = np.zeros([bins.shape[0] - 1,value.shape[0]])
for bb in range(bins.shape[0] - 1):
design_mat[bb,:] = (value >= bins[bb]) & (value < bins[bb+1])
if debug:
print 'repeats:'
print design_mat.sum(axis=1)
return design_mat.transpose()
In [85]:
def build_reg(value, scale, debug=False):
bins = build_bins(value, scale, debug=False)
design_mat = build_mat(value, bins, debug=False)
return bins, design_mat
In [86]:
def do_reg(data, design_mat, bins):
algorithm = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)
model, rsq = algorithm.fit_and_score(design_mat, data)
tune = b: sum(b.clip(0, inf)[1:]*bins)/sum(b.clip(0, inf)[1:]))
return tune.toarray(), rsq.toarray(), model.betas.toarray()
In [87]:
def make_map(rsq, tune, cmap=None, vmin=0, vmax=inf, rmin=0, rmax=0.05):
cmap = get_cmap('rainbow') if cmap is None else cmap
norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True)
img = norm(tune.copy())
mapped = cmap(img)[:, :, 0:3]
for i in range(3):
mapped[:, :, i] *= (rsq.clip(rmin, rmax) - rmin) / (rmax - rmin)
return mapped
In [88]:
def make_rsq_map(rsq, cmap=None, vmin=0, vmax=inf, threshold=0.05):
cmap = get_cmap('rainbow') if cmap is None else cmap
norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True)
img = norm(rsq.copy())
mapped = cmap(img)[:, :, 0:3]
return mapped
In [89]:
bins, design_mat = build_reg(covariates.speed.values, 4, debug=True)
In [90]:
tuning_speed, rsq_speed, betas_speed = do_reg(records, design_mat, bins)
In [91]:
In [92]:
plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[4][1:])
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [93]:
recordsR = x: x[np.where((covariates.speed.values>0) & (covariates.samplePeriod.values == 1))])
In [94]:
In [95]:
bins = range(0,26,2)
In [96]:
design_mat = build_mat(covariates.corPos.values[(covariates.speed.values>0) & (covariates.samplePeriod.values == 1)], bins, debug=True)
In [97]:
tuning_corposR, rsq_corposR, betas_corposR = do_reg(recordsR, design_mat, bins)
In [98]:
In [99]:
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[0][1:]);
In [100]:
plt.plot(tuning_corposR, rsq_corposR, '.')
In [101]:
bins = range(0,26,2)
In [102]:
recordsC = x: x[np.where(covariates.samplePeriod.values == 1)])
In [103]:
design_mat = build_mat(covariates.corPos.values[covariates.samplePeriod.values == 1], bins, debug=True)
In [104]:
tuning_corpos, rsq_corpos, betas_corpos = do_reg(recordsC, design_mat, bins)
In [105]:
In [106]:
plt.plot(bins, betas_corpos[5][1:]);
In [107]:
plt.plot(tuning_speed, tuning_corposR, '.')
In [108]:
plt.plot(rsq_speed, rsq_corposR, '.')
In [109]:
plt.plot(rsq_corpos, rsq_corposR, '.')
In [110]:
plt.plot(tuning_corpos, rsq_corpos, '.')
In [111]:
In [112]:
v = tuning_corpos/30
In [113]:
masks = regions.mask(dims, background='black', cmap='rainbow', value=v)
In [114]:
background = np.tile((base.clip(.2,1)-.2)/(1-.2),(3,1,1)).transpose(1,2,0)
In [115]:
background = base.astype('float32')/255
In [116]:
blend = maximum(background, masks/2)
In [117]:
image(blend, size=12);
for s in range(regions.count):
plt.annotate(s=str(s), xy=[[s][1],[s][0]], color='r', size = 20);
In [125]:
plt.plot(bins, betas_corpos[3][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corpos[2][1:]);
In [119]:
plt.plot(bins, betas_corpos[8][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corpos[4][1:]);
In [ ]:
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[10][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[0][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[1][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[2][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[5][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[6][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[3][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corpos[5][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[7][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[3][1:]);
In [120]:
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[0][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[1][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[2][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[3][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[5][1:]);
In [121]:
plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[3][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[6][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[8][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[2][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[5][1:]);
In [85]:
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[10][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[0][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[1][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[2][1:]);
plt.plot(bins, betas_speed[5][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[6][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[3][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corpos[5][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[7][1:]);
#plt.plot(bins, betas_corposR[3][1:]);
In [ ]:
In [227]:
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('blend', [[0, 0, 0], [0.3, 0.7, 1.0]])
mapped_corpos = make_rsq_map(rsq_corpos, vmin=0, vmax=0.05, cmap=cmap)
In [228]:
In [230]:
imsave(savepath+'/rsqCorPosAD.tif', (255*mapped_corpos.clip(0,1)).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [231]:
#mapped_corpos = imread(savepath+'/rsqCorPosAD.tif', plugin='tifffile').astype('float32')/255
In [232]:
mapped = make_map(rsq_corpos, tuning_corpos, vmin=10.5, vmax = 13.5, rmin=0.008, rmax=0.05)
In [233]:
image(mapped.clip(0,1), size=12);
In [234]:
imsave(savepath+'/tuneCorPosAD.tif', (255*mapped.clip(0,1)).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [235]:
overlay = maximum(mapped_corpos, mapped_speed)
In [236]:
image(overlay, size=12)
In [237]:
imsave(savepath+'/rsqOverlayD.tif', (255*overlay).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [238]:
localcorr = detrended.localcorr((4, 4)).astype('float32')
In [239]:
imsave(savepath+'/localcorrD.tif', localcorr, plugin='tifffile', photometric='minisblack')
In [240]:
#localcorr = imread(savepath+'/localcorrD.tif')
In [241]:
image(localcorr, clim=(0, 3.5*localcorr.mean()), size=12)
In [242]:
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('blend', [[0, 0, 0], [0.1, 1.0, 0.2]])
mapped_localcorr = make_rsq_map(localcorr, vmin=0.4, vmax=0.7, cmap=cmap)
In [243]:
overlay = maximum(maximum(mapped_corpos, mapped_speed), mapped_localcorr)
In [244]:
image(overlay, size=12);
In [245]:
imsave(savepath+'/rsqOverlayLCD.tif', (255*overlay).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [246]:
In [ ]:
In [247]:
#fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10,10])
#ax = plt.axes()
#im = image(betasA[:,:,0,2] - betasA[:,:,0,5], clim=(-125, 125), ax=ax)
In [ ]: