SFR-Stellar Mass-Size Paper

These is the notebook for the MS-paper

In [12]:
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
import warnings

Stellar Mass limit

We need to decide what our stellar mass limit will be. We need to think about this because at a given absolute magnitude limit, the lowest SFR objects will have the highest $M_*/L$ and hence the highest $M_*$. Converseley at a fixed $M_*$ cut, the lowest SFR objects will be the faintest. So, if we make our $M_*$ cut too low, objects with low SFR will fall below our detection limit.

Could cause a bias such that we miss the most suppressed SF-galaxies, or those with the smallest 24um disks?

In [13]:
run ~/github/LCS/python/Python3/

normalizing by radius of disk
nothing happening here
(1800, 1800)
Using UV + IR SFR

Different selection cuts

This shows how all the different selection cuts manifest themselves in the SFR-$M_*$ plane. In all plots, red are the objects removed by the flag.

The first plot is for all the galaxies and the second and third are separated by core and exterior.

The horizontal green line is the SFR corresponding to our LIR limit. I took the 0.086 from Elbaz and divided it by 1.74 to convert to Chabrier (Salim+16).

The blue line is my fit to the MS (see below for details.)

In [9]:

****************fit parameters [ 0.70194788 -7.4065244 ]

In [11]:

****************fit parameters [ 0.70194788 -7.4065244 ]

In [12]:

****************fit parameters [ 0.70194788 -7.4065244 ]

Final Sample

This shows the SFR-$M_*$ distribution for all galaxies and those that pass the final selection. It seems that making a cut at log($M_*$)>9.5 excludes galaxies at the bottom of the main sequence. The cut below, at log($M_*)>9.7$ seems to work.

The solid lines are for SFR(MS), the dashed for SFR(MS)/5. Black is for Elbaz+11, Salmon is for Salim+07 for their pure SF sample, blue is our fit to the non-AGN galaxies above our LIR limit with log(Mstar)>9.5 and with SFR>SFR_MS(Elbaz; Mstar)/6.

This seems to show that there isn't any different selection between core and cluster. However, it does seem that the Elbaz and Salim lines lie above ours. The difference is much in excess of the factor of 1.58 that you would expect if there were some IMF mismatch.

In [4]:

****************fit parameters [ 0.77272569 -8.0923806 ]

In [5]:

****************fit parameters [ 0.77272569 -8.0923806 ]
The SFR-mass plot coded by size

On the left I show all the galaxies in our sample and on the right the running median. Both environments have similar median SFRs but different sizes. The solid blue line is a fit to the non-AGN galaxies above our LIR limit with log(Mstar)>9.5 and with SFR>SFR_MS(Elbaz; Mstar)/10.

In [13]:

/Users/grudnick/github/LCS/python/Python3/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less
  flag = (self.membflag & self.sampleflag) & (self.gim2d.B_T_r < btcut)
/Users/grudnick/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Use of None object as fmt keyword argument to suppress plotting of data values is deprecated since 1.4; use the string "none" instead.
  warnings.warn(msg, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
****************fit parameters [ 0.70194788 -7.4065244 ]
/Users/grudnick/github/LCS/python/Python3/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less
  flag = (~self.membflag & self.sampleflag) & (self.gim2d.B_T_r < btcut)
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
****************fit parameters [ 0.70194788 -7.4065244 ]

galaxies in the core have smaller R24/Rd than external galaxies at most stellar masses

In [16]:

No handles with labels found to put in legend.
****************fit parameters [ 0.70194788 -7.4065244 ]

galaxies in the core have higher muSFR than external galaxies at lower stellar masses. However, the external galaxies have higher muSFR at higher masses. This result doesn't change if I color code by log(median(musfr)) or median(log(musfr)). Also, the result does not qualitatively change if I remove the B/T cut.

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