Plate reader data analysis

Table of Contents

  1. Global imports, variables and functions
  2. Initiation rates used for Run 3 initiation mutant simulations (for Fig. 4 and Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)
  3. Single mutant data used for Run 3 initiation mutant simulations (for Fig. 4 and Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)
  4. Single mutant data used for Run 4 double mutant simulations (for Fig. 5--Figure supplement 1)
  5. Serine single mutant data used for Run 14 initiation rate simulations (for Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)
  6. Serine single mutant data used for Run 15 double mutant simulations (for Fig. 5--Figure supplement 1)
  7. Single mutant data used for Run 16 multiple CTA mutant simulations (for Fig. 5)
  8. Single mutant data used for Run 5 distance CTC mutant simulations (for Fig. 6 --Figure supplement 1)
  9. Single mutant data used for Run 11 distance CTA mutant simulations (for Fig. 6)
  10. Leucine initiation mutant data used for comparison with Run 3 simulations (for Fig. 4, Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)
  11. Serine initiation mutant data used for comparison with Run 14 simulations (for Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)
  12. Leucine multiple mutant data used for comparison with Run 16 simulations (for Fig. 5)
  13. Double mutant data used for comparison with Run 4 simulations (for Fig. 5--Figure supplement 1)
  14. Serine double mutant data used for comparison with Run 15 simulations (for Fig. 5--Figure supplement 1)
  15. CTA distance mutant data used for comparison with Run 11 simulations (for Fig. 6)
  16. CTC distance mutant data used for comparison with Run 5 simulations (for Fig. 6--Figure supplement 1)
  17. Chrom vs. Plasmid comparison to address reviewer's comments (Author Response Fig. 1, 2)

The run numbers above refer to the simulation runs in scripts/run_simulation.ipynb.

Global imports, variables and functions

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import tsem
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

od_background = 0.047  # based on well with just growth medium
yfp_background = 69  # based on well with just growth medium

fitpoints = {
    'rich': {
        '2016-01-14': {
            'start': 120,
            'end': 300
        '2016-01-27': {
            'start': 120,
            'end': 300
        '2016-02-04': {
            'start': 120,
            'end': 300
        '2016-03-14': {
            'start': 120,
            'end': 300
        '2016-04-19': {
            'start': 120,
            'end': 300
        '2017-02-01': {
            'start': 120,
            'end': 300
        '2017-02-16': {
            'ser': {
                'start': 120,
                'end': 300
            'leu': {
                'start': 120,
                'end': 300
    'starvation': {
        '2016-01-14': {
            'start': 250,
            'end': 600
        '2016-01-27': {
            'start': 250,
            'end': 600
        '2016-02-04': {
            'start': 250,
            'end': 600
        '2016-03-14': {
            'start': 250,
            'end': 600
        '2016-04-19': {
            'start': 250,
            'end': 600
        '2017-02-01': {
            'start': 250,
            'end': 600
        '2017-02-16': {
            'ser': {
                'start': 200,
                'end': 400
            'leu': {
                'start': 250,
                'end': 450

# find points for fitting synthesis rate during rich and starvation
def check_fit(row, growth=['rich', 'starvation']):
    date = row['date']
    time = row['time']
    if date not in fitpoints[growth].keys():
        raise KeyError
    if 'limited_aa' in row:
        aa = row['limited_aa']
        start = fitpoints[growth][date][aa]['start']
        end = fitpoints[growth][date][aa]['end']
        start = fitpoints[growth][date]['start']
        end = fitpoints[growth][date]['end']
    return (time >= start and time <= end)

# linear function  used for fitting fluorescence data during starvation
def Poly1(x, a, b):
    return b * x / 60 - a / 60

# find synthesis rate for single sample during rich and starvation conditions
def find_synthesis_rate(df):
    # presynthesis rate
    # sort by time and reset index to serial integers
    df = df.sort_values(by='time').reset_index()

    #excludedPoints = y["time"] < pointsForPreFit[y['date']]['start']
    #startingPoint = np.argmax(y['time'][excludedPoints]) + 1
    #minimumPoint = np.argmin(y['yfp/od'][pointsForPreRate]) + startingPoint
    # the average over 3 points where the yfp/od hits minimum is calculated
    #return np.mean(y['yfp/od'][minimumPoint-2:minimumPoint+1])

    # find min pre-starv yfp/od
    minidx = df['yfp/od'][df['richfit']].argmin()
    # find average of yfp/od for 3 points upto min
    richrate = df.loc[minidx - 2:minidx, 'yfp/od'].mean()

    # fit straight line to starvation phase
    BestFitParam, BestFitCOV = curve_fit(Poly1,
    # slope is post rate
    starverate = BestFitParam[1]
    # print(df.drop('time', 1).ix[0])
    return (df.drop([
        'time', 'od', 'yfp', 'richfit', 'starvefit', 'yfp/od', 'index', 'date',
        'plate', 'well'
    ], 1).ix[0].append(
            'richrate': richrate,
            'starverate': starverate

# get synthesis rate for all samples
def get_synthesis_rate(df):
    df['od'] = df['od'] - od_background
    df['yfp'] = df['yfp'] - yfp_background
    df['yfp/od'] = df['yfp'] / df['od']

    # calculate time points for rich and starvation YFP synthesis rates
    df['richfit'] = df.apply(lambda row: check_fit(row, 'rich'), axis=1)
    df['starvefit'] = df.apply(
        lambda row: check_fit(row, 'starvation'), axis=1)

    # group all data points for each well
    wells = df.groupby(['date', 'plate', 'well'])

    # find pre and post synthesis rates for each label
    welldata = wells.apply(find_synthesis_rate).reset_index()
    return welldata

# average synthesis rate over replicate wells
def get_av_synthesis_rate(df):
    # groupby date and sampelname and calculate mean and stderr
    groupedReplicates = df.groupby('sample')
    average = groupedReplicates[['richrate', 'starverate']].agg(np.mean).rename(
        columns={'richrate': 'richrate_mean',
                 'starverate': 'starverate_mean'})
    error = groupedReplicates[['richrate', 'starverate']].agg(tsem).rename(
        columns={'richrate': 'richrate_err',
                 'starverate': 'starverate_err'})
    wellannotations = df.drop(['richrate', 'starverate'],
    averagedData = pd.concat(
        [average, error, wellannotations], join='inner', axis=1)
    return averagedData

Initiation rates used for Run 3 initiation mutant simulations (for Fig. 4 and Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)

In [2]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata1 = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/initiation_cta_data.tsv')
annotations1 = pd.read_table(
rawdata1 = rawdata1.merge(annotations1, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')
rawdata2 = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/initiation_ctc_ctt_data.tsv')
annotations2 = pd.read_table(
rawdata2 = rawdata2.merge(annotations2, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')
rawdata = pd.concat([rawdata1, rawdata2])

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)

# group by all variants having the same initiation region
groupedReplicates = welldata[['richrate', 'initiation']].groupby('initiation')

# infer mean initiation rate for each set of initiation rate mutants
# normalize by the 'wt' mutant
inferredInitRate = groupedReplicates.agg(np.mean)
inferredInitRate = inferredInitRate / inferredInitRate['richrate'].ix['wt']
    columns={'richrate': 'inferredInitiationRate'}, inplace=True)

ATC 0.477902
RBS2 0.731301
RBS4 1.112574
TTG 0.337290
wt 1.000000

Single mutant data used for Run 3 initiation mutant simulations (for Fig. 4 and Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)

In [3]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata1 = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/initiation_cta_data.tsv')
annotations1 = pd.read_table(
rawdata1 = rawdata1.merge(annotations1, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')
rawdata2 = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/initiation_ctc_ctt_data.tsv')
annotations2 = pd.read_table(
rawdata2 = rawdata2.merge(annotations2, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')
rawdata = pd.concat([rawdata1, rawdata2])

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# select only wt RBS samples
subsetdata = sampledata[((sampledata['initiation'] == 'wt'))]
# normalize by wt RBS variant without any pause site
normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
normalizationdata = float(subsetdata.loc[normindex, 'starverate_mean'])
# select only single stall site samples
subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
    lambda x: len(x.split(',')) == 1)]
# normalization
subsetdata['measuredRateNormalized'] = subsetdata[
    'starverate_mean'] / normalizationdata
# define label
subsetdata['label'] = subsetdata.apply(
    lambda row: row['pausecodon'].lower() + row['pauselocation'], axis=1)
subsetdata['pauselocation'] = subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(int)
subsetdata = subsetdata.sort_values(by=['pausecodon', 'pauselocation'])
summarydata = subsetdata[['label', 'measuredRateNormalized']]
summarydata = summarydata.set_index('label')

cta6 0.303928
cta10 0.229461
cta14 0.385538
cta18 0.344537
ctc10 0.582338
ctc14 0.651636
ctt6 0.423412
ctt10 0.318042

Single mutant data used for Run 4 double mutant simulations (for Fig. 5--Figure supplement 1)

In [4]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/doubles_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/doubles_annotations.tsv')
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata.apply(
    lambda row: row['strain_id'][:-2] + '_' + str(row['plate']), axis=1)
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# normalize by max value within each plate (corresponding to no pause variant)
sampledata['measuredRateNormalized'] = sampledata.groupby(
    'plate')['starverate_mean'].transform(lambda x: x / x.max())
subsetdata = sampledata
# select only single stall site samples
normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
    lambda x: len(x.split(',')) == 1)]
# define label
subsetdata['label'] = subsetdata.apply(
    lambda row: row['pausecodon'].lower() + row['pauselocation'], axis=1)
subsetdata['pauselocation'] = subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(int)
subsetdata = subsetdata.sort_values(by=['pausecodon', 'pauselocation'])
summarydata = subsetdata[['label', 'measuredRateNormalized']]
summarydata = summarydata.set_index('label')

cta2 0.171785
cta6 0.224788
cta10 0.158591
cta14 0.316839
cta18 0.297784
ctc2 0.407218
ctc6 0.608872
ctc10 0.747329
ctc14 0.818875
ctc18 0.813529
ctt2 0.373273
ctt6 0.525894
ctt10 0.431487
ctt14 0.789663
ctt18 0.733365

Serine single mutant data used for Run 14 initiation rate simulations (for Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)

In [5]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/serine_multiple_cta_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()
# select only wt RBS samples
subsetdata = sampledata[((sampledata['initiation_variant'] == 'wt'))]
# normalize by wt RBS variant without any pause site
normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
normalizationdata = float(subsetdata.loc[normindex, 'starverate_mean'])
# select only single stall samples
subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(lambda x: x == '5')]
# normalization
subsetdata['measuredRateNormalized'] = subsetdata[
    'starverate_mean'] / normalizationdata
# define label
subsetdata['label'] = subsetdata.apply(
    lambda row: row['pausecodon'].lower() + row['pauselocation'], axis=1)
subsetdata['pauselocation'] = subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(int)
subsetdata = subsetdata.sort_values(by=['pausecodon', 'pauselocation'])
summarydata = subsetdata[['label', 'measuredRateNormalized']]
summarydata = summarydata.set_index('label')

tcg5 0.809052

Serine single mutant data used for Run 15 double mutant simulations (for Fig. 5--Figure supplement 1)

In [6]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/serine_multiple_cta_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# select only serine mutants used for double mutant expt
sampledata = sampledata[sampledata['initiation_variant'].apply(
    lambda x: pd.isnull(x) or x == 'wt')]
sampledata = sampledata[sampledata['limited_aa'].apply(lambda x: x == 'ser')]

# normalize by max value within each plate (corresponding to no pause variant)
sampledata['measuredRateNormalized'] = sampledata.groupby(
    'plate')['starverate_mean'].transform(lambda x: x / x.max())
subsetdata = sampledata
# select only single stall site samples
normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
    lambda x: len(x.split(',')) == 1)]
# define label
subsetdata['label'] = subsetdata.apply(
    lambda row: row['pausecodon'].lower() + row['pauselocation'], axis=1)
subsetdata['pauselocation'] = subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(int)
subsetdata = subsetdata.sort_values(by=['pausecodon', 'pauselocation'])
summarydata = subsetdata[['label', 'measuredRateNormalized']]
summarydata = summarydata.set_index('label')


tcg2 0.676833
tcg3 0.683100
tcg4 0.789628
tcg5 0.809052
tcg6 0.740441
tcg7 0.844806
tcg8 0.890436

Single mutant data used for Run 16 multiple CTA mutant simulations (for Fig. 5)

In [7]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/serine_multiple_cta_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# select only serine mutants used for double mutant expt
sampledata = sampledata[sampledata['limited_aa'].apply(lambda x: x == 'leu')]

# normalize by max value within each plate (corresponding to no pause variant)
sampledata['measuredRateNormalized'] = sampledata.groupby(
    'plate')['starverate_mean'].transform(lambda x: x / x.max())
subsetdata = sampledata
# select only single stall site samples
normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
    lambda x: len(x.split(',')) == 1)]
# define label
subsetdata['label'] = subsetdata.apply(
    lambda row: row['pausecodon'].lower() + row['pauselocation'], axis=1)
subsetdata['pauselocation'] = subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(int)
subsetdata = subsetdata.sort_values(by=['pausecodon', 'pauselocation'])
summarydata = subsetdata[['label', 'measuredRateNormalized']]
summarydata = summarydata.set_index('label')


cta2 0.190919
cta6 0.272954
cta10 0.204786
cta14 0.333250
cta18 0.286355

Single mutant data used for Run 5 distance CTC mutant simulations (for Fig. 6 --Figure supplement 1)

In [8]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/distance_ctc_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# normalize by max value (corresponding to no pause variant)
sampledata['measuredRateNormalized'] = sampledata[
    'starverate_mean'] / sampledata['starverate_mean'].max()
subsetdata = sampledata
# select only single stall site samples
normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
    lambda x: len(x.split(',')) == 1)]
# define label
subsetdata['label'] = subsetdata.apply(
    lambda row: row['pausecodon'].lower() + row['pauselocation'], axis=1)
subsetdata['pauselocation'] = subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(int)
subsetdata = subsetdata.sort_values(by=['pausecodon', 'pauselocation'])
summarydata = subsetdata[['label', 'measuredRateNormalized']]
summarydata = summarydata.set_index('label')


ctc8 0.687575
ctc9 0.646659
ctc10 0.681533
ctc11 0.618805
ctc12 0.622357
ctc13 0.713587
ctc14 0.796001

Single mutant data used for Run 11 distance CTA mutant simulations (for Fig. 6)

In [9]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/distance_cta_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# normalize by max value (corresponding to no pause variant)
sampledata['measuredRateNormalized'] = sampledata[
    'starverate_mean'] / sampledata['starverate_mean'].max()
subsetdata = sampledata
# select only single stall site samples
normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
    lambda x: len(x.split(',')) == 1)]
# define label
subsetdata['label'] = subsetdata.apply(
    lambda row: row['pausecodon'].lower() + row['pauselocation'], axis=1)
subsetdata['pauselocation'] = subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(int)
subsetdata = subsetdata.sort_values(by=['pausecodon', 'pauselocation'])
summarydata = subsetdata[['label', 'measuredRateNormalized']]
summarydata = summarydata.set_index('label')


cta8 0.325880
cta9 0.227703
cta10 0.206188
cta11 0.270118
cta12 0.285635
cta13 0.284764
cta14 0.314228

Leucine initiation mutant data used for comparison with Run 3 simulations (for Fig. 4, Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)

In [2]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata1 = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/initiation_cta_data.tsv')
annotations1 = pd.read_table(
rawdata1 = rawdata1.merge(annotations1, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')
rawdata2 = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/initiation_ctc_ctt_data.tsv')
annotations2 = pd.read_table(
rawdata2 = rawdata2.merge(annotations2, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')
rawdata = pd.concat([rawdata1, rawdata2])

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

subsetdata = sampledata[((sampledata['initiation'].apply(
    lambda x: not pd.isnull(x))))]

normalization = subsetdata.loc[subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(
    lambda x: pd.isnull(x)
), ['starverate_mean', 'starverate_err', 'initiation']].set_index('initiation')

for row in subsetdata[['pausecodon', 'pauselocation']].drop_duplicates(
    pausecodon = row[1]['pausecodon']
    pauselocation = row[1]['pauselocation']
    if pd.isnull(pausecodon):  # exclude no pause control
    if len(pauselocation.split(',')) != 1:  # exclude many pause control
    summarydata = subsetdata.loc[
        ((subsetdata['pauselocation'] == pauselocation) &
         (subsetdata['pausecodon'] == pausecodon)), [
             'starverate_mean', 'starverate_err', 'initiation', 'richrate_mean'

    normalizationdata = normalization.ix[summarydata.index]

    summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_err'] = (
        summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_err'].values /
        summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'].values +
        normalizationdata.loc[:, 'starverate_err'].values /
        normalizationdata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'].values)

    summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'] = (
        summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'] /
        normalizationdata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'])

                    'starverate_err'] *= summarydata.loc[:,

        '../processeddata/platereader/measured_yfprates_' + pausecodon.lower()
        + pauselocation + '_initiation_mutants.tsv',
    display(Markdown('**{}{}**'.format(pausecodon, pauselocation)))


starverate_mean starverate_err richrate_mean
wt 0.318042 0.017261 38689.654350
TTG 0.648113 0.052457 12562.142331
ATC 0.511094 0.026543 20642.153810
RBS2 0.472924 0.013474 30853.389552
RBS4 0.341356 0.018972 47207.684935


starverate_mean starverate_err richrate_mean
TTG 0.840797 0.041461 12355.518308
ATC 0.763430 0.023606 20036.156523
RBS2 0.709053 0.032872 29995.923527
RBS4 0.621765 0.028562 47036.552791
wt 0.582338 0.023900 43956.361634


starverate_mean starverate_err richrate_mean
TTG 0.889600 0.070675 11902.140816
ATC 0.821194 0.031650 18746.807511
RBS2 0.884476 0.073296 33438.206385
RBS4 0.715794 0.030441 46088.268097
wt 0.651636 0.030557 40943.525748


starverate_mean starverate_err richrate_mean
TTG 0.678632 0.062761 13146.031332
ATC 0.543485 0.023146 21421.899946
RBS2 0.472156 0.055165 30642.361761
RBS4 0.385909 0.009965 47100.740977
wt 0.423412 0.026079 46098.868902


starverate_mean starverate_err richrate_mean
TTG 0.443839 0.052841 16269.396907
RBS2 0.332863 0.020336 32849.301552
RBS4 0.251209 0.029883 47062.903358
wt 0.303928 0.022081 44343.058633


starverate_mean starverate_err richrate_mean
TTG 0.368502 0.041456 15840.469128
ATC 0.292160 0.018617 23296.265919
RBS2 0.280564 0.030081 31238.267866
RBS4 0.220833 0.005356 47203.079344
wt 0.229461 0.017871 39272.351020


starverate_mean starverate_err richrate_mean
TTG 0.503191 0.038305 15686.145812
ATC 0.473015 0.024920 20681.257780
RBS2 0.445447 0.020330 31292.032778
RBS4 0.318552 0.013651 48336.911754
wt 0.385538 0.016694 41167.261358


starverate_mean starverate_err richrate_mean
TTG 0.621896 0.048745 14358.944185
ATC 0.504772 0.025518 18994.227312
RBS2 0.412495 0.023299 29720.540493
RBS4 0.318594 0.022771 47802.319668
wt 0.344537 0.025993 43414.549043

Serine initiation mutant data used for comparison with Run 14 simulations (for Fig. 4--Figure supplement 1)

In [11]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/serine_multiple_cta_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

subsetdata = sampledata[((sampledata['initiation_variant'].apply(
    lambda x: not pd.isnull(x))) & (sampledata['limited_aa'].apply(
        lambda x: not pd.isnull(x))))]

normalizationdata = subsetdata.loc[
    subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x)),
    ['starverate_mean', 'starverate_err', 'initiation_variant']].set_index(

pausecodons = subsetdata['pausecodon'].unique()
pausecodon = pausecodons[0]

for pauselocation in subsetdata['pauselocation'].unique():
    if pauselocation != '5':
    summarydata = subsetdata.loc[
        subsetdata['pauselocation'] == pauselocation,
        ['starverate_mean', 'starverate_err', 'initiation_variant']].set_index(
    summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_err'] = (
        summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_err'].values /
        summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'].values +
        normalizationdata.loc[:, 'starverate_err'].values /
        normalizationdata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'].values)

    summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'] = (
        summarydata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'] /
        normalizationdata.loc[:, 'starverate_mean'])

                    'starverate_err'] *= summarydata.loc[:,

        '../processeddata/platereader/measured_yfprates_' + pausecodon.lower()
        + pauselocation + '_initiation_mutants.tsv',
    display(Markdown('**{}{}**'.format(pausecodon, pauselocation)))


starverate_mean starverate_err
wt 0.809052 0.023178
TTG 1.098876 0.037491
ATC 0.913414 0.111765
RBS2 0.890407 0.019397
RBS4 0.821327 0.061075

Leucine multiple mutant data used for comparison with Run 16 simulations (for Fig. 5)

In [12]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/serine_multiple_cta_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# select only serine mutants used for double mutant expt
sampledata = sampledata[sampledata['limited_aa'].apply(lambda x: x == 'leu')]

# normalize by max value within each plate (corresponding to no pause variant)
norm = sampledata['starverate_mean'].max()
sampledata['starverate_err'] = sampledata['starverate_err'] / norm
sampledata['starverate_mean'] = sampledata['starverate_mean'] / norm
subsetdata = sampledata
# select only 1-4 stall samples
normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
subsetdata = subsetdata[~subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
    lambda x: len(x.split(',')) > 4)]
# define label
summarydata = subsetdata[
    ['pausecodon', 'pauselocation', 'starverate_mean', 'starverate_err']]

pausecodon pauselocation starverate_mean starverate_err
35 CTA 6,10,14 0.108193 0.023922
36 CTA 6,10,18 0.105813 0.031174
37 CTA 6,10,14,18 0.074351 0.035449
38 CTA 2 0.190919 0.029384
39 CTA 6 0.272954 0.007965
40 CTA 10 0.204786 0.030056
41 CTA 14 0.333250 0.040942
42 CTA 18 0.286355 0.005394
44 CTA 2,14 0.124962 0.034798
45 CTA 2,18 0.166188 0.045410
46 CTA 6,14 0.111677 0.026926
47 CTA 6,18 0.169649 0.014521
48 CTA 10,14 0.160739 0.029566
49 CTA 10,18 0.266150 0.014324
50 CTA 2,6 0.071238 0.044979
51 CTA 14,18 0.191745 0.023999
52 CTA 2,10 0.066953 0.033681
53 CTA 6,10 0.145890 0.041536

Double mutant data used for comparison with Run 4 simulations (for Fig. 5--Figure supplement 1)

In [13]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/doubles_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/doubles_annotations.tsv')
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata.apply(
    lambda row: row['strain_id'][:-2] + '_' + str(row['plate']), axis=1)
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# normalize by max value within each plate (corresponding to no pause variant)
norm = sampledata.groupby('plate')['starverate_mean'].transform(
    lambda x: x.max())
sampledata['starverate_err'] = sampledata['starverate_err'] / norm
sampledata['starverate_mean'] = sampledata['starverate_mean'] / norm
for pausecodon in sampledata['pausecodon'].unique():
    if pausecodon not in ['CTC', 'CTT', 'CTA']:
    subsetdata = sampledata
    # select only single stall site samples
    subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pausecodon'] == pausecodon]
    normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
        lambda x: len(x.split(',')) > 4)]
    summarydata = subsetdata[
        ['pausecodon', 'pauselocation', 'starverate_mean', 'starverate_err']]


pausecodon pauselocation starverate_mean starverate_err
0 CTT 10 0.431487 0.010396
1 CTT 14 0.789663 0.028166
2 CTT 18 0.733365 0.007182
16 CTT 2,14 0.362381 0.008304
17 CTT 2,18 0.392638 0.006299
18 CTT 6,14 0.457245 0.007891
19 CTT 6,18 0.440528 0.028604
20 CTT 10,14 0.428675 0.026286
21 CTT 10,18 0.395161 0.021789
22 CTT 2,6 0.251769 0.009749
23 CTT 14,18 0.616904 0.018653
24 CTT 2,10 0.218175 0.013362
25 CTT 6,10 0.263784 0.020677
49 CTT 2 0.373273 0.014996
50 CTT 6 0.525894 0.018002


pausecodon pauselocation starverate_mean starverate_err
26 CTA 2 0.171785 0.021595
27 CTA 6 0.224788 0.019202
28 CTA 10 0.158591 0.016815
29 CTA 14 0.316839 0.005631
30 CTA 18 0.297784 0.011593
34 CTA 2,14 0.102935 0.010689
35 CTA 2,18 0.170940 0.003687
36 CTA 6,14 0.146685 0.007884
37 CTA 6,18 0.156445 0.017380
38 CTA 10,14 0.108254 0.005452
39 CTA 10,18 0.151476 0.015021
40 CTA 2,6 0.093039 0.031273
41 CTA 14,18 0.160114 0.009698
42 CTA 2,10 0.076930 0.012757
43 CTA 6,10 0.070348 0.008905


pausecodon pauselocation starverate_mean starverate_err
6 CTC 2,14 0.365231 0.008754
7 CTC 2,18 0.428413 0.008683
8 CTC 6,14 0.553870 0.015503
9 CTC 6,18 0.607476 0.016925
10 CTC 10,14 0.642563 0.020819
11 CTC 10,18 0.679807 0.007946
12 CTC 2,6 0.269103 0.020010
13 CTC 14,18 0.712054 0.013971
14 CTC 2,10 0.320510 0.012594
15 CTC 6,10 0.483822 0.008361
44 CTC 2 0.407218 0.007115
45 CTC 6 0.608872 0.016441
46 CTC 10 0.747329 0.005557
47 CTC 14 0.818875 0.033167
48 CTC 18 0.813529 0.010263

Serine double mutant data used for comparison with Run 15 simulations (for Fig. 5--Figure supplement 1)

In [6]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/serine_multiple_cta_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# select only serine mutants used for double mutant expt
sampledata = sampledata[sampledata['initiation_variant'].apply(
    lambda x: pd.isnull(x) or x == 'wt')]
sampledata = sampledata[sampledata['limited_aa'].apply(lambda x: x == 'ser')]

# normalize by max value within each plate (corresponding to no pause variant)
norm = sampledata['starverate_mean'].max()
sampledata['starverate_err'] = sampledata['starverate_err'] / norm
sampledata['starverate_mean'] = sampledata['starverate_mean'] / norm
for pausecodon in sampledata['pausecodon'].unique():
    if pausecodon not in ['TCG']:
    subsetdata = sampledata
    # select only single stall site samples
    subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pausecodon'] == pausecodon]
    normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
        lambda x: len(x.split(',')) > 4)]
    # TCG8 was not used for double mutant expt
    subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
        lambda x: x != '8')]
    summarydata = subsetdata[
        ['pausecodon', 'pauselocation', 'starverate_mean', 'starverate_err']]


pausecodon pauselocation starverate_mean starverate_err
1 TCG 2 0.676833 0.010117
2 TCG 3 0.683100 0.011257
3 TCG 4 0.789628 0.006436
4 TCG 5 0.809052 0.013044
5 TCG 6 0.740441 0.022510
6 TCG 7 0.844806 0.006194
10 TCG 2,5 0.639850 0.026359
11 TCG 2,6 0.575802 0.003365
12 TCG 2,7 0.620216 0.007561
13 TCG 3,5 0.693729 0.008726
14 TCG 3,6 0.580759 0.011743
15 TCG 3,7 0.628790 0.007846
16 TCG 4,5 0.730769 0.004271
17 TCG 4,6 0.701005 0.022835
18 TCG 4,7 0.735890 0.007294

CTA distance mutant data used for comparison with Run 11 simulations (for Fig. 6)

In [15]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/distance_cta_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# normalize by max value within each plate (corresponding to no pause variant)
norm = sampledata['starverate_mean'].max()
sampledata['starverate_err'] = sampledata['starverate_err'] / norm
sampledata['starverate_mean'] = sampledata['starverate_mean'] / norm
for pausecodon in sampledata['pausecodon'].unique():
    if pausecodon not in ['CTA']:
    subsetdata = sampledata
    # select only single stall site samples
    subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pausecodon'] == pausecodon]
    normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
        lambda x: len(x.split(',')) > 4)]
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
        lambda x: '9,' in x)]
    summarydata = subsetdata[
        ['pausecodon', 'pauselocation', 'starverate_mean', 'starverate_err']]


pausecodon pauselocation starverate_mean starverate_err
1 CTA 8,9 0.136273 0.012459
2 CTA 8,10 0.101509 0.023147
3 CTA 8,11 0.178172 0.011986
4 CTA 8,12 0.173283 0.010144
5 CTA 8,13 0.156874 0.002760
6 CTA 8,14 0.176990 0.027423
12 CTA 11,12 0.135461 0.014066
13 CTA 13,14 0.123600 0.008373
14 CTA 9 0.227703 0.014838
15 CTA 10 0.206188 0.006772
16 CTA 11 0.270118 0.005881
17 CTA 12 0.285635 0.016765
18 CTA 13 0.284764 0.008610
19 CTA 14 0.314228 0.004354
20 CTA 8 0.325880 0.005299

CTC distance mutant data used for comparison with Run 5 simulations (for Fig. 6--Figure supplement 1)

In [16]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/distance_ctc_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')

# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()

# normalize by max value within each plate (corresponding to no pause variant)
norm = sampledata['starverate_mean'].max()
sampledata['starverate_err'] = sampledata['starverate_err'] / norm
sampledata['starverate_mean'] = sampledata['starverate_mean'] / norm
for pausecodon in sampledata['pausecodon'].unique():
    if pausecodon not in ['CTC']:
    subsetdata = sampledata
    # select only single stall site samples
    subsetdata = subsetdata[subsetdata['pausecodon'] == pausecodon]
    normindex = subsetdata['pausecodon'].apply(lambda x: pd.isnull(x))
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~normindex]
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
        lambda x: len(x.split(',')) > 4)]
    subsetdata = subsetdata[~subsetdata['pauselocation'].apply(
        lambda x: '13' in x or '14' in x)]
    summarydata = subsetdata[
        ['pausecodon', 'pauselocation', 'starverate_mean', 'starverate_err']]


pausecodon pauselocation starverate_mean starverate_err
2 CTC 8 0.687575 0.006808
3 CTC 9 0.646659 0.015281
4 CTC 8,9 0.387758 0.004063
5 CTC 8,10 0.410743 0.010952
6 CTC 9,10 0.392448 0.006810
9 CTC 11 0.618805 0.022442
10 CTC 12 0.622357 0.041011
11 CTC 8,11 0.475482 0.009059
12 CTC 8,12 0.514034 0.005433
13 CTC 11,12 0.403571 0.005961
17 CTC 9,11 0.437395 0.013760
18 CTC 9,12 0.475304 0.004471
21 CTC 10 0.681533 0.000177

In [87]:
# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/chrom_vs_plasmid_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table(
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')
# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata['strain_id'].apply(lambda x: x[:-2])
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()
chromdata = sampledata[sampledata['gene_location'] == 'chromosome']
norm = float(chromdata['starverate_mean'].max())
chromdata['starverate_mean'] = chromdata['starverate_mean'] / norm
chromdata['starverate_err'] = chromdata['starverate_err'] / norm

# read in raw data for each well and corresponding annotations and merge
rawdata = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/doubles_data.tsv')
annotations = pd.read_table('../rawdata/platereader/doubles_annotations.tsv')
rawdata = rawdata.merge(annotations, on=['plate', 'well'], how='inner')
# calculate the yfp synthesis rate for each well
welldata = get_synthesis_rate(rawdata)
# define sample column for averaging over replicates
# this is specific for each experiment
welldata['sample'] = welldata.apply(
    lambda row: row['strain_id'][:-2] + '_' + str(row['plate']), axis=1)
# average synthesis rate over replicates
sampledata = get_av_synthesis_rate(welldata).reset_index()
plasmiddata = sampledata[sampledata['pausecodon'] == 'CTA']
plasmiddata = sampledata[sampledata['plate'] == 1]
plasmiddata = plasmiddata.merge(
    chromdata[['pauselocation']], how='right', on='pauselocation')
norm = float(plasmiddata['starverate_mean'].max())
plasmiddata['starverate_mean'] = plasmiddata['starverate_mean'] / norm
plasmiddata['starverate_err'] = plasmiddata['starverate_err'] / norm

# normalize rich for easy comparison
norm = float(plasmiddata['richrate_mean'].max())
chromdata['richrate_mean'] = chromdata['richrate_mean'] / norm
chromdata['richrate_err'] = chromdata['richrate_err'] / norm
plasmiddata['richrate_mean'] = plasmiddata['richrate_mean'] / norm
plasmiddata['richrate_err'] = plasmiddata['richrate_err'] / norm

plasmiddata = plasmiddata.set_index('pauselocation')
chromdata = chromdata.set_index('pauselocation')
plasmiddata = plasmiddata.ix[chromdata.index]

/fh/fast/subramaniam_a/user/rasi/virtualenv/default2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
/fh/fast/subramaniam_a/user/rasi/virtualenv/default2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

Chrom vs. Plasmid comparison to address reviewer's comments (Author Response Fig. 1, 2)

In [88]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches([3, 2])

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
subset = plasmiddata
    np.arange(len(subset)) - 0.1,
subset = chromdata
    np.arange(len(subset)) + 0.1,
xticklabels = map(
    lambda x: str(x).replace(',', ' + ').replace('nan', 'no-stall'),
xticklabels[1] = '7-stalls'
ax.set_ylim(bottom=-0.1, top=1.1)
ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, rotation=45, ha='right')
ax.set(xlabel='Location of stall sites',
       ylabel='YFP synthesis rate (a.u.)\n(Leu rich)')
ax.legend(loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 1))

In [90]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches([3, 2])

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
subset = plasmiddata
    np.arange(len(subset)) - 0.1,
subset = chromdata
    np.arange(len(subset)) + 0.1,
xticklabels = map(
    lambda x: str(x).replace(',', ' + ').replace('nan', 'no-stall'),
xticklabels[1] = '7-stalls'
ax.set_ylim(bottom=-0.1, top=1.1)
ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, rotation=45, ha='right')
ax.set(xlabel='Location of stall sites',
       ylabel='YFP synthesis rate (w.r.t no-stall)\n(Leu starvation)')
ax.legend(loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 1))