

Import packages

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mapp4py
from mapp4py import md
from lib.elasticity import rot, cubic, resize, displace, crack

Block the output of all cores except for one

In [ ]:
from mapp4py import mpi
if mpi().rank!=0:
    with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
        sys.stdout = f;

Define an md.export_cfg object

md.export_cfg has a call method that we can use to create quick snapshots of our simulation box

In [ ]:
xprt = md.export_cfg("");

Asymptotic Displacement Field of Crack from Linear Elasticity

In [ ]:
_ = np.array([[-1,1,0],[1,1,1],[1,1,-2]], dtype=np.float);
Q = np.linalg.inv(np.sqrt(_ @ _.T)) @ _;

In [ ]:
C = rot(cubic(1.3967587463636366,0.787341583191591,0.609615090769241),Q)

In [ ]:
B = np.linalg.inv(
    [C[0, 0, 0, 0], C[0, 0, 1, 1], C[0, 0, 0, 1]],
    [C[0, 0, 1, 1], C[1, 1, 1, 1], C[1, 1, 0, 1]],
    [C[0, 0, 0, 1], C[1, 1, 0, 1], C[0, 1, 0, 1]]

In [ ]:
_ = np.roots([B[0, 0], -2.0*B[0, 2],2.0*B[0, 1]+B[2, 2], -2.0*B[1, 2], B[1, 1]])

mu = np.array([_[0],0.0]);

if np.absolute(np.conjugate(mu[0]) - _[1]) > 1.0e-12:
    mu[1] = _[1];
    mu[1] = _[2]

alpha = np.real(mu);
beta = np.imag(mu);

p = B[0,0] * mu**2 - B[0,2] * mu + B[0, 1]
q = B[0,1] * mu - B[0, 2] + B[1, 1]/ mu

K = np.stack([p, q]) * np.array(mu[1], mu[0]) /(mu[1] - mu[0])

K_r = np.real(K)
K_i = np.imag(K)

In [ ]:
Tr = np.stack([
    np.array(np.array([[1.0, alpha[0]], [0.0, beta[0]]])), 
    np.array([[1.0, alpha[1]], [0.0, beta[1]]])
], axis=1)

def u_f0(x): return np.sqrt(np.sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]) + x[0])
def u_f1(x): return np.sqrt(np.sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]) - x[0]) * np.sign(x[1]) 

def disp(x): 
    _ = Tr @ x
    return K_r @ u_f0(_) + K_i @ u_f1(_)

In [ ]:
n = 300;
r = 10;
disp_scale = 0.3;

n0 = int(np.round(n/ (1 +np.pi), ))
n1 = n - n0

xs = np.concatenate((
        np.stack([np.linspace(0, -r , n0), np.full((n0,), -1.e-8)]),
        r * np.stack([np.cos(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi , n1)),np.sin(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi , n1))]), 
        np.stack([np.linspace(-r, 0 , n0), np.full((n0,), 1.e-8)]),
    ), axis =1)

xs_def = xs + disp_scale * disp(xs)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10.5,5), ncols = 2)
ax[0].plot(xs[0], xs[1], "b-", label="non-deformed");
ax[1].plot(xs_def[0], xs_def[1], "r-.", label="deformed");


Create a $[\bar{1}10]\times\frac{1}{2}[111]\times[11\bar{2}]$ cell

start with a $[100]\times[010]\times[001]$ cell

In [ ]:
sim = md.atoms.import_cfg("configs/Fe_300K.cfg");
a = sim.H[0][0]

Create a $[\bar{1}10]\times[111]\times[11\bar{2}]$ cell

In [ ]:

Remove half of the atoms and readjust the position of remaining

Now one needs to cut the cell in half in $[111]$ direction. We can achive this in three steps:

  1. Remove the atoms that are above located above $\frac{1}{2}[111]$
  2. Double the position of the remiaing atoms in the said direction
  3. Shrink the box affinly to half on that direction

In [ ]:
H = np.array(sim.H);
def _(x):
    if x[1] > 0.5*H[1, 1] - 1.0e-8:
        return False;
        x[1] *= 2.0;;

_ = np.full((3,3), 0.0)
_[1, 1] = -0.5

Readjust the postions

In [ ]:
H = np.array(sim.H);
displace(sim,np.array([sim.H[0][0]/6.0, sim.H[1][1]/6.0, sim.H[2][2]/6.0]))

Replicating the unit cell

In [ ]:
n_per_area=sim.natms/(H[0,0] * H[1,1]);
_ =np.sqrt(max_natms/n_per_area);
N0 = np.array([
    np.around(_ / sim.H[0][0]),
    np.around(_ / sim.H[1][1]), 
    1], dtype=np.int32)

# make sure in 1 direction it is an even number
if N0[1] % 2 == 1:
    N0[1] += 1

sim *= N0;

Add vacuum

In [ ]:
vaccum = 100.0

In [ ]:
H = np.array(sim.H);
H_new = np.array(sim.H);
H_new[0][0] += vaccum
H_new[1][1] += vaccum
resize(sim, H_new, H.sum(axis=0) * 0.5)

Get the displacement field for this configuration

In [ ]:
_ = np.array([[-1,1,0],[1,1,1],[1,1,-2]], dtype=np.float);
Q = np.linalg.inv(np.sqrt(_ @ _.T)) @ _;
C = rot(cubic(1.3967587463636366,0.787341583191591,0.609615090769241),Q)
disp = crack(C)

Impose the diplacement field and other boundary conditions

In [ ]:
fixed_layer_thickness = 20.0
intensity = 0.5
rate = 0.001

In [ ]:
H = np.array(sim.H);
ctr = H.sum(axis=0) * 0.5

lim = np.array([H[0, 0], H[1, 1]]) 
lim -= vaccum;
lim *= 0.5
lim -= fixed_layer_thickness

def _(x, x_d, x_dof):
    x_rel = x[:2] - ctr[:2]
    u = disp(x_rel)
    x[:2] += intensity * u
    if (np.abs(x_rel) < lim).sum() != 2:
        x_d[:2] = rate * u
        x_dof[0] = False;
        x_dof[1] = False;

In [ ]:
md.export_cfg("", extra_vecs=["x_dof"] )(sim, "dumps/crack.cfg")

assign intial velocities

In [ ]:
sim.kB = 8.617330350e-5
sim.hP = 4.13566766225 * 0.1 * np.sqrt(1.60217656535/1.66053904020)
sim.create_temp(300.0, 846244)

add hydrogen to the system

In [ ]:

define ensemble


In [ ]:
# GPa and Kelvin
def mu(p,T):
    return -2.37+0.0011237850013293155*T+0.00004308665175*T*np.log(p)-0.000193889932875*T*np.log(T);

In [ ]:
muvt = md.muvt(mu(1.0e-3,300.0), 300.0, 0.1, 'H', 73108204);
muvt.nevery = 100;

run gcmc

In [ ]:,100000);