In [1]:
from DSGRN import *
import random
import timeit
def display_time(seconds):
Given an elapsed time in seconds, return a string which breaks it into
years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
:param seconds: number of seconds
:type seconds: float
result = []
intervals = (
('years', 31536000),
('weeks', 604800),
('days', 86400),
('hours', 3600),
('minutes', 60),
('seconds', 1),
for name, count in intervals:
value = seconds // count
if value:
seconds -= value * count
if value == 1:
name = name.rstrip('s')
result.append("{} {}".format(value, name))
return ', '.join(result)
def estimate_time_to_compute_all_morsegraphs(network, sampletime = None):
Compute morsegraphs for the provided network at random and estimate how long
it would take to compute them all.
.. note::
If a single time-trial takes less time than ``sampletime`` (which defaults to ``.1`` seconds)
to complete, then this function should take approximately ``sampletime`` seconds to complete.
Otherwise, it will take as a single trial.
:param network: network to make estimates for
:type network: Network
:param sampletime: amount of time to spend on time trials in seconds
:type sampletime: float
if not sampletime:
sampletime = .1 # spend .1 seconds on time trials by default
pg = ParameterGraph(network)
N = pg.size()
def timetrial():
pi = random.randrange(0, N)
p = pg.parameter(pi)
dg = DomainGraph(p)
mg = MorseGraph(dg)
seconds_elapsed = 0
trials = 0
n = 1
while 2 * seconds_elapsed < sampletime:
seconds_elapsed = seconds_elapsed + timeit.timeit(timetrial, number=n, globals=globals())
trials = trials + n
n = 2 * n
average_time = seconds_elapsed/trials
estimated_time = average_time * N
return average_time * N
In [2]:
little_network = Network("""
X1 : (X1+X2)(~X3)
X2 : (X1)
X3 : (X1)(~X2)
In [3]:
estimated_time_in_seconds = estimate_time_to_compute_all_morsegraphs(little_network)
print(display_time(estimated_time_in_seconds) + " single-threaded on current hardware.")
In [4]:
big_network = Network("""
p53 : p38MAPK + ~mdm2 : E
mdm2 : ~CDK2 + AKT + CyclinG + ~ARF + p53 : E
ARF : p53 + betacatenin : E
p38MAPK : ~WIP1 : E
WIP1 : p53 : E
AKT : PIP3 : E
PIP3 : ~PTEN : E
PTEN : p53 : E
CDK2 : ~p21 : E
p21 : p53 : E
betacatenin : ~SIAH1 : E
SIAH1 : p53 : E
CyclinG : p53 : E
In [5]:
estimated_time_in_seconds = estimate_time_to_compute_all_morsegraphs(big_network)
print(display_time(estimated_time_in_seconds) + " single-threaded on current hardware.")
In [6]:
# More accurate: perform ~60s of trials.
estimated_time_in_seconds = estimate_time_to_compute_all_morsegraphs(big_network,60)
print(display_time(estimated_time_in_seconds) + " single-threaded on current hardware.")
In [7]:
# Again, to see variance between trials:
estimated_time_in_seconds = estimate_time_to_compute_all_morsegraphs(big_network,60)
print(display_time(estimated_time_in_seconds) + " single-threaded on current hardware.")