20 minute talk, 15 minutes yapping, 5 minutes questions
Begin: -Give some history.. Talk about NCAR's contribution.. Stovepiped non-interactive
As computer languages have undergone swift development in recent decades much of the oceanic and atmospheric community has been slow to shift from strongholds such as Fortran. While there has always been a number of open source solutions for the radar meteorology community to process data, projects have been stove-piped. Scientists tend to build applications on top of these software stacks in order to publish and the resultant code often is not used outside of the scientist’s institution or direct collaborators. This presentation will outline an alternate path using community based open source software. We will discuss the Python-ARM Radar Toolkit and recent community success in performing common radar processing tasks by combining multiple tools often written on different continents.
What is Py-ART?
As Jonathan has already covered Py-ART is a data model driven Python based architecture for interacting with radar data
In [25]:
import pyart
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import ticker, colors
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
radar = pyart.io.read('../data/BRW131207040001.RAWWFAP')
In [3]:
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(radar)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = [10,8])
display.plot_ppi_map('reflectivity', sweep = 1, resolution = 'i',
vmin = -16, vmax = 28)
In [4]:
radar = pyart.io.read('../data/KGYX20150421_095426_V06.gz')
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(radar)
In [5]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = [10,8])
display.plot_ppi_map( 'reflectivity', vmin = -8, vmax = 64,
resolution = 'i', max_lat = 45,
min_lat = 43, min_lon = -72, max_lon = -69,
cmap = pyart.graph.cm.NWSRef, mask_outside = False)
m = display.basemap
m.drawparallels(np.linspace(43, 45, 5),labels=[1,0,0,0])
m.drawmeridians(np.linspace(-72, -69, 4),labels=[0,0,0,1])
Py-ART | wradlib | BALTRAD |
The magic is in the box | User has to add the magic | Magic is everwhere! |
Interactive | Interactive | Operational |
Cython optimized, conditional imports | Pure Python | Compiled code with thin Python layer. |
Community developed | Community developed | Community developed with EU seed funding |
In [38]:
import skfuzzy as fuzz
import netCDF4
from scipy import ndimage
from copy import deepcopy
import os
#moment : [[start_up, finish_up, start_down, finish_down], weight]
def cum_score_fuzzy_logic(radar, mbfs = None,
debug = False, ret_scores = False,
hard_const = None):
if mbfs == None:
second_trip = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[.5,.7,1,1], 0.0],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0,0,.5,.6], 3.0],
'height': [[0,0,5000,8000], 1.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,100,100], 0.0],
'SNR' : [[15,20, 1000,1000],1.0]}
rain = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.94,0.96,1,1], 1.0],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 1.0],
'height': [[0,0,5000,6000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[0,3,100,100], 2.0],
'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 1.0]}
snow = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.85,0.9,1,1], 1.0],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 1.0],
'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,0,1.], 2.0],
'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 1.0]}
no_scatter = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[90,90,400,400], 0.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0,0,0.1,0.2], 0.0],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0,0,0.1,0.2], 0.0],
'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,100,100], 0.0],
'SNR' : [[-100,-100, 8,10], 6.0]}
melting = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[20,30,80,90], 0.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.6,0.7,.94,.96], 4.],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 0],
'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[-1.,0,3.5,5], 2.],
'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 0.0]}
mbfs = {'multi_trip': second_trip, 'rain' : rain,
'snow' :snow, 'no_scatter' : no_scatter, 'melting' : melting}
flds = radar.fields
scores = {}
for key in mbfs.keys():
if debug: print('Doing ' + key)
this_score = np.zeros(flds[flds.keys()[0]]['data'].shape).flatten() * 0.0
for MBF in mbfs[key].keys():
this_score = fuzz.trapmf(flds[MBF]['data'].flatten(),
mbfs[key][MBF][0] )*mbfs[key][MBF][1] + this_score
this_score = this_score.reshape(flds[flds.keys()[0]]['data'].shape)
scores.update({key: ndimage.filters.median_filter(this_score, size = [3,4])})
if hard_const != None:
# hard_const = [[class, field, (v1, v2)], ...]
for this_const in hard_const:
if debug: print('Doing hard constraining ', this_const[0])
key = this_const[0]
const = this_const[1]
fld_data = radar.fields[const]['data']
lower = this_const[2][0]
upper = this_const[2][1]
const_area = np.where(np.logical_and(fld_data >= lower, fld_data <= upper))
if debug: print(const_area)
scores[key][const_area] = 0.0
stacked_scores = np.dstack([scores[key] for key in scores.keys() ])
#sum_of_scores = stacked_scores.sum(axis = 2)
#norm_stacked_scores = stacked_scores
max_score = stacked_scores.argmax(axis = 2)
gid = {}
gid['data'] = max_score
gid['units'] = ''
gid['standard_name'] = 'gate_id'
strgs = ''
for key in scores.keys():
strgs = strgs + str(i) + ': ' + key + ' '
gid['long_name'] = 'Classification of dominant scatterer'
gid['notes'] = strgs
gid['valid_max'] = max_score.max()
gid['valid_min'] = 0.0
if ret_scores == False:
rv = (gid, scores.keys())
rv = (gid, scores.keys(), scores)
return rv
def fix_rain_above_bb(gid_fld, rain_class, melt_class, snow_class):
new_gid = deepcopy(gid_fld)
for ray_num in range(new_gid['data'].shape[0]):
if melt_class in new_gid['data'][ray_num, :]:
max_loc = np.where(new_gid['data'][ray_num, :] == melt_class)[0].max()
rain_above_locs = np.where(new_gid['data'][ray_num, max_loc:] == rain_class)[0] + max_loc
new_gid['data'][ray_num, rain_above_locs] = snow_class
return new_gid
In [7]:
#First the data files.. These will be made available in a special collection eventually for easy download
#We are going to start with the 20th of May, 2011
csapr_raw_filename = '../data/095636.mdv'
csapr_radar = pyart.io.read(csapr_raw_filename)
In [8]:
#lets trim some gates
i_end = 975
for key in csapr_radar.fields.keys():
csapr_radar.fields[key]['data']= csapr_radar.fields[key]['data'][:, 0:i_end]
csapr_radar.ngates = i_end
In [9]:
interp_sonde = netCDF4.Dataset('../data/sgpinterpolatedsondeC1.c1.20110520.000000.cdf')
temperatures = interp_sonde.variables['temp'][:]
times = interp_sonde.variables['time'][:]
heights = interp_sonde.variables['height'][:]
my_profile = pyart.retrieve.fetch_radar_time_profile(interp_sonde, csapr_radar)
#kludge to fix sounding station being higher than the radar
my_profile['height'][0] = 0.0
info_dict = {'long_name': 'Sounding temperature at gate',
'standard_name' : 'temperature',
'valid_min' : -100,
'valid_max' : 100,
'units' : 'degrees Celsius'}
z_dict, temp_dict = pyart.retrieve.map_profile_to_gates( my_profile['temp'],
csapr_radar.add_field('sounding_temperature', temp_dict, replace_existing = True)
csapr_radar.add_field('height', z_dict, replace_existing = True)
In [11]:
phidp_text = pyart.retrieve.texture_of_complex_phase(csapr_radar)
csapr_radar.add_field('differential_phase_texture', phidp_text, replace_existing = True)
In [12]:
snr = pyart.retrieve.calculate_snr_from_reflectivity(csapr_radar)
csapr_radar.add_field('SNR', snr, replace_existing = True)
In [13]:
lon_lines=[-95, -96, -97, -98, -99]
#create an instance of the class using our radar
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(csapr_radar)
#create a Matplotlib figure
f = plt.figure(figsize = [17,4])
#now we are going to do a three panel plot, resolution is a basemap parameter and determines the resolution of
#the coastline.. here we set to intermediate or 'i' ('h' for high 'l' for low)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
display.plot_ppi_map('sounding_temperature', sweep = 3, vmin = -30, vmax = 30,
min_lon = min_lon, max_lon = max_lon, min_lat = min_lat, max_lat = max_lat,
resolution = 'i')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
display.plot_ppi_map('SNR', sweep = 3, vmin = -30, vmax = 80,
min_lon = min_lon, max_lon = max_lon, min_lat = min_lat, max_lat = max_lat,
resolution = 'i')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
display.plot_ppi_map('differential_phase_texture', sweep = 0, vmax = 200,
min_lon = min_lon, max_lon = max_lon, min_lat = min_lat, max_lat = max_lat,
resolution = 'i')
In [14]:
second_trip = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[.5,.7,1,1], 0.0],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0,0,.5,.6], 3.0],
'height': [[0,0,5000,8000], 1.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,100,100], 0.0],
'SNR' : [[15,20, 1000,1000],1.0]}
rain = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,60,80], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.97,0.98,1,1], 1.0],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 1.0],
'height': [[0,0,5000,6000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[0.,5.,100,100], 2.0],
'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 1.0]}
snow = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[0,0,80,90], 1.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.85,0.9,1,1], 1.0],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 1.0],
'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,.1,4.], 2.0],
'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 1.0]}
no_scatter = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[90,90,400,400], 0.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0,0,0.1,0.2], 0.0],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0,0,0.1,0.2], 0.0],
'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[-100,-100,100,100], 0.0],
'SNR' : [[-100,-100, 8,10], 6.0]}
melting = {'differential_phase_texture' : [[30,40,80,90], 2.0],
'cross_correlation_ratio' : [[0.6,0.65,.92,.95], 4.],
'normalized_coherent_power' : [[0.4,0.5,1,1], 0],
'height': [[0,0,25000,25000], 0.0],
'sounding_temperature' : [[-2.,-1.,6,7], 1.],
'SNR' : [[8,10, 1000,1000], 0.0]}
mbfs = {'multi_trip': second_trip, 'rain' : rain,
'snow' :snow, 'no_scatter' : no_scatter, 'melting' : melting}
hard_const = [['melting' , 'sounding_temperature', (10, 100)],
['multi_trip', 'height', (10000, 1000000)],
['melting' , 'sounding_temperature', (-10000, -7)]]
In [21]:
#hard_const = [['melting' , 'sounding_temperature', (6, 100)]]
gid_fld, cats = cum_score_fuzzy_logic(csapr_radar, mbfs = mbfs, debug = True, hard_const = hard_const)
csapr_radar.add_field('gate_id', fix_rain_above_bb(gid_fld, 3, 1, 5),
replace_existing = True)
In [36]:
kwrgsss = {'sweep' : 5, 'min_lon' : min_lon, 'max_lon' : max_lon,
'min_lat' : min_lat, 'max_lat' : max_lat, 'resolution' : 'l'}
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(csapr_radar)
f = plt.figure(figsize = [15,10])
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
lab_colors=['gray','yellow', 'red', 'green', 'cyan' ]
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(lab_colors)
display.plot_ppi_map('gate_id', cmap = cmap, vmin = 0, vmax = 5, **kwrgsss)
tick_locs = np.linspace(0,len(cats) -1 ,len(cats))+0.5
display.cbs[-1].locator = ticker.FixedLocator(tick_locs)
display.cbs[-1].formatter = ticker.FixedFormatter(cats)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2); display.plot_ppi_map('reflectivity',vmin = -8, vmax = 64, **kwrgsss)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3); display.plot_ppi_map('differential_phase_texture', vmin =0, vmax = 90, **kwrgsss)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4); display.plot_ppi_map('cross_correlation_ratio', vmin = 0, vmax = 1, **kwrgsss)
In [62]:
files = os.listdir('../data/')
good_files = []
for fl in files:
if '.mdv' in fl:
good_radars = []
for fl in good_files:
csapr_radar = pyart.io.read('../data/'+fl)
#lets trim some gates
i_end = 975
for key in csapr_radar.fields.keys():
csapr_radar.fields[key]['data']= csapr_radar.fields[key]['data'][:, 0:i_end]
csapr_radar.ngates = i_end
csapr_radar.add_field('sounding_temperature', temp_dict, replace_existing = True)
csapr_radar.add_field('height', z_dict, replace_existing = True)
phidp_text = pyart.retrieve.texture_of_complex_phase(csapr_radar)
csapr_radar.add_field('differential_phase_texture', phidp_text, replace_existing = True)
snr = pyart.retrieve.calculate_snr_from_reflectivity(csapr_radar)
csapr_radar.add_field('SNR', snr, replace_existing = True)
#hard_const = [['melting' , 'sounding_temperature', (6, 100)]]
gid_fld, cats = cum_score_fuzzy_logic(csapr_radar, mbfs = mbfs, debug = False, hard_const = hard_const)
csapr_radar.add_field('gate_id', fix_rain_above_bb(gid_fld, 3, 1, 5),
replace_existing = True)
print('Done ', fl)
In [63]:
from JSAnimation import IPython_display
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
In [64]:
kwrgsss = {'sweep' : 3, 'min_lon' : min_lon, 'max_lon' : max_lon,
'min_lat' : min_lat, 'max_lat' : max_lat, 'resolution' : 'l'}
def update_radar(n):
global fig, ax1, sx2, ax3, ax4, cmap
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(good_radars[n])
display.plot_ppi_map('gate_id', cmap = cmap,
vmin = 0, vmax = 5, colorbar_flag = False, ax = ax1, **kwrgsss)
display.plot_ppi_map('reflectivity',vmin = -8, vmax = 64,
colorbar_flag = False, ax = ax2, **kwrgsss)
display.plot_ppi_map('differential_phase_texture', vmin =0, vmax = 90,
colorbar_flag = False, ax = ax3, **kwrgsss)
display.plot_ppi_map('cross_correlation_ratio', vmin = 0, vmax = 1,
colorbar_flag = False, ax = ax4,**kwrgsss)
In [65]:
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(good_radars[0])
fig = plt.figure(figsize = [15,10])
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
lab_colors=['gray','yellow', 'red', 'green', 'cyan' ]
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(lab_colors)
display.plot_ppi_map('gate_id', cmap = cmap, vmin = 0, vmax = 5, **kwrgsss)
tick_locs = np.linspace(0,len(cats) -1 ,len(cats))+0.5
display.cbs[-1].locator = ticker.FixedLocator(tick_locs)
display.cbs[-1].formatter = ticker.FixedFormatter(cats)
ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2); display.plot_ppi_map('reflectivity',vmin = -8, vmax = 64, **kwrgsss)
ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3); display.plot_ppi_map('differential_phase_texture', vmin =0, vmax = 90, **kwrgsss)
ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4); display.plot_ppi_map('cross_correlation_ratio', vmin = 0, vmax = 1, **kwrgsss)
FuncAnimation(fig, update_radar, interval=1000, frames= len(good_radars))
Twitter: cyclogenesis_au, py_art
3:50-4:10 room 204 Title:
From Zero to Hero in Two Years, Open Collaborative Radar Software and the Secret to our Success
As computer languages have undergone swift development in recent decades much of the oceanic and atmospheric community has been slow to shift from strongholds such as Fortran. While there has always been a number of open source solutions for the radar meteorology community to process data, projects have been stove-piped. Scientists tend to build applications on top of these software stacks in order to publish and the resultant code often is not used outside of the scientist’s institution or direct collaborators. This presentation will outline an alternate path using community based open source software. We will discuss the Python-ARM Radar Toolkit and recent community success in performing common radar processing tasks by combining multiple tools often written on different continents.
Presenter(s): Scott Collis, Argonne National Laboratory Nick Guy, University of Wyoming Anderson Gama, SIMEPAR - Sistema Meteorológico do Paraná Cesar Beneti, SIMEPAR - Sistema Meteorológico do Paraná Stephen Nesbitt, University of Illinois Scott Giangrande, Brookhaven National Laboratory Maik Hiestermann, University of Potsdam Kai Muehlbauer, University of Bonn