This notebook creates tables that go into the main body of the paper.

In [2]:
import sys
import glob
import re
import fnmatch
import math
import datetime
import re
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import join, isfile, basename

import itertools

import numpy as np
from numpy import float32, int32, uint8, dtype, genfromtxt

import sklearn
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, LogLocator, FormatStrFormatter
%matplotlib inline

sys.path.append("../") # go to parent dir
import template_common as tc

In [3]:
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:90% !important; }</style>"))

In [4]:
# Global options
write_files_and_tables = False

In [5]:
dist_df, jac_df, hess_df, timeMem_df = tc.readStatTables()
grouped_label_table, total_table = tc.groupTables( dist_df, jac_df, hess_df, timeMem_df, tc.template_list  )

../ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df['TEMPLATE'] = df.apply(lambda x: template_name(x['TEMPLATE']), axis=1)
../ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df['ALG'] = df.apply(lambda x: alg_name(x['ALG']), axis=1)
../ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df['TA'] = df.apply(lambda x: ''.join([x['TEMPLATE'],':',x['ALG']]), axis=1)

In [6]:
if( write_files_and_tables ):
    dist_csv_f = 'skeleton_dist_all_%s.csv'%('%Y%m%d'))
    dist_df.to_csv( dist_csv_f, index=False )

    jac_csv_f = 'jac_all_%s.csv'%('%Y%m%d'))
    jac_df.to_csv( jac_csv_f, index=False )

    hes_csv_f = 'hes_all_%s.csv'%('%Y%m%d'))
    hess_df.to_csv( hes_csv_f, index=False )

    timeMem_csv_f = 'timeMem_all_%s.csv'%('%Y%m%d'))
    timeMem_df.to_csv( timeMem_csv_f, index=False )

Skeleton dist stat table

Table 3

In [ ]:
# grouped_label_table[ grouped_label_table.CPUTIME_hr_mean == float('nan') ]
# grouped_label_table[ grouped_label_table.ALG == 'Elastix B']

In [ ]:
skeleton_dist_stat_f = 'skeleton_dist_stat_raw_%s.tex'%('%Y%m%d'))

cols = ['TEMPLATE', 'ALG','DISTANCE_mean','DISTANCE_std']
antsa_df = grouped_label_table[grouped_label_table.ALG == 'ANTs A'][cols]
cmtka_df = grouped_label_table[grouped_label_table.ALG == 'CMTK A'][cols]
elastixa_df = grouped_label_table[grouped_label_table.ALG == 'Elastix A'][cols]

# Choose the algorithm that works best per template
best_df = grouped_label_table.sort_values('DISTANCE_mean') \
    .groupby('TEMPLATE', as_index=False) \

# combine these four tables
# The names of the columns for the 'best
total_table = best_df.set_index('TEMPLATE') \
    .join( antsa_df.set_index('TEMPLATE'), rsuffix='_antsA') \
    .join( cmtka_df.set_index('TEMPLATE'), rsuffix='_cmtkA') \
    .join( elastixa_df.set_index('TEMPLATE'), rsuffix='_elastixA') \

# Format the columns nicely
tc.meanStdStringCol( total_table, 'Best', 'DISTANCE_mean', 'DISTANCE_std')
tc.meanStdStringCol( total_table, 'ANTs A', 'DISTANCE_mean_antsA', 'DISTANCE_std_antsA')
tc.meanStdStringCol( total_table, 'CMTK A', 'DISTANCE_mean_cmtkA', 'DISTANCE_std_cmtkA')
tc.meanStdStringCol( total_table, 'Elastix A', 'DISTANCE_mean_elastixA', 'DISTANCE_std_elastixA')

skel_dist_table = total_table[['TEMPLATE','ALG','Best','ANTs A','CMTK A','Elastix A']].sort_values('Best')

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', skeleton_dist_stat_f )
    with open( skeleton_dist_stat_f, 'w') as f:
        f.write( skel_dist_table.to_latex())

Table 7

Skeleton distance sorted by mean distance

In [35]:
dist_meanStdMedian_f = 'tables/dist_meanStdMedian_%s.tex'%('%Y%m%d'))

tmask = dist_df.apply( lambda x: (x['TEMPLATE'] in tc.template_list ), axis=1)
t7_df = dist_df.loc[tmask]

t7_df = t7_df.loc[ (t7_df.LABEL == -1) & ((t7_df.normalization == 'warp') | (t7_df.normalization == 'na'))]
table7 = tc.clean_names(t7_df)[['TEMPLATE','ALG','DISTANCE_mean','DISTANCE_std','DISTANCE_median']]
table7['DISTANCE_mean'] = table7.apply(lambda x: float(x['DISTANCE_mean']), axis=1) 
table7['DISTANCE_median'] = table7.apply(lambda x: float(x['DISTANCE_median']), axis=1) 

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
table7 = table7.sort_values('DISTANCE_mean', ascending=True )

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', dist_meanStdMedian_f )
    with open( dist_meanStdMedian_f, 'w') as f:
        f.write( table7.to_latex())

/groups/saalfeld/home/bogovicj/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
/groups/saalfeld/home/bogovicj/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
75 JRC2018 ANTs A 3.97 3.65 3.08
75 Tefor ANTs A 4.00 3.68 3.16
75 JRC2018 CMTK A 4.03 3.70 3.16
75 JRC2018 CMTK B 4.04 3.70 3.16
75 JRC2018 Elastix A 4.05 3.73 3.24
75 JFRC2013 Elastix A 4.06 3.68 3.24
75 JFRC2013 Elastix B 4.10 3.73 3.24
75 JFRC2010 Elastix A 4.11 3.68 3.24
75 Tefor Elastix A 4.12 3.69 3.24
75 JRC2018 Elastix B 4.13 3.78 3.24
75 JRC2018 CMTK C 4.13 3.74 3.24
75 JFRC2013 ANTs A 4.15 3.84 3.24
75 JRC2018 ANTs B 4.34 3.94 3.46
75 FCWB ANTs A 4.35 3.97 3.46
75 JFRC2010 Elastix B 4.42 3.95 3.54
75 Tefor ANTs B 4.50 4.02 3.61
75 JRC2018 ANTs C 4.53 4.07 3.61
75 Tefor Elastix B 4.59 4.13 3.61
75 JFRC2010 ANTs B 4.59 4.06 3.61
75 JFRC2013 CMTK A 4.73 4.71 3.61
75 JFRC2010 ANTs C 4.81 4.15 3.81
75 Tefor ANTs C 4.83 4.32 3.81
75 JFRC2013 CMTK B 4.85 4.89 3.61
75 JFRC2013 ANTs B 4.97 4.40 3.81
75 JFRC2013 ANTs C 4.98 4.41 3.81
75 FCWB ANTs B 5.00 4.26 4.06
75 JFRC2013 CMTK C 5.10 4.23 4.12
75 FCWB CMTK C 5.17 4.54 4.06
75 FCWB ANTs C 5.21 4.41 4.12
75 FCWB CMTK B 5.26 4.75 4.06
75 Tefor CMTK C 5.27 5.44 3.81
75 JFRC2010 CMTK B 5.36 5.13 3.87
75 FCWB Elastix B 5.40 5.59 4.06
75 Tefor CMTK A 5.44 5.75 3.81
75 Tefor CMTK B 5.45 5.74 3.81
75 FCWB CMTK A 5.52 4.97 4.18
75 JFRC2010 CMTK A 5.69 5.50 4.12
75 JFRC2010 CMTK C 5.69 5.28 4.24
75 FCWB Elastix A 6.18 5.93 4.69
75 JFRC2010 ANTs A 6.31 6.20 4.47

Table 5

Redo table 5, using mean-of-means

In [74]:
alg_distance_table_f = 'tables/dist_byAlg_v2_%s.tex'%('%Y%m%d'))

rank_df = pd.DataFrame()
t7_df['DISTANCE_median'] = t7_df.apply(lambda x: float(x['DISTANCE_median']), axis=1) 
t7_df['DISTANCE_mean'] = t7_df.apply(lambda x: float(x['DISTANCE_mean']), axis=1) 

for t in t7_df['TEMPLATE'].unique():
    tmp= t7_df[t7_df.TEMPLATE == t ].sort_values('DISTANCE_mean', ascending=True ).reset_index()
    tmp['MEAN_RANK'] = tmp.index
    tmp['MEAN_RANK'] = tmp.index
    tmp2 = tmp.sort_values('DISTANCE_median', ascending=True ).reset_index()
    tmp['MEDIAN_RANK'] = tmp2.index

    rank_df = rank_df.append( tmp[['ALG','TEMPLATE','MEAN_RANK','MEDIAN_RANK']])

# Generate each column
average_ranks_by_algorithm = rank_df.groupby('ALG').mean()

mean_of_mean_distance = t7_df[['ALG','DISTANCE_mean']].groupby('ALG').mean().sort_values('DISTANCE_mean', ascending=True )

mean_of_median_distance = t7_df[['ALG','DISTANCE_median']].groupby('ALG').mean().sort_values('DISTANCE_median', ascending=True )

jrc18_dist_means = t7_df[ t7_df.TEMPLATE == 'JRC2018' ][['ALG','DISTANCE_mean']].set_index('ALG')

# join the tables
total_alg_table = average_ranks_by_algorithm \
    .join( mean_of_mean_distance ) \
    .join( mean_of_median_distance ) \
    .join( jrc18_dist_means, rsuffix='_jrc18' )

table5 = total_alg_table[[ 'DISTANCE_mean', 'DISTANCE_mean_jrc18', 'DISTANCE_median', 'MEAN_RANK' ]] \
    .sort_values('MEAN_RANK', ascending=True ).reset_index()
# Write to file
if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', alg_distance_table_f )
    with open( alg_distance_table_f, 'w') as f:
        f.write( table5.to_latex())

writing :  tables/dist_byAlg_v2_20191015.tex

Jacobian determinant

Table 4

In [ ]:
# grouped_label_table.head()
smoothness_stat_f = 'smoothness_stat_raw_%s.tex'%('%Y%m%d'))

sm_cols = ['TEMPLATE', 'ALG','JAC_std','HES_mean', 'DISTANCE_mean']
sm_antsa_df = grouped_label_table[grouped_label_table.ALG == 'ANTs A'][sm_cols]
sm_cmtka_df = grouped_label_table[grouped_label_table.ALG == 'CMTK A'][sm_cols]
sm_elastixa_df = grouped_label_table[grouped_label_table.ALG == 'Elastix A'][sm_cols]

sm_best_df = grouped_label_table.sort_values('DISTANCE_mean') \
    .groupby('TEMPLATE', as_index=False) \
sm_total_table = sm_best_df.set_index('TEMPLATE') \
    .join( sm_antsa_df.set_index('TEMPLATE'), rsuffix='_antsA') \
    .join( sm_cmtka_df.set_index('TEMPLATE'), rsuffix='_cmtkA') \
    .join( sm_elastixa_df.set_index('TEMPLATE'), rsuffix='_elastixA') \

smooth_stat_table = sm_total_table[['TEMPLATE',
                                'HES_mean', 'HES_mean_antsA', 'HES_mean_cmtkA', 'HES_mean_elastixA'

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', smoothness_stat_f )
    with open( smoothness_stat_f, 'w') as f:
        f.write( smooth_stat_table.to_latex())


Distance vs Jacobian

Figure 5

In [ ]:

ax = tc.make_scatter_plot( grouped_label_table, 'JAC_std', 'DISTANCE_mean', alpha=0.8 )

ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.1) )
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.5) )
plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))

plt.xlabel('Jacobian determinant standard deviation', size=18)
plt.ylabel('Mean distance (um)', size=18)

fig = plt.gcf()
a = fig.set_size_inches( 16, 10 ) 

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', fout_prefix )

Distance vs Hessian

Figure 5a

In [ ]:

ax = tc.make_scatter_plot( grouped_label_table, 'HES_mean', 'DISTANCE_mean' )

ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.02) )
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))

plt.xlabel('Hessian mean', size=18)
plt.ylabel('Mean distance (um)', size=18)

fig = plt.gcf()
a = fig.set_size_inches( 16, 10 ) 

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', fout_prefix )

Jacobian vs Hessian

Figure 5c

In [71]:
X = grouped_label_table['JAC_std'].values.reshape(-1,1)
y = grouped_label_table['HES_mean'].values.reshape(-1,1)
linReg = LinearRegression().fit( X, y )

slope = linReg.coef_[0][0]
r2 = linReg.score(X, y)

print( 'slope %f'%(slope))
print( 'r2 %f'%(r2))

pearsonr( X, y )
# print( 'corr coef %f'%(pearsonr( X, y )))

slope 0.114238
r2 0.394149
(array([0.62781293]), array([1.44851647e-05]))

In [45]:

ax = tc.make_scatter_plot( grouped_label_table, 'JAC_std', 'HES_mean')

ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.02) )
plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))

plt.xlabel('Jacobian determinant standard deviation', size=18)
plt.ylabel('Hessian mean', size=18)

fig = plt.gcf()
a = fig.set_size_inches( 16, 10 )

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', fout_prefix )

Distance vs CpuTime

Figure 6

In [ ]:
# grouped_label_table.head()

In [ ]:
# Big figure


ax = tc.make_scatter_plot( grouped_label_table, 'CPUTIME_hr_mean', 'DISTANCE_mean')

ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))


plt.ylabel('CPU hours', size=18)
plt.ylabel('Mean distance (um)', size=18)

fig = plt.gcf()
a = fig.set_size_inches( 16, 10 )

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', fout_prefix )

In [ ]:
# Big figure


ax = tc.make_scatter_plot( grouped_label_table, 'CPUTIME_hr_mean', 'DISTANCE_mean')

ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))



# ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
# ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.02) )
# plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))

plt.xlabel('CPU hours', size=18)
plt.ylabel('Mean distance (um)', size=18)

fig = plt.gcf()
a = fig.set_size_inches( 16, 3 )

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', fout_prefix )

Skeleton distance stats table

Table 7

In [ ]:
dist_stat_f = 'distWarpStats_table_raw_%s.tex'%('%Y%m%d'))

table7 = dist_df[ (dist_df.LABEL==-1) & \
                 ((dist_df.normalization=='warp') | (dist_df.normalization=='na'))]

tmask = table7.apply(lambda x: x['TEMPLATE'] in tc.template_list, axis=1)
table7 = table7.loc[tmask]
table7 = table7.reset_index( drop=True )

table7['TEMPLATE'] = table7.apply(lambda x: tc.template_name(x['TEMPLATE']), axis=1)
table7['ALG'] = table7.apply(lambda x: tc.alg_name(x['ALG']), axis=1)

table7 = table7[['TEMPLATE','ALG','DISTANCE_mean', 'DISTANCE_std', 'DISTANCE_median']] \
    .reset_index( drop=True ) \
    .sort_values( by=['DISTANCE_mean'] )

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', dist_stat_f )
    with open( dist_stat_f, 'w') as f:
        f.write( table7.to_latex())

Smoothness stats table

Table 8

In [ ]:
smooth_stat_f = 'smoothnessStats_table_raw_%s.tex'%('%Y%m%d'))

jac_df_clean = tc.clean_names( jac_df ).loc[ jac_df.label == -1 ]
hess_df_clean = tc.clean_names( hess_df ).loc[ hess_df.label == -1 ]

# hess_df_clean
# jac_df_clean

sm_table = jac_df_clean.set_index('TA').join( hess_df_clean.set_index('TA'), lsuffix='_j' )

tc.meanStdStringCol( sm_table, 'JACMeanStd', 'JAC_mean', 'JAC_std', formatstring='%0.4f (%0.4f)')
tc.meanStdStringCol( sm_table, 'HESMeanStd', 'HES_mean', 'HES_std', formatstring='%0.4f (%0.4f)')

table8 = sm_table[['TEMPLATE','ALG','JACMeanStd', 'HESMeanStd']]
# sm_table = sm_table.groupby(['TEMPLATE','ALG'])
table8.reset_index( drop=True)

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', smooth_stat_f )
    with open( smooth_stat_f, 'w') as f:
        f.write( table8.to_latex())


Dist v Jacobian - Affine normalization

Figure 9

In [ ]:
dist_all_df, jac_all_df, hess_all_df, timeMem_all_df = tc.readStatTables( statdir )

dist_aff_df = dist_all_df[ (dist_all_df.normalization=='affine') | (dist_all_df.normalization=='na')]
aff_grouped_df = tc.groupTables( dist_aff_df, jac_all_df, hess_all_df, timeMem_all_df, tc.template_list  )

In [ ]:

ax = tc.make_scatter_plot( aff_grouped_df, 'JAC_std', 'DISTANCE_mean')

ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))

plt.xlabel('Jacobian determinant standard deviation', size=18)
plt.ylabel('Mean distance (um)', size=18)

fig = plt.gcf()
a = fig.set_size_inches( 16, 10 ) 

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', fout_prefix )

Dist v Speed - by Resolution

Figure 10 and Table 6

In [ ]:
cmv ='viridis')
cmm ='magma')
cmp ='plasma')

template_color_map_res_raw = { 
legend_order = ['JRC2018', 'JFRC2018 (1.2um)', 'JFRC2018 (2.4um)','JFRC2018 (3.6um)', \
                'Tefor', 'Tefor (1.2um)', 'Tefor (2.4um)', 'Tefor (3.6um)']

In [ ]:
template_color_map_res = {}
for k in template_color_map_res_raw.keys():
    template_color_map_res[ tc.template_name(k) ] = template_color_map_res_raw[k]

In [ ]:
# Grouped table for resolution table / figure

## TODO get tc.groupTables to work for this

# filter templates
tmask = dist_df.apply( lambda x: (x['TEMPLATE'] in tc.template_list_res ), axis=1)
df = dist_df.loc[tmask]

# Filter out appropriate rows and columns
dist_table = df.loc[ (df.LABEL == -1) & (df.ALG != 'ALL') & \
                    ((df.normalization == 'warp') | (df.normalization == 'na'))][['ALG','TEMPLATE','DISTANCE_mean','DISTANCE_std']]

dist_table = tc.clean_names( dist_table )

# Tabulate times
timeMem_df['CPUTIME'] = timeMem_df.apply(lambda x: float(x['runtime'])*float(x['numThreads']), axis=1) 
timeMem_df['CPUTIME_hr'] = timeMem_df.apply(lambda x: float( x['CPUTIME']) / 3600., axis=1) 

times_stats = timeMem_df.groupby(['ALG','TEMPLATE']).agg({'CPUTIME_hr' : ['mean','median','var']})
times_stats_flat = pd.DataFrame(times_stats.to_records())

newcols = [ re.sub('[\'(),]','', c ).replace( ' ', '_') for c in times_stats_flat.columns ]
times_stats_flat.columns = newcols
times_stats_flat['ALG'] = times_stats_flat.apply(lambda x: tc.alg_name(x['ALG']), axis=1)
times_stats_flat['CPUTIME_hr_sd'] = times_stats_flat.apply(lambda x: float(math.sqrt(x['CPUTIME_hr_var'])), axis=1)
times_stats_flat['TEMPLATE'] = times_stats_flat.apply(lambda x: tc.template_name(x['TEMPLATE']), axis=1)
times_stats_flat['TA'] = times_stats_flat.apply(lambda x: ''.join([x['TEMPLATE'],':',x['ALG']]), axis=1)
time_table = times_stats_flat

tmp_tbl = dist_table.set_index('TA').join( time_table.set_index('TA'), lsuffix='_dist')
res_grouped_label_table = tmp_tbl.reset_index()[['ALG','TEMPLATE','CPUTIME_hr_mean','CPUTIME_hr_sd','DISTANCE_mean','DISTANCE_std']]
res_grouped_label_table['DISTANCE_mean'] = res_grouped_label_table.apply(lambda x: float(x['DISTANCE_mean']), axis=1)
# res_grouped_label_table

# dm = pd.to_numeric( dist_df['DISTANCE_mean'])

# # middle = 4.217455
# # middle = 4.086319
# middle = 4.647281
# eps = 0.000001

# i = (dm > (middle-eps)) & (dm < (middle+eps))
# i.describe()

# dist_df[ i ][['TEMPLATE','ALG']]
# # dist_all_df[ (dist_all_df.DISTANCE_mean > 4.217454) & (dist_all_df.DISTANCE_mean < 4.217456)]

In [ ]:
res_dist_speed_stat_f = 'figs/res_speed_quality_raw_%s'%('%Y%m%d'))

ax = tc.make_scatter_plot( res_grouped_label_table, 'CPUTIME_hr_mean', 'DISTANCE_mean',

ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))

plt.xlabel('CPU hours', size=18)
plt.ylabel('Mean distance (um)', size=18)

legend_handles, legend_labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
indices = [ legend_labels.index( t ) for t in legend_order ]
legend_labels_new = [ legend_labels[i] for i in indices]
legend_handles_new = [ legend_handles[i] for i in indices]
ax.legend( legend_handles_new, legend_labels_new )


fig = plt.gcf()
a = fig.set_size_inches( 16, 10 ) 

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', res_dist_speed_stat_f )

In [ ]:
res_dist_speed_stat_f = 'figs/res_speed_quality_best_raw_%s'%('%Y%m%d'))

ax = tc.make_scatter_plot( res_grouped_label_table, 'CPUTIME_hr_mean', 'DISTANCE_mean',

ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(0.2) )
plt.grid( which='minor', linestyle=':', dashes=(3,3))

plt.xlabel('CPU hours', size=18)
plt.ylabel('Mean distance (um)', size=18)

plt.legend([]) # remove legend 

fig = plt.gcf()
a = fig.set_size_inches( 16, 3 )

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', res_dist_speed_stat_f )

Table 6

In [ ]:
resDistTime_stat_f = 'tables/res_distanceTime_%s.tex'%('%Y%m%d'))

table6 = res_grouped_label_table[['TEMPLATE','ALG','DISTANCE_mean','CPUTIME_hr_mean']]
table6.columns= ['Template', 'Algorithm', 'Mean Distance (um)', 'Mean CPU time (hrs)']
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format

if( write_files_and_tables ):
    print( 'writing : ', resDistTime_stat_f )
    with open( resDistTime_stat_f, 'w') as f:
        f.write( table6.to_latex())
