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%matplotlib inline
Tim Head, August 2016. Reformatted by Holger Nahrstaedt 2020
.. currentmodule:: skopt
Bayesian optimization or sequential model-based optimization uses a surrogate
model to model the expensive to evaluate objective function func
. It is
this model that is used to determine at which points to evaluate the expensive
objective next.
To help understand why the optimization process is proceeding the way it is, it is useful to plot the location and order of the points at which the objective is evaluated. If everything is working as expected, early samples will be spread over the whole parameter space and later samples should cluster around the minimum.
The :class:plots.plot_evaluations
function helps with visualizing the location and
order in which samples are evaluated for objectives with an arbitrary
number of dimensions.
The :class:plots.plot_objective
function plots the partial dependence of the objective,
as represented by the surrogate model, for each dimension and as pairs of the
input dimensions.
All of the minimizers implemented in skopt
return an OptimizeResult
instance that can be inspected. Both :class:plots.plot_evaluations
and :class:plots.plot_objective
are helpers that do just that
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
We will use two different toy models to demonstrate how :class:plots.plot_evaluations
The first model is the :class:benchmarks.branin
function which has two dimensions and three
The second model is the hart6
function which has six dimension which makes
it hard to visualize. This will show off the utility of
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from skopt.benchmarks import branin as branin
from skopt.benchmarks import hart6 as hart6_
# redefined `hart6` to allow adding arbitrary "noise" dimensions
def hart6(x):
return hart6_(x[:6])
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from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
def plot_branin():
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x1_values = np.linspace(-5, 10, 100)
x2_values = np.linspace(0, 15, 100)
x_ax, y_ax = np.meshgrid(x1_values, x2_values)
vals = np.c_[x_ax.ravel(), y_ax.ravel()]
fx = np.reshape([branin(val) for val in vals], (100, 100))
cm = ax.pcolormesh(x_ax, y_ax, fx,
minima = np.array([[-np.pi, 12.275], [+np.pi, 2.275], [9.42478, 2.475]])
ax.plot(minima[:, 0], minima[:, 1], "r.", markersize=14,
lw=0, label="Minima")
cb = fig.colorbar(cm)
ax.legend(loc="best", numpoints=1)
ax.set_xlim([-5, 10])
ax.set_ylim([0, 15])
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from functools import partial
from skopt.plots import plot_evaluations
from skopt import gp_minimize, forest_minimize, dummy_minimize
bounds = [(-5.0, 10.0), (0.0, 15.0)]
n_calls = 160
forest_res = forest_minimize(branin, bounds, n_calls=n_calls,
base_estimator="ET", random_state=4)
_ = plot_evaluations(forest_res, bins=10)
creates a grid of size n_dims
by n_dims
The diagonal shows histograms for each of the dimensions. In the lower
triangle (just one plot in this case) a two dimensional scatter plot of all
points is shown. The order in which points were evaluated is encoded in the
color of each point. Darker/purple colors correspond to earlier samples and
lighter/yellow colors correspond to later samples. A red point shows the
location of the minimum found by the optimization process.
You should be able to see that points start clustering around the location of the true miminum. The histograms show that the objective is evaluated more often at locations near to one of the three minima.
Using :class:plots.plot_objective
we can visualise the one dimensional partial
dependence of the surrogate model for each dimension. The contour plot in
the bottom left corner shows the two dimensional partial dependence. In this
case this is the same as simply plotting the objective as it only has two
Partial dependence plots were proposed by [Friedman (2001)]_ as a method for interpreting the importance of input features used in gradient boosting machines. Given a function of $k$: variables $y=f\left(x_1, x_2, ..., x_k\right)$: the partial dependence of $f$ on the $i$-th variable $x_i$ is calculated as: $\phi\left( x_i \right) = \frac{1}{N} \sum^N_{j=0}f\left(x_{1,j}, x_{2,j}, ..., x_i, ..., x_{k,j}\right)$: with the sum running over a set of $N$ points drawn at random from the search space.
The idea is to visualize how the value of $x_j$: influences the function $f$: after averaging out the influence of all other variables.
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from skopt.plots import plot_objective
_ = plot_objective(forest_res)
The two dimensional partial dependence plot can look like the true objective but it does not have to. As points at which the objective function is being evaluated are concentrated around the suspected minimum the surrogate model sometimes is not a good representation of the objective far away from the minima.
Compare this to a minimizer which picks points at random. There is no structure visible in the order in which it evaluates the objective. Because there is no model involved in the process of picking sample points at random, we can not plot the partial dependence of the model.
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dummy_res = dummy_minimize(branin, bounds, n_calls=n_calls, random_state=4)
_ = plot_evaluations(dummy_res, bins=10)
Visualising what happens in two dimensions is easy, where
and :class:plots.plot_objective
start to be useful is when the
number of dimensions grows. They take care of many of the more mundane
things needed to make good plots of all combinations of the dimensions.
The next example uses class:benchmarks.hart6
which has six dimensions and shows both
and :class:plots.plot_objective
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bounds = [(0., 1.),] * 6
forest_res = forest_minimize(hart6, bounds, n_calls=n_calls,
base_estimator="ET", random_state=4)
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_ = plot_evaluations(forest_res)
_ = plot_objective(forest_res, n_samples=40)
To make things more interesting let's add two dimension to the problem.
As :class:benchmarks.hart6
only depends on six dimensions we know that for this problem
the new dimensions will be "flat" or uninformative. This is clearly visible
in both the placement of samples and the partial dependence plots.
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bounds = [(0., 1.),] * 8
n_calls = 200
forest_res = forest_minimize(hart6, bounds, n_calls=n_calls,
base_estimator="ET", random_state=4)
_ = plot_evaluations(forest_res)
_ = plot_objective(forest_res, n_samples=40)
# .. [Friedman (2001)] `doi:10.1214/aos/1013203451 section 8.2 <>`