Colour by Numbers

In this notebook, I investigate the number of elements in each cell of the following Venn diagram.


That is:

  • How many galaxies are there in the SWIRE catalogue $\cap$ the RGZ–ATLAS dataset?
  • How many galaxies are isolated, i.e., are the only galaxy in their $0.8'$ neighbourhood?
  • How many galaxies have active galactic nuclei (AGN)?
  • How many galaxies are isolated and have AGN?

The true number of AGN is unknown.

In [1]:
import sys

sys.path.insert(1, '..')

How many objects are in SWIRE $\cap$ RGZ–ATLAS?

I don't have a proper dump of the SWIRE catalogue; I only have a request cache. I'll have to iterate over RGZ–ATLAS subjects, grab the names and positions of each object, then remove duplicate objects. For bonus points, getting the positions lets me use Alasdair's honours project to generate a heatmap of galaxies in RGZ–ATLAS.

(I should really remove the requests_cache dependency at some point.)

Fetching unique objects

In [2]:
import io

import requests
import requests_cache

requests_cache.install_cache(cache_name='gator_cache', backend='sqlite', expire_after=None)

In [3]:
def fetch(subject):
    if subject['metadata']['source'].startswith('C'):
        # CDFS
        catalog = 'chandra_cat_f05'
        # ELAIS-S1
        catalog = 'elaiss1_cat_f05'
    query = {
        'catalog': catalog,
        'spatial': 'box',
        'objstr': '{} {}'.format(*subject['coords']),
        'size': '120',
        'outfmt': '3',
    url = ''

    r = requests.get(url, params=query)
    votable =, pedantic=False)
    ras = votable.array['ra']
    decs = votable.array['dec']
    names = votable.array['object']
    return zip(ras, decs, names)

In [4]:
all_galaxies = {}
for subject in
    galaxies = fetch(subject)
    for ra, dec, name in galaxies:
        all_galaxies[name] = (ra, dec)

print(len(all_galaxies))  # dicts have unique keys, so there should be no duplicates.

WARNING: W22: None:5:0: W22: The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1.  Ignoring []
WARNING: W27: None:6:0: W27: COOSYS deprecated in VOTable 1.2 []
WARNING: W06: None:21:0: W06: Invalid UCD 'ID_MAIN': Unknown word 'ID_MAIN' []
WARNING: W06: None:23:0: W06: Invalid UCD 'POS_EQ_RA_MAIN': Unknown word 'POS_EQ_RA_MAIN' []
WARNING: W06: None:24:0: W06: Invalid UCD 'POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN': Unknown word 'POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN' []
WARNING: W50: None:30:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:31:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:32:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:33:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:37:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:38:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:39:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:40:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:44:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' []
WARNING: W50: None:45:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'ujy' (suppressing further warnings of this type...) []

So there are $56190$ galaxies in SWIRE $\cap$ RGZ–ATLAS. Let's also get that heatmap while we're here.

In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot
import mclearn.viz
import numpy

%matplotlib inline

/Users/cong/anaconda3/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

In [12]:
ras = numpy.array([g[0] for g in all_galaxies.values()])
decs = numpy.array([g[1] for g in all_galaxies.values()])
[numpy.min(ras), numpy.max(ras), numpy.min(decs), numpy.max(decs)]


In [7]:
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
mclearn.viz.plot_hex_map(ras, decs, labels=True, vmax=50)

Little bit small to display like this. How about a heatmap with RA against DEC?

In [32]:
import astropy.convolution
import matplotlib.colors

ras_idx = numpy.linspace(numpy.min(ras), numpy.max(ras), num=400)
dec_idx = numpy.linspace(numpy.min(decs), numpy.max(decs), num=400)
heatmap, _, _ = numpy.histogram2d(ras, decs, bins=[ras_idx, dec_idx])
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    astropy.convolution.convolve(heatmap, astropy.convolution.Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=2)),
matplotlib.pyplot.xticks(range(0, 400, 50), ras_idx, rotation=75)
matplotlib.pyplot.yticks(range(0, 400, 50), dec_idx)

How many galaxies are isolated?

For each galaxy, consider a $0.8'$ neighbourhood centred on the galaxy. How many galaxies have no other galaxies in this neighbourhood, i.e., how many galaxies are isolated?

In [33]:
patch_size = 0.8
isolated_galaxies = []
for galaxy, (ra, dec) in all_galaxies.items():  # This is pretty slow! There are definitely better ways to evaluate this.
    # Find a galaxy less than half a patch size away = 0.2 / 60 degrees away.
    # If we find one, this galaxy is not isolated.
    for other_galaxy, (other_ra, other_dec) in all_galaxies.items():
        if other_galaxy == galaxy:
        if abs(ra - other_ra) <= 0.5*(patch_size) / 60 and abs(dec - other_dec) <= 0.5*(patch_size) / 60:

In [34]:


So only $2.3\%$ of galaxies are isolated.

How many crowd AGNs have been classified?

That is, how many consensuses are there? With duplicates, there are $4070$ AGNs. My catalogue code is bugged right now — the catalogue would contain the answer to this question — but there's $2423$ radio sources which have been classified to have an associated AGN. This is an upper bound on the number of crowd AGNs.

How many galaxies with crowd AGNs are isolated?

That is, how many galaxies with an agreed consensus are not near others? Once again, this probably needs the catalogue, but since $2.30\%$ of galaxies are isolated, we could estimate that there are $56$ isolated crowd AGNs.