This spark notebook connects to BigInsights on Cloud using BigSQL.

This notebook runs succesfully on stand alone spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6 and will output a dataframe like this:

[Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=7.81678581237793), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=7.528648376464844), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=7.240304946899414), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=6.9515509605407715), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=6.6621809005737305), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=8.371989250183105), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=10.080772399902344), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=11.788325309753418), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=13.494444847106934), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=15.198928833007812)]

The notebook environment is:

Notebook server: 3.2.0-8b0eef4 | Python 2.7.11 |Anaconda 2.3.0 (x86_64)| (default, Dec  6 2015, 18:57:58) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577)]

Credentials - keep this secret!

In [11]:
cluster  = '10451'    #  E.g. 10000
username = 'biadmin'  #  E.g. biadmin
password = ''         #  Please request password from
table    = 'biadmin.rowapplyout'  #  BigSQL table to query

Code to connect to BigInsights on Cloud via Hive and BigSQL ...

In [12]:
import os
cwd = os.getcwd()

cls_host = 'ehaasp-{0}'.format(cluster)
sql_host = 'ehaasp-{0}'.format(cluster)

Get the cluster certificate

In [13]:
!openssl s_client -showcerts -connect {cls_host}:9443 < /dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > certificate
# uncomment this for debugging
#!cat certificate

depth=0 CN =, O = IBM, C = US
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 CN =, O = IBM, C = US
verify return:1

Add the cluster certificate to a truststore

In [14]:
!rm -f truststore.jks
!keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias biginsights -file certificate -keystore truststore.jks -storepass mypassword -noprompt

Certificate was added to keystore

Now attempt to connect to BigInsights on Cloud

In [15]:
# test bigsql
url  = 'jdbc:db2://{0}:51000/bigsql:user={1};password={2};sslConnection=true;sslTrustStoreLocation={3}/truststore.jks;Password=mypassword;'.format(sql_host, username, password, cwd)
df ='jdbc').options(url=url, driver='', dbtable=table).load()


[Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=7.81678581237793), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=7.528648376464844), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=7.240304946899414), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=6.9515509605407715), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=6.6621809005737305), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=8.371989250183105), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=10.080772399902344), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=11.788325309753418), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=13.494444847106934), Row(F1=77.0, F2=-16.200000762939453, F3=15.198928833007812)]

In [ ]: