Example Notebook to demonstrate how to start qkit

First import QKIT

this imports the basic qkit module and initializes the configuration

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import qkit

The dictionary qkit.cfg holds the central configuration of the qkit framework

The default values are set in the file qkit/config/environment.py and the file qkit/config/local.py if it exists.

To show its contents one can e.g. use

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from pprint import pprint
# or simply "qkit.cfg" in an jupyter cell

If one wants to change a setting, there are two main options:

  • change the setting in qkit/config/local.py before importing qkit
  • or by directly manipulating the dictionary after importing qkit like this:

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qkit.cfg['datadir'] =  r'my special root data folder'

to start the full environment, execute qkit.start()

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This starts the qkit environment with a set of services, e.g:

  • a zmq info service to distribute updates on measurements
  • a zerorpc service to to allow specific commands from remote
  • the file service database module
  • a device (instrument) database service
  • etc.

Now you can execute the measurement, analysis or similar script

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