In [9]:
from finance import load_prices, quant, visualize

Load stock prices from file

In [10]:
date, ask, bid, voodoo = load_prices()

Analyze / Compute something based on the stock prices

In [11]:
%time quant(date, ask, bid, voodoo)

CPU times: user 25 s, sys: 17.1 s, total: 42.1 s
Wall time: 21.2 s

Visualize the results

In [12]:
visualize(date, ask, bid, voodoo)

Now do the same but with 'quant' mapped to Chapel

In [13]:
from finance_chpl import load_prices, quant, visualize

In [14]:
date, ask, bid, voodoo = load_prices()

In [15]:
%time quant(date, ask, bid, voodoo)

CPU times: user 6.6 s, sys: 167 ms, total: 6.76 s
Wall time: 3.39 s

In [16]:
visualize(date, ask, bid, voodoo)