Replication of the graphs in - Why the Quantitative Condition Fails to Reveal Quantum Adiabaticity, Dafa Li, Man-Hong Yung.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
i = np.complex(0, 1)
In [63]:
""" Written-down solution of Schinger's spin-half Hamiltonian. """
def Eval1 (t, w0):
return -w0/2.
def Eval2 (t, w0):
return w0/2.
def Evect1 (t, w, w0, theta):
return np.array([ np.exp(-i * w * t/2.) * np.sin(theta/2.),
-np.exp(i * w * t/2.)*np.cos(theta/2.)])
def Evect2 (t, w, w0, theta):
return np.array([ np.exp(-i * w * t/2.) * np.cos(theta/2.),
np.exp(i * w * t/2.)*np.sin(theta/2.)])
def wtilde (w, w0, theta):
return np.sqrt(w0**2 + w**2 - 2*w0*w*np.cos(theta))
def c1 (t, w, w0, theta):
wt = wtilde(w, w0, theta)
return np.cos(wt/2.) + i*np.sin(wt/2.)*(w0-w*np.cos(theta))/wt
def c2 (t, w, w0, theta):
wt = wtilde(w, w0, theta)
return i*(w/wt)*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(wt*t/2.)
def beta1 (t, w, w0, theta):
return w0*t/2. - (w*t/2.)*np.cos(theta)
# Terms that contribute to (9).
def Q2 (t, w, w0, theta, beta):
return np.exp(i*beta)*(w/(2.*w0))*np.sin(theta)
def R2 (t, w, w0, theta, beta):
return c2(t, w, w0, theta) - Q2(t, w, w0, theta, beta)
In [40]:
t = np.linspace(0, 50, 700)
In [20]:
def max_c2 (w, w0, theta):
Helper function to determine the maximum function value of c2 w.r.t t, numerically.
max_t = scipy.optimize.fmin(lambda t: -np.abs(c2(t, w, w0, theta)), 0, disp=False)
return np.abs(c2(max_t[0], w, w0, theta))
In [64]:
def plotInto (t, p, w, w0, theta, xlim, ylim):
c2_max = max_c2(w, w0, theta)
p.plot(t, np.abs(c2(t/w0, w, w0, theta)), "b", label=r"$|c_2|$")
p.plot(t, np.abs(Q2(t/w0, w, w0, theta, beta1(t/w0, w, w0, theta))), "r", label=r"$|Q_2$|")
p.plot(t, np.abs(R2(t/w0, w, w0, theta, beta1(t/w0, w, w0, theta))), "g", label=r"$|R_2|$")
p.plot(t, [c2_max for x in xrange(len(t))], color="black", ls="--",
label="max $c_2 = %0.2f$" % np.round(c2_max, 2))
p.set_xlabel(r'Time in units of $1/w_0$.', fontsize=18)
p.set_title(r"$w/w_0=%0.1f,\ \theta=%0.2f\times \pi/2$" % (w/float(w0), theta*(2./np.pi)))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 6))
plotInto(t, ax[0], 1, 10., 0.1*pion2 , [0, 50], [0, 0.12])
plotInto(t, ax[1], 10., 1., 0.1*pion2, [0, 5], [0, 6])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 6))
plotInto(t, ax[0], 1., 10., 0.5*pion2, [0, 50], [0, 0.12])
plotInto(t, ax[1], 10., 1., 0.5*pion2, [0, 5], [0, 6])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 6))
plotInto(t, ax[0], 1., 10., 1*pion2, [0, 50], [0, 0.12])
plotInto(t, ax[1], 10., 1., 1*pion2, [0, 5], [0, 6])