In this tutorial we will do multilabel classification on PASCAL VOC 2012.
Multilabel classification is a generalization of multiclass classification, where each instance (image) can belong to many classes. For example, an image may both belong to a "beach" category and a "vacation pictures" category. In multiclass classification, on the other hand, each image belongs to a single class.
Caffe supports multilabel classification through the SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss layer, and we will load data using a Python data layer. Data could also be provided through HDF5 or LMDB data layers, but the python data layer provides endless flexibility, so that's what we will use.
First, make sure you compile caffe using WITH_PYTHON_LAYER := 1
Second, download PASCAL VOC 2012. It's available here:
Third, import modules:
In [2]:
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import os.path as osp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from copy import copy
% matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6, 6)
caffe_root = '../' # this file is expected to be in {caffe_root}/examples
sys.path.append(caffe_root + 'python')
import caffe # If you get "No module named _caffe", either you have not built pycaffe or you have the wrong path.
from caffe import layers as L, params as P # Shortcuts to define the net prototxt.
sys.path.append("pycaffe/layers") # the datalayers we will use are in this directory.
sys.path.append("pycaffe") # the tools file is in this folder
import tools #this contains some tools that we need
In [3]:
# set data root directory, e.g:
pascal_root = osp.join(caffe_root, 'data/pascal/VOC2012')
# these are the PASCAL classes, we'll need them later.
classes = np.asarray(['aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor'])
# make sure we have the caffenet weight downloaded.
if not os.path.isfile(caffe_root + 'models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel'):
print("Downloading pre-trained CaffeNet model...")
!../scripts/ ../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet
# initialize caffe for gpu mode
In [4]:
# helper function for common structures
def conv_relu(bottom, ks, nout, stride=1, pad=0, group=1):
conv = L.Convolution(bottom, kernel_size=ks, stride=stride,
num_output=nout, pad=pad, group=group)
return conv, L.ReLU(conv, in_place=True)
# another helper function
def fc_relu(bottom, nout):
fc = L.InnerProduct(bottom, num_output=nout)
return fc, L.ReLU(fc, in_place=True)
# yet another helper function
def max_pool(bottom, ks, stride=1):
return L.Pooling(bottom, pool=P.Pooling.MAX, kernel_size=ks, stride=stride)
# main netspec wrapper
def caffenet_multilabel(data_layer_params, datalayer):
# setup the python data layer
n = caffe.NetSpec(), n.label = L.Python(module = 'pascal_multilabel_datalayers', layer = datalayer,
ntop = 2, param_str=str(data_layer_params))
# the net itself
n.conv1, n.relu1 = conv_relu(, 11, 96, stride=4)
n.pool1 = max_pool(n.relu1, 3, stride=2)
n.norm1 = L.LRN(n.pool1, local_size=5, alpha=1e-4, beta=0.75)
n.conv2, n.relu2 = conv_relu(n.norm1, 5, 256, pad=2, group=2)
n.pool2 = max_pool(n.relu2, 3, stride=2)
n.norm2 = L.LRN(n.pool2, local_size=5, alpha=1e-4, beta=0.75)
n.conv3, n.relu3 = conv_relu(n.norm2, 3, 384, pad=1)
n.conv4, n.relu4 = conv_relu(n.relu3, 3, 384, pad=1, group=2)
n.conv5, n.relu5 = conv_relu(n.relu4, 3, 256, pad=1, group=2)
n.pool5 = max_pool(n.relu5, 3, stride=2)
n.fc6, n.relu6 = fc_relu(n.pool5, 4096)
n.drop6 = L.Dropout(n.relu6, in_place=True)
n.fc7, n.relu7 = fc_relu(n.drop6, 4096)
n.drop7 = L.Dropout(n.relu7, in_place=True)
n.score = L.InnerProduct(n.drop7, num_output=20)
n.loss = L.SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss(n.score, n.label)
return str(n.to_proto())
In [5]:
workdir = './pascal_multilabel_with_datalayer'
if not os.path.isdir(workdir):
solverprototxt = tools.CaffeSolver(trainnet_prototxt_path = osp.join(workdir, "trainnet.prototxt"), testnet_prototxt_path = osp.join(workdir, "valnet.prototxt"))
solverprototxt.sp['display'] = "1"
solverprototxt.sp['base_lr'] = "0.0001"
solverprototxt.write(osp.join(workdir, 'solver.prototxt'))
# write train net.
with open(osp.join(workdir, 'trainnet.prototxt'), 'w') as f:
# provide parameters to the data layer as a python dictionary. Easy as pie!
data_layer_params = dict(batch_size = 128, im_shape = [227, 227], split = 'train', pascal_root = pascal_root)
f.write(caffenet_multilabel(data_layer_params, 'PascalMultilabelDataLayerSync'))
# write validation net.
with open(osp.join(workdir, 'valnet.prototxt'), 'w') as f:
data_layer_params = dict(batch_size = 128, im_shape = [227, 227], split = 'val', pascal_root = pascal_root)
f.write(caffenet_multilabel(data_layer_params, 'PascalMultilabelDataLayerSync'))
This net uses a python datalayer: 'PascalMultilabelDataLayerSync', which is defined in './pycaffe/layers/'.
Take a look at the code. It's quite straight-forward, and gives you full control over data and labels.
Now we can load the caffe solver as usual.
In [37]:
solver = caffe.SGDSolver(osp.join(workdir, 'solver.prototxt')) + 'models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel')
In [16]:
transformer = tools.SimpleTransformer() # This is simply to add back the bias, re-shuffle the color channels to RGB, and so on...
image_index = 0 # First image in the batch.
plt.imshow(transformer.deprocess(copy(['data'].data[image_index, ...])))
gtlist =['label'].data[image_index, ...].astype(
plt.title('GT: {}'.format(classes[np.where(gtlist)]))
In [20]:
def hamming_distance(gt, est):
return sum([1 for (g, e) in zip(gt, est) if g == e]) / float(len(gt))
def check_accuracy(net, num_batches, batch_size = 128):
acc = 0.0
for t in range(num_batches):
gts = net.blobs['label'].data
ests = net.blobs['score'].data > 0
for gt, est in zip(gts, ests): #for each ground truth and estimated label vector
acc += hamming_distance(gt, est)
return acc / (num_batches * batch_size)
In [38]:
for itt in range(6):
print 'itt:{:3d}'.format((itt + 1) * 100), 'accuracy:{0:.4f}'.format(check_accuracy(solver.test_nets[0], 50))
In [25]:
def check_baseline_accuracy(net, num_batches, batch_size = 128):
acc = 0.0
for t in range(num_batches):
gts = net.blobs['label'].data
ests = np.zeros((batch_size, len(gts)))
for gt, est in zip(gts, ests): #for each ground truth and estimated label vector
acc += hamming_distance(gt, est)
return acc / (num_batches * batch_size)
print 'Baseline accuracy:{0:.4f}'.format(check_baseline_accuracy(solver.test_nets[0], 5823/128))
In [39]:
test_net = solver.test_nets[0]
for image_index in range(5):
plt.imshow(transformer.deprocess(copy(test_net.blobs['data'].data[image_index, ...])))
gtlist = test_net.blobs['label'].data[image_index, ...].astype(
estlist = test_net.blobs['score'].data[image_index, ...] > 0
plt.title('GT: {} \n EST: {}'.format(classes[np.where(gtlist)], classes[np.where(estlist)]))