Lab 1: Short Name

Introduction, what we'll be covering, due date

Lecture Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Don't try to repeat what the book and studios already covered. Comment upon that material as necessary to fill out understanding and address prior shortcomings. Connect the lesson to the activity to come and/or the course project. Connect to interactive examples or illustrations where able.

def test():
public static void main();
int main();

Grading and Submission Instructions

To submit, write your responses to the following questions in a Word document, then upload it to Blackboard under this week's folder in Current Assignments.

Labs are due two weeks from when they are assigned, on Sunday at 11:59pm eastern time.

Labs are each worth 5% of your final grade. Scoring on your submission will be based on the following rubric:

0% - Student does not submit on time or submits plagiarized or unacceptable work. Double check that you have attached the right file, as usually students get zeros because they upload a previous week's Lab by accident.

1% - Student answers less than half of the questions with sufficient or accurate responses. Make sure that you are leaving yourself enough time to complete the Lab each week, as usually students submit incomplete work because they were rushed at the last minute.

3% - Student answers almost all questions with sufficient and accurate responses. If you encounter a problem or have a question about one of the questions, be sure to post in Ask the Instructor well before 24 hours before the due date, then continue to attempt to resolve the issue on your own while you wait for a reply.

5% - Great job, maximum points! The student answers all questions accurately and sufficiently, demonstrating the best of their ability.

Note, because Labs span two weeks' worth of reading, it is recommended to go through the Lab twice, once after the first reading where you answer everything that you can, then again after the second reading where you answer everything else.

Part 1

Worry less about how many questions to have and instead about just covering all of the content for the section.

Define, List, Label (label bank), Recall (answer is in the book)

Classify (no bank), Compare, Contrast, Explain, Extend (a sequence), Interpret, Summarize

eg, Students all receive a block of aluminum and are asked to follow an exact procedure for determining its density, the value of which is provided.

  • giving students practice using disciplinary vocabulary and concepts
  • reinforcing and building on materials presented through lecture, discussion, and independent study

Part 2

Build, Construct, Developer, Identify, Make use of, Model, Organize, Plan, Solve

Analyze, Assume, Categorize (grouping), Conclude, Discover, Dissect, Divide, Examine, Inspect, Motive, Relationships, Take part in

eg, Students are given different-sized samples of aluminum and asked: “What is the relationship between mass and volume in this material?” They are provided with different procedures for measuring volume and asked to evaluate the results derived from different methods. Follow-up questions are posed by the instructor, e.g., “Is density an intrinsic or extrinsic property?” or elicited from the students.

  • showing students how data are obtained and demonstrating the uncertainty inherent in research
  • providing chances to talk informally with instructors

Part 3

Appraise, Access, Criteria, Criticize, Decide, Deduct, Defend, Disprove, Estimate, Evaluate, Explain, Importance, Interpret, Judge, Justify, Measure, Opinion, Recommend, Value

Adapt, Change, Combine, Compile, Compose, Delete, Design, Develop, Discuss, Elaborate, Formulate, Happen, Imagine, Imporve, Invent, Make up, Maximize and Minimize, Modify, Originate, Predict, Propose, Solve, Suppose, Theory

eg, The instructor holds a pre-laboratory discussion in which the question is posed: “What measurements can be made to determine the physical properties of materials?” Students are encouraged to make predictions, formulate hypotheses, and propose experimental designs, while the instructor raises questions and reminds them of pertinent information from previous classes. Students then conduct their experiments individually or in groups. Afterwards, the instructor leads a discussion about the approaches taken, drawing attention to the intended lessons.

  • helping students develop skills in observation, problem-solving, analysis and critical thinking
  • helping students develop procedural skills (such as the proper use of instruments and tools)
  • improving skills in oral or written communication