We want to know if a classifier trained on CDFS will work on ELAIS-S1. There's a few questions that need to be resolved:
In [4]:
import re
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import astropy.io
import astropy.visualization
import astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize
import crowdastro.crowd.util
import h5py
import keras.models
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import seaborn
import sklearn.linear_model
import sklearn.neighbors
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
CROWDASTRO_PATH = '../data/crowdastro_wise_elais.h5'
CDFS_TRAINING_PATH = '../data/training.h5'
ELAIS_TRAINING_PATH = '../data/training_elais.h5'
CNN_WEIGHTS_PATH = '../data/weights.h5'
CNN_MODEL_PATH = '../data/model.json'
MIDDELBERG_PATH = '../data/middelberg_2008_atlas_classifications.dat'
ELAIS_IMAGE_PATH = '../data/ELAISmosaic_allch_8March2015.fits'
CDFS_IMAGE_PATH = '../data/CDFSmosaic_allch_8March2015.fits'
We will henceforth refer to the convolutional neural network (CNN) feature extractor trained on the Radio Galaxy Zoo CDFS labels as the CDFS-CNN. In this section, we will investigate the distribution of features of the CDFS images and the ELAIS-S1 images.
First, let's make a set of CDFS and ELAIS-S1 image patches and load up the CDFS-CNN.
In [6]:
with open(CNN_MODEL_PATH, 'r') as model_f:
cnn = keras.models.model_from_json(model_f.read())
get_convolutional_features_ = keras.backend.function(
[cnn.layers[0].input], [cnn.layers[7].output])
get_convolutional_features = (lambda p:
get_convolutional_features_([p])[0].reshape((p.shape[0], -1)))
In [7]:
with h5py.File(CROWDASTRO_PATH, 'r') as crowdastro_h5:
cdfs_images = crowdastro_h5['/wise/cdfs/numeric'][:, -IMAGE_SIZE:].reshape((-1, 1) + IMAGE_SHAPE)
elais_images = crowdastro_h5['/wise/elais/numeric'][:, -IMAGE_SIZE:].reshape((-1, 1) + IMAGE_SHAPE)
plt.imshow(elais_images[0, 0], interpolation='None', cmap='viridis')
Let's run these through the CDFS-CNN to get the feature representations of the objects in each field.
In [8]:
cdfs_features = get_convolutional_features(cdfs_images)
In [9]:
plt.imshow(cdfs_features.mean(axis=0).reshape((16, 8)), interpolation='None', cmap='viridis')
In [10]:
elais_features = get_convolutional_features(elais_images)
In [11]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 30))
ax = fig.gca()
for feature in range(128):
sub_ax = plt.subplot(16, 8, feature + 1)
pc = numpy.percentile(cdfs_features[:, feature], (0.005, 99))
seaborn.kdeplot(cdfs_features[:, feature], clip=pc, label='CDFS', legend=False)
seaborn.kdeplot(elais_features[:, feature], clip=pc, label='ELAIS-S1', legend=False)
These look pretty different. Let's zoom in on feature 111, which seems particularly different.
In [12]:
pc = (-0.15, 0.25)
seaborn.kdeplot(cdfs_features[:, 111], clip=pc, label='CDFS', legend=False)
seaborn.kdeplot(elais_features[:, 111], clip=pc, label='ELAIS-S1', legend=False)
In [13]:
with h5py.File(CDFS_TRAINING_PATH, 'r') as training_h5:
features = cdfs_features
labels = training_h5['labels'].value
lr = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced')
lr.fit(features, labels)
In [14]:
# Of course, to get proper CDFS predictions, we should use k-fold cross-validation.
cdfs_predictions = lr.predict(cdfs_features)
cdfs_probs = lr.predict(cdfs_features)
elais_predictions = lr.predict(elais_features)
elais_probs = lr.predict(elais_features)
In [15]:
# Quick sanity check.
crowdastro.crowd.util.balanced_accuracy(labels, cdfs_predictions)
Let's compare this to the Middelberg labels. We first need to load those in.
In [16]:
# Load the coordinates of all infrared objects and initialise the labels array.
with h5py.File(CROWDASTRO_PATH, 'r') as crowdastro_h5:
elais_coords = crowdastro_h5['/wise/elais/numeric'][:, :2]
middelberg_labels = numpy.zeros((elais_coords.shape[0]))
elais_kdtree = sklearn.neighbors.KDTree(elais_coords)
In [17]:
# Load the RA/Dec of the Middelberg objects.
ras = []
decs = []
for row in astropy.io.ascii.read(MIDDELBERG_PATH, header_start=0, delimiter='|'):
swire = row['swire_name']
if not swire:
m = re.match('SWIRE J(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2}.\d{2})(-\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2}.\d)', swire)
rh, rm, rs, dd, dm, ds = [float(i) for i in m.groups()]
coord = SkyCoord(ra=(rh, rm, rs), dec=(dd, dm, ds), unit=('hour', 'deg'))
ra, dec = coord.ra.deg, coord.dec.deg
middelberg_coords = list(zip(*[ras, decs]))
In [18]:
# Find the nearest infrared object to each Middelberg object.
nearests = elais_kdtree.query(middelberg_coords, return_distance=False)
In [19]:
# Label the Middelberg objects as 1.
middelberg_labels[sorted(list(nearests.T[0]))] = 1
Now that the labels are loaded, we can compare our predictions.
In [20]:
crowdastro.crowd.util.balanced_accuracy(middelberg_labels, elais_predictions)
We obtain similar balanced accuracy to CDFS.
In [21]:
# Get the RA/Dec of the CDFS predictions.
predicted_positive_cdfs = cdfs_predictions > 0.75
with h5py.File(CROWDASTRO_PATH, 'r') as crowdastro_h5:
cdfs_coords = crowdastro_h5['/wise/cdfs/numeric'][:, :2]
positive_cdfs_coords = cdfs_coords[predicted_positive_cdfs]
positive_norris_coords = cdfs_coords[labels]
In [22]:
with astropy.io.fits.open(CDFS_IMAGE_PATH, ignore_blank=True) as cdfs_fits:
# Plot the image.
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30))
cdfs_image = cdfs_fits[0].data[0, 0]
norm = astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.ImageNormalize(
vmin=0.0, vmax=0.25, stretch=astropy.visualization.LogStretch())
plt.imshow(cdfs_image, cmap='gray', norm=norm, origin='lower left')
plt.xlim((2000, 8000))
plt.ylim((2000, 6500))
# Plot the predictions. First we convert them into pixels...
wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(cdfs_fits[0].header).dropaxis(3).dropaxis(2)
cdfs_predictions_px = wcs.all_world2pix(positive_cdfs_coords, 1)
norris_predictions_px = wcs.all_world2pix(positive_norris_coords, 1)
plt.scatter(cdfs_predictions_px[:, 0], cdfs_predictions_px[:, 1], s=80, color='red', marker='+')
plt.scatter(norris_predictions_px[:, 0], norris_predictions_px[:, 1], s=80, color='green', marker='x')
In [23]:
# Get the RA/Dec of the ELAIS predictions.
predicted_positive_elais = elais_predictions > 0.75
with h5py.File(CROWDASTRO_PATH, 'r') as crowdastro_h5:
elais_coords = crowdastro_h5['/wise/elais/numeric'][:, :2]
positive_elais_coords = elais_coords[predicted_positive_elais]
positive_middelberg_coords = elais_coords[middelberg_labels.astype(bool)]
In [24]:
with astropy.io.fits.open(ELAIS_IMAGE_PATH, ignore_blank=True) as elais_fits:
# Plot the image.
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30))
elais_image = elais_fits[0].data[0, 0]
norm = astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.ImageNormalize(
vmin=0.0, vmax=0.25, stretch=astropy.visualization.LogStretch())
plt.imshow(elais_image, cmap='gray', norm=norm, origin='lower left')
plt.xlim((2500, 7000))
plt.ylim((3000, 7000))
# Plot the predictions. First we convert them into pixels...
wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(elais_fits[0].header).dropaxis(3).dropaxis(2)
elais_predictions_px = wcs.all_world2pix(positive_elais_coords, 1)
middelberg_predictions_px = wcs.all_world2pix(positive_middelberg_coords, 1)
plt.scatter(elais_predictions_px[:, 0], elais_predictions_px[:, 1], s=80, color='red', marker='+')
plt.scatter(middelberg_predictions_px[:, 0], middelberg_predictions_px[:, 1], s=80, color='green', marker='x')
In [31]:
# Train the classifier on CDFS.
with h5py.File(CDFS_TRAINING_PATH, 'r') as training_h5:
features = training_h5['features'][:, :7] # There are 7 non-CNN features for WISE.
labels = training_h5['labels'].value
train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels = sklearn.cross_validation.train_test_split(
features, labels, train_size=0.8)
lr = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced')
lr.fit(train_features, train_labels)
In [33]:
# Test it on CDFS.
print(crowdastro.crowd.util.balanced_accuracy(test_labels, lr.predict(test_features)))
In [34]:
# Test it on ELAIS-S1.
with h5py.File(ELAIS_TRAINING_PATH, 'r') as training_h5:
print(crowdastro.crowd.util.balanced_accuracy(middelberg_labels, lr.predict(training_h5['features'][:, :7])))
In [ ]: