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from IPython.display import HTML
In [ ]:
alert("Hello Javascript (created in python string")
// Lots of pre-written stuff could go here - all generated from Python
# This is Python, printing out the javascript into the browser window
HTML('<script type="text/Javascript">%s</script>' % (js,))
# Nothing will appear be 'output' - but an annoying pop-up will...
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<input type="text" id="textinput" value="12"/>
<input type="submit" id="textsubmit">
# This is Python, printing out the javascript into the browser window
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def recalculate_cell_in_python(v):
if v % 2 == 0: return v/2
return v*3+1
# Lots more Python could go here
# You can also have side-effects, etc
# This python import will be 'visible' for the python code executed by the javascript callback
# because that happens 'afterwards' as far as the Python kernel is concerned
import json
var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;
$('#textsubmit').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
var javascript_cell_value = $('#textinput').val();
var cmd=[
'python_new_value = recalculate_cell_in_python('+javascript_cell_value+')',
'json.dumps( dict( v=python_new_value ) )'
kernel.execute(cmd, {iopub: {output: handle_python_output}}, {silent:false});
function handle_python_output(msg) {
if( msg.msg_type == "error" ) {
console.log("Javascript received Python error : ", msg.content);
else { // execute_result
var res_str =["text/plain"];
// Take off surrounding quotes
var res=JSON.parse( res_str.replace(/^['"](.*)['"]$/, "$1") );
$('#textinput').val( res.v );
return false;
# Again,this is a Python cell, printing out the javascript into the browser window
HTML('<script type="text/Javascript">%s</script>' % (js,))
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