20 minute talk, 15 minutes yapping, 5 minutes questions

Begin: -Give some history.. Talk about NCAR's contribution.. Stovepiped non-interactive

  • Py-ART, data model driven design
  • A history of the ingests and how one by one ingests have been added.
  • Enter wradlib, Use of wradlib code as a low level optional dependancy.. Contrast wradlib and Py-art, Where is the magic?
  • Py-art use inside of DoE, use in radar processing
  • Py-ART use outside of DoE, Teaching (Steve), operations (Anderson)
  • Py-ART as a dependancy, ART-View..
  • What is the future, grid data model.

You Tube Video... click next for slides

From Zero to Hero in Two Years, Open Collaborative Radar Software and the Secret to our Success


As computer languages have undergone swift development in recent decades much of the oceanic and atmospheric community has been slow to shift from strongholds such as Fortran. While there has always been a number of open source solutions for the radar meteorology community to process data, projects have been stove-piped. Scientists tend to build applications on top of these software stacks in order to publish and the resultant code often is not used outside of the scientist’s institution or direct collaborators. This presentation will outline an alternate path using community based open source software. We will discuss the Python-ARM Radar Toolkit and recent community success in performing common radar processing tasks by combining multiple tools often written on different continents.

  • Scott Collis, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Nick Guy, University of Wyoming
  • Timothy Lang, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
  • Anderson Gama, SIMEPAR - Sistema Meteorológico do Paraná
  • Cesar Beneti, SIMEPAR - Sistema Meteorológico do Paraná
  • Stephen Nesbitt, University of Illinois
  • Scott Giangrande, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Maik Hiestermann, University of Potsdam
  • Kai Muehlbauer, University of Bonn

first a little radar 101

Traditional approaches to radar retrievals

What is Py-ART?

As Jonathan has already covered Py-ART is a data model driven Python based architecture for interacting with radar data

In [25]:
import pyart
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import ticker, colors
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
radar = pyart.io.read('../data/BRW131207040001.RAWWFAP')

{'comment': '', 'sigmet_task_name': 'NSA_PPI0    ', 'title': '', 'sigmet_extended_header': 'true', 'Conventions': 'CF/Radial instrument_parameters', 'source': '', 'version': '1.3', 'references': '', 'time_ordered': 'none', 'instrument_name': 'xsapr-nsar1', 'rays_missing': 0, 'original_container': 'sigmet', 'institution': '', 'history': ''}

In [3]:
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(radar)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = [10,8])
display.plot_ppi_map('reflectivity', sweep = 1, resolution = 'i',
                    vmin = -16, vmax = 28)

In [4]:
radar = pyart.io.read('../data/KGYX20150421_095426_V06.gz')
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(radar)

{'comment': '', 'title': '', 'Conventions': 'CF/Radial instrument_parameters', 'source': '', 'version': '1.3', 'references': '', 'instrument_name': '', 'original_container': 'NEXRAD Level II', 'institution': '', 'history': ''}

In [5]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = [10,8])
display.plot_ppi_map( 'reflectivity', vmin = -8, vmax = 64, 
                 resolution = 'i', max_lat = 45, 
                 min_lat = 43, min_lon = -72, max_lon = -69,
                cmap = pyart.graph.cm.NWSRef, mask_outside = False)
m = display.basemap
m.drawparallels(np.linspace(43, 45, 5),labels=[1,0,0,0])
m.drawmeridians(np.linspace(-72, -69, 4),labels=[0,0,0,1])

<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x11e409550>

Py-ART has:

  • Unit testing
  • Continious integration
  • Two funded developers, 13 contributors
  • Vibrant user community

And then something interesting happened!

We got organized

Three Dominant Python Radar Codebases

  • wradlib
  • Py-ART

Py-ART wradlib BALTRAD
The magic is in the box User has to add the magic Magic is everwhere!
Interactive Interactive Operational
Cython optimized, conditional imports Pure Python Compiled code with thin Python layer.
Community developed Community developed Community developed with EU seed funding

Use Case: Fuzzy logic using Py-ART and wradlib

We want to preclassify returns from the radar by what was causing the scattering

In [38]:
import skfuzzy as fuzz
import netCDF4
from scipy import ndimage
from copy import deepcopy
import os
#moment : [[start_up, finish_up, start_down, finish_down], weight]
def cum_score_fuzzy_logic(radar, mbfs = None, 
                          debug = False, ret_scores = False,
                          hard_const = None):
    if mbfs == None:
        second_trip = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0], 
                       'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[.5,.7,1,1], 0.0], 
                       'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0,0,.5,.6], 3.0], 
                       'height': [[0,0,5000,8000], 1.0], 
                       'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,100,100], 0.0],
                       'SNR' : [[15,20, 1000,1000],1.0]}

        rain = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0], 
                       'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.94,0.96,1,1], 1.0], 
                       'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 1.0], 
                       'height': [[0,0,5000,6000], 0.0], 
                       'sounding_temperature' : [[0,3,100,100], 2.0],
                       'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 1.0]}

        snow = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0], 
                       'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.85,0.9,1,1], 1.0], 
                       'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 1.0], 
                       'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0], 
                       'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,0,1.], 2.0],
                       'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 1.0]}

        no_scatter = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[90,90,400,400], 0.0], 
                       'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0,0,0.1,0.2], 0.0], 
                       'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0,0,0.1,0.2], 0.0], 
                       'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0], 
                       'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,100,100], 0.0],
                       'SNR' : [[-100,-100, 8,10], 6.0]}
        melting = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[20,30,80,90], 0.0], 
                       'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.6,0.7,.94,.96], 4.], 
                       'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 0], 
                       'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0], 
                       'sounding_temperature' : [[-1.,0,3.5,5], 2.],
                       'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 0.0]}

        mbfs = {'multi_trip': second_trip, 'rain' : rain, 
                'snow' :snow, 'no_scatter' : no_scatter, 'melting' : melting}
    flds = radar.fields
    scores = {}
    for key in mbfs.keys():
        if debug: print('Doing ' + key)
        this_score = np.zeros(flds[flds.keys()[0]]['data'].shape).flatten() * 0.0
        for MBF in mbfs[key].keys():
            this_score = fuzz.trapmf(flds[MBF]['data'].flatten(), 
                                     mbfs[key][MBF][0] )*mbfs[key][MBF][1] + this_score

        this_score = this_score.reshape(flds[flds.keys()[0]]['data'].shape)
        scores.update({key: ndimage.filters.median_filter(this_score, size = [3,4])})
    if hard_const != None:
        # hard_const = [[class, field, (v1, v2)], ...]
        for this_const in hard_const:
            if debug: print('Doing hard constraining ', this_const[0])
            key = this_const[0]
            const = this_const[1]
            fld_data = radar.fields[const]['data']
            lower = this_const[2][0]
            upper = this_const[2][1]
            const_area = np.where(np.logical_and(fld_data >= lower, fld_data <= upper))
            if debug: print(const_area)
            scores[key][const_area] = 0.0
    stacked_scores = np.dstack([scores[key] for key in scores.keys() ])  
    #sum_of_scores = stacked_scores.sum(axis = 2)
    #norm_stacked_scores = stacked_scores
    max_score = stacked_scores.argmax(axis = 2)

    gid = {}
    gid['data'] = max_score
    gid['units'] = ''
    gid['standard_name'] = 'gate_id'

    strgs = ''
    for key in scores.keys():
        strgs = strgs + str(i) + ': ' + key + ' '

    gid['long_name'] = 'Classification of dominant scatterer'
    gid['notes'] = strgs
    gid['valid_max'] = max_score.max()
    gid['valid_min'] = 0.0 
    if ret_scores == False:
        rv = (gid, scores.keys())
        rv = (gid, scores.keys(), scores)
    return rv
def fix_rain_above_bb(gid_fld, rain_class, melt_class, snow_class):
    new_gid = deepcopy(gid_fld)
    for ray_num in range(new_gid['data'].shape[0]):
        if melt_class in new_gid['data'][ray_num, :]:
            max_loc = np.where(new_gid['data'][ray_num, :] == melt_class)[0].max()
            rain_above_locs = np.where(new_gid['data'][ray_num, max_loc:] == rain_class)[0] + max_loc
            new_gid['data'][ray_num, rain_above_locs] = snow_class
    return new_gid

In [7]:
#First the data files.. These will be made available in a special collection eventually for easy download
#We are going to start with the 20th of May, 2011
csapr_raw_filename = '../data/095636.mdv'
csapr_radar = pyart.io.read(csapr_raw_filename)

In [8]:
#lets trim some gates
i_end = 975
for key in csapr_radar.fields.keys():
    csapr_radar.fields[key]['data']= csapr_radar.fields[key]['data'][:, 0:i_end]
csapr_radar.ngates = i_end

In [9]:
interp_sonde = netCDF4.Dataset('../data/sgpinterpolatedsondeC1.c1.20110520.000000.cdf')
temperatures = interp_sonde.variables['temp'][:]
times = interp_sonde.variables['time'][:]
heights = interp_sonde.variables['height'][:]
my_profile = pyart.retrieve.fetch_radar_time_profile(interp_sonde, csapr_radar)
#kludge to fix sounding station being higher than the radar
my_profile['height'][0] = 0.0
info_dict = {'long_name': 'Sounding temperature at gate',
             'standard_name' : 'temperature',
             'valid_min' : -100,
             'valid_max' : 100,
             'units' : 'degrees Celsius'}
z_dict, temp_dict = pyart.retrieve.map_profile_to_gates( my_profile['temp'], 
csapr_radar.add_field('sounding_temperature', temp_dict, replace_existing = True)
csapr_radar.add_field('height', z_dict, replace_existing = True)

In [11]:
phidp_text = pyart.retrieve.texture_of_complex_phase(csapr_radar)
csapr_radar.add_field('differential_phase_texture', phidp_text, replace_existing = True)

In [12]:
snr = pyart.retrieve.calculate_snr_from_reflectivity(csapr_radar)
csapr_radar.add_field('SNR', snr, replace_existing = True)

In [13]:
lon_lines=[-95, -96, -97, -98, -99]

#create an instance of the class using our radar
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(csapr_radar)
#create a Matplotlib figure
f = plt.figure(figsize = [17,4])
#now we are going to do a three panel plot, resolution is a basemap parameter and determines the resolution of 
#the coastline.. here we set to intermediate or 'i' ('h' for high 'l' for low)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) 
display.plot_ppi_map('sounding_temperature', sweep = 3, vmin = -30, vmax = 30,
                      min_lon = min_lon, max_lon = max_lon, min_lat = min_lat, max_lat = max_lat,
                     resolution = 'i')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) 
display.plot_ppi_map('SNR', sweep = 3, vmin = -30, vmax = 80,
                      min_lon = min_lon, max_lon = max_lon, min_lat = min_lat, max_lat = max_lat,
                     resolution = 'i')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) 
display.plot_ppi_map('differential_phase_texture', sweep = 0, vmax = 200,
                      min_lon = min_lon, max_lon = max_lon, min_lat = min_lat, max_lat = max_lat,
                     resolution = 'i')

In [14]:
second_trip = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0], 
               'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[.5,.7,1,1], 0.0], 
               'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0,0,.5,.6], 3.0], 
               'height': [[0,0,5000,8000], 1.0], 
               'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,100,100], 0.0],
               'SNR' : [[15,20, 1000,1000],1.0]}

rain = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,60,80], 1.0], 
               'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.97,0.98,1,1], 1.0], 
               'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 1.0], 
               'height': [[0,0,5000,6000], 0.0], 
               'sounding_temperature' : [[0.,5.,100,100], 2.0],
               'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 1.0]}

snow = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0], 
               'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.85,0.9,1,1], 1.0], 
               'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 1.0], 
               'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0], 
               'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,.1,4.], 2.0],
               'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 1.0]}

no_scatter = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[90,90,400,400], 0.0], 
               'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0,0,0.1,0.2], 0.0], 
               'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0,0,0.1,0.2], 0.0], 
               'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0], 
               'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,100,100], 0.0],
               'SNR' : [[-100,-100, 8,10], 6.0]}

melting = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[30,40,80,90], 2.0], 
               'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.6,0.65,.92,.95], 4.], 
               'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 0], 
               'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0], 
               'sounding_temperature' : [[-2.,-1.,6,7], 1.],
               'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 0.0]}

mbfs = {'multi_trip': second_trip, 'rain' : rain, 
        'snow' :snow, 'no_scatter' : no_scatter, 'melting' : melting}

hard_const = [['melting' , 'sounding_temperature', (10, 100)],
              ['multi_trip', 'height', (10000, 1000000)],
              ['melting' , 'sounding_temperature', (-10000, -7)]]

In [21]:
#hard_const = [['melting' , 'sounding_temperature', (6, 100)]]

gid_fld, cats = cum_score_fuzzy_logic(csapr_radar, mbfs = mbfs, debug = True, hard_const = hard_const)
csapr_radar.add_field('gate_id', fix_rain_above_bb(gid_fld, 3, 1, 5), 
                      replace_existing = True)

Doing no_scatter
Doing melting
Doing multi_trip
Doing rain
Doing snow
('Doing hard constraining ', 'melting')
(masked_array(data = [   0    0    0 ..., 6119 6119 6119],
             mask = False,
       fill_value = -9999.0)
, masked_array(data = [ 0  1  2 ..., 28 29 30],
             mask = False,
       fill_value = -9999.0)
('Doing hard constraining ', 'multi_trip')
(array([1800, 1800, 1800, ..., 6119, 6119, 6119]), array([966, 967, 968, ..., 972, 973, 974]))
('Doing hard constraining ', 'melting')
(masked_array(data = [1080 1080 1080 ..., 6119 6119 6119],
             mask = False,
       fill_value = -9999.0)
, masked_array(data = [806 807 808 ..., 972 973 974],
             mask = False,
       fill_value = -9999.0)

In [36]:
kwrgsss = {'sweep' : 5, 'min_lon' : min_lon, 'max_lon' : max_lon, 
           'min_lat' : min_lat, 'max_lat' : max_lat, 'resolution' : 'l'}
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(csapr_radar)
f = plt.figure(figsize = [15,10])
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) 
lab_colors=['gray','yellow', 'red', 'green', 'cyan' ]
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(lab_colors)
display.plot_ppi_map('gate_id', cmap = cmap, vmin = 0, vmax = 5, **kwrgsss)
tick_locs   = np.linspace(0,len(cats) -1 ,len(cats))+0.5
display.cbs[-1].locator     = ticker.FixedLocator(tick_locs)
display.cbs[-1].formatter   = ticker.FixedFormatter(cats)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2); display.plot_ppi_map('reflectivity',vmin = -8, vmax = 64, **kwrgsss)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3); display.plot_ppi_map('differential_phase_texture', vmin =0, vmax = 90, **kwrgsss)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4); display.plot_ppi_map('cross_correlation_ratio', vmin = 0, vmax = 1, **kwrgsss)

In [62]:
files = os.listdir('../data/')

good_files = []
for fl in files:
    if '.mdv' in fl:

good_radars = []
for fl in good_files:
    csapr_radar = pyart.io.read('../data/'+fl)
    #lets trim some gates
    i_end = 975
    for key in csapr_radar.fields.keys():
        csapr_radar.fields[key]['data']= csapr_radar.fields[key]['data'][:, 0:i_end]
    csapr_radar.ngates = i_end
    csapr_radar.add_field('sounding_temperature', temp_dict, replace_existing = True)
    csapr_radar.add_field('height', z_dict, replace_existing = True)
    phidp_text = pyart.retrieve.texture_of_complex_phase(csapr_radar)
    csapr_radar.add_field('differential_phase_texture', phidp_text, replace_existing = True)
    snr = pyart.retrieve.calculate_snr_from_reflectivity(csapr_radar)
    csapr_radar.add_field('SNR', snr, replace_existing = True)
    #hard_const = [['melting' , 'sounding_temperature', (6, 100)]]
    gid_fld, cats = cum_score_fuzzy_logic(csapr_radar, mbfs = mbfs, debug = False, hard_const = hard_const)
    csapr_radar.add_field('gate_id', fix_rain_above_bb(gid_fld, 3, 1, 5), 
                          replace_existing = True)
    print('Done ', fl)

('Done ', '090036.mdv')
('Done ', '090736.mdv')
('Done ', '091436.mdv')
('Done ', '092136.mdv')
('Done ', '092836.mdv')
('Done ', '093536.mdv')
('Done ', '094236.mdv')
('Done ', '094936.mdv')
('Done ', '095636.mdv')

In [63]:
from JSAnimation import IPython_display
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

In [64]:
kwrgsss = {'sweep' : 3, 'min_lon' : min_lon, 'max_lon' : max_lon, 
           'min_lat' : min_lat, 'max_lat' : max_lat, 'resolution' : 'l'}

def update_radar(n):
    global fig, ax1, sx2, ax3, ax4, cmap
    display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(good_radars[n])
    display.plot_ppi_map('gate_id', cmap = cmap, 
                         vmin = 0, vmax = 5, colorbar_flag = False, ax = ax1, **kwrgsss)
    display.plot_ppi_map('reflectivity',vmin = -8, vmax = 64,
                         colorbar_flag = False, ax = ax2, **kwrgsss)
    display.plot_ppi_map('differential_phase_texture', vmin =0, vmax = 90,
                         colorbar_flag = False, ax = ax3, **kwrgsss)
    display.plot_ppi_map('cross_correlation_ratio', vmin = 0, vmax = 1,
                         colorbar_flag = False, ax = ax4,**kwrgsss)

In [65]:
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(good_radars[0])
fig = plt.figure(figsize = [15,10])
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) 
lab_colors=['gray','yellow', 'red', 'green', 'cyan' ]
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(lab_colors)
display.plot_ppi_map('gate_id', cmap = cmap, vmin = 0, vmax = 5, **kwrgsss)
tick_locs   = np.linspace(0,len(cats) -1 ,len(cats))+0.5
display.cbs[-1].locator     = ticker.FixedLocator(tick_locs)
display.cbs[-1].formatter   = ticker.FixedFormatter(cats)
ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2); display.plot_ppi_map('reflectivity',vmin = -8, vmax = 64, **kwrgsss)
ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3); display.plot_ppi_map('differential_phase_texture', vmin =0, vmax = 90, **kwrgsss)
ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4); display.plot_ppi_map('cross_correlation_ratio', vmin = 0, vmax = 1, **kwrgsss)
FuncAnimation(fig, update_radar, interval=1000, frames= len(good_radars))


Once Loop Reflect
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x10ee2b510>

What are people using Py-ART for?

  • Folks from the University of Wyoming have built an interactive viewer
  • Researchers at NASA use it to ingest data and facilitate microphysical retrievals
  • Scientists at Sistema Meteorológico do Paraná (SIMEPAR) in Brazil use Py-ART to grid data prior to public dissemination and use in nowcasting
  • Multiple institutions are using Py-ART for teaching and graduate research!

ART-View: An interactive viewer for radar data

Research at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

  • Py-ART provides the engine to ingest data from a given polarimetric radar
  • Py-ART then can easily grid and/or save the resulting processed data to disk.
  • This work supports both precipitation (e.g., GPM) and ocean wind (e.g., helping diagnose total precipitation water content relevant for scatterometer attenuation) research at NASA Marshall.

Operational development at SIMEPAR

  • Py-ART is the key component to custom grid data from the operational radar system.
  • Data is then handed off to internal systems for use and display. First use of Py-ART in operations! #opensourcewins
  • Work is ongoing to couple back into TITAN for nowcasting We want to get tracking into Py-ART

So? The secret?

  • Ok.. Not really secrets, truths we all know.
  • Engage your program managers, collect metricsm highlight at meetings, engage programs in social media.
  • Run courses. Courses get potential users over the "Potential Hump".
  • Stuff you should be doing anyway: Version control, unit testing, documentation CI.
  • Know your niche. We can not all be the next Numpy or Matplotlib. But there is plenty of space in our field for more software. Know the state of the app ecosystem (not just Python) and how your project fits in. Treat others in your field with respect and work out how you can work with them!

The Future

  • We need a roadmap.. We need your help with this
  • The Grid object.. Unlike the Radar object the grid object was built quickly and without thought.. It sucks.. We need to build a generalized grid object. This will benefit other projects!
  • Fixing projection issues.. The new gridding method meant we could start to do CONUS composit.. We quickly worked out our ad-hoc displacement code was wrong, need to use pyproj
  • More retrievals: Vertical Velocities, rainfall etc
  • More IO: Write to UF and ODIM
  • More Courses: AMS Radar (September), ERAD 2016

Thank you!


Twitter: cyclogenesis_au, py_art

This presentation has been created by UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National Laboratory (“Argonne”). Argonne, a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory, is operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. This research was supported by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy as part of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility.

3:50-4:10 room 204 Title:

From Zero to Hero in Two Years, Open Collaborative Radar Software and the Secret to our Success


As computer languages have undergone swift development in recent decades much of the oceanic and atmospheric community has been slow to shift from strongholds such as Fortran. While there has always been a number of open source solutions for the radar meteorology community to process data, projects have been stove-piped. Scientists tend to build applications on top of these software stacks in order to publish and the resultant code often is not used outside of the scientist’s institution or direct collaborators. This presentation will outline an alternate path using community based open source software. We will discuss the Python-ARM Radar Toolkit and recent community success in performing common radar processing tasks by combining multiple tools often written on different continents.

Presenter(s): Scott Collis, Argonne National Laboratory Nick Guy, University of Wyoming Anderson Gama, SIMEPAR - Sistema Meteorológico do Paraná Cesar Beneti, SIMEPAR - Sistema Meteorológico do Paraná Stephen Nesbitt, University of Illinois Scott Giangrande, Brookhaven National Laboratory Maik Hiestermann, University of Potsdam Kai Muehlbauer, University of Bonn