In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time

In [2]:
import opsimsummary as oss

In [3]:
import analyzeSN as ans

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [5]:
import snsims
import healpy as hp

In [6]:
import snsims
import healpy as hp

In [7]:


In [8]:
print snsims.__file__


In [9]:
print (snsims.__VERSION__)


In [10]:
opsimOut = oss.OpSimOutput.fromOpSimHDF('/Users/rbiswas/data/LSST/OpSimData/minion_1016.hdf',

read in proposal
read in proposal
combined {u'conf/survey/northeclipticspur-18c.conf': 55, u'conf/survey/galacticplaneprop.conf': 52, 'ddf': 56, 'wfd': 54, u'conf/survey/southcelestialpole-18.conf': 53}
propIDs [56, 54] <type 'list'> <type 'numpy.int64'>
summarydf cols Index([        u'obsHistID',         u'sessionID',            u'propID',
                 u'fieldID',           u'fieldRA',          u'fieldDec',
                  u'filter',           u'expDate',            u'expMJD',
                   u'night',         u'visitTime',      u'visitExpTime',
                 u'finRank',           u'FWHMeff',          u'FWHMgeom',
            u'transparency',           u'airmass',        u'vSkyBright',
       u'filtSkyBrightness',         u'rotSkyPos',         u'rotTelPos',
                     u'lst',          u'altitude',           u'azimuth',
               u'dist2Moon',        u'solarElong',            u'moonRA',
                 u'moonDec',           u'moonAlt',            u'moonAZ',
               u'moonPhase',            u'sunAlt',             u'sunAz',
              u'phaseAngle',          u'rScatter',        u'mieScatter',
               u'moonIllum',        u'moonBright',        u'darkBright',
               u'rawSeeing',              u'wind',          u'humidity',
                u'slewDist',          u'slewTime',    u'fiveSigmaDepth',
              u'ditheredRA',       u'ditheredDec'],
squery_str propID == @propIDs
 Num entries  2448282
/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/util/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  return func(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  self.obj[item] = s

In [11]:
NSIDE = 256

Check Serial Times

In [12]:
hptile = oss.HealpixTiles(nside=256,

In [13]:
!rm simTiles.hdf
tstart = time.time()
tiles = [0]
for tileID in tiles:
    simTile = snsims.SimulationTile(snsims.GMM_SALT2Params,
tend = time.time()

another 50 0
/Users/rbiswas/soft/LSST/DarwinX86/sims_catUtils/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  return -2.5 * np.log10(fluxinMaggies)
/Users/rbiswas/soft/LSST/DarwinX86/sims_photUtils/2.3.3.sims/python/lsst/sims/photUtils/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
  fluxRatio = m5Flux/sourceFlux
/Users/rbiswas/soft/LSST/DarwinX86/sims_catUtils/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  return fluxinMaggies / SNR
another 50 50
another 50 100
/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/ NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: '0'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; you will not be able to use natural naming to access this object; using ``getattr()`` will still work, though

In [14]:


In [15]:
simTile.snParams().t0.hist(histtype='step', bins=20)
plt.axvline(59800., ls='--', color='k', lw=2)
plt.axvline(59800. + 3650., ls='--', color='k', lw=2)

<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1447d75d0>

In [16]:
!du -h simTiles.hdf

556K	simTiles.hdf

In [17]:
df =  pd.read_hdf('simTiles.hdf')

In [18]:

array([  0,   1,   4,   5,   7,   8,   9,  10,  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,
        16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,
        29,  30,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  37,  38,  39,  40,  42,  43,
        44,  45,  46,  48,  49,  50,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,
        59,  60,  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,  71,
        72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,  81,  82,  83,  84,
        85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,  91,  92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,
        98,  99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112,
       113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124])

In [19]:
print('Writing the {0} tiles took {1} minutes'.format(len(tiles), (tend -tstart) / 60. ))

Writing the 1 tiles took 0.502310482661 minutes

In [21]:
import line_profiler

In [ ]:

In [16]:
import multiprocessing

In [17]:
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

In [19]:

Help on class SimulationTile in module snsims.simulations:

class SimulationTile(snsims.universe.Universe)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      SimulationTile
 |      snsims.universe.Universe
 |      __builtin__.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  SN(self, snid, timeRange='model')
 |  __init__(self, paramDist, rate, NSIDE, tileID, hpOpSim, allPointings=None, timeRange=None, angularUnits='radians')
 |  lc(self, snid)
 |  modelFlux(self, snid, time, bandpassobject)
 |  snParams(self)
 |  writeSN(self, snid, fileName, timeRange='model')
 |      Write light curve of SN to disc
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      snid : int/string
 |          SN id of SN 
 |      fileName : string, mandatory
 |      timeRange : string, optional, defaults to model
 |          time range over which the light curve is written to disk
 |  writeSNParams(self, paramFileName)
 |  writeTile(self, fileName, timeRange='model', paramFileName=None)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods defined here:
 |  getSNCosmoParamDict(odict, SNCosmoModel)
 |  staticModelFlux(sn, time, bandpassobject)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  maxPeakTime
 |  minPeakTime
 |  randomState
 |  snParamTable
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from snsims.universe.Universe:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

In [20]:
simTile = snsims.SimulationTile(snsims.SimpleSALTDist, NSIDE=256, tileID=0, 

In [35]:
fields = np.array(list(len( for i in range(125)))

In [38]:

In [39]:

array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
       2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
       3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
       3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
       4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
       4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5])

In [40]:

array([10,  3, 18, 49, 36,  9])

In [41]:

In [42]:
simTile.writeSN(0, 'simTile_SN_0.hdf')

In [43]:
def func(i):
    tileID = i
    simTile = snsims.SimulationTile(snsims.SimpleSALTDist,
  • WHERE is snid
  • WHy is fieldID there twice

In [44]:

another 50 0
another 50 50
another 50 100

In [31]:
!ls -ltr  simTiles_0.hdf

-rw-r--r--  1 rbiswas  staff  1310257 Aug 30 16:41 simTiles_0.hdf

In [45]:
df = pd.read_hdf('simTiles_new_0.hdf')

In [50]:
df["SNR"] = df['flux']/df['fluxerr']

In [69]:
t = df.groupby(['snid', 'band']).agg(dict(SNR=max))

In [83]:

In [ ]:

In [75]:
t.pivot('band', 'SNR')

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-75-31bd02014d29> in <module>()
----> 1 t.pivot('band', 'SNR')

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc in pivot(self, index, columns, values)
   3944         """
   3945         from pandas.core.reshape import pivot
-> 3946         return pivot(self, index=index, columns=columns, values=values)
   3948     def stack(self, level=-1, dropna=True):

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape.pyc in pivot(self, index, columns, values)
    325         cols = [columns] if index is None else [index, columns]
    326         append = index is None
--> 327         indexed = self.set_index(cols, append=append)
    328         return indexed.unstack(columns)
    329     else:

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc in set_index(self, keys, drop, append, inplace, verify_integrity)
   2915                 names.append(None)
   2916             else:
-> 2917                 level = frame[col]._values
   2918                 names.append(col)
   2919                 if drop:

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc in __getitem__(self, key)
   2057             return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
   2058         else:
-> 2059             return self._getitem_column(key)
   2061     def _getitem_column(self, key):

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc in _getitem_column(self, key)
   2064         # get column
   2065         if self.columns.is_unique:
-> 2066             return self._get_item_cache(key)
   2068         # duplicate columns & possible reduce dimensionality

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.pyc in _get_item_cache(self, item)
   1384         res = cache.get(item)
   1385         if res is None:
-> 1386             values = self._data.get(item)
   1387             res = self._box_item_values(item, values)
   1388             cache[item] = res

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.pyc in get(self, item, fastpath)
   3540             if not isnull(item):
-> 3541                 loc = self.items.get_loc(item)
   3542             else:
   3543                 indexer = np.arange(len(self.items))[isnull(self.items)]

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/indexes/base.pyc in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   2134                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   2135             except KeyError:
-> 2136                 return self._engine.get_loc(self._maybe_cast_indexer(key))
   2138         indexer = self.get_indexer([key], method=method, tolerance=tolerance)

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/index.c:4443)()

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/index.c:4289)()

pandas/src/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/hashtable.c:13733)()

pandas/src/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/hashtable.c:13687)()

KeyError: 'band'

In [55]:
snids = df.query('SNR > 5.').snid.unique()

In [47]:
paramsdf = pd.read_hdf('simTiles_new_0_params.hdf')

In [59]:
paramsdf.ix[snids].query('z > 0.5')

M Mabs c mB t0 x0 x1 z ra dec
10 0.214044 -19.111911 -0.092163 23.228410 62009.996781 0.000008 0.684987 0.502823 45.128527 0.170843
11 0.225921 -19.011316 -0.106985 23.471313 61967.459509 0.000006 1.000109 0.531056 45.026977 0.171316
17 -0.211272 -19.412374 0.056236 23.120935 60706.635391 0.000009 0.315359 0.541464 45.005850 0.087968
18 -0.155829 -19.661403 0.037353 22.947547 61976.675191 0.000010 0.350387 0.557353 45.088926 0.193214
19 -0.104034 -19.308738 0.020568 23.392860 62047.773284 0.000007 0.358654 0.577413 44.977330 0.254360
20 -0.264504 -19.614197 0.097013 23.189614 60661.417978 0.000008 -0.364698 0.600331 44.937488 0.127818
24 -0.072787 -19.358389 -0.007065 23.558529 62745.361451 0.000006 0.863365 0.626692 45.047671 0.220437
28 -0.415238 -19.544647 0.159488 23.471915 61754.101931 0.000006 -0.777752 0.650821 45.003032 0.093773
29 0.092671 -19.157934 -0.033086 24.001516 62820.403558 0.000004 0.101992 0.686966 44.901991 0.160760
32 0.309103 -18.790335 -0.096685 24.305679 62035.560629 0.000003 -0.050117 0.670689 44.913945 0.217471
33 -0.519466 -19.781466 0.111048 23.396248 60486.848323 0.000007 1.552513 0.691721 44.921682 0.102157
38 -0.208805 -19.530959 0.034342 23.843823 61039.270390 0.000005 0.917927 0.745079 45.088880 0.200996
39 -0.084526 -19.577288 0.042684 23.742009 60238.766701 0.000005 -0.450014 0.729670 45.051890 0.068181
40 0.159811 -19.333199 -0.057886 24.032186 61391.398872 0.000004 0.199542 0.742448 45.101556 0.107298
43 -0.074489 -19.433374 0.068278 24.184010 60930.303322 0.000003 -1.271853 0.816212 45.001406 0.077265
48 -0.714701 -20.139616 0.165124 23.619857 63113.791471 0.000006 1.783745 0.860880 44.951090 0.170655

In [27]:
import analyzeSN as ans

In [28]:
import sncosmo

In [29]:
sncosmo.plot_lc(, color='k')


In [22]:

mjd band ModelFlux fieldID fieldID flux fluxerr zp zpsys
523872 60350.029723 z 9.796973e-10 2614 2614 8.177362e-10 3.418413e-10 0.0 ab
998790 61056.105779 g 2.377164e-12 2626 2626 -5.335908e-11 4.100303e-11 0.0 ab
999363 61057.044635 z 3.582656e-11 2614 2614 -7.531402e-10 3.491041e-10 0.0 ab
1007432 61068.045236 z 9.339480e-10 2626 2626 5.730262e-10 4.039501e-10 0.0 ab
1007482 61068.069193 z 9.366196e-10 2626 2626 7.269686e-10 3.192418e-10 0.0 ab

In [ ]:

In [15]:
%load_ext line_profiler

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-34be74c73d73> in <module>()
----> 1 get_ipython().magic(u'load_ext line_profiler')

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.pyc in magic(self, arg_s)
   2156         magic_name, _, magic_arg_s = arg_s.partition(' ')
   2157         magic_name = magic_name.lstrip(prefilter.ESC_MAGIC)
-> 2158         return self.run_line_magic(magic_name, magic_arg_s)
   2160     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.pyc in run_line_magic(self, magic_name, line)
   2077                 kwargs['local_ns'] = sys._getframe(stack_depth).f_locals
   2078             with self.builtin_trap:
-> 2079                 result = fn(*args,**kwargs)
   2080             return result

<decorator-gen-62> in load_ext(self, module_str)

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/magic.pyc in <lambda>(f, *a, **k)
    186     # but it's overkill for just that one bit of state.
    187     def magic_deco(arg):
--> 188         call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k)
    190         if callable(arg):

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/extension.pyc in load_ext(self, module_str)
     35         if not module_str:
     36             raise UsageError('Missing module name.')
---> 37         res =
     39         if res == 'already loaded':

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/extensions.pyc in load_extension(self, module_str)
     83                     __import__(module_str)
     84             mod = sys.modules[module_str]
---> 85             if self._call_load_ipython_extension(mod):
     86                 self.loaded.add(module_str)
     87             else:

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/extensions.pyc in _call_load_ipython_extension(self, mod)
    130     def _call_load_ipython_extension(self, mod):
    131         if hasattr(mod, 'load_ipython_extension'):
--> 132             mod.load_ipython_extension(
    133             return True

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/line_profiler.pyc in load_ipython_extension(ip)
    370     """ API for IPython to recognize this module as an IPython extension.
    371     """
--> 372     ip.define_magic('lprun', magic_lprun)

AttributeError: 'ZMQInteractiveShell' object has no attribute 'define_magic'

In [16]:
%prun func(0)

another 50 0
another 50 50
another 50 100
another 50 150
another 50 200
another 50 250

In [15]:
from math import sqrt

In [16]:
Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(sqrt)(i ** 2) for i in range(10))

[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]

In [12]:
!rm simTiles*.hdf
tstart = time.time()
Parallel(n_jobs=1)(delayed(func)(i) for i in range(2))
tend = time.time()
print(tend -  tstart)/60.

rm: simTiles*.hdf: No such file or directory
NameError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-846911a9e1ea> in <module>()
      1 get_ipython().system(u'rm simTiles*.hdf')
      2 tstart = time.time()
----> 3 Parallel(n_jobs=1)(delayed(func)(i) for i in range(2))
      4 tend = time.time()
      5 print(tend -  tstart)/60.

NameError: name 'Parallel' is not defined

In [15]:

rm: simTiles.hdf: No such file or directory

In [19]:
simTile = snsims.SimulationTile(snsims.SimpleSALTDist,

In [20]:

M Mabs c mB t0 x0 x1 z ra dec
2097152 0.442292 -18.992923 -0.150325 20.455115 62941.247556 0.000104 0.270252 0.157302 44.780113 0.283009
2097153 0.157796 -19.293411 -0.021235 20.903510 60526.898643 0.000069 -0.828357 0.214700 44.710646 0.328082
2097154 0.286477 -19.222541 -0.042347 22.184690 61892.986509 0.000021 -1.395514 0.349570 44.726804 0.236579
2097155 -0.167665 -19.404277 0.041154 21.991132 60345.984615 0.000025 0.349466 0.347941 44.836194 0.389179
2097156 0.170920 -18.761429 -0.030319 23.026965 62084.079594 0.000010 -0.688337 0.406018 44.733796 0.314037

In [21]:
lc =

In [17]:

mjd band ModelFlux fieldID flux fluxerr zp zpsys fieldID
621994 60506.406015 i 5.601077e-11 2736 1.372912e-10 1.084989e-10 0.0 ab 2736
622019 60506.417278 i 5.638012e-11 2736 1.833578e-10 1.028751e-10 0.0 ab 2736
622044 60506.429944 y 3.000870e-11 2736 9.087386e-10 6.588306e-10 0.0 ab 2736
622061 60506.437600 y 3.013523e-11 2736 -2.171769e-10 6.457955e-10 0.0 ab 2736
628038 60512.444334 z 8.802395e-10 2626 1.250376e-09 3.177229e-10 0.0 ab 2626
628915 60514.377041 z 1.297934e-09 2626 1.464532e-09 2.748773e-10 0.0 ab 2626
628943 60514.389750 z 1.300871e-09 2626 1.131854e-09 2.575214e-10 0.0 ab 2626
628952 60514.393784 z 1.301803e-09 2736 1.453811e-09 2.630324e-10 0.0 ab 2736
628995 60514.413775 z 1.306430e-09 2736 1.524704e-09 2.407971e-10 0.0 ab 2736
630781 60517.430686 y 1.460063e-09 2736 2.483061e-10 6.481520e-10 0.0 ab 2736
630799 60517.438779 y 1.461503e-09 2614 1.829821e-09 6.302288e-10 0.0 ab 2614
636046 60528.434356 z 2.609672e-09 2626 2.683530e-09 3.286021e-10 0.0 ab 2626
641155 60534.354213 i 3.367197e-09 2736 3.414369e-09 7.261345e-11 0.0 ab 2736
641161 60534.356891 i 3.366780e-09 2614 3.410095e-09 7.100003e-11 0.0 ab 2614
641187 60534.368772 i 3.364929e-09 2736 3.220699e-09 6.984022e-11 0.0 ab 2736
641193 60534.371464 i 3.364509e-09 2614 3.280501e-09 6.830980e-11 0.0 ab 2614
642187 60535.372902 g 2.177272e-09 2614 2.177357e-09 4.236079e-11 0.0 ab 2614
642229 60535.392386 g 2.173879e-09 2614 2.185775e-09 4.083520e-11 0.0 ab 2614
642276 60535.414186 g 2.170080e-09 2736 2.220494e-09 4.082698e-11 0.0 ab 2736
643578 60537.343191 i 2.812950e-09 2736 2.588054e-09 8.499557e-11 0.0 ab 2736
643585 60537.346316 i 2.812376e-09 2626 2.782164e-09 7.814968e-11 0.0 ab 2626
643611 60537.358566 i 2.810132e-09 2736 2.697204e-09 8.822524e-11 0.0 ab 2736
643618 60537.361708 i 2.809558e-09 2626 2.735741e-09 8.107848e-11 0.0 ab 2626
645522 60539.316099 y 1.377208e-09 2736 2.009640e-09 5.412098e-10 0.0 ab 2736
645524 60539.316994 y 1.377164e-09 2626 1.911722e-09 5.174248e-10 0.0 ab 2626
646725 60540.399926 y 1.328579e-09 2736 1.636107e-09 3.910953e-10 0.0 ab 2736
648745 60542.408324 z 1.368396e-09 2736 1.659703e-09 2.524729e-10 0.0 ab 2736
657385 60554.280828 u 5.636396e-11 2626 1.003580e-10 1.295333e-10 0.0 ab 2626
658547 60555.375018 g 3.295957e-10 2736 3.197823e-10 2.721421e-11 0.0 ab 2736
658591 60555.395147 g 3.291393e-10 2736 3.200164e-10 2.751574e-11 0.0 ab 2736
659285 60556.275361 i 1.623233e-09 2736 1.617443e-09 9.135564e-11 0.0 ab 2736
659290 60556.277594 i 1.623092e-09 2626 1.696994e-09 8.623040e-11 0.0 ab 2626
659316 60556.289681 i 1.622326e-09 2626 1.689124e-09 8.253051e-11 0.0 ab 2626
659317 60556.290130 i 1.622298e-09 2736 1.637013e-09 8.606299e-11 0.0 ab 2736
660329 60557.302915 u 4.342131e-11 2626 -2.166780e-11 8.236143e-11 0.0 ab 2626
660330 60557.303364 u 4.342075e-11 2736 -2.698117e-11 8.681143e-11 0.0 ab 2736
660331 60557.303813 u 4.342019e-11 2626 3.351244e-11 8.210341e-11 0.0 ab 2626
660939 60558.275788 r 9.686349e-10 2626 9.210048e-10 4.871916e-11 0.0 ab 2626
660972 60558.290791 r 9.678491e-10 2626 9.517038e-10 4.635168e-11 0.0 ab 2626
662682 60560.354097 g 2.399943e-10 2626 2.298640e-10 3.748808e-11 0.0 ab 2626
662716 60560.369887 g 2.397896e-10 2626 2.196869e-10 3.767767e-11 0.0 ab 2626
664658 60567.267185 y 8.551441e-10 2614 5.368729e-10 3.434901e-10 0.0 ab 2614
664665 60567.270376 y 8.549837e-10 2614 8.913691e-10 3.406230e-10 0.0 ab 2614
665521 60568.236914 y 8.067555e-10 2614 1.539628e-09 4.122912e-10 0.0 ab 2614
665522 60568.237363 y 8.067332e-10 2736 6.877024e-10 4.160118e-10 0.0 ab 2736
667242 60570.303837 y 7.082060e-10 2614 4.023596e-10 3.810670e-10 0.0 ab 2614
667250 60570.307448 y 7.080429e-10 2626 3.589980e-10 3.778725e-10 0.0 ab 2626
667251 60570.307897 y 7.080226e-10 2736 8.857057e-10 3.866232e-10 0.0 ab 2736
667252 60570.308346 y 7.080023e-10 2614 3.576280e-10 3.794257e-10 0.0 ab 2614
667259 60570.311594 y 7.078556e-10 2736 8.883488e-10 3.856185e-10 0.0 ab 2736
669031 60572.270533 z 7.199811e-10 2626 3.843424e-10 3.498957e-10 0.0 ab 2626
669032 60572.270982 z 7.199714e-10 2736 1.486321e-09 3.583201e-10 0.0 ab 2736
669072 60572.290996 z 7.195369e-10 2626 1.003501e-09 3.360383e-10 0.0 ab 2626
669078 60572.294066 z 7.194703e-10 2736 1.111539e-09 3.414114e-10 0.0 ab 2736
674205 60581.222981 r 4.217026e-10 2614 3.927521e-10 5.236957e-11 0.0 ab 2614
674231 60581.234687 r 4.216016e-10 2614 3.175100e-10 5.024017e-11 0.0 ab 2614
674356 60581.292177 r 4.211064e-10 2614 4.742435e-10 4.515711e-11 0.0 ab 2614
674398 60581.311951 r 4.209364e-10 2614 4.435851e-10 4.502873e-11 0.0 ab 2614
675126 60582.229937 u 3.260823e-11 2614 -1.666570e-10 1.150924e-10 0.0 ab 2614

In [17]:

band mjd flux zpsys zp fluxerr SNR
0 i 60506.411646 1.603245e-10 ab 0.0 7.475844e-11 2.144567
0 y 60506.433772 3.457809e-10 ab 0.0 4.612780e-10 0.749615
6 z 60512.444334 1.250376e-09 ab 0.0 3.177229e-10 3.935428
7 z 60514.386858 1.350066e-09 ab 0.0 1.531379e-10 8.816016
8 z 60514.413775 1.524704e-09 ab 0.0 2.407971e-10 6.331905
11 y 60517.434732 1.039063e-09 ab 0.0 4.520203e-10 2.298710
22 z 60528.434356 2.683530e-09 ab 0.0 3.286021e-10 8.166505
27 i 60534.362835 3.331416e-09 ab 0.0 3.522925e-11 94.563917
28 g 60535.382644 2.181566e-09 ab 0.0 2.941917e-11 74.154570
29 g 60535.414186 2.220494e-09 ab 0.0 4.082698e-11 54.387894
30 i 60537.352445 2.700791e-09 ab 0.0 4.160005e-11 64.922772
32 y 60539.316547 1.960681e-09 ab 0.0 3.743783e-10 5.237165
33 y 60540.399926 1.636107e-09 ab 0.0 3.910953e-10 4.183398
36 z 60542.408324 1.659703e-09 ab 0.0 2.524729e-10 6.573789
47 u 60554.280828 1.003580e-10 ab 0.0 1.295333e-10 0.774766
48 g 60555.385082 3.198994e-10 ab 0.0 1.935025e-11 16.532052
49 i 60556.283191 1.660143e-09 ab 0.0 4.330102e-11 38.339587
50 u 60557.303364 -5.045509e-12 ab 0.0 4.837423e-11 -0.104302
51 r 60558.283290 9.363543e-10 ab 0.0 3.362304e-11 27.848591
53 g 60560.361992 2.247754e-10 ab 0.0 2.657519e-11 8.458093
60 y 60567.268781 7.141210e-10 ab 0.0 2.418726e-10 2.952467
61 y 60568.237139 1.113665e-09 ab 0.0 2.928523e-10 3.802822
63 y 60570.307824 5.786080e-10 ab 0.0 1.708968e-10 3.385716
65 z 60572.281644 9.964257e-10 ab 0.0 1.732599e-10 5.751047
74 r 60581.265449 4.070227e-10 ab 0.0 2.415238e-11 16.852283
75 u 60582.229937 -1.666570e-10 ab 0.0 1.150924e-10 -1.448027

In [20]:

<Table length=59>
timebandModelFluxfieldID [2]fluxfluxerrzpzpsys
60506.406015i5.60107665011e-112736 .. 27361.37291155254e-101.08498863144e-100.0ab
60506.417278i5.63801241752e-112736 .. 27361.83357830157e-101.0287512778e-100.0ab
60506.429944y3.00086952725e-112736 .. 27369.08738607278e-106.58830642806e-100.0ab
60506.4376y3.01352306532e-112736 .. 2736-2.1717688328e-106.45795504698e-100.0ab
60512.444334z8.80239490846e-102626 .. 26261.2503758159e-093.17722947303e-100.0ab
60514.377041z1.29793370422e-092626 .. 26261.4645323852e-092.74877337943e-100.0ab
60514.38975z1.30087068345e-092626 .. 26261.13185446439e-092.57521390501e-100.0ab
60514.393784z1.30180347521e-092736 .. 27361.45381093515e-092.63032388594e-100.0ab
60514.413775z1.30643000276e-092736 .. 27361.52470433984e-092.40797112262e-100.0ab
60517.430686y1.46006259282e-092736 .. 27362.48306084765e-106.48151991345e-100.0ab
60570.311594y7.07855598428e-102736 .. 27368.88348793243e-103.85618489289e-100.0ab
60572.270533z7.19981125653e-102626 .. 26263.84342398749e-103.49895686308e-100.0ab
60572.270982z7.19971367389e-102736 .. 27361.48632075239e-093.58320064414e-100.0ab
60572.290996z7.19536890897e-102626 .. 26261.00350068045e-093.36038342878e-100.0ab
60572.294066z7.19470330943e-102736 .. 27361.11153879131e-093.41411362652e-100.0ab
60581.222981r4.21702567619e-102614 .. 26143.9275213547e-105.23695739644e-110.0ab
60581.234687r4.21601595873e-102614 .. 26143.17510005132e-105.02401730024e-110.0ab
60581.292177r4.21106435071e-102614 .. 26144.74243530027e-104.51571098365e-110.0ab
60581.311951r4.20936401116e-102614 .. 26144.43585139482e-104.50287258716e-110.0ab
60582.229937u3.2608226913e-112614 .. 2614-1.66656983109e-101.15092443562e-100.0ab

In [21]:
import analyzeSN as ans

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-c6c683938637> in <module>()
----> 1 import analyzeSN as ans

/Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/analyzeSN/ in <module>()
      3 from .version import __version__
      4 from . import filters
----> 5 from . import snanaSims
      6 from .analyzelcFits import *
      7 from .cov_utils import *

/Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/analyzeSN/ in <module>()
      7 import numpy as np
      8 from import fits
----> 9 import fitsio
     10 from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
     11 from astropy.table import Table, Column

ImportError: No module named fitsio

In [14]:

another 50 2097152
/Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/snsims/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df['snid'] = snid
/Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/snsims/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df['flux'] = fluxes
/Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/snsims/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df['fluxerrs'] = fluxerrs
/Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/snsims/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df['filter'] = df['filter'].astype(str)
another 50 2097202
another 50 2097252
another 50 2097302
another 50 2097352
another 50 2097402

In [18]:
tend = time.time()

In [19]:
print(tend - tstart)


In [20]:


In [19]:
df = pd.read_hdf('simTiles.hdf')

/usr/local/software/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/ UserWarning: problems loading leaf ``/tile_0/table``::

  HDF5 error back trace

  File "H5Dio.c", line 173, in H5Dread
    can't read data
  File "H5Dio.c", line 551, in H5D__read
    can't read data
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 1875, in H5D__chunk_read
    unable to read raw data chunk
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 2905, in H5D__chunk_lock
    data pipeline read failed
  File "H5Z.c", line 1372, in H5Z_pipeline
    filter returned failure during read
  File "H5Zdeflate.c", line 125, in H5Z_filter_deflate
    inflate() failed

End of HDF5 error back trace

Problems reading the array data.

The leaf will become an ``UnImplemented`` node.
  % (self._g_join(childname), exc))
/usr/local/software/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/ UserWarning: problems loading leaf ``/tile_1/table``::

  HDF5 error back trace

  File "H5Dio.c", line 173, in H5Dread
    can't read data
  File "H5Dio.c", line 551, in H5D__read
    can't read data
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 1875, in H5D__chunk_read
    unable to read raw data chunk
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 2905, in H5D__chunk_lock
    data pipeline read failed
  File "H5Z.c", line 1372, in H5Z_pipeline
    filter returned failure during read
  File "H5Zdeflate.c", line 125, in H5Z_filter_deflate
    inflate() failed

End of HDF5 error back trace

Problems reading the array data.

The leaf will become an ``UnImplemented`` node.
  % (self._g_join(childname), exc))
/usr/local/software/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/ UserWarning: problems loading leaf ``/tile_2/table``::

  HDF5 error back trace

  File "H5Dio.c", line 173, in H5Dread
    can't read data
  File "H5Dio.c", line 551, in H5D__read
    can't read data
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 1875, in H5D__chunk_read
    unable to read raw data chunk
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 2905, in H5D__chunk_lock
    data pipeline read failed
  File "H5Z.c", line 1372, in H5Z_pipeline
    filter returned failure during read
  File "H5Zdeflate.c", line 125, in H5Z_filter_deflate
    inflate() failed

End of HDF5 error back trace

Problems reading the array data.

The leaf will become an ``UnImplemented`` node.
  % (self._g_join(childname), exc))
/usr/local/software/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/ UserWarning: problems loading leaf ``/tile_3/table``::

  HDF5 error back trace

  File "H5Dio.c", line 173, in H5Dread
    can't read data
  File "H5Dio.c", line 551, in H5D__read
    can't read data
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 1875, in H5D__chunk_read
    unable to read raw data chunk
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 2905, in H5D__chunk_lock
    data pipeline read failed
  File "H5Z.c", line 1372, in H5Z_pipeline
    filter returned failure during read
  File "H5Zdeflate.c", line 125, in H5Z_filter_deflate
    inflate() failed

End of HDF5 error back trace

Problems reading the array data.

The leaf will become an ``UnImplemented`` node.
  % (self._g_join(childname), exc))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-d39d6bd02462> in <module>()
----> 1 df = pd.read_hdf('simTiles.hdf')

/usr/local/software/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/pytables.pyc in read_hdf(path_or_buf, key, **kwargs)
    325             keys = store.keys()
    326             if len(keys) != 1:
--> 327                 raise ValueError('key must be provided when HDF file contains '
    328                                  'multiple datasets.')
    329             key = keys[0]

ValueError: key must be provided when HDF file contains multiple datasets.

In [23]:

array([2736, 2626, 2614, 2498, 2742])

In [38]:
df['SNR'] = df.flux / df.fluxerrs

In [51]:
totalCounts, edges = np.histogram(simTile.snParamTable.ix[df.query('SNR > 0').snid.unique()].z, bins=np.arange(0., 1.4, 0.1))
fiveSigmaCounts, edges = np.histogram(simTile.snParamTable.ix[df.query('SNR > 5').snid.unique()].z, bins=np.arange(0., 1.4, 0.1))

In [65]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(0.5 * (edges[: -1] + edges[1:] ), fiveSigmaCounts / totalCounts.astype(np.float), 'o')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x106ec59d0>]


In [56]:
#/ np.float(totalCounts)

array([0, 0, 1, 0, 4, 3, 6, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0])

In [34]:
df.snid.unique().size * 200 /10000


In [29]:
df.expMJD.max() - df.expMJD.min()


In [347]:
class SimulationTile(snsims.Universe):
    def __init__(self, paramDist, rate, NSIDE, tileID, hpOpSim, allPointings=None, timeRange=None):
        self._randomState = None
        self.Tiling = snsims.HealpixTiles(nside=NSIDE, preComputedMap=hpOpSim)
        self.tileID = tileID
        self.fieldArea = self.Tiling.area(tileID)
        self.zdist = rate(rng=self.randomState, fieldArea=self.fieldArea)
        self.zsamples = self.zdist.zSamples
        self.numSN = len(self.zsamples)
        self.positions = self.Tiling.positions(self.tileID, self.numSN, rng=self.randomState)
        self._snParamTable = None
        self.columns = ('expMJD', 'filter', 'fieldID', 'fiveSigmaDepth')
        self.tilePointings = self.Tiling.pointingSequenceForTile(self.tileID, 
                                                                 allPointings=allPointings, columns=self.columns)
        self._timeRange = timeRange
        self.bandPasses = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()
    def minPeakTime(self):
        if  self._timeRange is None:
            minTime = self.tilePointings.expMJD.min()
            minTime = self._timeRange[0]
        return minTime
    def maxPeakTime(self):
        if  self._timeRange is None:
            maxTime = self.tilePointings.expMJD.max()
            maxTime = self._timeRange[1]
        return maxTime
    def snParamTable(self):
        if self._snParamTable is None:
        return self._snParamTable
    def randomState(self):
        if self._randomState is None:
            self._randomState = np.random.RandomState(self.tileID)
        return self._randomState
    def snParams(self):
        zsamples = self.zdist.zSamples
        numSN = len(zsamples)
        positions = self.Tiling.positions(self.tileID, numSN, rng=self.randomState)
        ra = self.positions[0]
        dec = - self.positions[1] + 45.0 
        # Why do we need numSN
        sp = snsims.SimpleSALTDist(numSN=numSN, rng=self.randomState, zSamples=self.zsamples).paramSamples
        sp['ra'] = self.positions[0]
        sp['dec'] = self.positions[1]
        sp['snid'] = np.left_shift(self.tileID, 20) + np.arange(numSN)
        sp.set_index('snid', inplace=True)
        self._snParamTable = sp
        if self.minPeakTime is None or self.maxPeakTime is None:
            sp['t0'] = self.minPeakTime + (self.maxPeakTime - self.minPeakTime) * sp['t0']
        return sp
    def getSNCosmoParamDict(odict, SNCosmoModel):
        mydict = dict()
        param_names = SNCosmoModel.param_names
        for param in odict.index.values:
            if param in param_names:
                mydict[param] = odict[param]
        return mydict
    def SN(self, snid, timeRange='model'):
        mySNParams = self.snParamTable.ix[snid]
        sn = SNObject(ra=mySNParams.ra, dec=mySNParams.dec)
        #print mySNParams
        sncosmo_params = self.getSNCosmoParamDict(mySNParams, sn)
        z = sn.get('z')
        t0 = sn.get('t0')
        lcMinTime = t0 - 20. * (1.0 + z)
        lcMaxTime = t0 + 50. * (1.0 + z )
        df = self.tilePointings.query('expMJD < @lcMaxTime and expMJD > @lcMinTime')
        df['snid'] = snid
        fluxes = []
        fluxerrs = []
        for rows in df.iterrows():
            row = rows[1]
            # print(row['expMJD'], row['filter'], row['fiveSigmaDepth'])
            bp = self.bandPasses[row['filter']]
            flux = sn.catsimBandFlux(bandpassobject=bp, time=row['expMJD'])
            fluxerr = sn.catsimBandFluxError(time=row['expMJD'], bandpassobject=bp, fluxinMaggies=flux,
        df['flux'] = fluxes
        df['fluxerrs'] = fluxerrs
        return sn, df
    def writeTile(self, fileName, timeRange='model'):
        count = 0
        for snid in self.snParamTable.index.values:
            self.writeSN(snid, fileName, timeRange=timeRange)
            if count % 50 == 0:
                print('another 50', snid)
            count += 1
    def writeSN(self, snid, fileName, timeRange='model'):
        sn, df = self.SN(snid, timeRange)
        df['filter'] = df['filter'].astype(str)
        with pd.get_store(fileName) as store:
        # with pd.HDFStore(fileName, mode='a') as hdf:
        #    hdf.append(df, format='table')
             store.append('tile_{}'.format(self.tileID), df)
        #df.to_hdf(fileName, key='tile_{}'.format(self.tileID), mode='a', format='t')

In [10]:
hpOpSim = oss.HealPixelizedOpSim.fromOpSimDB(opsimdb, NSIDE=256)

 reading from database sqlite:////Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/opsimsummary/example_data/enigma_1189_micro.db
SELECT * FROM Summary WHERE PROPID in (366, 364)

In [11]:
hpTiles = snsims.HealpixTiles(nside=16, healpixelizedOpSim=hpOpSim)

In [12]:
hpTiles.positions(2, 100, rng=np.random.RandomState(2))

(array([ 40.78438026,  40.53065749,  42.29979016,  42.23088482,
         42.04748867,  42.23080733,  41.25210975,  41.58830994,
         41.08216056,  43.02952082,  41.00179235,  41.70250909,
         42.22058337,  40.72819844,  44.64701905,  42.87129852,
         42.16330051,  40.95422055,  42.60908388,  41.49905649,
         43.52293982,  42.23783771,  40.91914043,  39.77683503,
         40.93875362,  42.7592876 ,  41.65064611,  43.23235613,
         41.48024909,  43.36557202,  41.2016626 ,  40.19841896,
         42.4880581 ,  41.60520257,  42.00338112,  42.67501915,
         41.15691278,  40.75339679,  40.76006139,  40.25751167,
         42.9898204 ,  40.24773312,  42.2821802 ,  42.45909195,
         44.23997366,  41.13242615,  41.25275956,  43.02907919,
         42.94733378,  44.4284698 ,  43.54080231,  42.62398676,
         41.5606913 ,  41.55608179,  40.58244776,  41.74328026,
         41.97500502,  40.45460385,  40.6112282 ,  42.84786018,
         41.22512085,  42.88364646,  41.56590067,  40.73226624,
         43.63989235,  44.22580378,  42.83873827,  41.71281488,
         44.51692818,  40.41824931,  40.41955535,  41.50131486,
         42.01389966,  40.74762892,  41.92743264,  41.77187084,
         41.9394813 ,  41.69498235,  42.1997047 ,  41.03555032,
         40.19057939,  42.22770515,  40.45789122,  42.9645104 ,
         41.48243098,  40.36067236,  42.73880247,  40.39744532,
         40.87729158,  41.77184442,  41.16654972,  42.52291993,
         43.29058206,  41.82808798,  42.26931004,  41.35374365,
         41.34913149,  41.3317311 ,  41.18135242,  42.39383796]),
 array([ 4.4096664 ,  4.00725996,  4.4357117 ,  4.37198771,  6.54176591,
         5.00399039,  4.35886545,  3.5044309 ,  5.9492576 ,  5.32659848,
         5.19739233,  5.22583866,  4.70478257,  4.55512869,  4.74476064,
         6.1584255 ,  5.47488482,  5.22586614,  2.98710767,  5.69103113,
         4.18730713,  3.1651741 ,  4.54765189,  5.06979222,  5.5726826 ,
         5.29119858,  5.83224165,  3.3800472 ,  4.74287666,  6.11292237,
         4.4860077 ,  4.29806211,  4.79475989,  5.47316263,  5.7072372 ,
         4.57630729,  4.50610545,  4.23821891,  4.38102088,  5.31237264,
         3.72910639,  5.30424308,  6.2792739 ,  5.30399341,  4.13876184,
         5.21017983,  3.64020274,  4.11360259,  5.61593269,  4.806868  ,
         5.10266995,  5.36804467,  6.392753  ,  6.14374318,  5.21651255,
         6.41536414,  4.08006604,  5.12945509,  5.07898161,  4.48507476,
         5.24476701,  6.46372351,  5.18235169,  5.24699723,  5.24180306,
         5.0097361 ,  6.49608147,  4.93577215,  4.68939408,  4.82959745,
         3.94540011,  4.74275572,  3.65773946,  4.94980261,  4.16203122,
         3.15219073,  5.85678645,  4.41315414,  5.75406385,  3.93854688,
         5.43097248,  2.72424967,  5.29883225,  5.60890194,  5.23494823,
         5.31722165,  4.39154549,  4.83996934,  6.05647494,  6.57848526,
         5.59074902,  5.88628965,  3.33679719,  4.5346994 ,  4.55214996,
         4.44712924,  5.58984985,  3.73379447,  3.74017409,  4.19443021]))

In [11]:
mapvalues = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(256)) * hp.UNSEEN

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-5ede3f5a91ed> in <module>()
----> 1 mapvalues = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(256)) * hp.UNSEEN

NameError: name 'hp' is not defined

In [12]:
mapvalues[100] = 100

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-9e3413cde9e4> in <module>()
----> 1 mapvalues[100] = 100

NameError: name 'mapvalues' is not defined

In [158]:
r, t = hp.pix2ang(nside=256, ipix=100, nest=True)

In [159]:


In [160]:


In [161]:
hp.projscatter(r, t)
hp.projscatter(theta, phi)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1145064d0>

In [84]:
phi, theta = hpTiles.positions(100, 100)
phi = np.radians(phi)
theta = np.radians(theta)

In [ ]:

In [34]:
hpTiles.area(tileID=23)/ 41252.96


In [35]:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-35-a02077a73e27> in <module>()
----> 1 hpTiles.positions()

TypeError: positions() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)

In [16]:
import healpy as hp

In [18]:

array([ 0.00860442,  0.00400548,  0.01708304, ...,  0.95772653,
        0.91247313,  0.98569087])

In [19]:

array([   443,   3220,   9038,  17877,  29362,  43063,  59049,  76234,
        95144, 115460])

In [20]:

array([  1.00000000e-04,   1.00100000e-01,   2.00100000e-01,
         3.00100000e-01,   4.00100000e-01,   5.00100000e-01,
         6.00100000e-01,   7.00100000e-01,   8.00100000e-01,
         9.00100000e-01,   1.00010000e+00])

In [ ]:

In [22]:

array([    447.65671761,    3288.5656771 ,    9134.03591601,
         17916.69513074,   29401.70134609,   43256.16515423,
         59105.79756238,   76575.27375973,   95313.48794103,

In [25]:
from future.builtins import range

In [26]:
sd = snsims.SimpleSALTDist(rng=np.random.RandomState(43), numSN=3, zSamples=[0.03, 0.2, 0.5])

In [27]:


In [28]:
sd = snsims.SimpleSALTDist(3, zSamples=[0.2, 0.5, 0.7], rng=np.random.RandomState(2))

In [29]:

M Mabs c mB t0 x0 x1 z
0 0.681387 -18.507682 -0.195380 21.516975 0.435995 0.000039 -0.617223 0.2
1 0.663392 -18.850143 -0.158688 23.475538 0.025926 0.000006 -1.501007 0.5
2 0.239084 -19.227525 -0.107446 23.981698 0.549662 0.000004 0.893590 0.7

In [106]:


In [112]:


In [113]:


In [116]:


In [115]:
x = hp.nside2npix(16) + np.left_shift(1000, 20)

In [105]:


In [103]:


In [12]:
from lsst.sims.catUtils.supernovae import SNObject

In [32]:
tileSim = snsims.HealpixTiles(nside=NSIDE, healpixelizedOpSim=hpOpSim)

In [33]:
tileSim.positions(2, 5, rng=np.random.RandomState(2))

(array([ 44.79113638,  44.84988784,  44.79078878,  44.83928145,  44.89679089]),
 array([ 0.3861089 ,  0.23676652,  0.40196668,  0.29139572,  0.30716451]))

In [ ]:
SNObject(ra = sn)

In [ ]:
from lsst.sims.photUtils import BandpassDict

In [348]:

In [349]:
opsimout = oss.OpSimOutput.fromOpSimDB(opsimdb)

 reading from database sqlite:////Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/opsimsummary/example_data/enigma_1189_micro.db
SELECT * FROM Summary WHERE PROPID in (366, 364)

In [350]:
!rm simulatedTile-2.hdf

rm: simulatedTile-2.hdf: No such file or directory

In [351]:
import time
tstart = time.time()

In [353]:
ss = simTile.snParamTable

In [354]:

M Mabs c mB t0 x0 x1 z ra dec
2097429 0.084355 -19.003140 -0.012830 25.989778 49587.534368 6.373471e-07 -0.400639 1.364771 44.720561 0.292130
2097430 -0.084751 -19.226817 0.084354 25.706809 49575.245355 8.304062e-07 -1.637463 1.334876 44.813034 0.315281
2097431 0.250335 -19.460537 -0.040465 25.591896 49578.543855 9.217440e-07 -1.120686 1.395461 44.869924 0.273011
2097432 -0.377360 -19.669900 0.090366 25.282814 49590.864107 1.216124e-06 0.850998 1.344427 44.810630 0.182443
2097433 0.495625 -19.064607 -0.125411 25.923843 49576.042725 6.780369e-07 -0.925769 1.362495 44.687604 0.285268

In [355]:

('another 50', 2097152)
('another 50', 2097202)
('another 50', 2097252)
('another 50', 2097302)
('another 50', 2097352)
('another 50', 2097402)

In [ ]:
# simTile.writeSN(snid=2097152, fileName='simulatedTile-2.hdf')

In [356]:

expMJD filter fieldID fiveSigmaDepth snid flux fluxerrs
172349 49571.063219 g 2437 24.459918 2097152 1.728647e-11 3.252719e-11
172350 49571.063666 g 2453 24.513292 2097152 1.729167e-11 3.095152e-11
172351 49571.064115 g 2557 24.445066 2097152 1.729689e-11 3.297966e-11
172352 49571.064563 g 2679 24.430031 2097152 1.730210e-11 3.344406e-11
175206 49573.964751 z 2707 22.206644 2097152 2.743777e-10 2.613294e-10
175207 49573.965200 z 2593 22.222713 2097152 2.744513e-10 2.574825e-10
175213 49573.967886 z 2579 22.222465 2097152 2.748916e-10 2.575418e-10
175214 49573.968334 z 2703 22.177684 2097152 2.749650e-10 2.684084e-10
175215 49573.968797 z 2687 22.176571 2097152 2.750410e-10 2.686843e-10
175216 49573.969247 z 2575 22.190010 2097152 2.751148e-10 2.653725e-10
175217 49573.969696 z 2461 22.204532 2097152 2.751885e-10 2.618398e-10
175241 49573.980553 z 2579 22.213298 2097152 2.769726e-10 2.597313e-10
175242 49573.981018 z 2593 22.215790 2097152 2.770492e-10 2.591347e-10
175243 49573.981466 z 2707 22.201214 2097152 2.771229e-10 2.626441e-10
175244 49573.981929 z 2703 22.146786 2097152 2.771992e-10 2.761735e-10
175245 49573.982390 z 2687 22.142589 2097152 2.772751e-10 2.772453e-10
175246 49573.982843 z 2575 22.154760 2097152 2.773497e-10 2.741488e-10
175247 49573.983292 z 2461 22.170884 2097152 2.774236e-10 2.700997e-10
175285 49574.002604 i 2541 23.964494 2097152 4.003477e-10 5.224931e-11
175286 49574.003051 i 2534 23.927611 2097152 4.004334e-10 5.401082e-11
175287 49574.003500 i 2651 23.915709 2097152 4.005194e-10 5.459274e-11
175288 49574.003946 i 2665 23.948188 2097152 4.006049e-10 5.302096e-11
175289 49574.004395 i 2773 23.899535 2097152 4.006909e-10 5.539429e-11
175290 49574.004841 i 2763 23.859204 2097152 4.007764e-10 5.744673e-11
175315 49574.016625 i 2541 24.110986 2097152 4.030384e-10 4.584434e-11
175316 49574.017072 i 2534 24.068772 2097152 4.031244e-10 4.760048e-11
175317 49574.017521 i 2651 24.058710 2097152 4.032107e-10 4.802989e-11
175318 49574.017967 i 2665 24.096084 2097152 4.032964e-10 4.645675e-11
175319 49574.018416 i 2773 24.044255 2097152 4.033828e-10 4.865421e-11
175320 49574.018863 i 2763 23.997830 2097152 4.034687e-10 5.071767e-11
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
175285 49574.002604 i 2541 23.964494 2097433 3.640540e-11 5.136191e-11
175286 49574.003051 i 2534 23.927611 2097433 3.640482e-11 5.315264e-11
175287 49574.003500 i 2651 23.915709 2097433 3.640423e-11 5.374365e-11
175288 49574.003946 i 2665 23.948188 2097433 3.640365e-11 5.214607e-11
175289 49574.004395 i 2773 23.899535 2097433 3.640306e-11 5.455728e-11
175290 49574.004841 i 2763 23.859204 2097433 3.640248e-11 5.663986e-11
175315 49574.016625 i 2541 24.110986 2097433 3.638706e-11 4.482271e-11
175316 49574.017072 i 2534 24.068772 2097433 3.638648e-11 4.661712e-11
175317 49574.017521 i 2651 24.058710 2097433 3.638589e-11 4.705527e-11
175318 49574.017967 i 2665 24.096084 2097433 3.638530e-11 4.544816e-11
175319 49574.018416 i 2773 24.044255 2097433 3.638472e-11 4.769188e-11
175320 49574.018863 i 2763 23.997830 2097433 3.638413e-11 4.979502e-11
190873 49592.970260 z 2651 22.126297 2097433 3.713486e-11 2.812913e-10
190874 49592.970707 z 2665 22.150118 2097433 3.713422e-11 2.751684e-10
190875 49592.971153 z 2667 22.170356 2097433 3.713358e-11 2.700710e-10
190876 49592.971598 z 2679 22.187656 2097433 3.713294e-11 2.657883e-10
190877 49592.972050 z 2557 22.194730 2097433 3.713230e-11 2.640567e-10
190878 49592.972496 z 2551 22.174127 2097433 3.713166e-11 2.691317e-10
190879 49592.972943 z 2541 22.149981 2097433 3.713102e-11 2.752032e-10
190880 49592.973390 z 2534 22.121744 2097433 3.713039e-11 2.824769e-10
190883 49592.974732 z 2431 22.225853 2097433 3.712847e-11 2.565708e-10
190884 49592.975179 z 2437 22.245469 2097433 3.712783e-11 2.519617e-10
190913 49592.988285 z 2551 22.038242 2097433 3.710912e-11 3.051276e-10
190914 49592.988732 z 2557 22.062423 2097433 3.710848e-11 2.983881e-10
190915 49592.989180 z 2667 22.029090 2097433 3.710784e-11 3.077178e-10
190916 49592.989627 z 2679 23.123455 2097433 3.710720e-11 1.117833e-10
190919 49592.990991 z 2437 23.136405 2097433 3.710525e-11 1.104486e-10
190920 49592.991439 z 2431 23.089909 2097433 3.710461e-11 1.153158e-10
190986 49593.024216 g 2707 24.425194 2097433 2.656800e-13 3.355393e-11
190987 49593.024665 g 2593 24.436324 2097433 2.656502e-13 3.320757e-11

13536 rows × 7 columns

In [276]:
sn, lc = simTile.SN(2097152)

In [357]:
tend = time.time()

In [358]:
tend - tstart


In [279]:


In [359]:
data = pd.read_hdf('simulatedTile-2.hdf', 'tile_2')

In [361]:


In [362]:


In [171]:

expMJD filter fieldID fiveSigmaDepth snid flux fluxerrs
172349 49571.063219 g 2437 24.459918 2097152 1.728647e-11 3.252719e-11
172350 49571.063666 g 2453 24.513292 2097152 1.729167e-11 3.095152e-11
172351 49571.064115 g 2557 24.445066 2097152 1.729689e-11 3.297966e-11
172352 49571.064563 g 2679 24.430031 2097152 1.730210e-11 3.344406e-11
190986 49593.024216 g 2707 24.425194 2097152 5.252354e-09 4.441515e-11
190987 49593.024665 g 2593 24.436324 2097152 5.252289e-09 4.415396e-11

In [177]:

172349    3.252719e-11
172350    3.095152e-11
172351    3.297966e-11
172352    3.344406e-11
190986    4.441515e-11
190987    4.415396e-11
Name: fluxerrs, dtype: float64

In [181]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
glc = lc.query('filter == "i"')
ax.errorbar(glc.expMJD, glc.flux, yerr=glc.fluxerrs.values, fmt='o')

<Container object of 3 artists>

In [142]:
mySN = SNObject(ra=44.78, dec=0.28)

In [153]:

array(['M', 'Mabs', 'c', 'mB', 't0', 'x0', 'x1', 'z', 'ra', 'dec'], dtype=object)

In [150]:
for param in simTile.snParamTable.ix[2097152]:
    print param


In [149]:

['z', 't0', 'x0', 'x1', 'c', 'hostebv', 'hostr_v', 'mwebv', 'mwr_v']

In [147]:
simTile.getSNCosmoParamDict(simTile.snParamTable.ix[2097152], mySN)


In [116]:
ht = snsims.HealpixTiles(nside=256, 

In [33]:
subset = ht.pointingSequenceForTile(allPointings=opsimOut, columns=('expMJD', 'filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth'), tileID=2)

In [39]:

expMJD filter fiveSigmaDepth
172349 49571.063219 g 24.459918
172350 49571.063666 g 24.513292
172351 49571.064115 g 24.445066
172352 49571.064563 g 24.430031
175206 49573.964751 z 22.206644

In [46]:
row = next(subset.iterrows())

In [56]:
for rows in subset.head().iterrows():
    row = rows[1]
    print(row['expMJD'], row['filter'], row['fiveSigmaDepth'])

(49571.063219, u'g', 24.459918)
(49571.063666, u'g', 24.513292)
(49571.064115, u'g', 24.445066)
(49571.064563, u'g', 24.430031)
(49573.964751, u'z', 22.206644)

In [52]:


In [18]:


In [ ]:
hpopSim = oss.HealPixelizedOpSim

In [77]:
from lsst.sims.photUtils import BandpassDict

In [76]:

<opsimsummary.opsim_out.OpSimOutput at 0x104f942d0>

In [119]:

M Mabs c mB t0 x0 x1 z ra dec
2097152 -0.172234 -19.193721 0.073487 16.966703 49583.315239 0.002592 -0.531945 0.037492 40.874748 3.657655
2097153 0.056920 -19.187167 -0.023738 18.271408 49589.279658 0.000778 0.160154 0.066762 41.139171 4.183124
2097154 0.402092 -18.867247 -0.087259 17.328732 49576.979866 0.001861 -1.164548 0.038095 43.627595 4.123643
2097155 -0.099114 -19.539191 0.025303 12.497307 49582.614289 0.158649 0.178738 0.005747 44.264664 4.600741
2097156 -0.009494 -19.393026 0.026732 15.923752 49588.676135 0.006780 -0.676756 0.025644 44.037583 4.858994

In [102]:
from lsst.sims.catUtils.supernovae import SNObject

In [123]:
sn, df = simTile.SN(2097152)

In [128]:

{'MWE(B-V)': 0.08050362765789032,
 'ModelSource': 'salt2-extended',
 '_dec': 0.0049394412859329953,
 '_ra': 0.78156041581027214,
 'c': 0.0,
 'hostebv': 0.0,
 'hostr_v': 3.1000000000000001,
 'mwebv': 0.0,
 'mwr_v': 3.1000000000000001,
 't0': 0.0,
 'x0': 1.0,
 'x1': 0.0,
 'z': 0.0}

In [104]:

expMJD filter fieldID fiveSigmaDepth
172349 49571.063219 g 2437 24.459918
172350 49571.063666 g 2453 24.513292
172351 49571.064115 g 2557 24.445066
172352 49571.064563 g 2679 24.430031
175206 49573.964751 z 2707 22.206644

In [ ]:

In [28]:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-68eb6a52f9ff> in <module>()
----> 1 opsimout.summary.ix[pointings].fieldID.unique()

NameError: name 'pointings' is not defined

In [69]:
opsimout.summary.ix[pointings][['fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'fieldID', 'fiveSigmaDepth', 'expMJD', 'filter']]

fieldRA fieldDec fieldID fiveSigmaDepth expMJD filter
187059 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.341876 49585.394674 y
187073 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.393171 49585.401121 y
194374 0.792429 0.034090 2736 23.583906 49596.316600 i
194421 0.792429 0.034090 2736 23.552233 49596.338125 i
195238 0.792429 0.034090 2736 24.757496 49597.273542 g
195240 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 24.823001 49597.274437 g
195308 0.792429 0.034090 2736 25.102092 49597.307155 g
195309 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 25.147792 49597.307604 g
196190 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 24.379822 49598.283632 g
196191 0.792429 0.034090 2736 24.324589 49598.284081 g
196234 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 24.447786 49598.308991 g
196236 0.792429 0.034090 2736 24.582029 49598.313019 g
196401 0.737881 0.037368 2742 21.772138 49598.416210 z
196402 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 21.796638 49598.416659 z
196403 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.784335 49598.417109 z
200849 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.474850 49609.404495 y
201724 0.792429 0.034090 2736 22.377414 49610.395337 z
201725 0.737881 0.037368 2742 22.362867 49610.395786 z
201731 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 22.381839 49610.398466 z
201754 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 22.452820 49610.408864 z
203413 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.646022 49612.302750 y
203421 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.648387 49612.306372 y
203439 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.522201 49612.314538 y
203455 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.487602 49612.321829 y
203480 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.780742 49612.335812 y
204360 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.746881 49613.323212 y
204375 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.723283 49613.330322 y
205282 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.305452 49614.321199 y
205298 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.330164 49614.328452 y
206016 0.792429 0.034090 2736 22.140939 49615.243678 z
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
234881 0.792429 0.034090 2736 24.859172 49658.134057 g
235681 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 24.749668 49659.153899 r
235724 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 24.870040 49659.174081 r
235779 0.792429 0.034090 2736 24.810938 49659.200348 r
235805 0.792429 0.034090 2736 25.003929 49659.213078 r
236380 0.792429 0.034090 2736 24.672432 49660.114418 r
236383 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 24.723603 49660.115758 r
236434 0.792429 0.034090 2736 24.834556 49660.139330 r
236435 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 24.873750 49660.139779 r
239398 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 22.203249 49671.156527 z
239435 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 22.180317 49671.173450 z
243014 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 21.972250 49676.046270 z
243050 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 22.135084 49676.062418 z
244790 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 23.350230 49678.204497 i
248059 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 21.468952 49683.026795 y
251634 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 22.055549 49688.019271 z
251666 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 22.080761 49688.033547 z
251678 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 21.987923 49688.038907 z
253031 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 22.087834 49690.020969 z
253033 0.792429 0.034090 2736 22.082767 49690.021864 z
253068 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 22.107926 49690.037511 z
253070 0.792429 0.034090 2736 22.043207 49690.038406 z
253742 0.792429 0.034090 2736 22.222208 49691.024274 z
253776 0.792429 0.034090 2736 22.464604 49691.039675 z
254454 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 22.092272 49692.023526 z
254492 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 22.121867 49692.040515 z
255888 0.792429 0.034090 2736 21.167007 49694.023357 y
255893 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 21.201085 49694.025588 y
266076 0.820751 -0.011770 2614 23.492887 49708.173359 i
266478 0.766063 -0.007846 2626 21.619843 49709.030331 y

103 rows × 6 columns

In [59]:
pointings = simTile.Tiling.pointingSequenceForTile(2, allPointings=None)

In [39]:

M Mabs c mB t0 x0 x1 z ra dec
2097152 -0.172234 -19.193721 0.073487 16.966703 0.557888 0.002592 -0.531945 0.037492 40.874748 3.657655
2097153 0.056920 -19.187167 -0.023738 18.271408 0.829474 0.000778 0.160154 0.066762 41.139171 4.183124
2097154 0.402092 -18.867247 -0.087259 17.328732 0.269411 0.001861 -1.164548 0.038095 43.627595 4.123643
2097155 -0.099114 -19.539191 0.025303 12.497307 0.525970 0.158649 0.178738 0.005747 44.264664 4.600741
2097156 -0.009494 -19.393026 0.026732 15.923752 0.801993 0.006780 -0.676756 0.025644 44.037583 4.858994

In [40]:
snObj = SNObject(ra=ss.ix[2097152].ra, dec=ss.ix[2097152].dec)

In [42]:

<SNObject at 0x111090550>
  class      : SALT2Source
  name       : 'salt2-extended'
  version    : 1.0
  phases     : [-20, .., 50] days
  wavelengths: [300, .., 18000] Angstroms
effect (name='host' frame='rest'):
  class           : OD94Dust
  wavelength range: [909.09, 33333.3] Angstroms
effect (name='mw' frame='obs'):
  class           : OD94Dust
  wavelength range: [909.09, 33333.3] Angstroms
  z       = 0.0
  t0      = 0.0
  x0      = 1.0
  x1      = 0.0
  c       = 0.0
  hostebv = 0.0
  hostr_v = 3.1000000000000001
  mwebv   = 0.0
  mwr_v   = 3.1000000000000001

In [53]:
mydict = dict()
for key in ss.ix[2097152].index.values:
    if key in snObj.param_names:
        mydict[key] = ss.ix[2097152][key]

In [52]:

array(['M', 'Mabs', 'c', 'mB', 't0', 'x0', 'x1', 'z', 'ra', 'dec'], dtype=object)

In [54]:

{'c': 0.073486538283977915,
 't0': 0.55788769050580311,
 'x0': 0.0025923933113910268,
 'x1': -0.53194513206142791,
 'z': 0.037492301877033854}

In [55]:

In [ ]:

In [42]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1129cef10>

In [43]:
plt.hexbin(ss.ra, ss.dec)

<matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection at 0x112fdd8d0>

In [31]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x111ae09d0>

In [128]:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-128-ccc42765b558> in <module>()
----> 1 ss.ra.ix[0]

/usr/local/software/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.pyc in __getattr__(self, name)
   2670             if name in self._info_axis:
   2671                 return self[name]
-> 2672             return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
   2674     def __setattr__(self, name, value):

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'ra'

In [119]:

M Mabs c mB t0 x0 x1 z
0 -0.277888 -19.383193 0.080845 16.777230 0.192640 3.078120e-03 0.218513 0.037492
1 -0.351036 -19.781365 0.105987 17.677211 0.917166 1.343638e-03 0.165804 0.066762
2 0.247270 -19.015754 -0.099019 17.180225 0.015636 2.120422e-03 0.578635 0.038095
3 -0.190211 -19.750369 0.123533 12.286130 0.042574 1.939202e-01 -1.797110 0.005747
4 0.158791 -19.220540 -0.067292 16.096238 0.245332 5.758305e-03 0.477328 0.025644
5 -0.288393 -19.472536 0.057160 17.727202 0.782295 1.279627e-03 0.990104 0.059560
6 0.006882 -19.441654 0.035016 16.104269 0.047289 5.748751e-03 -1.062122 0.028439
7 0.320966 -19.137254 -0.086276 18.490193 0.223354 6.370129e-04 -0.455084 0.071904
8 -0.437145 -19.731452 0.222073 18.340214 0.333372 7.346587e-04 -2.365134 0.087302
9 0.359724 -18.642377 -0.090541 19.072094 0.734712 3.730201e-04 -0.685680 0.074700
10 0.067852 -19.232065 0.009348 19.932374 0.397554 1.690771e-04 -0.883674 0.139570
11 -0.500698 -19.712495 0.157190 19.424226 0.782596 2.687579e-04 0.064733 0.137941
12 -0.226028 -19.465764 0.030242 19.458233 0.266482 2.596374e-04 1.191536 0.126018
13 0.247713 -19.136416 -0.086172 19.514480 0.556925 2.473878e-04 0.207892 0.112127
14 -0.047285 -19.216028 0.066580 19.661530 0.774130 2.173767e-04 -1.470689 0.123547
15 -0.311997 -19.640943 0.095256 18.282531 0.147097 7.696191e-04 0.117202 0.081846
16 -0.300649 -19.710175 0.129031 18.444582 0.853044 6.652030e-04 -0.950074 0.090512
17 0.215339 -19.091920 -0.161749 19.443190 0.257458 2.611869e-04 2.659582 0.106685
18 -0.136113 -19.408426 -0.001707 18.857084 0.112410 4.515182e-04 1.286130 0.094964
19 -0.605268 -20.070655 0.144772 17.597444 0.321298 1.438689e-03 1.369842 0.073198
20 -0.370862 -19.683125 0.089914 19.468610 0.424846 2.574775e-04 0.804840 0.138821
21 -0.247948 -19.855919 0.077096 18.549723 0.036047 6.019560e-04 0.053329 0.100895
22 -0.108503 -19.273756 0.105129 19.230565 0.774786 3.237848e-04 -2.014570 0.105280
23 0.761146 -18.519220 -0.189076 19.689310 0.260755 2.116325e-04 -1.522254 0.092648
24 0.349584 -19.007097 -0.131288 19.087632 0.902290 3.658652e-04 0.569649 0.088182
25 0.171881 -18.935203 -0.066535 19.381290 0.063009 2.795805e-04 0.336721 0.097082
26 0.109375 -19.319587 -0.015104 19.645468 0.448599 2.199642e-04 -0.563151 0.128241
27 0.019211 -18.993927 0.013857 19.845883 0.663491 1.828928e-04 -0.570184 0.121572
28 0.444718 -18.624932 -0.065392 19.678726 0.149713 2.144910e-04 -2.176251 0.096545
29 -0.171293 -19.468727 0.028549 18.127034 0.058665 8.863778e-04 0.742279 0.070911
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
69772 -0.388521 -19.574390 0.077482 25.414506 0.498294 1.075304e-06 1.320255 1.362722
69773 -0.052506 -19.163066 0.037241 25.773485 0.555214 7.783135e-07 -0.585733 1.336335
69774 0.387316 -18.722915 -0.136572 26.271172 0.961061 4.899972e-07 0.377461 1.365368
69775 0.268600 -19.024135 -0.081363 26.014187 0.264630 6.223541e-07 -0.119280 1.388122
69776 0.087319 -19.300669 -0.033597 25.627969 0.583153 8.875281e-07 0.165216 1.332392
69777 -0.302569 -19.575877 0.071767 25.467937 0.304019 1.026218e-06 0.701997 1.390973
69778 0.380749 -18.792115 -0.140864 26.264444 0.509368 4.926733e-07 0.559656 1.397614
69779 0.421266 -18.886569 -0.186602 26.172166 0.348969 5.339890e-07 1.496961 1.398751
69780 -0.601684 -19.834943 0.229117 25.148399 0.938797 1.383121e-06 -1.070379 1.359897
69781 -0.458299 -19.469629 0.156303 25.533773 0.929159 9.685310e-07 -0.295381 1.370127
69782 0.393854 -19.190267 -0.215738 25.815071 0.024828 7.378499e-07 2.577840 1.371118
69783 0.042406 -19.375941 -0.031435 25.591418 0.570008 9.167275e-07 0.511821 1.351802
69784 -0.194608 -19.186644 0.007886 25.746767 0.184389 7.912917e-07 1.544061 1.334769
69785 -0.305197 -19.402761 0.063171 25.577427 0.055973 9.268542e-07 0.971278 1.358296
69786 0.317449 -19.036033 -0.117333 25.953835 0.276358 6.562772e-07 0.463418 1.363217
69787 -0.674798 -19.652815 0.215445 25.405560 0.480804 1.087696e-06 -0.015458 1.398563
69788 0.080829 -19.079826 -0.070114 25.977244 0.648973 6.405274e-07 1.266612 1.397881
69789 0.249279 -19.202700 -0.097536 25.785947 0.850720 7.660198e-07 0.518042 1.362595
69790 0.532804 -18.810910 -0.186179 26.137618 0.684613 5.535198e-07 0.470899 1.342327
69791 0.313382 -19.029888 -0.082609 25.932319 0.269472 6.719957e-07 -0.490809 1.349202
69792 0.116709 -19.193349 -0.053881 25.795883 0.533166 7.594007e-07 0.477061 1.362893
69793 0.001266 -19.272627 -0.020902 25.707026 0.743978 8.239257e-07 0.585159 1.358024
69794 -0.427050 -19.724813 0.211872 25.319152 0.206614 1.186640e-06 -2.165708 1.391052
69795 0.263133 -18.847040 -0.126052 26.162176 0.432544 5.400598e-07 1.206096 1.373107
69796 0.468168 -18.634347 -0.095418 26.390075 0.286079 4.424022e-07 -1.532318 1.380930
69797 0.593741 -18.864437 -0.153370 26.149996 0.387212 5.505302e-07 -1.019623 1.375786
69798 -0.115211 -19.470031 0.069677 25.585765 0.843383 9.262212e-07 -0.941589 1.397216
69799 0.012271 -19.311479 -0.077290 25.622645 0.211671 8.847044e-07 2.094730 1.335124
69800 -0.434992 -19.733681 0.141376 25.292332 0.953736 1.209056e-06 -0.081171 1.381751
69801 -0.175239 -19.476710 0.086097 25.516713 0.956131 9.866546e-07 -0.864586 1.365028

69802 rows × 8 columns

In [115]:


In [96]:

<bound method SimulationTile.snParams of <__main__.SimulationTile object at 0x11592a750>>

In [91]:


In [93]:
plt.hist(simTile.zsamples, bins=20, histtype='step')

(array([   13.,    74.,   205.,   373.,   637.,   988.,  1379.,  1747.,
         2221.,  2605.,  3178.,  3761.,  4372.,  5025.,  5603.,  6290.,
         6771.,  7634.,  8157.,  8769.]),
 array([ 0.00574665,  0.07545893,  0.1451712 ,  0.21488347,  0.28459574,
         0.35430801,  0.42402028,  0.49373255,  0.56344483,  0.6331571 ,
         0.70286937,  0.77258164,  0.84229391,  0.91200618,  0.98171846,
         1.05143073,  1.121143  ,  1.19085527,  1.26056754,  1.33027981,
 <a list of 1 Patch objects>)

In [75]:
mapvals = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE))* hp.UNSEEN
mapvals[2] =1
hp.mollview(mapvals, nest=True)
hp.projscatter(np.radians(simTile.positions[1][:50]), np.radians(simTile.positions[0][:50]), **dict(s=0.01))

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x115b9ff10>

In [7]:
class TestUniverse(snsims.Universe()):

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-69f60c306fa5> in <module>()
----> 1 class TestUniverse(snsims.Universe()):
      2     pass

TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Universe with abstract methods SN, randomState, snParams

In [ ]:
zdist = snsims.PowerLawRates(rng=np.random.)

In [8]:
np.pi * 4 * np.degrees(1.)**2


In [9]:
1.0/ 12.0/ 256**2


In [10]:
rng = np.random.RandomState()

In [11]:


In [16]:
p, t = hpTiles.positions(23, 20, rng)

('MT19937', array([3073425384,  721572093,  324176003,   39267041, 3626653914,
       3985085923, 1380294436, 3557005841, 2964178669, 1101537875,
       1368408024,   44468939,  619298274, 3929160200, 2170621016,
       2058499305, 3417721533, 1004936176, 3849275170, 1613622492,
       3007924338, 2727729992, 3937163633, 2970080813, 4099551066,
        928970270, 2181773376,  964676670, 3718717698, 1706238191,
       2665429196, 1735884066, 2464266679, 1490834566, 1456030911,
        659386472, 1484599925,  926135046, 4127023524,  158555905,
       1095312962, 2859013745,   25423105,  440675094, 3614159696,
       2605522189, 3243664101, 2284792858, 3974532596,  250099225,
       1008096424, 1446391930, 4045840461, 3239124686,  760177034,
       2203922583,  598225014,  520174213,  640216294,  505968563,
        357861367, 2841555917, 3531736505, 1441304339, 3827488825,
       2297586174, 1337358235, 4241522755, 1973352907, 2295924304,
        506553151, 2903906179,  943263302, 2553883505, 1760096556,
       3162827885,  113430956,  404762513, 3299787010, 2792887216,
       1503319023, 3995266961, 1573130872, 1060093398, 3381253981,
         77312380, 3733135202, 2760254666, 3999405629,  968990781,
       4191939245, 2746107739, 2518283876, 1629085087, 2812979158,
       2820953688, 2473149245,  856076306, 1962167625,  828303302,
       3153905155, 3502999817, 1351055618, 3326706260, 4192122264,
        474152065,   96209869, 1579397538, 3708739490, 3340873548,
       1339479920, 2548891819, 4208319639,  310915991, 2562775934,
       4246224018, 2220768575,  648022455,  249339670, 2443529549,
       2849081213, 2198031156, 2785545323, 1645067791,  178888510,
       4082136619,  682535833, 2303581600, 1447462786, 2730231567,
       3566569730, 2736680072,  321878087, 3986333644,  723403249,
       2388845303, 2108836728,  205734890, 3251091364, 1359443038,
       3862194642,  856347868,  843610999,  805427398,  935051632,
        899484737,  179100426,  531553637, 1045073973, 3148935355,
       2298837270, 3594504813, 2589989287, 1474590213, 2908951687,
        809473494,    7781452, 3430792181, 4059929181, 1006442848,
       4245834323, 3680411090, 2794606199,  197502268,  487907450,
       3952529402, 2955058453, 1462455146, 2648560573, 3202105586,
       3579579783, 1283297813, 2756345990, 1550847902, 3728196035,
       1435780171,  623555535,  331975198, 3926144885, 3337182557,
       3886926018, 1993402846, 3837658950, 3640635767, 4133560688,
       2732352834,  367738766, 1127731445, 3684137962,  260391907,
        837197409,  192994228, 3879052713, 1270874136, 3649864970,
       1615594210, 3030194808, 2793835023, 3826037986,  938011012,
       3325749472, 2844391548,  668500029, 3853054677, 1480476305,
       2997615285, 1719516573, 1262139877, 2672704098, 4078676751,
        701523345,  395793347, 2420177061, 4196787432, 2855065229,
       3592274007, 1422798779, 2375420280, 4246820770,  149345949,
       4285936084, 3593022969, 2523885204, 3059129203,  496810275,
        127074493, 1442714916, 3440424518, 3951706976, 1429875902,
       2462114174, 4256363770, 2880269303, 3403651245, 2535394251,
       3987062073,  765587028, 4102265934, 1111288326,  614011882,
       2706750467, 3920371767,  412538768, 3750826840, 2576242323,
       3416281388, 1463115931, 3803987019, 1989233400, 1727588105,
         48793640, 1938007596,   18875813,  641281110, 2612777255,
        427002600, 4200948817,   59476183,   10319459, 3642125942,
       3647364989, 1808564925, 2189473274, 3244873047, 3878099091,
        423234360,  487202934, 2206046201, 1254192672,  838953284,
       3411373835,  919492181, 4135912430,  617781134, 4047047006,
       2325495216, 2979967776,  946731340, 3169275996, 3456072777,
       2537746577,  983270447, 1564291185, 1442484936, 2097530203,
       3306692796, 1742040214,   90258865, 1161566511,  474849933,
       2301935586, 3631107596, 2271406820, 2660703770, 3246035983,
       2970021348, 1913930058, 1583095916, 1129095030,  925752609,
        598258569, 3725923243,   67506983,  212718387, 3869229757,
       3993307440, 4165952149, 3361119507, 1285067356, 1975743452,
       1885302466,  833179996, 2891782705,  473494668, 2194313456,
       3123832123, 1985709904, 1431068963, 2402356276, 1195861076,
       3117203965, 3943021307, 2441785227,  626870374, 1794407848,
       3844295378,  981486584,  414745549, 1122733724, 1756217409,
        870521452, 4100878329, 3338984745, 3127349252, 2323495647,
        582524840, 2748247857, 3346922877, 3448167886, 3711279724,
       1466226078, 1479473987, 1122216747, 3819087971, 2020766793,
       1844508544, 1677945336,  994120113, 1484376281, 3835451030,
       1466051844, 2129687250, 1711350790, 2114906922, 1289820369,
       3998790693, 2941733876, 1031107819, 1469381259, 1891671555,
       1285097570, 3768492415,  540111574,  642854153, 2304382582,
       4110265989, 1426034882, 3826797221, 2308475500, 3276575755,
       3492599874,  785513638, 3155206974, 3039706721, 2568508002,
       3411025423,  183998572, 3204464968, 2350559235, 4235015680,
       3230058958, 3182464976, 1434776515, 1439328017, 4015674892,
       1741735223, 2853033675, 1902027807, 3888736923, 4244886467,
       2587042600,  745295897, 3905966182, 1638202842, 3994807676,
       3364918046, 2606993899, 4047823586, 4278827078, 1032425040,
       2808326218,  842961675,  641353261, 3465017348, 2142138395,
       3490227214, 2644715351, 4157217927, 2913681549,  101833215,
       2265843729, 3859072740, 2722572145,  547045128,  885790822,
       2062934818, 2110901384, 2821783622,   60977628, 4008236181,
       4143822730, 4268536393, 3253671796, 2532532057, 1183049600,
         64693047, 3229466636, 2268235236, 1296335049, 3847967887,
        289654775, 2542132920, 2684243895, 3421453508, 1896133451,
       2463093875,  509182334, 1459226290, 2055466260, 4002196981,
       3088009195,  596037694, 1340865034, 3530977520,  170066128,
       2447031513, 2959961169,  692811392,  300598983, 4094829925,
       1092091949, 4245495466, 2248595557,  182288097, 2923738403,
       2529428169,   36785070, 2085766829, 3394116708,  173881489,
       2740975744, 2897137433,  646364040, 1157592821,  307133071,
       4205046846, 3056203617, 3954109801,  176099178,  317464600,
       3771935203, 3837005007, 1818041790, 2306006412, 3636238320,
       1048663400, 2700602568, 1024806290,  511988069, 2056560008,
       3804001346,  504001713, 2263056458, 1137850223, 2413224395,
       1029560166, 3451356428, 2262634524, 3512531312, 2598776905,
       3354518986, 1646108154, 1869447265, 2296291503, 2531821949,
       2160212697, 4096559627, 3490307801, 3044005655, 3100634140,
       1846509528, 1740572591, 2782635881, 3603464601, 3543980551,
       1747042083, 2081406990, 2625525017, 2717679541, 1975381212,
       4050384137, 2339161860,  802717690, 4088851327,  773669492,
       1103076809, 3635753054,  703189521, 2424987644,  476979557,
        905453230, 4142669302, 3293686881, 1297917864, 3067435251,
       1908506179, 1245470829, 3134178175, 3140120961, 2209221953,
       2432037690, 2713917691, 2995538974, 1287089061, 2519800231,
        235486106,  370799786, 1329388765, 3723812289, 1132937829,
       3025890209, 1584804922, 1645205107,   41486226, 2477394725,
        520262227,  338959515,  127585416, 3109366235, 1281419193,
       4120751153,  374816886,  576474907, 1736739337, 3920350535,
        750182535, 3668664255, 1080563452,  469294917, 1734719870,
       3448461767,  773551016, 2577249248, 3719993466,  361249356,
       3370693352, 2429967407,  448346816, 4224755252, 1149003968,
       3560525146, 3978728112, 3673368538, 2441445314, 1323594200,
        541429563, 2816333925, 2564126205, 3922740474, 4074599913,
       3626889402,  298326870, 1288114498,  844955788,  710126413,
        377795331,  948071072, 3967262511, 1498208738, 2275744225,
       2133668510,  453394498, 2448679248, 2021598224, 1256991157,
       1373414843, 1028612966,  392579874, 1476868426, 2728955425,
       1341425060, 2048784593, 4040899162, 1993534245, 1747435217,
        676022815, 2522915530, 4182141589, 1830609429,   86329578,
       1945993162, 4034103034,  488790457, 3422711702, 2161320496,
       2192208884,  168766767, 2420269872,   46126714, 3553771184,
        473263922, 3711559321, 1068414458, 2163985951], dtype=uint32), 612, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 44, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 96, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 132, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 160, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 184, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 208, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 232, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 248, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 264, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 272, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 276, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 280, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 284, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 288, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 292, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 296, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 300, 0, 0.0)
('MT19937', array([1036876355, 1873300696, 2779425791, 2339800103, 3723880741,
       1327008191, 2106492371, 3203408818,  701761016, 3043702971,
       1871833405, 3219103356,  856212731, 3351154237,   39152719,
        513061616, 2103980784,  108772343,  182654284, 1685416113,
       4185648610, 4026330555,  795053916, 2362482727, 2781071686,
       3236596564, 3394025798, 1750103809, 3892970399, 3474087018,
       4102634357, 3711757517, 2301984460, 2737821047, 2216912524,
        717776466, 3497452871, 1274676121, 1333709612, 1056772703,
       3670424917, 2739579723, 3819878526, 2478480963, 4146654823,
       3058203559, 2522998525, 2085635626, 1336284938, 2925938181,
         38825661, 2960205374, 2493164034,  398438632, 1705719358,
       3620913246, 2622837628, 3176186704,   14191055, 2442377354,
       4059410324,  973581927, 4188131271,  138814531, 3906469862,
       3629461658, 3818882571, 4052334261, 4275007254, 1614411297,
       1680692855, 1449363529, 2281178495, 2493993333, 1677642278,
        792491368,  476740251, 4209768305, 1841126576, 1429353952,
       2467072645, 1885755481, 1694712675, 1601187635, 1548200975,
       2845970427,  294724874, 1643076106, 4172658599, 1750253701,
       1308787566, 2588934722, 1935830617, 3559175713,  906999510,
       3218182432, 3512596646,  899292934, 2557299002, 1893358037,
        560245378, 3710675862, 2615881014,  316679444, 2962671920,
       1041044048, 4191770952, 4256937430,  196176005,  467970998,
        243295635, 1167991073, 2784052680, 4245395638, 4125153613,
       4110406074,  971923323,  695406079, 3496315824,  357909311,
       1751676811, 1518790934, 4099952317,  816632113, 1447859772,
        151931250, 1241139576, 3723893554, 4187475227,  544646380,
       3946902843, 1807056253, 3043181223, 1551000349, 1073404255,
       3428149666, 1251396176, 3067265653, 1720353205,  621002819,
        381269683, 1574457509, 1535618566, 2944830233, 3719299781,
       1733934070, 2493962751,  361231328, 2614254289, 1354145808,
       4119697761, 1835898327, 3197791332, 2049218221, 1313376925,
        577179965, 3635603244,  140357814, 1900571703, 2099956297,
        768038933, 3518580897,  579300320, 3271633402,  466621525,
       1485065653, 3056549327, 2188272461, 2542178961, 1668344371,
       3851371285, 3925206647,  709127951, 1646927204,  518258762,
       1366216418, 2556541645, 3807304381, 3661205834, 3557506052,
       3820814610, 3683600217,  128589197, 2736611330, 1084631543,
        103976581, 2328778793,  127407800, 3360596525, 3111753039,
       3921146613, 4091460585, 3796179437, 1407938587, 1797275955,
       2344447084, 2989806024,  954889156,  170447225,  508696342,
       1134737180, 2464401803,  158615444, 3135444531, 4198544724,
        451761227, 3393652488, 1736483808, 3368955719, 1535123677,
       1803908011, 4231278232, 2016918174, 3219366995,   41276942,
       3998088891, 3402197802, 4265839073, 1607575653,  901002693,
       1650345235, 1233674544,  301056982, 3421733756, 1207490072,
        357678952, 2792592700, 1208507379,   87382663, 2898975552,
       4121951834,  288091137, 3011507510, 2936647913, 1361726961,
       2131030738, 2401957532,  244292670, 2912098185, 3131746853,
        710946553, 1310590855,  828128092, 2829560166, 1672188769,
       4168160734, 3424896587, 2184399006, 1166552800,  773311304,
       3037819697, 1012628299, 3556121983, 1587142922,  619295349,
       1278214504,  400500958, 1842294939, 4055358454, 2089738669,
       1338057974, 2237873265, 3547642918,  988666321,  124192261,
       1107024663, 2789960060, 3215361605, 3125420009, 1594670884,
       1372915126, 3429527440, 3827380320, 2935841362,  958290162,
        392777370, 4065376931,  472106643, 1334192325, 1177772693,
       3556426272, 3527220953, 4247750970, 1004470542, 2682049294,
       1932672900,  170628749, 1248007132, 2905198590, 4248539190,
       1685128005, 2875624084, 2535374743,  438992083, 2836054087,
       2277855155, 1326966295, 1166744012, 3573405190,  254078052,
        581265535, 3103093610, 2959223854, 3056413466, 2380887017,
       2291293477, 2819738550, 4114662315, 1250419127, 1563227138,
       1201964957, 3546386888, 3888018877,  284454258, 2784958536,
       2207806479, 3690741963, 1234830708, 4193497192, 4136418936,
        950983555, 3888271820, 3984536851, 3827811954,  118209135,
       3308088518, 3851331820,    1142220, 1886534505, 2182782976,
       2984223287, 1243355003, 1665063506,  636433656, 2900883970,
       2204020674, 3780306391, 1749224308,  721743895, 3460509447,
       1209292232, 1301920775, 1546007892, 3705656704,  529233471,
       3798220620, 2449308472, 3713803064, 1757987421, 2681296959,
        265611352, 1699480639,  906575079, 4135744975, 1943204351,
       2923194593, 3888426566, 1501706401, 3403514531, 2469381782,
       4113924989, 1877106740, 1182093305, 1312538987, 1436853736,
        217401812, 2382845390, 1383461765, 2776017535,  865190439,
       4176377162, 3283637082, 2764444697, 3626692814, 3911666744,
       3735656167, 1328971956,  713585087,  324734679, 3738765443,
        620548421, 3179430819, 2441777770, 4011838506, 3804062450,
       4249237389, 2626496665, 2267766151,  909119903, 1872689780,
        205500713,  800603238,  676737880, 2166541169, 3861260994,
       1128262331,  466787138, 2584452918, 3073450335,  972405546,
       2721965118, 2498859907, 1982673632, 2126393887, 3404368058,
        232829502,  921076376,  744493451,   26155897, 2636491098,
       3491693424, 2290944656, 1451168001, 2426950682,  987948841,
       4138091625, 2908820844, 2825308699, 1570922876, 2570830376,
       3050674656,  198691465, 1506571039, 3514114568, 2685358720,
        706097535, 1573606884, 3154659239,  960942867, 3638367408,
       2971793775,  750199376, 2132462121,  734916210, 4159699206,
       2279796728, 1895637892, 1455719713, 1383778493, 3174607284,
       3995126860,  629156619, 3346450115, 2413357890, 1873176402,
       2666507922, 1628540549, 4087584431, 3934896989, 3900011295,
       4118088745, 2649950965, 3375870151,  676953970, 2590173768,
       1143865168,  199968969, 3498635368, 3440230550, 2731542902,
       1616275386,   40439861, 3295934839,  520452868,  870214177,
       1871666406, 1450536014, 1868540236, 1198004107, 2554142578,
       1140137950,  361045438, 4240997144, 2692582835, 3715359274,
       1442044036, 1889365377,  593226588,   17905039, 3802670942,
       2291428237,  664302160, 3033639424, 2302470372,  862051112,
       3614185840, 1071671715,  661608526, 1360565386, 2961985219,
       1273173804, 2849601258, 3701226399, 1949801757, 1724853238,
       1498737203, 2919293079, 2456444642, 2416810398, 2468777868,
         69882202, 3002809241, 3842358921,   46557055, 4047219165,
       1904330946, 3506763974,  437013797, 2833508535, 1553122145,
       2120835724, 3358649587, 3554802404, 1562720183, 4088688103,
       2171819985,  818399713, 1815358651, 2086218489, 2380443840,
        559706664, 1378526888, 3781893223, 3447061169, 2757957170,
       1760253679, 2336996612, 3862487136, 1613415701, 4162377139,
       2143557560, 3568260582, 2009159720,  973207482, 2990825062,
       1099635682, 3820628659, 4032190882,  732594213, 1687908530,
       2144302959,  233849774, 2191849414, 1260516742, 2668887170,
       1793134330, 4114733116, 3171745713,  419074767, 1320768468,
       2936825417, 2402102589, 1877448989, 1213464208, 3477253456,
       3291423849, 3794709374,  623607114, 2041498564, 3706963566,
       1927449900, 2687050738, 3984843775, 2878798065, 1278693888,
       4201082591, 2199892583, 1979451090,  799508583, 1983550457,
       2857147608, 1928521170, 2863038637, 4136584148, 1417041018,
       3794706096, 1253265950, 2067581477, 2234125844, 1512031418,
       3194386532, 1437694302, 3071469735, 1810221887, 3418935807,
       3600594931, 1008515550, 2576609164, 4114111515,  971232950,
       1136189770, 1566397760, 1892342748,  846852555, 3818066311,
       3151043532,  941811638, 3572361711, 1273275541, 3275511499,
       2083306617, 3511341333, 1019761578, 3794661123, 2812634223,
        409690034,  997362966, 3413774480, 3205556182, 2826186127,
       3609595735,  891617009, 3678863430, 3705977217, 3330172029,
       3930011607, 1740622828, 1298160148,  105980734, 1716290753,
        917932258, 3119607871, 3662331243, 3694958268], dtype=uint32), 304, 0, 0.0)

In [17]:

array([ 0.80556144,  0.80335385,  0.80176178,  0.80259193,  0.80474502,
        0.80468303,  0.80351648,  0.80483751,  0.8012384 ,  0.80291049,
        0.80464681,  0.80217262,  0.80574301,  0.80291342,  0.80305263,
        0.80643479,  0.80504134,  0.80201016,  0.80307029,  0.80482529])

In [18]:

array([ 1.54689008,  1.54549507,  1.54708207,  1.54709994,  1.54654693,
        1.54778268,  1.5484891 ,  1.54630112,  1.54711004,  1.54748579,
        1.54632425,  1.54851335,  1.54735947,  1.54695191,  1.54871257,
        1.5472008 ,  1.54719835,  1.54673222,  1.54856364,  1.54577162])

In [12]:
hp.pix2ang(256, 23, nest=True)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-1d4e4c44d8ee> in <module>()
----> 1 hp.pix2ang(256, 23, nest=True)

NameError: name 'hp' is not defined

In [13]:
hpTiles._angularSamples(phi_c, theta_c, 0.13, 20, 23, rng)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-33313583f32b> in <module>()
----> 1 hpTiles._angularSamples(phi_c, theta_c, 0.13, 20, 23, rng)

NameError: name 'phi_c' is not defined

In [ ]:
phi,theta = hpTiles.samplePatchOnSphere(phi_c, theta_c, 0.13, 20, rng, degrees=False)

In [ ]:

In [14]:


In [18]:
hp.ang2pix(256, theta, phi, nest=True)

array([23, 23, 23, 23, 21, 23, 23, 23, 21, 23, 23, 22, 23, 22, 29, 21, 23,
       23, 29, 23])

In [14]:
import healpy as hp

In [10]:
theta_c, phi_c = np.degrees(hp.pix2ang(nside=256, ipix=23, nest=True))

In [9]:


In [35]:
np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea(256, degrees=True) / np.pi)


In [14]:
import healpy as hp

In [17]:
hp.nside2pixarea(256, degrees=True)


In [7]:
hpTiles.pointingSequenceForTile(tileID=23, allPointings=None)

array([187059, 187073, 194374, 194421, 195238, 195308, 196191, 196236,
       196403, 200849, 201724, 203414, 203422, 203440, 203458, 203477,
       204360, 204362, 204375, 204377, 204429, 205282, 205284, 205296,
       205298, 205394, 206016, 206017, 206062, 206063, 206977, 210862,
       210918, 211231, 211279, 211537, 212812, 212813, 214180, 214181,
       214218, 214219, 214247, 214248, 215735, 215778, 215913, 218394,
       220581, 220620, 221239, 221281, 225425, 230524, 230575, 232649,
       232689, 233394, 233397, 233432, 233435, 234057, 234073, 234074,
       234831, 234881, 235734, 235761, 235777, 235779, 235805, 235806,
       236380, 236434, 239401, 239434, 246728, 246746, 247531, 247571,
       251003, 251634, 251666, 251675, 251678, 253031, 253033, 253068,
       253070, 253741, 253742, 253775, 253776, 254454, 254492, 255888,
       266076, 266477, 266489, 266490, 266497, 269956])

In [12]:
import healpy as hp

In [31]:
from lsst.sims.utils import samplePatchOnSphere

In [ ]:

In [48]:
def samplePatchOnSphere(phi, theta, delta, size):
    Uniformly distributes samples on a patch on a sphere between phi \pm delta,
    and theta \pm delta on a sphere. Uniform distribution implies that the
    number of points in a patch of sphere is proportional to the area of the
    patch. Here, the coordinate system is the usual
    spherical coordinate system but with the azimuthal angle theta going from
    90 degrees at the North Pole, to -90 degrees at the South Pole, through
    0. at the equator. 
    This function is not equipped to handle wrap-around the ranges of theta
    phi and therefore does not work at the poles.
    phi: float, mandatory, degrees
	center of the spherical patch in ra with range 
    theta: float, mandatory, degrees
    delta: float, mandatory, degrees
    size: int, mandatory
        number of samples
    seed : int, optional, defaults to 1
        random Seed used for generating values
    tuple of (phivals, thetavals) where phivals and thetavals are arrays of 
        size size in degrees.
    u = rng.uniform(size=size)
    v = rng.uniform(size=size)
    phi = np.radians(phi)
    theta = np.radians(theta)
    delta = np.radians(delta)

    phivals = 2. * delta * u + (phi - delta)
    phivals = np.where ( phivals >= 0., phivals, phivals + 2. * np.pi)
    # use conventions in spherical coordinates
    theta = np.pi/2.0 - theta
    thetamax = theta + delta
    thetamin = theta - delta

    if thetamax > np.pi or thetamin < 0. :
        raise ValueError('Function not implemented to cover wrap around poles')

    # Cumulative Density Function is cos(thetamin) - cos(theta) / cos(thetamin) - cos(thetamax)
    a = np.cos(thetamin) - np.cos(thetamax)
    thetavals = np.arccos(-v * a + np.cos(thetamin))

    # Get back to -pi/2 to pi/2 range of decs
    thetavals = np.pi/2.0 - thetavals 
    return np.degrees(phivals) , np.degrees(thetavals)

In [30]:
class CoordSamples(snsims.PositionSamples, snsims.HealpixTiles):
    def __init__(self, nside, hpOpSim, rng):
        self.nside = nside
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(nside=nside, healpixelizedOpSim=hpOpSim)
        self._rng = rng
    def randomState(self):
        if self._rng is None:
            raise ValueError('self._rng should not be None')
        return self._rng
    def positions(self, tileID, numSamples):
        res_phi = 
        ang = hp.pix2ang(nside=self.nside, ipix=tileID, nest=True)
        radius = np.degrees(np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea / np.pi))
        phi_c, theta_c = np.degrees(ang[::-1])
        phi, theta = super(self.__class__).samplePatchOnSphere(phi_c, theta_c, delta=radius, size=numSamples)
        return ang

In [51]:

(0.80380593285207591, 1.5473566804970937)

In [27]:
rng = np.random.RandomState(23)

In [28]:
cs = CoordSamples(nside=256, hpOpSim=hpOpSim, rng=rng)

In [32]:
ang = cs.positions(23, 20)

In [34]:
area = hp.nside2pixarea(256)
side = np.sqrt(area / np.pi)

In [46]:
res = samplePatchOnSphere(phi=ang[1], theta=ang[0], delta=side, size=100)

In [47]:
hp.ang2pix(256, theta=res[1], phi=res[0], nest=True)

array([23, 23, 29, 23, 29, 23, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 29, 23, 22, 23, 23,
       23, 23, 22, 21, 21, 22, 23, 66, 23, 23, 29, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
       23, 23, 23, 23, 29, 23, 23, 23, 22, 21, 22, 23, 21, 23, 23, 22, 22,
       66, 23, 23, 23, 29, 23, 23, 23, 23, 22, 23, 23, 23, 22, 23, 23, 23,
       23, 23, 23, 29, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 21, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
       66, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 21, 23, 23, 23, 29, 21, 23, 23, 23])

In [8]:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-2b02aba4cd2c> in <module>()
----> 1 snsims.SimulatedTile(tileID=23)

TypeError: __new__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'tileID'

In [9]:
class SimTile(snsims.SimulatedTile):

In [11]:
simulatedTile = SimTile(tileID=23)

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-ddd1b068ea54> in <module>()
----> 1 simulatedTile = SimTile(tileID=23)

TypeError: __new__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'tileID'

In [12]:
from future.utils import with_metaclass

In [15]:
import abc

In [ ]:

In [27]:
class TestDist(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, snsims.Universe)):
    def randomState(self):
        if self._rng is None:
            self._rng = np.randomState(self.tileID)
        return self._rng

In [23]:
class ConcreteImplementation(TestDist):
    def __init__(self, tileID, NSIDE=1):
        hpOpSim = oss.HealPixelizedOpSim.fromOpSimDB(NSIDE=NSIDE, opSimDBpath=opsimdb)
        self.hpTile = snsims.HealpixTiles(nside=NSIDE, healpixelizedOpSim=hpOpSim)
        self.tileID = tileID
        self._rng = None
    def randomState(self):
        if self._rng is None:
            self._rng = np.randomState(self.tileID)
        return self._rng

    def snParams(self):

In [24]:
imp = ConcreteImplementation()

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-ca202b7be05e> in <module>()
----> 1 imp = ConcreteImplementation()

TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class ConcreteImplementation with abstract methods SN, randomState, snParams

In [28]:
import numpy as np

In [35]:
rng = np.random.RandomState(1)

In [36]:
rng.poisson(lam=np.array([3405.3, 34., 21.2]))

array([3391,   27,   16])

In [37]:
state =rng.get_state()

In [38]:

('MT19937', array([2629073562, 2983301384,  681580311, 4033622241,  792772838,
        3306961981,   92883131, 1785085746, 3364128315, 2402025379,
        3224868746, 1145213362, 3784365245, 1948434636, 2667646161,
        2598854474,  921967201, 1345782310, 4019597455, 2906395199,
        1349669984, 2676817993, 4201769589, 2002781766, 3540177092,
        4224925813, 3661313599, 1709930435, 1812273278, 2973452884,
        1592291796, 3452239013, 3588672187, 3228651068, 3191454495,
        3286135343, 2640545275, 3096953148, 3746505897, 2292163827,
        2164382601, 1581410039, 2413832827, 2536571847,  179684232,
        1638923698, 3155158821, 1454330362, 4050607484,  607322300,
        2216566078,  597866774, 1036426282,  732815996, 3131865469,
        2440339870, 2814550949, 1479383443, 2449469876, 3810238677,
        2923086221,  437801529, 2891199990, 1886893516, 3898673786,
         376204646, 1392372379, 4123661669, 1140754642, 3539167101,
        2386309702, 3740957436, 4033654965, 1720449988, 3434980330,
        4213508374, 3576835843, 2818865106, 1653162115, 2935588114,
        3870616539,  102614847, 1476834675, 1220770796, 1233652508,
        2385138085, 1300608482, 2753953039,  262993567, 4009374062,
        2143978386, 1613109469, 3072671496, 1223816410, 4088822114,
        3382188205, 2250056281, 1926821318, 3806317775, 2882166470,
          94227745, 2877123406, 1030225246, 1555072155,   95009460,
        1855512191, 2840453856, 2478087736,  836340051, 1566383306,
        2625414289, 3519123538,  840509954, 2373484829,  676528503,
        2783662465, 3557034492, 2566048980, 2347785709, 3566819907,
        1311855742,  198269976, 2693520819, 2127070362,  961491174,
        3932714317,  837664826, 4277891831, 3535515583, 2831416447,
        3505045078, 3763313683,  367436315, 3614057572, 3780746374,
        2693039652, 2297021184, 2224934154,  698822522, 2718629137,
        1175446314, 2603507610, 2067589016, 2280810156, 2037033584,
        3956938481, 1112874779, 3264939860, 2054107185, 2354026721,
        1958640221, 2844284824, 3775753525, 2462549847, 3562644229,
        3683686884, 3714884555, 2266356233, 2808583945,  980888698,
        1137581788, 2771236582, 1975939317, 1605707990,  614167064,
         767063856, 4227905160, 3590303986, 2932373212, 2230415839,
         127157074, 2328724316, 3356372094, 3215726425,  282321962,
        4226412442,  106823192, 3925701436,  610765913,  281952627,
        1832011890, 2670621135, 1012800992, 1489632964, 1371755819,
        2529629289,  607643288, 3941535311, 3202770816,  284461833,
        3696778854,  325625733, 2671656400, 1391137252, 1240723705,
        3132941411,  314202987, 1301784708, 2575857120,  313287791,
        3569720512,  981744121, 2986286440, 1051168756, 3881027887,
        1088809168, 3421075971, 2655923113, 2577977181, 3968201444,
        1406585576, 4001025594, 1854233928, 3825832114,  954907921,
        3109212504, 1706316388, 1550715292, 2934259476, 1892992132,
        4050317728, 4110743408,  359920673, 3542060425,  597068400,
         843058885, 3799566677, 2064802063,  860032883, 2732673041,
        3457529378, 3660165513, 1125914118, 4212233956, 3757086488,
        2632116865,  462233764,  161423763,  141910303, 2265109737,
        1983126147, 2231395445, 2147383559,  611750005, 2194081082,
        1699618892, 3841025952, 1294478167,  936120505, 4102008957,
        4268194620, 1994019922, 1187332833, 3953675561, 1917283619,
         896867387, 1634068959, 3950876764,  485558549,   45383166,
        2795959904, 1717914918, 3449856475, 3796449494, 3318166191,
        1007512487,  480498390, 1730605673, 3972660041, 2287008439,
         539639323, 1569683418, 3795864463,  453065119, 2449404120,
         265049099, 3514892628, 2665563904, 2534523080, 1969344934,
        4294466702, 1478959417, 1858551310, 3029422620, 4121720519,
        2933843154, 3209557296, 3111170404, 4264711934, 2448282623,
        1388503581, 1999436060,  818418468, 3283991819, 2356924521,
        2684567658, 1424193429, 1187340812, 3847120877, 1987859863,
        1879502046, 3422594099, 1419478013, 4148487199, 2538837125,
        3694851522,  636350498, 1097832595, 3779331880,  351970715,
        2534774459, 3389311029, 3762283879, 3742425828, 3882821767,
           2683353, 1981273229, 4068324016,  539226467, 2411256222,
        1780609115, 2059099269, 2889497980, 1123848930,  540086248,
        3467353606, 3362203896, 4058078927,   93044840,  426751932,
         824266620, 3444590461, 2122918776, 3339845861, 4233923286,
        3733051177, 2957657929, 3110908772, 2551930098, 1294126893,
        2213336821, 2124571119,   49780221, 2901327722, 2493306969,
        2545470627,  102527300, 3876142393, 4097726412, 3510695954,
         660912408, 2033930425, 1601509561,  969180562,  635252598,
         177954239, 3054207519, 4122051269, 2787463443, 1664731394,
        2907371963, 1484884283, 1560546623, 2902374922, 2395942225,
         451352804, 3346805556, 3459298550, 3482428591,   10753957,
        4101820340, 3306178891, 1122941824,  355877597, 1683964498,
         238724805, 3926649337, 3197046734, 4277634633, 2288745211,
        4202067531,  526022968, 4017453944, 1499184106, 2677441952,
        2227353703, 1995296581, 1690255681, 2920887680,  605849491,
        3072795503,  746910746, 2709796449, 1225135658,  657841564,
        4070363626,  144842260, 3718575695, 3159187032,   88291794,
        3129049475,  410962657, 1728726693, 2397606939, 4126386549,
         751549633, 4226219908, 1549973222, 3060733996, 3741110422,
        2530947598, 2627897488, 2317706652, 1170828427, 2671701715,
        1153351468, 3762293788, 4093330405, 1641962571,  699324101,
        3173743570, 1798831929, 3467616712, 4198420524, 2448981354,
         499920867,  968642107, 2140815539, 4193124145, 1639223168,
         284638153,  396985542, 3543438633,  237854258, 3938010494,
          24441053, 2947436871, 1273496002,  719279415, 3574242559,
        1040109604, 3849196601, 3250223302, 3411729501, 3031943234,
        2932285520, 2932420675, 2011314805, 2480850074, 3207806491,
         462404995, 3279042455, 4270524229, 1064389665, 1894847490,
         721365878,  357178131, 2827490451, 2604438657,  242514037,
         678802395, 1322770750, 2747624534, 4246466163, 4188936761,
        1207204018,  980275996,  841637218, 1468131552, 4102349079,
         586888764, 3105466755, 1628818384, 2991889790, 2801191520,
        2114916962, 1124291831, 3242113092, 1082871720, 3625937786,
        2796251125, 1651820702, 3427511545, 2035120316, 1024058911,
        4209506140, 2527167744,  213886228, 2514956543, 2450260579,
         327684603, 3444379103, 3884997363, 2844468873, 2261078634,
        3926825101,  439487268, 3789435080, 1212963762, 4259079565,
        2772611204, 2534236055, 2430244594,  916922266,  903950702,
        3381351589, 2268543712, 3616954837, 1273083041, 1682465785,
        1342921678, 2593265787, 3033724173, 2988544460, 1824668777,
        1214999983,  257453352, 4187931679, 3523379959, 1481153225,
        4290295859,  220376185, 4136013972,  511679284, 3510589272,
        1404047266, 3712771231, 2125374725,   32037606, 3601685135,
        3433623522,  841138647, 1610171318, 3920699442, 1084892922,
        3146108732, 3672652561, 1148331655, 2473777375, 3039860130,
        1170979324,  575756423, 1389255297,  339011744, 2351938991,
        4050094885, 2773634239, 3715040333, 3920910597,  562407139,
          29887881, 1623822350,  358193390, 1822261341, 1243290919,
         755541153,  153529770,  994467513, 1339524978, 3174283928,
        2782204324,  182251010, 1833692038, 3477775846, 2820237500,
        2165639585, 4089211432, 4010345846, 1238643345, 3710224584,
        2251039304, 1196168985, 3165387311, 3920626153, 1796963839,
        2112227260, 3358845388,  593715887, 3046897033, 2968478428,
        3846781604, 3565923316, 2452128692,   68338106, 1427007580,
        2192917968,   75235680, 2134869635, 1857807303, 3745016485,
        2601327385,   35512535,  559792668, 2093376088,  939608650,
        2259549051, 2605376692, 2058599240, 2980581379, 3160415220,
        2739135905,  254886981, 1652380747,  371107437, 1123937393,
        4185309254,  864314942, 2739416220, 2185572068, 1163546293,
        3491702910,  996401156, 1198755052, 2898003956,  745796080,
        4127642404, 4237523457, 1274635091, 3144139009, 1600421663,
        4226154574,  538248802,  373236455,  116925273], dtype=uint32), 16, 0, 0.0)

In [ ]:

In [40]:
zbin_edges = np.array([0., 1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

In [41]:

array([ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.])

In [75]:
x = zbin_edges[:-1]

In [76]:
y = zbin_edges[1:]

In [77]:

array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])

In [78]:
zip(x , y)

[(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 3.0)]

In [79]:
zz = (34, 23, 56)

In [52]:
map(len, list(rng.uniform(low=xx, high=yy, size=zzz) for (xx, yy, zzz) in zip(x,y, zz)))

[34, 23, 56]

In [80]:
arr = list(rng.uniform(low=xx, high=yy, size=zzz).tolist() for (xx, yy, zzz) in zip(x,y, zz))

In [81]:
list(_x for lst in arr for _x in lst)


In [66]:
mylist = []
for lst in arr:
    for x in lst:

In [67]:


In [68]:


In [ ]:
list(x for x in )

In [65]:


In [61]:


In [82]:
class coordSamples(snsims.HealpixTiles):

In [18]:
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15

In [24]:
Planck15.comoving_volume(z=1.4) - Planck15.comoving_volume(z=1.3)

$4.4903336 \times 10^{10} \; \mathrm{Mpc^{3}}$

In [25]:
Planck15.comoving_volume(z=0.1) - Planck15.comoving_volume(z=0.01)

$3.3763831 \times 10^{8} \; \mathrm{Mpc^{3}}$

In [13]:
from lsst.sims.catUtils.supernovae import SNObject

In [15]:
snobj = SNObject(ra=54., dec=-47.)

In [ ]:
snobj.set(**dict(x0=1.4e-6, x1-))

In [70]:
t = ('expMJD', 'filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth')

In [74]:

['expMJD', 'filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth']

In [ ]:

In [31]:
import healpy as hp

In [32]:
hp.ud_grade(np.arange(hp.nside2npix(16)), nside_out=256)

array([   0,    1,    2, ..., 3069, 3070, 3071])

In [29]:


In [36]:
8202/ 60.


In [20]:
189216030.0 /365/60/60 /24


In [21]:
94608030.0 /365/60/60 /24


In [22]:
189216060.0 / 365/60/60 /24


In [23]:
283824060.0 / 365/60/60 /24


In [24]:
94608000.0/ 365/60/60 /24


In [ ]:
l = [3, 4, 5]

In [ ]: