We want to find all Data.gov datasets that match a specific criteria. Here we try using the CKAN API with the ckanclient
In [4]:
import ckanclient
In [5]:
ckan = ckanclient.CkanClient('http://catalog.data.gov/api/3')
#ckan = ckanclient.CkanClient('https://data.noaa.gov/api/3')
In [6]:
search_params = {
'fq': 'res_format:WMS',
'rows': 10
d = ckan.action('package_search', **search_params)
print d['count']
In [7]:
for rec in d['results']:
print rec['title']
Find all WMS data matching additional query criteria
In [8]:
search_params = {
'q': 'mvco',
'fq': 'res_format:WMS',
'rows': 10
d = ckan.action('package_search', **search_params)
print d['count']
So what does one of these results look like? Let's take a look at the keys
In [9]:
print d['results'][0].keys()
Now let's see what the urls looks like for all the resources
In [10]:
So there are multiple resources for each record. Let's check out a some specific resource parameters for all datasets to see how the service endpoints might be defined:
In [11]:
for item in d['results']:
for member in item['resources']:
print 'url:',member['url']
print 'resource_locator_protocol:',member['resource_locator_protocol']
print 'resource_type:',member['resource_type']
print 'format:',member['format'],'\n'
if member['format'] == 'NetCDF' or member['resource_locator_protocol'] == 'THREDDS':
Lots of missing metadata information.
In [12]:
Hmmm... None of above URLs work. The THREDDS catalog exists, but none of the datasets here are in that catalog http://ecowatch.ncddc.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/ocean_exploration_research/catalog.html
In [12]:
Let's back off and see what the broader search yields:
In [14]:
search_params = { 'q': 'tags:"temperature"',
'extras': {"ext_bbox":"-60,60,-50,70"}
d = ckan.action('package_search', **search_params)
print d['count']
In [15]:
for item in d['results']:
for member in item['resources']:
print 'url:',member['url']
print 'resource_locator_protocol:',member['resource_locator_protocol']
print 'resource_type:',member['resource_type']
print 'format:',member['format'],'\n'
if member['format'] == 'NetCDF' or member['resource_locator_protocol'] == 'THREDDS':