In [33]:
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

In [2]:
opSimVisits = pd.read_csv('/Users/rbiswas/doc/projects/LSST/Twinkles/code/SN_sims/SelectedKrakenVisits.csv',

In [3]:

sessionID propID fieldID fieldRA fieldDec filter expDate expMJD night visitTime ... darkBright rawSeeing wind humidity slewDist slewTime fiveSigmaDepth ditheredRA ditheredDec obsID
220 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 g 11699 59580.135415 0 34 ... 84.048697 0.869226 0 0 0.000000 120 24.357859 0.907976 -0.505351 220
230 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 i 12177 59580.140948 0 34 ... 84.905894 0.791241 0 0 0.000000 120 23.529519 0.907976 -0.505351 230
200 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 r 10861 59580.125716 0 34 ... 82.698160 0.744120 0 0 0.837387 140 24.234817 0.907976 -0.505351 200
276 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 y 14069 59580.162846 0 34 ... 89.102576 1.132846 0 0 0.000000 120 21.187902 0.907976 -0.505351 276
250 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 z 13015 59580.150647 0 34 ... 86.600272 0.928894 0 0 0.000000 120 22.841986 0.907976 -0.505351 250

5 rows × 47 columns

In [36]:
surveyStartDate = 59580

In [4]:
krakenObs = pd.read_csv('krakenvists_twinkles.csv', index_col='obsHistID')

In [5]:

Unnamed: 0 sessionID propID fieldID fieldRA fieldDec filter expDate expMJD night ... mag_6000184645801 mag_6000184408901 mag_6000043638100 mag_6001586473901 mag_6000269054205 mag_6001531895002 mag_6000321245000 mag_6001417557202 mag_6000637885901 mag_6000221385203
220 0 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 g 11699 59580.135415 0 ... 28.266336 27.866121 27.697391 28.145976 28.526304 28.404733 28.418325 28.005642 28.323475 27.438158
230 1 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 i 12177 59580.140948 0 ... 27.617377 27.784248 27.275260 27.878113 27.823338 28.086856 27.926815 27.864636 27.884126 27.228839
200 2 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 r 10861 59580.125716 0 ... 27.536583 27.479861 27.140664 27.601803 27.763960 27.868612 27.766292 27.558418 27.694935 27.015630
276 3 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 y 14069 59580.162846 0 ... 27.297952 27.498321 27.244944 27.282763 27.503450 27.734839 27.486826 27.409329 27.393466 27.239481
250 4 1042 152 1427 0.925184 -0.4789 z 13015 59580.150647 0 ... 27.639220 27.791272 27.483809 27.668637 27.848579 28.062127 27.850256 27.750957 27.766323 27.452931

5 rows × 13931 columns

In [7]:
krakenObs['fsD'] = opSimVisits['fiveSigmaDepth']

In [9]:
sncols = [x for x in krakenObs.columns if x.startswith('mag_')]
HSNR_sn = [x for x in sncols if (krakenObs[x] - krakenObs['fsD']).min() < 0.]

In [10]:
print len(HSNR_sn), len(sncols)

1077 13883

In [19]:
HsnrID = [int(x.split('_')[1]) for x in HSNR_sn]

In [12]:
twinklesSN = pd.read_csv('kraken_sim.csv', index_col='snid')

In [17]:

Int64Index([6001014685800, 6000001337700, 6000067275900, 6001014687900,
            6000635785100, 6000003901100, 6000223131300, 6001014685801,
            6000222594300, 6001014700100,
            6000639100002, 6000184833700, 6000124769101, 6000453898403,
            6000637885901, 6001355552000, 6000639693502, 6000879935200,
            6001171318102, 6000221385203],
           dtype='int64', name=u'snid', length=307900)

In [122]:

In [110]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, **{'figsize': (15, 5)})
sns.distplot(twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'redshift'], rug=False, kde=False,
             hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'alpha':1, 'color':'k', 'lw':2}, ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_ylabel('Num SN with at least one obs with SNR >5')
t0hist = sns.distplot(twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 't0'] + surveyStartDate, rug=False, kde=False, bins=10,
             hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'alpha':1, 'color':'k', 'lw':2}, ax=ax[1])
t0hist.axhline(np.mean(np.histogram(twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 't0'] + surveyStartDate, bins=10)[0]), linestyle='dashed')
#sns.jointplot(x=twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID]['snra'], y=twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID]['sndec'], kind="hex", color="k", ax=ax[2]);
ax[2].hexbin(twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID]['snra'], twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID]['sndec'])
ax[2].set_xlabel('ra (deg)')
ax[2].set_ylabel('dec (deg)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x117625a90>

In [169]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 4, **{'figsize':(20, 4)})
sns.distplot(twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'c'], hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'lw':2, 'color':'k', 'alpha':1},
             rug=False, ax=ax[0], norm_hist=True, kde=False, label='selected')
sns.distplot(twinklesSN.c, hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'lw':2, 'color':'r', 'alpha':1}, rug=False, ax=ax[0],
            norm_hist=True, kde=False, label='truth')

sns.distplot(twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'x1'], hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'lw':2, 'color':'k', 'alpha':1},
             rug=False, ax=ax[1], norm_hist=True, kde=False)
sns.distplot(twinklesSN.x1, hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'lw':2, 'color':'r', 'alpha':1}, rug=False, ax=ax[1],
            norm_hist=True, kde=False)

sns.distplot(twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'M'], hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'lw':2, 'color':'k', 'alpha':1},
             rug=False, ax=ax[3], kde=False, norm_hist=True)
sns.distplot(twinklesSN.M, hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'lw':2, 'color':'r', 'alpha':1}, rug=False, ax=ax[3], 
             kde=False, norm_hist=True)

sns.distplot(twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'mB'], hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'lw':2, 'color':'k', 'alpha':1},
             rug=False, ax=ax[2], kde=False, norm_hist=True)
sns.distplot(twinklesSN.mB, hist_kws={'histtype':'step', 'lw':2, 'color':'r', 'alpha':1}, rug=False, ax=ax[2], 
             kde=False, norm_hist=True)


<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x13824a910>

Detections per Image

In [123]:
mycols = ['fsD'] + HSNR_sn

In [172]:
obsvals = krakenObs[mycols].copy(deep=True)

In [173]:
for col in HSNR_sn:
    obsvals[col] = np.where(obsvals[col] - obsvals['fsD'] < 0, 1, 0)

In [215]:

In [216]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
_ = ax.hist(obsvals[HSNR_sn].sum(axis=1).values, cumulative=-1, 
         histtype='step', lw=2., alpha=1., bins=np.arange(0,1200,50), color='k')
ax.set_xlabel("NumDetections = Number of 5 sigma SN on an image")
_ = ax.set_ylabel("Number of images with detections < NumDetections ")
_ = ax.set_title('Note: Cumulative Plot')

In [ ]:

In [213]:

In [187]:

array([317, 180, 543, ..., 401,  22,  79])

In [128]:
obsvals = obsvals[HSNR_sn]

In [171]:
np.where(obsvals[HSNR_sn[-1]] - obsvals['fsD'] < 0 , 1, 0).sum()


In [157]:

6000068561600    0.0943
6000000563900    0.0806
6000000563901    0.0806
6000456681900    0.0563
6000018388500    0.0993
6001298854000    0.0785
6000011371600    0.0805
6000029190500    0.0808
6000011373800    0.0805
6000011373801    0.0805
6000005864600    0.1362
6000732728000    0.1314
6000439026600    0.1489
6000730813700    0.1267
6000257604700    0.1482
6000519497500    0.1492
6000314620700    0.1445
6000257604701    0.1482
6000733329900    0.1237
6000858772300    0.1435
6000147691900    0.1291
6000025898000    0.1368
6001523857800    0.1327
6000858772301    0.1435
6000213229800    0.1482
6000981572900    0.1499
6001524169900    0.1266
6000061069800    0.1498
6001405450100    0.1289
6000858772302    0.1435
6001310916600    0.5103
6001056917201    0.5338
6001054937401    0.5054
6001053612900    0.5080
6000337483000    0.5127
6000906864600    0.5131
6001310916602    0.5103
6001189563801    0.5436
6000336839900    0.5169
6001493319600    0.5415
6001056708501    0.5168
6001372612900    0.5048
6000193828301    0.5094
6000563558300    0.5328
6000907248600    0.5238
6001547287100    0.5035
6000780967500    0.5704
6000404974700    0.5521
6001058587800    0.5676
6000918298000    0.5684
6000284172800    0.5515
6000478145100    0.5629
6000665329102    0.5509
6000869524900    0.5811
6000236131800    0.5532
6000915967801    0.5859
6000015128900    0.6389
6000433376000    0.6132
6000712986300    0.6291
6000235498100    0.6045
Name: redshift, dtype: float64

In [158]:
krakenObs[['night', HSNR_sn[-1]]]

night mag_6000235498100
220 0 25.218976
230 0 24.945321
200 0 24.775820
276 0 25.116071
250 0 25.279574
1637 2 26.606322
2226 3 26.606322
2942 4 26.606322
3665 5 26.606322
4571 6 26.606322
185880 245 25.218976
185900 245 24.945321
185870 245 24.775820
185946 245 25.116071
185926 245 25.279574
195066 261 25.218976
195086 261 24.945321
195056 261 24.775820
195132 261 25.116071
195112 261 25.279574
201057 271 26.606322
203015 274 25.218976
203030 274 24.945321
203005 274 24.775820
203062 274 25.116071
203036 274 25.279574
204764 277 25.218976
204784 277 24.945321
204754 277 24.775820
204830 277 25.116071
... ... ...
2431086 3623 24.945321
2431056 3623 24.775820
2431132 3623 25.116071
2431112 3623 25.279574
2433151 3626 25.218976
2433171 3626 24.945321
2433141 3626 24.775820
2433217 3626 25.116071
2433197 3626 25.279574
2435233 3629 25.218976
2435253 3629 24.945321
2435223 3629 24.775820
2435299 3629 25.116071
2435279 3629 25.279574
2435922 3631 26.606322
2436607 3632 26.606322
2437301 3633 26.606322
2438631 3636 26.606322
2439331 3637 26.606322
2440036 3638 26.606322
2440831 3639 25.218976
2440841 3639 24.945321
2440811 3639 24.775820
2440887 3639 25.116071
2440861 3639 25.279574
2442752 3642 25.218976
2442772 3642 24.945321
2442742 3642 24.775820
2442799 3642 25.116071
2442775 3642 25.279574

1227 rows × 2 columns

In [135]:



In [ ]:

In [165]:
sns.jointplot(x=twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'c'], y=twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'mB'],kind='kde')
sns.jointplot(x=twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'x1'], y=twinklesSN.ix[HsnrID, 'mB'],kind='kde')

<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x126c5da10>

In [130]:
