Help on module yahoo_stocks:
yahoo_stocks - Import historical stock/index/ETF data into pandas from Yahoo! Finance.
Gets these variables: ['Open','High','Low','Close','Volume','Adj Close'].
Also calculates ['Dividend','ShareMultiplier','TotalValue'].
'ShareMultiplier' is "How many shares would I have if I bought 1 share on start_date?"
'TotalValue' is "How much cash would I have if I bought 1 share on start_date,
saved all the cash dividends I received, and sold all my shares today?"
get_table(*args, **kwargs)
Get raw data from Yahoo! Finance, clean it up, and return a DataFrame.
Inputs should be same as url() function.
Index will be DatetimeIndex of selected frequency.
CAUTION: Only includes days on which exchange was open!
load(symbol_list, start_date='2000-1-1',, 2, 7), freq='d', verbose=True)
Get data for multiple symbols. Returns a dictionary of DataFrames.
Each DataFrame stores one variable (e.g 'TotalValue') for all symbols.
symbol_list should be a list of strings, e.g. ['SPY','AAPL','^GSPC']
Set verbose = False to disable printing to screen.
make_url(symbol, start_date='2000-1-1',, 2, 7), freq='d')
Create url to download raw CSV data from Yahoo! Finance.
start_date and stop_date can be any format recognized by pd.to_datetime().
freq must be one of ['d','w','m'] meaning daily, weekly, monthly.