The procedure is:
, u_0
, t_E
) from the light curve.s
, alpha
) from the light curve.s
, q
(fixed parameters); fits for rho
and alpha
but holds the PSPL parameters (t_0
, u_0
, t_E
) fixed.This notebook is setup to run on a simulated data file: WFIRST_1827.dat
. To run it on a different data file requires some limited user interaction indicated by ***
and path
, t_max
, t_planet_stop
The goal of the notebook is to demonstrate the procedure and run quickly, so it is not robust. The fitting procedure is very simplistic and relies on assuming this is a Gould & Loeb (1996) type planet, which means
This notebook will not perform well for:
Simple modifications that could improve performance indicated by *
, i.e. the method used and the time range it is used for.fit_model()
(This notebook is set up to use a 'Nelder-Mead' simplex algorithm. Simplex algorithms are known to perform poorly on microlensing events.)delta_log_s
, delta_log_q
, grid_log_s
, grid_log_q
In [ ]:
# Import packages
from datetime import datetime
start_time = # initialize timer
import MulensModel as mm
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as op
import os
import astropy.units as u
In [ ]:
# Define fitting functions
def chi2_fun(theta, event, parameters_to_fit):
Chi2 function. Changes values of the parameters and recalculates chi2.
event = a MulensModel.Event
parameters_to_fit = list of names of parameters to be changed
theta = values of the corresponding parameters
# key = the name of the MulensModel parameter
for (index, key) in enumerate(parameters_to_fit):
if (key == 't_E' or key =='rho') and theta[index] < 0.:
return np.inf
setattr(event.model.parameters, key, theta[index])
return event.get_chi2()
def fit_model(event, parameters_to_fit):
Fit an "event" with "parameters_to_fit" as free parameters.
event = a MulensModel event
parameters_to_fit = list of parameters to fit
# Take the initial starting point from the event.
x0 = []
for key in parameters_to_fit:
value = getattr(event.model.parameters, key)
if isinstance(value, u.Quantity):
# *Execute fit using a 'Nelder-Mead' algorithm*
result = op.minimize(
chi2_fun, x0=x0, args=(event, parameters_to_fit),
return result
In [ ]:
# ***Read in data file***
#path = os.path.join(mm.MODULE_PATH, "data")
path = '/home/jyee/microSIT/SSW17/HandsOn/Final/WFIRST_SAGAN_6'
filename = 'WFIRST_1827.dat' # Planet file
file = os.path.join(path, filename)
data = mm.MulensData(file_name=file)
In [ ]:
# Plot the data
pl.errorbar(data.time, data.mag, yerr=data.err_mag, fmt='o')
# ***Define plot limits for a zoom (of the planetary perturbation)***
(t_min, t_max) = (2460980, 2460990)
# Plot a zoom of the data
pl.errorbar(data.time - 2460000., data.mag, yerr=data.err_mag, fmt='o')
pl.xlim(t_min - 2460000., t_max - 2460000.)
pl.xlabel('t - 2460000')
In [ ]:
# ***Set time range of planetary perturbation (including 2460000).***
(t_planet_start, t_planet_stop) = (2460982., 2460985.)
# *Set the magnification methods for the planet model*
# VBBL method will be used between t_planet_start and t_planet_stop,
# and point_source_point_lens will be used everywhere else.
magnification_methods = [
0., 'point_source_point_lens',
t_planet_start, 'VBBL', t_planet_stop,
'point_source_point_lens', 2470000.]
In [ ]:
# Flag data related to the planet
flag_planet = (data.time > t_planet_start) & (data.time < t_planet_stop) | np.isnan(data.err_mag)
# Exclude those data from the fitting (for now)
data.bad = flag_planet
In [ ]:
# Estimate point lens parameters assuming zero blending
# Equation for point lens magnification:
# A(u) = (u^2 + 2) / (u * sqrt(u^2 + 4))
# where
# u = sqrt(u_0^2 + tau^2) and tau = (t - t_0) / t_E
# Thus, the light curve is defined by 3 variables: t_0, u_0, t_E
# Estimate t_0 (time of peak magnification)
index_t_0 = np.argmin(data.mag[np.invert(flag_planet)])
t_0 = data.time[index_t_0]
# Estimate u_0
baseline_mag = np.min([data.mag[0], data.mag[-1]]) # A crude estimate
A_max = 10.**((data.mag[index_t_0] - baseline_mag) / -2.5)
u_0 = 1. / A_max # True in the high-magnification limit
# Estimate t_E by determining when the light curve is A(t) = 1.3 (i.e. delta_mag = 0.3)
t_1 = np.interp(
baseline_mag - 0.3, data.mag[index_t_0:0:-1], data.time[index_t_0:0:-1])
t_E = np.abs((t_0 - t_1) / np.sqrt(1. - u_0**2))
In [ ]:
# Define the Point Lens Model
point_lens_model = mm.Model({'t_0': t_0, 'u_0': u_0, 't_E': t_E})
point_lens_event = mm.Event(datasets=data, model=point_lens_model)
print('Initial Guess')
# Plot (excluded data shown as 'X')
point_lens_event.plot_model(subtract_2460000=True, color='black', zorder=10)
point_lens_event.plot_data(show_bad=True, subtract_2460000=True)
pl.xlim(t_min - 2460000., t_max - 2460000.)
In [ ]:
# Fit the Point Lens Model
result = fit_model(point_lens_event, parameters_to_fit=['t_0', 'u_0', 't_E'])
print('Best-fit Point Lens')
# Plot
t_range=[point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_0 - 5. * point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_E,
point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_0 + 5. * point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_E],
color='black', zorder=10)
point_lens_event.plot_model(color='black', zorder=10)
pl.xlim(t_min, t_max)
In [ ]:
# Un-flag planet data (include it in future fits)
data.bad = np.isnan(data.err_mag)
In [ ]:
# Estimate s (projected separation) of the planet, alpha (angle of source trajectory)
# Approximate time of the planetary perturbation
t_planet = (t_planet_stop + t_planet_start) / 2.
# Position of the source at the time of the planetary perturbation
tau_planet = ((t_planet - point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_0) /
u_planet = np.sqrt(
point_lens_event.model.parameters.u_0**2 + tau_planet**2)
# Position of the lens images at the time of the planetary perturbation
# --> Estimate of the planet location
s_minus = 0.5 * (np.sqrt(u_planet**2 + 4.) - u_planet)
s_plus = 0.5 * (np.sqrt(u_planet**2 + 4.) + u_planet)
# Angle between the source trajectory and the binary axis
alpha_planet = np.rad2deg(-np.arctan2(
point_lens_event.model.parameters.u_0, tau_planet))
In [ ]:
# Check the estimated model
# Note that there are two possibilities for s: s_plus and s_minus.
# Only s_plus is tested here, but both are considered in the grid search below.
# Define the model
test_model = mm.Model({
't_0': point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_0,
'u_0': point_lens_event.model.parameters.u_0,
't_E': point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_E,
'rho': 0.001,
's': s_plus,
'q': 10.**(-4),
'alpha': alpha_planet})
test_event = mm.Event(datasets=data, model=test_model)
# Plot the model light curve
test_event.plot_model(t_range=[t_min, t_max], color='black', zorder=10)
pl.xlim(t_min, t_max)
# Plot the trajectory of the source relative to the caustics
test_event.model.plot_trajectory(color='black', caustics=True)
# It doesn't have to be perfect, but there should be a planetary perturbation
# at around the time of the perturbation in the data. If there is no perturbation
# and/or the source trajectory doesn't pass very near/through the caustics, there is some
# problem with the model and the fit will likely fail.
In [ ]:
# Using the Point Lens fit as input, search for a planetary solution
# Grid parameters: s (log), q (log)
# Fit parameters: rho, alpha
# PSPL parameters: t_0, u_0, t_E
# *Define the grid*
delta_log_s = 0.01
delta_log_q = 0.25
grid_log_s = np.hstack(
np.log10(s_minus) - 0.02, np.log10(s_minus) + 0.02, delta_log_s),
np.log10(s_plus) - 0.02, np.log10(s_plus) + 0.02, delta_log_s)))
grid_log_q = np.arange(-5, -2, delta_log_q)
# For each grid point, fit for rho, alpha
grid = np.empty((5, len(grid_log_s) * len(grid_log_q)))
i = 0
print('{0:>12} {1:>6} {2:>7} {3:>7} {4:>7}'.format('chi2', 's', 'q', 'alpha', 'rho'))
for log_s in grid_log_s:
for log_q in grid_log_q:
# The major and minor images are on opposite sides of the lens:
if log_s < 0.:
alpha = alpha_planet + 180.
alpha = alpha_planet
# Define the Model and Event
planet_model = mm.Model({
't_0': point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_0,
'u_0': point_lens_event.model.parameters.u_0,
't_E': point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_E,
'rho': 0.001,
's': 10.**log_s,
'q': 10.**log_q,
'alpha': alpha})
planet_event = mm.Event(datasets=[data], model=planet_model)
# Fit the Event
result = fit_model(planet_event, parameters_to_fit=['rho', 'alpha'])
if result.success:
chi2 = planet_event.get_chi2()
chi2 = np.inf
# Print and store result of fit
print('{0:12.2f} {1:6.4f} {2:7.5f} {3:7.2f} {4:7.5f}'.format(
chi2, 10.**log_s, 10.**log_q,
planet_event.model.parameters.alpha, planet_event.model.parameters.rho))
grid[0, i] = log_s
grid[1, i] = log_q
grid[2, i] = chi2
grid[3, i] = planet_event.model.parameters.alpha.value
grid[4, i] = planet_event.model.parameters.rho
i += 1
In [ ]:
# Plot the grid
# Identify the best model(s)
index_best = np.argmin(np.array(grid[2,:]))
index_sorted = np.argsort(np.array(grid[2,:]))
n_best = 5
colors = ['magenta', 'green', 'cyan','yellow']
if len(colors) < n_best - 1:
raise ValueError('colors must have at least n_best -1 entries.')
# Plot the grid
fig, axes = pl.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)
n_plot = 0
for i in np.arange(2):
if i == 0:
index_logs = np.where(grid_log_s < 0.)[0]
index_grid = np.where(grid[0, :] < 0.)[0]
index_logs = np.where(grid_log_s >= 0.)[0]
index_grid = np.where(grid[0, :] >= 0.)[0]
# Plot chi2 map
chi2 = np.transpose(
grid[2, index_grid].reshape(len(index_logs), len(grid_log_q)))
im = axes[i].imshow(
chi2, aspect='auto', origin='lower',
np.min(grid_log_s[index_logs]) - delta_log_s / 2.,
np.max(grid_log_s[index_logs]) + delta_log_s / 2.,
np.min(grid_log_q) - delta_log_q / 2.,
np.max(grid_log_q) + delta_log_q / 2.],
vmin=np.min(grid[2,:]), vmax=np.nanmax(grid[2,np.isfinite(grid[2,:])]))
# Mark best values: best="X", other good="o"
if index_best in index_grid:
axes[i].scatter(grid[0, index_best], grid[1, index_best], marker='x', color='white')
for j, index in enumerate(index_sorted[1:n_best]):
if index in index_grid:
axes[i].scatter(grid[0, index], grid[1, index], marker='o', color=colors[j - 1])
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.95, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
fig.text(0.5, 0.92, r'$\chi^2$ Map', ha='center')
fig.text(0.5, 0.04, 'log s', ha='center')
fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'log q', va='center', rotation='vertical')
fig.text(1.1, 0.5, r'$\chi^2$', va='center', rotation='vertical')
In [ ]:
def make_grid_model(index):
Define a Model using the gridpoint information + the PSPL parameters.
index = index of the grid point for which to generate the model
model = mm.Model({
't_0': point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_0,
'u_0': point_lens_event.model.parameters.u_0,
't_E': point_lens_event.model.parameters.t_E,
'rho': grid[4, index],
's': 10.**grid[0, index],
'q': 10.**grid[1, index],
'alpha': grid[3, index]})
return model
In [ ]:
# Plot the best-fit model
best_fit_model = make_grid_model(index_best)
print('Best Models')
best_fit_event = mm.Event(datasets=data, model=best_fit_model)
(f_source, f_blend) = best_fit_event.get_ref_fluxes()
# Whole model
t_range_whole = [best_fit_model.parameters.t_0 - 5. * best_fit_model.parameters.t_E,
best_fit_model.parameters.t_0 + 5. * best_fit_model.parameters.t_E]
best_fit_event.plot_model(t_range=t_range_whole, subtract_2460000=True, color='black', lw=4)
# Zoom of planet
t_range_planet = [t_min, t_max]
# Best model = black
best_fit_event.plot_data(subtract_2460000=True, s=10, zorder=0)
t_range=t_range_planet, subtract_2460000=True, color='black', lw=3, label='best',
# Other models (color-coding matches grid)
for j, index in enumerate(index_sorted[1:n_best]):
model = make_grid_model(index)
t_range=t_range_planet, f_source=f_source, f_blend=f_blend,
subtract_2460000=True, color=colors[j - 1], lw=2)
pl.title('{0} best models'.format(n_best))
pl.xlim(np.array(t_range_planet) - 2460000.)
In [ ]:
# Refine the n_best minima to get the best-fit solution
parameters_to_fit = ['t_0', 'u_0', 't_E', 'rho', 'alpha', 's', 'q']
fits = []
for index in index_sorted[:n_best]:
model = make_grid_model(index)
event = mm.Event(datasets=data, model=model)
result = fit_model(
event, parameters_to_fit=parameters_to_fit)
fits.append([, result.x])
In [ ]:
# Plot the best-fit model and output the parameters
# Extract best fit
chi2 = [x[0] for x in fits]
fit_parameters = [x[1] for x in fits]
index_best = np.argmin(chi2)
# Setup the model and event
parameters = {}
for i, parameter in enumerate(parameters_to_fit):
parameters[parameter] = fit_parameters[index_best][i]
final_model = mm.Model(parameters)
final_event = mm.Event(datasets=data, model=final_model)
print('chi2: {0}'.format(final_event.get_chi2()))
# Plot the whole light curve
subtract_2460000=True, color='black', zorder=10)
# Plot zoom of the planet
final_event.plot_model(t_range=t_range_planet, subtract_2460000=True, color='black', zorder=10)
pl.xlim(t_min - 2460000., t_max - 2460000.)
In [ ]:
end_time =
print('Total Runtime: {0}'.format(end_time - start_time))
In [ ]: