Accessing GACS with Python

  • Simple python scripts showing how to access.
  • Download this notebook

Imports and Global variables

In [1]:
import requests
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import time
import os
import getpass
# Directive to matblotlib for creating interactive graphs
# Use %matplotlib inline for just creating the plots
%matplotlib notebook

# Gaia Archive REST URL
gacs_url = ''
# URL For synchronous queries
gacs_sync_url  = gacs_url + 'tap/sync'
# URL For asynchronous queries
gacs_async_url = gacs_url + 'tap/async' 
# Login URL
gacs_login_url = gacs_url + 'login'
# Delete JOBS URL
gacs_delete_url = gacs_url + 'tap/deletejobs'
# HTTP Session object
session = requests.Session()

Log in to GACS

  • Remember to update your username !
  • Copy this function ! .... it makes for you the login to the Gaia Archive

In [2]:
# Ask for the password (COSMOS)
password = getpass.getpass('Enter cosmos password:')

# POST the authentication
resp =,data = {'username':'edelpozo','password':password})

Enter cosmos password:········

Create a function for executing asynchronous queries

  • Copy this function ! .... it makes for you the queries to the Gaia Archive

In [3]:
def execute_query(query,results_format='csv',delete_job=True):
    global gacs_async_url
    global gacs_delete_url
    global session  

    # Submit the Job to Gacs user space
    gacs_query = {'PHASE':'RUN','REQUEST':'doQuery','LANG':'ADQL','FORMAT':results_format,'QUERY':query}
    start = time.time()
    resp =,params=gacs_query)   
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception('Error launching the job ... ', query , resp.text)       
    url_job = resp.url    
    print('Submitted job to GACS: Job URL=' + url_job)
    # Poll the server till the Query is finished
    while True:       
        resp = session.get(url_job)       
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception('Error checking job status ... ', url_job , resp.text)         
        if resp.text.find('COMPLETED') >= 0:
        if resp.text.find('ERROR') >= 0:
            raise Exception('Error in the query exitting ... ', url_job , resp.text)   
    # Get results
    results = session.get(url_job + '/results/result')
    if results.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception('Error launching the job ... ', query , results.text) 
    stop = time.time()
    print('Query time: ' + str(stop-start) + ' seconds')
    # Delete the Job from the Gaia Archive
    if delete_job:
        job_id = url_job.split('/')[-1],data ={'JOB_IDS':job_id})
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception('Error deleting the job ... ', job_id , resp.text) 
    return results

# TEST the function
resp = execute_query('SELECT TOP 5 source_id,ra,dec FROM gaiadr1.gaia_source')

Submitted job to GACS: Job URL=
Query time: 0.12717628479003906 seconds

Python: Exercise 1

Create Hipparcos and Gaia DR1 B-V HR diagrams for well-behaved Hipparcos stars

  1. Get the data from the archive

In [4]:
# Define the query .... getting the parallax from tgas and hipparcos catalogue, apparent magnitude 
# and hipparcos b_v parameter.
select = 'SELECT gaia.parallax,hip.plx,gaia.phot_g_mean_mag,hip.b_v '
tables = ' FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source as gaia INNER JOIN public.hipparcos_newreduction as hip on gaia.hip = hip.hip'
where = (' where gaia.parallax/gaia.parallax_error >= 5 and '
         'hip.plx/hip.e_plx >= 5 and '
         'hip.e_b_v > 0.0 and hip.e_b_v <= 0.05 and '
         '2.5/log(10)*gaia.phot_g_mean_flux_error/gaia.phot_g_mean_flux <= 0.05')
gacs_query = select + tables + where

# Run the query
resp = execute_query(gacs_query)

# Load the information from the request results in CSV
gaiaplx, hipplx, ap_gmag, hip_bv = np.loadtxt(resp.text.split('\n'),skiprows=1,delimiter=',',unpack=True)

Submitted job to GACS: Job URL=
Query time: 1.704153299331665 seconds
  1. Define a function for computing the absolute magnitude

In [5]:
# Function for computing the absolute magnitude
def abs_mag(parallax,apparent_mag):
    return apparent_mag+5*np.log10(np.abs(parallax))-10
  1. Plot the scatter plot for Gaia Abs Mag vs B_V

In [6]:
# Compute the absolute magnitude for Gaia
abs_mag_gaia = abs_mag(gaiaplx,ap_gmag)

# Plot the 
plt.hexbin(hip_bv, abs_mag_gaia, gridsize = 300,cmap=cm.jet, bins='log')
#plt.scatter(hip_bv,abs_mag_gaia, c=heatmap , s=10, , lw=0)

  1. Plot the scatter plot for Hipparcos Abs Mag vs B_V

In [9]:
# Compute the absolute magnitude for Hipparcos
abs_mag_hip = abs_mag(hipplx,ap_gmag)

# Plot the 
plt.hexbin(hip_bv, abs_mag_hip, gridsize = 300,cmap=cm.jet, bins='log')
#plt.scatter(hip_bv,abs_mag_gaia, c=heatmap , s=10, , lw=0)

In [11]:
hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(hip_bv,abs_mag_gaia, bins=300)

xidx = np.clip(np.digitize(hip_bv, xedges), 0, hist.shape[0]-1)
yidx = np.clip(np.digitize(abs_mag_gaia, yedges), 0, hist.shape[1]-1)
c = hist[xidx, yidx]

plt.scatter(hip_bv,abs_mag_gaia, c=np.log(c), s=2,cmap=cm.jet, lw=0)

/home/epozo/Applications/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log

Python: Exercise 2

Create Proper Motion diagram around the LMC - With TGAS + Hipparcos

  1. Get the data corresponding to the LMC (See

In [12]:
select = "SELECT gaia.pmra,gaia.pmdec,gaia.phot_g_mean_mag,gaia.ra,gaia.dec"
tables = " FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source as gaia INNER JOIN public.hipparcos_newreduction as hip on gaia.hip = hip.hip"
where  = (" WHERE 1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',gaia.l,gaia.b), "
          " AND gaia.source_id IN "

gacs_query = select + tables + where
resp = execute_query(gacs_query)

# Load the information from the request results 
pm_ra,pm_dec,gmag, ra, dec = np.loadtxt(resp.text.split('\n'),skiprows=1,delimiter=',',unpack=True)

Submitted job to GACS: Job URL=
Query time: 0.1310575008392334 seconds
  1. Plot the Proper Motion diagram

In [13]:
# GMAG ... 
area = np.linspace(np.min(gmag), np.max(gmag), 10)

# Show the scatter plot
plt.scatter(ra,dec, c=gmag,s=area**2, cmap=cm.YlOrRd, lw=0)
plt.title('LMC with TGAS + Hipparcos')
pm_ra = pm_ra - np.mean(pm_ra)
pm_dec = pm_dec - np.mean(pm_dec)
# Plot the arrows ...


Create Proper Motion diagram (Pleiades)

In [18]:
pleiades_center_dec = 56.75
pleiades_center_ra  = 24.12
select = "SELECT gaia.pmra,gaia.pmdec,gaia.phot_g_mean_mag,gaia.ra,gaia.dec"
tables = " FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source as gaia"
where  = (" WHERE 1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',gaia.ra,gaia.dec), "
          "CIRCLE('ICRS'," + str(pleiades_center_ra) + "," + str(pleiades_center_dec) + ",5))"
          " and sqrt(power(gaia.pmra-20.5,2)+power(gaia.pmdec+45.5,2)) < 20.0")

gacs_query = select + tables + where
resp = execute_query(gacs_query)

# Load the information from the request results 
pm_ra,pm_dec,gmag, ra, dec = np.loadtxt(resp.text.split('\n'),skiprows=1,delimiter=',',unpack=True)

area = np.linspace(np.min(gmag), np.max(gmag), 10)

val = plt.scatter(ra,dec, c=gmag,s=area**2, cmap=cm.YlOrRd, lw=0)
plt.title('Pleiades proper motion')
cbar = plt.colorbar(val)'gmag')
pm_ra = pm_ra - np.mean(pm_ra)
pm_dec = pm_dec - np.mean(pm_dec)

Submitted job to GACS: Job URL=
Query time: 0.3804469108581543 seconds

Create Proper Motion diagram (Bernard's Star)

In [19]:
barnard_center_dec = 4.66828815
barnard_center_ra  = 269.45402305
select = "SELECT hip.pmra,hip.pmde,hip.hpmag,hip.ra,"
tables = " FROM public.hipparcos as hip"
where  = (" WHERE 1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',hip.ra,, "
          "CIRCLE('ICRS'," + str(barnard_center_ra) + "," + str(barnard_center_dec) + ",0.466666))")

gacs_query = select + tables + where
resp = execute_query(gacs_query)

# Load the information from the request results 
pm_ra,pm_dec,gmag, ra, dec = np.loadtxt(resp.text.split('\n'),skiprows=1,delimiter=',',unpack=True)

area = np.linspace(np.min(gmag), np.max(gmag), 10)

val = plt.scatter(ra,dec, c=gmag,s=area**3, cmap=cm.YlOrRd, lw=0)
plt.title("Barnard's Star proper motion")
cbar = plt.colorbar(val)'gmag')
pm_ra = pm_ra - np.mean(pm_ra)
pm_dec = pm_dec - np.mean(pm_dec)

Submitted job to GACS: Job URL=
Query time: 0.15606117248535156 seconds