Demo notebook: Clojupyter in Jupyter Lab

This notebook demonstrates some features of Clojupyter for Jupyter Lab. Please note that this notebook is intended to be used with Jupyter Lab.

Adding External Clojure Dependencies

You can fetch external Clojure dependencies using the clojupyter.misc.helper namespace.

In [ ]:
(require '[clojupyter.display :as display])
(require '[clojupyter.misc.helper :as helper])
(helper/add-dependencies '[org.clojure/data.json "0.2.6"])

Charting using Clojure visualization library Oz

Oz is a data visualization and scientific document processing library for Clojure built around Vega Lite & Vega. Jupyter Lab has direct support for rendering Vega and Vega Lite charts using the renderer for mime-type (this cell typically takes a little time to evaluate since it loads a library, either by retrieving it from Clojars, or from the file system):

In [ ]:
(helper/add-dependencies '[metasoarous/oz "1.5.6"])
(require '[oz.notebook.clojupyter :as oz])

For this demo we define some simple functions generating some data compatible with the high-level charting library:

In [ ]:
(defn datapt [[s n]] {:Index s, :Value n})
(defn graph  [vs]    {:data {:values vs}, 
                      :mark :line
                      :encoding {:x {:field :Index}
                                 :y {:field :Value}}})
(def graph-it (comp graph (partial map datapt) (partial apply map vector)));

With a generator for (slightly) random data...

In [ ]:
(defn raw-data [] (map #(+ % (rand-int 25)) (range)))

...we can create a graph using Vega Lite:

In [ ]:
(let [G (->> [(range) (take 150 (raw-data))] graph-it)]
  (display/render-mime :application/vnd.vegalite.v2+json G))

Note: The above cell is not supposed to render correctly in Jupyter Notebook, **only Jupyter Lab**.