Clojupyter - Clojure in Jupyter Lab, Notebook, and Console

This notebook demonstrates some of the features of Clojupyter. Things that are shown here should work in both Jupyter Lab and Jupyter Notebook (and some of it in Jupyter Console as well, but since Clojure has the REPL we usually don't very much about Console).

Jupyter Lab and Jupyter Notebook are different in some respects, this notebook only shows features that work in both. There are separate demo notebooks showing clojupyter's support for features that are specific to either Lab or Notebook.

Basics: Evaluating Clojure expressions

Clojupyter basically lets you evaluate Clojure expressions from a Jupyter notebook, at its most fundament it is not unlike a regular Clojure REPL:

In [ ]:
(time (reduce + (range 1000)))

Note above that we both see the side-effects of printing and the result of evaluating the expression. Let's see which version of Clojure and clojupyter we're using:

In [ ]:
(println (str "Date:\t\t\t" (java.util.Date.)))
(println (apply format "Clojure version:\tv%d.%d" ((juxt :major :minor) *clojure-version*)))
(println (str "Clojupyter version:\t" (clojupyter.kernel.version/version-string)))

The semicolon at the end of the cell tells clojupyter not to print the result of evaluating the cell which is useful when we're only interested in side-effects such as loading libraries. In this instance the semicolon appears on its own line which is not necessary, as long as the semicolon is the last non-whitespace character it will have the effect of suppressing printing of the cell evaluation result.

Rich content at your fingertips

We can use Hiccup to render HTML. To do this conveniently, we first add convenient access to the clojupyter.display namespace usng the alias display:

In [ ]:
(require '[clojupyter.display :as display])

which gives us convenient access to generating formatted output using HTML:

In [ ]:
;; displaying html
     [:li "a " [:i "emphatic"] " idea"]
     [:li "a " [:b "bold"] " idea"]
     [:li "an " [:span {:style "text-decoration: underline;"} "important"] " idea"]])

which works for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) as well:

In [ ]:
    [:svg {:height 100 :width 100 :xmlns ""}
            [:circle {:cx 50 :cy 40 :r 40 :fill "red"}]])

We also have direct access to displaying bitmaps, here a clokupyter logo:

In [ ]:
(->> clojupyter/*logo* type (str "Logo is of type: ") println)

Overall, we have very direct access to controlling what is displayed buy Jupyter:

In [ ]:
(display/render-mime "text/plain" "This is plain text.")

In [ ]:
(display/render-mime "text/html" "<h1>This is a heading</h1>")

And we have all the facilities of Clojure at our disposal for generating the content in the notebook!

Using external Clojure libraries

You can fetch external Clojure dependencies using add-dependencies in the namespace clojupyter.misc.helper:

In [ ]:
(require '[clojupyter.misc.helper :as helper])
(helper/add-dependencies '[incanter "1.5.7"])
(use '(incanter core stats charts io)) ; include Incanter's facilities into working namespace

Example: Plotting using Incanter

As shown above, clojupyter display bitmaps directly when BufferedImage are returned. This makes it easy to use Java charting libraries, such as Incanter, where charts are easily converted into a bitmaps. Since Incanter simply wraps the Java charting library JFreeChart, we can call (.createBufferedImage chart width height) on any Incanter chart to get an image we can render as cell output:

In [ ]:
(-> (sample-normal 10000)
    (.createBufferedImage 600 400))

Here's an example of a scatter plot:

In [ ]:
(-> (scatter-plot (sample-normal 1000) 
                  (sample-normal 1000)
                  :x-label "x" :y-label "y")
    (.createBufferedImage 600 400))
See the other demo notebooks to see features specific to either Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook.

And with a very liberal license, you can do pretty much whatever you want with clojupyter:

In [ ]:

We hope you'll enjoy clojupyter!