Lab 3: Learning About Users

In this lab we will focus on:

  • Design (what is a good design anyway?)
  • Scope (to include or exclude, that is the question)
  • Data Gathering (what can we really know about our users?)

This lab will be due Sunday, Mar. 4th, midnight eastern time.


Give this website a look:

Tiff Zhang's Start-Up Generator

Every time you click this link, it will generate a random, fake, start-up company website.

Here's a funny one called Youprogram: I guess this would be a start-up about bringing programmers to the outdoors where they can do team-building exercises next to nature, while still having access to outlets and wifi for their laptops?

Of course, none of these are "real" websites. Tiff Zhang is just using a random number generator, a long list of nouns and verbs, some stock photos and names to match, a few small icons, random bright colors, a few different English sentence templates, and the same generic Bootstrap layout. Usually this leads to a senseless (and often humorous) result, but every once in a while the random combinations come up with a realistic sounding business.

So, when we think about a Good (in the capital-G sense) design, are we talking about how the website looks good on desktop and mobile? how it loads quickly? how it is universally accessible? Along these "key metrics," the randomly generated start-up websites are all good.

But of course, none of them have any functions or information that meets the needs of any real business or real user base.


This is our last Lab before the midterm assignment. The reading for this Lab (the reading for weeks seven and eight) shifts away from HTML and focuses more heavily on the decisions we make of what to include in our websites.

When we get back from spring break, we'll continue learning about HTML and CSS, as that's the technology that allows us to build a website at all.

But my reason for covering "planning" right before break is that, during the break, we'll also introduce our Case Study project, where you will be asked to both plan and code a website. And since coding can take a lot of time, it's good to first have a clear goal of what you are and are not going to have in your design.

Making the decisions of what to include and exclude is the easy part. People (project managers) sometimes find that the harder part is communicating those requirements to their team of programmers. And although you won't have a team of programmers to do your bidding for this course, I've found it useful to document your thoughts as though you were writing them for someone else (or for yourself in the future after you've forgotten where your ideas came from).

Garrett gives us, in chapter four, some good general advice for how to write and use these "specs." If you haven't read it already, I refer to you the sections in chapter four titled:

  • Functional Specifications (How do we best document what we want the website to do?)
  • Content Requirements (How do we remind ourselves of the line between content as data, as format, and as purpose?)
  • Prioritizing Requirements (With only so much time before the end of the semester, which functions/information are most important to meet the goals of the business and users?)

Data Gathering

Some of you ask a question along these lines in your journals last week: How do we know our users? How do we test (with real data and experiments) what we believe about our users?

Well, you can't know everything about your users. (And, in a Cynic or Skeptic worldview, you can't know anything for certain about your users, but Epicurus said that those Greeks were self-defeating with that sort of attitude.)

The Business Model Canvas (the technique used to explain the Pokemon Go business model) is designed to help us go about our business anyway. It works like this: you make an educated guess about how the world works; you design a prototype with that in mind, knowing that you aren't 100% correct; you test your assumptions of the world using that prototype; and you revise, each time moving further up from prototype to "real business," ending up with a business that is open to the idea of "adapting" to meet the shifting needs of your users.

In this approach, as well as in movements in software development dubbed "Agile" approaches, we prioritize getting something in front of real users. The sooner you can get feedback on your ideas, the better, the idea goes.

So, how can you actually gather that data?

The Preece reading focused on this. For the most part, this reading was a more in depth version of what Garrett was writing about. But in section 7.4, Preece lists a few ideas of how to gather data: "questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and workshops, naturalistic observation, and studying documentation."

In the modern world of the world wide web, we might be tempted to add A/B Testing to this list, though we could also consider that a more specialized (and automated) form of "naturalistic observation": You design your website so that it can "watch" how people use it for you, how they navigate from one page to another, what buttons they clicked to get there, how long they spent on each one, and how much money they decided to spend placing an order.

By "observing" your users in this way, you might notice that they are behaving in a way that is contrary to your expectations (educated guesses). So, you come up with a hypothesis, and test it.

For example, to test a hypothesis like, "a blue button would attract more customers than a red button," you would make a "B" version of your website and randomly send a small percent of your users there instead. Whichever version (the original or the experimental) does the best (makes the most money?), that's the version you keep.

But, this idea leads us to a new thing to consider when making web designs. So far, we've thought about our designs from the business and the user perspective. If we are also using the site to collect data on our users so that we can improve the site later, we have to think about our designs from the scientist perspective too!

Think not "What do we know about our users," but, "What can we learn about our users?"

Grading and Submission Instructions

To submit, write your responses to the following questions in a Word document, then upload it to Blackboard under this week's folder in Current Assignments.

Labs are due two weeks from when they are assigned, on Sunday at 11:59pm eastern time.

Labs are each worth 5% of your final grade. Scoring on your submission will be based on the following rubric:

0% - Student does not submit on time or submits plagiarized or unacceptable work. Double check that you have attached the right file, as usually students get zeros because they upload a previous week's Lab by accident.

1% - Student answers less than half of the questions with sufficient or accurate responses. Make sure that you are leaving yourself enough time to complete the Lab each week, as usually students submit incomplete work because they were rushed at the last minute.

3% - Student answers almost all questions with sufficient and accurate responses. If you encounter a problem or have a question about one of the questions, be sure to post in Ask the Instructor well before 24 hours before the due date, then continue to attempt to resolve the issue on your own while you wait for a reply.

5% - Great job, maximum points! The student answers all questions accurately and sufficiently, demonstrating the best of their ability.

Note, because Labs span two weeks' worth of reading, it is recommended to go through the Lab twice, once after the first reading where you answer everything that you can, then again after the second reading where you answer everything else.

Part 1

  1. What is "scope creep" that Garrett talks about?
  2. According to Garrett's example, there are multiple human perspectives you'll need to consider for a CMS website. What are they?
  3. Define, in your own words, A/B Testing.
  4. According to Preece, the requirements process has roughly three parts, "first ___, then ___, then ___."
  5. Preece cites research on the common "causes of IT project failure." What did that research show?
  6. According to Preece, what are the sorts of questions that might get asked in a Questionnaire?
  7. Have you or someone you know ever ordered food online (through a website or smartphone app)? If so, recall and describe that event. If not, why not?

Part 2

  1. Compare and contrast Questionnaires and Interviews.
  2. Brainstorm some ways that a Pizza website might collect data about its users. For example, their data might show, "People who live in this county prefer sausage, and the people in that county prefer chicken."
  3. Improve the following requirement: The website will not allow customers to place an order unless they are signed in.
  4. Improve the following requirement: The website will look good on a phone.
  5. Imagine Facebook (or some other website you are familiar with). Take a "content inventory" of that website. (What are all the kinds of information that come to mind that the website provides?)
  6. Based on the content inventory you took above, which items would you say are the company's top priority? lowest priority? Explain.

Part 3

  1. Do some research to answer this question. How does Facebook (or the website you wrote about above) collect data on its users?
  2. In your opinion, which kind of research activity might be best to learn about the users of a website, Questionnaires or Interviews? Explain.
  3. Using any web design tool you are comfortable with (Visual Studio Code, Pingendo, etc.), design the homepage for an online tax filing service for people who are really into 80s movies. Focus on considering which functions/information to include on the website from the business/user/scientist perspectives. Feel free to experiment with a few different ideas, and work to the best of your ability for what we've covered so far in the course. Embed screenshots as part of your answer, and describe in detail your thought process behind what features you chose for the site and the overall design you came up with.
  4. Similarly, design a music streaming website for people who make pots and pans for a living.