In [1]:
!ls features/
In [2]:
model_names = [
import numpy as np
data = dict()
for model_name in model_names:
data[model_name] = np.load('features/CIFAR10_{model}_features.npz'.format(model=model_name))
In [3]:
# It is important that CNN codes for all the models are given in the same order,
# i.e. they refer to the same samples from the dataset (both training and testing)
y_training = data[ model_names[0] ]['labels_training'] # this should be common for all the models
y_testing = data[ model_names[0] ]['labels_testing'] # this should be common for all the models
for i in range(1,len(model_names)):
assert( (data[model_names[i]]['labels_training'] == y_training).all() )
assert( (data[model_names[i]]['labels_testing'] == y_testing).all() )
We used the linear classifier from the scikit-learn library.
More precisely, we used LinearSVC
In [ ]:
# First we tried all of the following parameters for each model
model_params = {
'vgg16-keras': [ {'C':0.0001}, {'C':0.001}, {'C':0.01,'max_iter':3000},
{'C':0.1}, {'C':0.5}, {'C':1.0}, {'C':1.2}, {'C':1.5}, {'C':2.0}, {'C':10.0} ],
'vgg19-keras': [ {'C':0.0001}, {'C':0.001}, {'C':0.01},
{'C':0.1}, {'C':0.5}, {'C':1.0}, {'C':1.2}, {'C':1.5}, {'C':2.0}, {'C':10.0} ],
'resnet50-keras': [ {'C':0.0001}, {'C':0.001}, {'C':0.01},
{'C':0.1}, {'C':0.5}, {'C':1.0}, {'C':1.2}, {'C':1.5}, {'C':2.0}, {'C':10.0} ],
'Inception_v3': [ {'C':0.0001}, {'C':0.001}, {'C':0.01},
{'C':0.1}, {'C':0.5}, {'C':1.0}, {'C':1.2}, {'C':1.5}, {'C':2.0}, {'C':10.0} ],
'incv3-keras': [ {'C':0.0001}, {'C':0.001}, {'C':0.01},
{'C':0.1}, {'C':0.5}, {'C':1.0}, {'C':1.2}, {'C':1.5}, {'C':2.0}, {'C':10.0} ],
Before we start to train so many classifiers, let us write all the results we obtained after hours of computation.
We tried to build LinearSVC classifier with many possible paramater C. Below we present the accuracy of all the considered models.
C | vgg16-keras | vgg19-keras | resnet50-keras | incv3-keras | Inception_v3
0.0001 | 8515 | 8633 | 9043 | 7244 | 8860
0.001 | 8528 | 8654 | 9158 | 7577 | 9005
0.01 | 8521 | 8644 | 9130 | 7604 | 9061
0.1 | 8519 | 8615 | 9009 | 7461 | 8959
0.5 | 7992 | 8014 | 8858 | 7409 | 8834
1.0 | 8211 | 8225 | 8853 | 7369 | 8776
1.2 | 8156 | 8335 | 8871 | 7357 | 8772
1.5 | 8172 | 8022 | 8852 | 7318 | 8762
2.0 | 7609 | 8256 | 8870 | 7281 | 8736
10.0 | 7799 | 7580 | 8774 | 7042 | 8709
In [7]:
# and we decided to choose the best parameters
model_params = {
'vgg16-keras': [ {'C':0.0001} ],
'vgg19-keras': [ {'C':0.001} ],
'resnet50-keras': [ {'C':0.001} ],
'Inception_v3': [ {'C':0.01} ],
'incv3-keras': [ {'C':0.001} ]
In [5]:
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
# C - chosen experimentally (see explanation below)
results = dict()
for model_name in model_params:
print('model = ', model_name)
X_training = data[model_name]['features_training']
X_testing = data[model_name]['features_testing']
print( 'X_training size = {}'.format(X_training.shape))
# print( 'X_testing size = {}'.format(X_testing.shape))
# print( 'y_training size = {}'.format(y_training.shape))
# print( 'y_testing size = {}'.format(y_testing.shape))
results[model_name] = []
for params in model_params[model_name]:
clf = LinearSVC(**params, verbose=0) X_training, y_training )
y_pred = clf.predict( X_testing )
score = sum( y_pred == y_testing )
print('features={:>16}, C={:8f} => score={:5d}'.format(model_name,params['C'],score))
results[model_name].append({'pred': y_pred, 'score': score, 'clf': clf})
In [8]:
from sklearn.externals import joblib
for model_name in model_params:
joblib.dump(results[model_name][0]['clf'], \
'classifiers/{score}-{name}.pkl'.format(score=results[model_name][0]['score'], name=model_name))
In [9]:
!ls -l classifiers/*.pkl
In [10]:
best_model = 'resnet50-keras'
X_training = data[best_model]['features_training']
X_testing = data[best_model]['features_testing']
clf = results[best_model][0]['clf']
print( 'Best accuracy = {}'.format( clf.score( X_testing, y_testing ) ) )
y_predictions = clf.predict( X_testing )
So we obtained 91.58% accuracy on testing dataset using LinearSVC classifier on top of features extracted with ResNET50 convolutional neural network.
In [11]:
import myutils
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
labels = myutils.load_CIFAR_classnames()
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix( y_testing, y_predictions )
print( 'Confusion matrix:\n', conf_matrix )
print( labels )
In [12]:
i,j = 3,0
img_idx = [ k for k in range(10000) if y_testing[k]==i and y_predictions[k]==j ]
print( 'We have, e.g., {c} {iname}s predicted to be {jname}'.format(\
c=conf_matrix[i,j], iname=labels[i], jname=labels[j]) )
# print(img_idx)
In [13]:
_, data_testing = myutils.load_CIFAR_dataset(shuffle=False)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,2));
for _i in range(conf_matrix[i,j]):
In [15]:
# np.savez_compressed("classifiers/9158_resnet50-keras_LinearSVC.npz",W=np.array(clf.coef_).T, b=clf.intercept_)
Let us note that simple kNN classifier (with k=10), trained with 5000 training features (CNN codes from Inception_v3) gives 83.45% accuracy on whole 10000 testing images.
Remark that computing predictions with this classifier is very complex and it is not recommended for classificcation of images.
Here is the code to compute the score on testing dataset.
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
kNN_clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10), y_training)
print( 'Classification score = ', kNN_clf.score( X_testing, y_testing ) )
# Classification score = 0.8345
Finally we used [Logistic regression]( with default parameters. We trained the model with all the training data and obtained 90.37% accuracy on testing dataset.
In [27]:
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
clf = LogisticRegression(), y_training)
print( 'Linear regression accuracy = ', clf.score( X_testing, y_testing ) )
In [ ]: