In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
from showit import image
In [3]:
from import imsave
In [4]:
from os.path import exists
from os import mkdir
from json import dump
In [5]:
directory = '/tier2/freeman/Nick/sessions'
In [7]:
key = '000222'
path = directory + '/' + key
print path
print exists(path)
In [8]:
import mesoscope as ms
In [9]:
import thunder as td
In [10]:
rawData = td.images.fromtif(path + '/images-raw/', nplanes=1, engine = sc)
In [81]:
foo = rawData.values.reshape((8753,8,300,300), 'C')
In [42]:
bar = td.images.Images(foo)
In [44]:
In [28]:
rawDataSm = rawData[15:183]
In [33]:
data = rawDataSm
In [30]:
t, z = rawDataSm.shape[0]/8, 8
x, y = rawData.shape[1:]
#swapped = rawData.values.reshape(z, t, x, y).transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).swap((1), ())
swapped = rawDataSm.values.reshape(t, z, x, y).swap((1), ())
reshaped = td.images.Images(swapped)
In [31]:
img = reshaped.mean().toarray()
In [11]:
rawData, rawMetadata = ms.load(path + '/images-raw/', engine = sc)
data, meta = ms.convert(rawData, rawMetadata)
In [ ]:
In [13]:
print data
print '\n', meta
In [90]:
#img = data.mean().toarray()
#img = data[0].toarray()
In [26]:
image(img[2], clim=(0, 3.5*img.mean()), size = 10);
In [34]:
if not exists(path + '/images'):
mkdir(path + '/images')
data.tobinary(path + '/images', overwrite=True)
In [31]:
if not exists(path + '/summary'):
mkdir(path + '/summary')
with open(path + '/summary/meta.json', 'w') as fid:
dump(meta, fid, indent=2)
In [32]:
imsave(path + '/summary/rawVol.tif', (img.clip(0,2**13-1)/32).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='minisblack')
In [18]:
from numpy import array
def normalize(oim):
Normalize a three dimensional volume.
if not oim.ndim == 3:
raise Exception('image must be three dimensional')
means = oim.mean(axis=(1, 2), dtype='float32')
maximum = means.max()
return array([oim[i]*maximum/means[i] for i in range(oim.shape[0])])
In [19]:
norm = normalize(img).astype('float32')
#norm =
In [21]:
imsave(path + '/summary/raw-norm.tif', (norm.clip(0,2**13-1)/32).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='minisblack')
In [ ]: