Setup Code Environment

In [1]:
import csv
import re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nltk
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from collections import defaultdict
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

Initialize service code data structures

  • Service code / service name map
  • Service code histogram

In [2]:
h_file = open("./serviceCodesCount.tsv","r")

code_name_map = {}
code_histogram = {}
patternobj = re.compile('^([0-9a-z]+)\s\|\s([0-9a-z\s]+)$')

for fields in csv.reader(h_file, delimiter="\t"):
    matchobj = patternobj.match(fields[0])
    cur_code =
    code_name_map[cur_code] =
    code_histogram[cur_code] = float(fields[1])

Plot Cincinnati 311 Service Code Statistics

In [3]:
total_count_fraction = code_histogram.values()

total_count_fraction = total_count_fraction[::-1]
total_count_fraction /= np.sum(total_count_fraction)
total_count_fraction = np.cumsum(total_count_fraction)

f,h_ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,6))
h_ax[0].set_xlabel('Service Code #')
h_ax[0].set_ylabel('Service Code Count')
h_ax[0].set_title('Cincinnati 311\nService Code Histogram')

h_ax[1].plot(total_count_fraction, linewidth=4)
h_ax[1].set_xlabel('Sorted Service Code #')
h_ax[1].set_ylabel('Total Count Fraction')

Cluster service code names

In [4]:
from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer

def tokenize(text):
    """ Extracts unigrams (i.e. words) from a string that contains
    a service code name.
        text: String that stores a service code name
        filtered_tokens: List of words contained in a service code name"""
    tokens = [word.lower() for word in nltk.word_tokenize(text)]

    filtered_tokens =\
        filter(lambda elem: re.match('^[a-z]+$', elem) != None,
    filtered_tokens =\
        map(lambda elem: re.sub("\s+"," ", elem),

    return filtered_tokens

def tokenize_and_stem(text):
    """ Applies the Snowball stemmer to unigrams (i.e. words) extracted
    from a string that contains a service code name.
        text: String that stores a service code name
        filtered_tokens: List of words contained in a service code name"""
    stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english')

    tokens = [word.lower() for word in nltk.word_tokenize(text)]

    filtered_tokens =\
        filter(lambda elem: re.match('^[a-z]+$', elem) != None,

    filtered_tokens =\
        map(lambda elem: re.sub("\s+"," ", elem),

    filtered_tokens = [stemmer.stem(token) for token in filtered_tokens]

    return filtered_tokens

def compute_tfidf_features(code_name_map,
    """ Constructs a Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
    matrix for the Cincinnati 311 service code names.
        code_name_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of service
                       codes to service names
        tokenizer: Function that transforms a string into a list of
        params: Dictionary that stores parameters that configure the
                TfidfVectorizer class constructor
                - mindocumentcount: Minimum number of term occurrences
                in separate service code names
                - maxdocumentfrequency: Maximum document frequency
        Tuple that stores a TF-IDF matrix and a TfidfVectorizer class
        Index:   Description:
        -----    -----------
          0      TF-IDF matrix
          1      TfidfVectorizer class object"""
    token_count = 0
    for key in code_name_map.keys():
        token_count += len(tokenize(code_name_map[key]))

    num_codes = len(code_name_map.keys())

    min_df = float(params['mindocumentcount']) / num_codes
    tfidf_vectorizer =\
                        stop_words = 'english',
                        max_features = token_count,

    tfidf_matrix =\

    return (tfidf_matrix,

def cluster_311_services(tfidf_matrix,
    """Applies the K-means algorithm to cluster Cincinnati 311 service
    codes based on their service name Term Frequency Inverse Document
    Frequency (TF-IDF) feature vector.
        tfidf_matrix: Cincinnati 311 service names TF-IDF feature matrix
        num_clusters: K-means algorithm number of clusters input
        random_seed: K-means algorithm random seed input:
        clusterid_code_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service code

        clusterid_name_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service name"""
    km = KMeans(n_clusters = num_clusters,

    clusters = km.labels_.tolist()

    clusterid_code_map = defaultdict(list)
    clusterid_name_map = defaultdict(list)

    codes = code_name_map.keys()
    names = code_name_map.values()

    for idx in range(0, len(codes)):
    return (clusterid_code_map,

def compute_clusterid_totalcounts(clusterid_code_map,
    """ Computes the total Cincinnati 311 requests / service
    names cluster
        clusterid_code_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service code

        code_histogram: Dictionary that stores the number of 
                        occurrences for each Cincinnati 311 service 

        clusterid_total_count: Dictionary that stores the total
                               Cincinnati 311 requests / service
                               names cluster"""
    clusterid_total_count = defaultdict(int)
    num_clusters = len(clusterid_code_map.keys())

    for cur_cluster_id in range(0, num_clusters):
        for cur_code in clusterid_code_map[cur_cluster_id]:
            clusterid_total_count[cur_cluster_id] +=\
    return clusterid_total_count

def print_cluster_stats(clusterid_name_map,
    """ Prints the total number of codes and total requests count
    for each Cincinnati 311 service names cluster.
        clusterid_name_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service name

        clusterid_total_count: Dictionary that stores the total
                               Cincinnati 311 requests / service
                               names cluster

    num_clusters = len(clusterid_total_count.keys())

    for cur_cluster_id in range(0, num_clusters):

        print "clusterid %d | # of codes: %d | total count: %d" %\

def eval_maxcount_clusterid(clusterid_code_map,
    """ This function performs the following two operations:

    1.) Plots the requests count for each service name in the
        maximum count service names cluster.

    2. Prints the maximum count service name in the maximum count
       service names cluster
        clusterid_name_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service name

        clusterid_total_count: Dictionary that stores the total
                               Cincinnati 311 requests / service
                               names cluster

        code_histogram: Dictionary that stores the number of 
                        occurrences for each Cincinnati 311 service 
    num_clusters = len(clusterid_code_map.keys())

    contains_multiple_codes = np.empty(num_clusters, dtype=bool)

    for idx in range(0, num_clusters):
        contains_multiple_codes[idx] = len(clusterid_code_map[idx]) > 1

    filtered_clusterid =\
    filtered_total_counts =\

    filtered_clusterid =\

    filtered_total_counts =\

    max_count_idx = np.argmax(filtered_total_counts)

    maxcount_clusterid = filtered_clusterid[max_count_idx]
    cluster_code_counts =\

    for idx in range(0, len(cluster_code_counts)):
        key = clusterid_code_map[maxcount_clusterid][idx]
        cluster_code_counts[idx] = code_histogram[key],len(cluster_code_counts)),cluster_code_counts)
    plt.xlabel('Service Code #')
    plt.ylabel('Service Code Count')
    plt.title('Cluster #%d Service Code Histogram' %\

    max_idx = np.argmax(cluster_code_counts)
    print "max count code: %s" %\
def add_new_cluster(from_clusterid,
    """Creates a new service name(s) cluster

        from_clusterid: Integer that refers to a service names
                        cluster that is being split
        servicecode: String that refers to a 311 service code

        clusterid_code_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service code

        clusterid_name_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service name
        None - Service names cluster data structures are updated
        in place"""
    code_idx =\
        np.argwhere(np.array(clusterid_code_map[from_clusterid]) ==\
    service_name = clusterid_name_map[from_clusterid][code_idx]

    next_clusterid = (clusterid_code_map.keys()[-1])+1

    clusterid_code_map[from_clusterid] =\
        filter(lambda elem: elem != service_code,
    clusterid_name_map[from_clusterid] =\
        filter(lambda elem: elem != service_name,
    clusterid_code_map[next_clusterid] = [service_code]
    clusterid_name_map[next_clusterid] = [service_name]

def print_clustered_servicenames(cur_clusterid,
    """Prints the Cincinnati 311 service names(s) for a specific 
    Cincinnati 311 service names cluster

        cur_clusterid: Integer that refers to a specific Cincinnati 311
                       service names cluster
        clusterid_name_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service name"""
    for cur_name in clusterid_name_map[cur_clusterid]:
        print "%s" % (cur_name)

def plot_cluster_stats(clusterid_code_map,
    """Plots the following service name(s) cluster statistics:

    - Number of service code(s) / service name(s) cluster
    - Total number of requests / service name(s) cluster

        clusterid_name_map: Dictionary that stores the mapping of
                            cluster identifier to Cincinnati 311
                            service name
        clusterid_total_count: Dictionary that stores the total
                               Cincinnati 311 requests / service
                               names cluster

    codes_per_cluster =\
        map(lambda elem: len(elem), clusterid_code_map.values())

    num_clusters = len(codes_per_cluster)

    f,h_ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,6))
    h_ax[0].bar(range(0,num_clusters), codes_per_cluster)
    h_ax[0].set_xlabel('Service Name(s) cluster id')
    h_ax[0].set_ylabel('Number of service codes / cluster')
    h_ax[1].bar(range(0,num_clusters), clusterid_total_count.values())
    h_ax[1].set_xlabel('Service Name(s) cluster id')
    h_ax[1].set_ylabel('Total number of requests')

Apply a word tokenizer to the service names and construct a TF-IDF feature matrix

In [5]:
params = {'maxdocumentfrequency': 0.25,
          'mindocumentcount': 10}

 tfidf_vectorizer) = compute_tfidf_features(code_name_map,

print "# of terms: %d" % (tfidf_matrix.shape[1])
print tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names()

# of terms: 31
[u'additnal', u'building', u'cart', u'com', u'complaint', u'compliment', u'damage', u'default', u'dote', u'gallon', u'grassweeds', u'haz', u'ins', u'litter', u'missing', u'new', u'priv', u'prop', u'property', u'recycling', u'repair', u'req', u'request', u'res', u'row', u'service', u'sign', u'street', u'tall', u'trash', u'tree']

Apply the K-means algorithm to cluster the Cincinnati 311 service names based on their TF-IDF feature vector

In [6]:
num_clusters = 20
kmeans_seed = 3806933558

 clusterid_name_map) = cluster_311_services(tfidf_matrix,

clusterid_total_count =\

clusterid 0 | # of codes: 28 | total count: 28012
clusterid 1 | # of codes: 187 | total count: 148910
clusterid 2 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 993
clusterid 3 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 6438
clusterid 4 | # of codes: 34 | total count: 30743
clusterid 5 | # of codes: 15 | total count: 3025
clusterid 6 | # of codes: 31 | total count: 7614
clusterid 7 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 7260
clusterid 8 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 30238
clusterid 9 | # of codes: 19 | total count: 14557
clusterid 10 | # of codes: 25 | total count: 32466
clusterid 11 | # of codes: 12 | total count: 2864
clusterid 12 | # of codes: 12 | total count: 10177
clusterid 13 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 2527
clusterid 14 | # of codes: 11 | total count: 5902
clusterid 15 | # of codes: 12 | total count: 426
clusterid 16 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 21972
clusterid 17 | # of codes: 11 | total count: 216
clusterid 18 | # of codes: 11 | total count: 1921
clusterid 19 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 9403

Plot the service code histogram for the maximum size cluster

In [7]:

max count code: mtlfrn

Apply a word tokenizer (with stemming) to the service names and construct a TF-IDF feature matrix

In [8]:
params = {'maxdocumentfrequency': 0.25,
          'mindocumentcount': 10}

 tfidf_vectorizer) = compute_tfidf_features(code_name_map,

print "# of terms: %d" % (tfidf_matrix.shape[1])
print tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names()

# of terms: 33
[u'additn', u'build', u'cart', u'collect', u'com', u'complaint', u'compliment', u'damag', u'default', u'dote', u'gallon', u'grasswe', u'haz', u'inspect', u'litter', u'miss', u'new', u'park', u'priv', u'prop', u'properti', u'recycl', u'repair', u'req', u'request', u'res', u'row', u'servic', u'sign', u'street', u'tall', u'trash', u'tree']

Apply the K-means algorithm to cluster the Cincinnati 311 service names based on their TF-IDF feature vector

In [9]:
num_clusters = 20
kmeans_seed = 3806933558

 clusterid_name_map) = cluster_311_services(tfidf_matrix,

clusterid_total_count =\


clusterid 0 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 7260
clusterid 1 | # of codes: 163 | total count: 125123
clusterid 2 | # of codes: 40 | total count: 25091
clusterid 3 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 718
clusterid 4 | # of codes: 37 | total count: 32299
clusterid 5 | # of codes: 34 | total count: 29379
clusterid 6 | # of codes: 22 | total count: 25306
clusterid 7 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 6438
clusterid 8 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 13252
clusterid 9 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 11748
clusterid 10 | # of codes: 11 | total count: 216
clusterid 11 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 1091
clusterid 12 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 3053
clusterid 13 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 982
clusterid 14 | # of codes: 12 | total count: 5913
clusterid 15 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 9446
clusterid 16 | # of codes: 15 | total count: 32572
clusterid 17 | # of codes: 17 | total count: 14571
clusterid 18 | # of codes: 19 | total count: 17540
clusterid 19 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 3666

Plot the service code histogram for the maximum size cluster

In [10]:

max count code: mtlfrn

Create a separate service name(s) cluster for the 'mtlfrn' service code

In [11]:

Evaluate the service name(s) cluster statistics

In [12]:
clusterid_total_count =\

clusterid 0 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 7260
clusterid 1 | # of codes: 162 | total count: 52932
clusterid 2 | # of codes: 40 | total count: 25091
clusterid 3 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 718
clusterid 4 | # of codes: 37 | total count: 32299
clusterid 5 | # of codes: 34 | total count: 29379
clusterid 6 | # of codes: 22 | total count: 25306
clusterid 7 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 6438
clusterid 8 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 13252
clusterid 9 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 11748
clusterid 10 | # of codes: 11 | total count: 216
clusterid 11 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 1091
clusterid 12 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 3053
clusterid 13 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 982
clusterid 14 | # of codes: 12 | total count: 5913
clusterid 15 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 9446
clusterid 16 | # of codes: 15 | total count: 32572
clusterid 17 | # of codes: 17 | total count: 14571
clusterid 18 | # of codes: 19 | total count: 17540
clusterid 19 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 3666
clusterid 20 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 72191

Plot the service code histogram for the maximum size cluster

In [13]:

max count code: ydwstaj

Create a separate service name(s) cluster for the 'ydwstaj' service code

In [14]:

Evaluate the service name(s) cluster statistics

In [15]:
clusterid_total_count =\

clusterid 0 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 7260
clusterid 1 | # of codes: 161 | total count: 43365
clusterid 2 | # of codes: 40 | total count: 25091
clusterid 3 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 718
clusterid 4 | # of codes: 37 | total count: 32299
clusterid 5 | # of codes: 34 | total count: 29379
clusterid 6 | # of codes: 22 | total count: 25306
clusterid 7 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 6438
clusterid 8 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 13252
clusterid 9 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 11748
clusterid 10 | # of codes: 11 | total count: 216
clusterid 11 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 1091
clusterid 12 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 3053
clusterid 13 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 982
clusterid 14 | # of codes: 12 | total count: 5913
clusterid 15 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 9446
clusterid 16 | # of codes: 15 | total count: 32572
clusterid 17 | # of codes: 17 | total count: 14571
clusterid 18 | # of codes: 19 | total count: 17540
clusterid 19 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 3666
clusterid 20 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 72191
clusterid 21 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 9567

Plot the service code histogram for the maximum size cluster

In [16]:

max count code: grfiti

Create a separate service name(s) cluster for the 'grfiti' service code

In [17]:

Evaluate the service name(s) cluster statistics

In [18]:
clusterid_total_count =\

clusterid 0 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 7260
clusterid 1 | # of codes: 160 | total count: 34976
clusterid 2 | # of codes: 40 | total count: 25091
clusterid 3 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 718
clusterid 4 | # of codes: 37 | total count: 32299
clusterid 5 | # of codes: 34 | total count: 29379
clusterid 6 | # of codes: 22 | total count: 25306
clusterid 7 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 6438
clusterid 8 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 13252
clusterid 9 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 11748
clusterid 10 | # of codes: 11 | total count: 216
clusterid 11 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 1091
clusterid 12 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 3053
clusterid 13 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 982
clusterid 14 | # of codes: 12 | total count: 5913
clusterid 15 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 9446
clusterid 16 | # of codes: 15 | total count: 32572
clusterid 17 | # of codes: 17 | total count: 14571
clusterid 18 | # of codes: 19 | total count: 17540
clusterid 19 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 3666
clusterid 20 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 72191
clusterid 21 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 9567
clusterid 22 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 8389

Plot the service code histogram for the maximum size cluster

In [19]:

max count code: dapub1

Create a separate service name(s) cluster for the 'dapub1' service code

In [20]:

Evaluate the service name(s) cluster statistics

In [21]:
clusterid_total_count =\


clusterid 0 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 7260
clusterid 1 | # of codes: 159 | total count: 28034
clusterid 2 | # of codes: 40 | total count: 25091
clusterid 3 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 718
clusterid 4 | # of codes: 37 | total count: 32299
clusterid 5 | # of codes: 34 | total count: 29379
clusterid 6 | # of codes: 22 | total count: 25306
clusterid 7 | # of codes: 16 | total count: 6438
clusterid 8 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 13252
clusterid 9 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 11748
clusterid 10 | # of codes: 11 | total count: 216
clusterid 11 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 1091
clusterid 12 | # of codes: 18 | total count: 3053
clusterid 13 | # of codes: 13 | total count: 982
clusterid 14 | # of codes: 12 | total count: 5913
clusterid 15 | # of codes: 10 | total count: 9446
clusterid 16 | # of codes: 15 | total count: 32572
clusterid 17 | # of codes: 17 | total count: 14571
clusterid 18 | # of codes: 19 | total count: 17540
clusterid 19 | # of codes: 14 | total count: 3666
clusterid 20 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 72191
clusterid 21 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 9567
clusterid 22 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 8389
clusterid 23 | # of codes: 1 | total count: 6942

Label each service name(s) cluster

In [22]:
cur_clusterid = 0
clusterid_category_map = {}
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'streetmaintenance'


cur_clusterid += 1

street roadway widening
street sweeping
street dote street opening
revocable street privilege
street plates slippery street
street dote street blocking
street asphalt repair        
street plates inlet placerem
street repavedresurfaced
street heaved area
general repair street
void dote in street
street cleaning
street plates dote plates haz
street flashfill structures
street flashfill dunbar

In [23]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'miscellaneous'


cur_clusterid += 1

handbill prohibit dstrb 
buildhaz during constexistr 
electricalsingle applncearc
furniture at the curb
misc traffc study cntaccident
animal bitescratchoth domest
elevator hazard
sidewalk bushes encumbering
row tire dumping
sink holeearth condition pph
gratemetal theftvandalism
unregistered contractor ins
pavement priv w no drainage
exit blocked 
weeds brush as fire hazard
school roaches in or around 
animal waste in the yard
zoning cncntrtd code enf com 
rodentinsect infest nurse hm
carpentry overhead door
restaurant consult new lic
cincinnati bell
wesleyan new resident
elevator slow
institution def plumbing
inlets clogged rainingpondng
building weeds priv property
unsanitary condtn hotelmotel
vehicle abandon priv p access
noticesign posted on a pole
swimming poolspa safe concrn
sweeping parking enforcement
animal bitescratch wild
corner can overflowing
yard plumbing leak
fire escape unsafe blocked
littertall grassweeds dote 
media advisory
school mold 
unsanitary living conditions
swimming poolspa cloudydrty
gateway lighting
signal traffic new
manhole cvrsewer lid missing
encroachment object in row
water ponding
mold childrens hosp referral
school registration high
fleas in an apartment or bldg
fence height or material com
animal bitescratchdog 
housingcra rehabilitation
cagis csr application mod
elecfixture not workno arc
housing rehab surveyinitl
sprinkler defective not work
benches repairremove row
parking prob at com facility
customer inquiry gcww
spill non toxic 1st shift
zoning viol during construct
speed humps repairremoved
smoke detector missingdamagd
row furnituretrash dumping
roaches  bldg or apartment
parking meter dote newchange
corner can new
corner can dmglinerother
inlets ps collpsd or dmgd
food operation unsanitry cond
bicycle abandoned
dumpster special rtc
food borne illness 2persons
school rodents in or around
light newchange
cagis permits plus modificatn
salt can refill
septic system problems 
mobile home sewage on grounds
time warner cable
roaches childrns hos referral
institution unsanitary cond
rumpke routing update
elevator expired license
housing rehab surveyfinal
duke energy
extension cords use
lot vacant enclose vacant lot
pavement markings newchange
bike rack new
furnace blocked or not workng
open burning garbage tires
media advis winter operations
animal bitescratchpuppy
mosquitoes ponding water
light shining into bldg com
guardrail dote new
alarm fire broken
spill non toxic after hours
weeds alleyrowsteps
institution mold in bldg
restaurant consult remodel
plumbing defective
annual  c annual insp
home ownership survey final
home ownership survey initial
restaurant consult chnged lic
sidewalk new
mud tracking of mud
fence row
rats childrens hosp referral
extinguishers defectv missng
cagis workflow modification
racoonbats rem in bldgoutsd
bicyclist incident report
contructcontract complnt row
institution food svc cmplaint
yard waste late set out
curbs curbs new
school registration elementry
landuse nonpermttd use com 
light loader infested collctn
void flashfill
taxicab issue
fire door locked or blocked
cincinnati gaslight
school bathroom stalls soap 
steps salting
traffic island repairnon land
landscaping damagedrepair
water leaksbreaks
vehicle abandon priv p no acc
buildingstorage of mtl  fire
bed bugs school
corner can overflowing cbd
barricade setupremve
waste accumulated fire
construction status
pavement markings faded
zoning viol dur construct ins
food operation rodents
bed bugs hotelmotel
heat no heat hazard
wire gym shoesobjects
salt can newreplaceremove
customer inquiry msd
debri floodstorm removal
inlets clogged 
gateway fountain
employment verification
elevator unsafe door
horse drawn carriage issue
mudslidelandslide in row
traffic island repairlandscap
food operation ill employee
food operation insects 

In [24]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'trashcart'


cur_clusterid += 1

trash cart repair 95 gallon
trash cart swap 95 gallon
trash cart remove
trash cart new 65 gallon
trash cart new 95 gallon
trash cart additnal 041115
trash cart additnal 040415
trash cart additnal 031415
trash cart additnal 030715
trash cart additnal 022815
trash cart additnal 022115
trash cart repair 35 gallon
trash cart swap 35 gallon
trash cart new 35 gallon
trash cart swap 65 gallon
trash cart additnal 020715
trash cart additnal 021415
trash cart additnal  122714
trash cart additnal 010315
trash cart additnal 011015
trash cart additnal 011715
trash cart additnal 013115
trash cart additnal 062715
trash cart additnal 072515
trash cart additnal 052315
trash cart additnal 050215
trash cart additnal 050915
trash cart additnal 061315
trash cart additnal 053015
trash cart additnal 060615
trash cart additnal 042515
trash cart additnal 012415
trash cart registration
trash cart exemption
trash cart repair 65 gallon
trash cart additnal 082215
trash cart additnal 080815
trash cart additnal 051615
trash cart additnal 062015
trash cart additnal 041815

In [25]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'buildinghazzard'


cur_clusterid += 1

building electric haz
barricade setupremove haz
bridgesrepair haz
litter stepswalkway no haz
water no water haz
litter stepswalkway haz ah
build haz cnstr condnewcom
graffiti haz
build haz cnstr cond nwcm ins
building plmb haz during cons
handrails damagedmissing haz
litter stepswalkway haz rh
pool priv pool enclosure haz
dumpster overflow row haz

In [26]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'buildingcomplaint'


cur_clusterid += 1

building disaster resvacant
rats in a building
build permit vio dur const er
building electric permit viol
building hvac hazard ins
unregistered contractor build
construct build wo permit ins
building demo disastercom
building prmt cnflct w con c
building prmt cnflct w con r
building cde vio dur constrn
building commercial cbhcodec
building prob new bldg const 
building hvac permit violatn
housingcra new building
building demo disasterres
building concentratd code enf
mice building has mice
building hvac permit viol ins
building com concntrtd code e
build permit vio dur const nc
building barricade case 
building demo city ownedcom
building demo city ownedres
rats outside a building
mold building or apartment
building hvac hazard
building disaster comvacant
animal waste in a building
building ovrcrowding resident
building residential
building condemn requestcom
building collapsing 
sewage in building
constructn build wo permit 
building vacant and open com
building plmb permit violatn

In [27]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'repairrequest'


cur_clusterid += 1

parking meter repair
bridge repair
guardrail repair haz
utility repairs dote 
pothole repair after hours
sidewalk repair asphalt
guardrail repair
wall repair problem near str
sidewalk temporary repair
handrails repair
recycling repair 96
sidewalk repair structures
sunken area repair
pothole repair
attenuator repair
restoration repair cww
fire hydrant repair cww
gm barrier repair haz
ps stormwater inlet repair
recycling repair 35
city facility repair
signal audible signal repair
curbs repair
recycling repair 64
light pedestal repair
fire hydrant repair
signal trafpedschool repair
wall repair problem in st haz
light repair
steps repair
steps repair haz
recycling repair 18
sidewalk repair haz
void repair

In [28]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'propertymaintenance'


cur_clusterid += 1

building tall grass priv prop
tall grassweeds private prop
tall grass weeds rec prop
fence built ovr prop line com
tall grassweeds park prop
tall grassweeds fire propert
landslide private prop stndrd
sewage surfacing priv prop
tall grassweeds econ dev prop
tall grassweeds msd property
tall grassweeds prkng fac
tall grassweeds ps property
tall grassweeds msdsmu prop
tall grassweeds bld dpt prop
hole open foundatn priv prop
tall grassweeds prop health
container private prop
tall grassweeds cdp prop
talll grassweeds gcww prop
dumping prv prop 2500 sq ft
building illegal use com prop
refrigerator aban prv prop

In [29]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'defaultrequest'


cur_clusterid += 1

default parks
default parking
default mayors office
default law
default cww
default human resources
default fleet services
default city
default community development
default msd
default trade and development
default recreation
default rcc
default conv ctr
default msd stormwater
default police and junk veh

In [30]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'propertycomplaint'


cur_clusterid += 1

dead animal private property
tires special collection
missing property collections
property damage ps stormwater
property damage traffic aids
construction damage claim
special collections rtc
yard waste tagged collections
dumpster special collection
pup truck collection
property damage collections
signage problem comm property
property damage asphalt
property damage tsb
property damage greenspace
property damage structures
property damage row
property damage facility mngt

In [31]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'trashcomplaint'


cur_clusterid += 1

trash can damaged
trash offensive discharge
trash improper set out
trash early set out
trash tagged collections
trash unacceptable container
trash set out service
trash commercial nonmaintain
trash late set out 
trash no trash at location
trash on arrival
trash can condemned
trash tagged bed bugs

In [32]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'servicecompliment'


cur_clusterid += 1

service compliment trash
service compliment trod
service compliment greenspace
service compliment nip
service compliment cust serv
service compliment cww
service compliment dote
service compliment recreation
food service unlicensed oper
service compliment yardwaste
service compliment str clean

In [33]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'inspection'


cur_clusterid += 1

special fire inspection
6 month inspection
healthy homes inspection
postfire inspection
life safety 6month inspection
2 month inspection
housingcra maint inspection
grass cutting city inspection
sidewalk repairs inspection
landslide inspect for struct

In [34]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'servicecomplaint'


cur_clusterid += 1

service complaint cascade
service complaint trod
service complaint rumpke
railroads complaints
service complaint yardwaste
airport noise complaints
school general complaint
service complaint greenspace
school cafeteria complaints
service complaint nip
service complaint str clean
service complaint recreation
food borne complaint 1person
service complaint dote
service complaint cww
service complaint trash
service complaint cust serv
contractor complaint

In [35]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'buildinginspection'


cur_clusterid += 1

bb req for inspnew
bed bugs req for info only
carbon monoxide test req  
building fire req inspcom
rooming hse req for inspnew
bb req for insp existing
rats in sewer rem req
building fire req inspres
sting insect rem req priv
building adult care req ins
building daycare req for insp
building emerg shlt req ins
building disaster com ins req

In [36]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'buildingcomplaint'


cur_clusterid += 1

business operating fm res
building illegal use res prop
parking grass front yd res
fence height or material res
light shining into bldg res
signage problem res property
fence built ovr prop line res
landuse nonpermttd use res
building condemnation res
building disaster res ins req
building vacant and open res 
zoning cncntrtd code enf res

In [37]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'signmaintenance'


cur_clusterid += 1

sign downmissing 
sign overhead newchange
sign grnd mnted newchangrem
sign overhead repair
sign street sign faded
sign street sign name missing
sign handicap parking signs
sign downmissing stop sign
sign gatewywelcome reprrepl
sign exit broken or missing

In [38]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'requestforservice'


cur_clusterid += 1

sign shopexternal new request
sign shopinternal new request
relocation survey request
slippery streets request haz
trash request for collection
information request
signal change request traffic
trash request for new service
insect identification request
relocation request
building request cert of insp
slippery streets request
food operation request gen
recycling information request
recycling request to collect

In [39]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'litter'


cur_clusterid += 1

litter commun dev property
litter health dept prop
litter row large items
litter sweep to sidewlkroad
litter econ dev prop
litter msd property
building litter on priv prop
litter park dept property
litter restaurant property
litter airport property
litter recreation property
litter sweep into gutter
litter gcww  property 
litter parking fac prop
litter private property
litter bldg dept property
litter from vehicles

In [40]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'recycling'


cur_clusterid +=1

recycling new 35 gallon cart
recycling cart missing 18
recycling swap cart 18
trash cart missing 65 gallon
trash cart missing 95 gallon
recycling swap cart 96
recycling cart missing 96
trash cart missing 35 gallon
recycling remove cart
recycling swap cart 35
recycling new 96 gallon cart
recycling cart missing 35
recycling new 18 gallon cart
recycling remove cart vacant
recycling newswapmissing cart
recycling cart missing 64
recycling contaminated cart
recycling new 64 gallon cart
recycling swap cart 64

In [41]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'treemaintenance'


cur_clusterid += 1

tree after hrs no storm
tree planting request
tree limbs down  row 
tree blocking visibilitypub
tree dead on priv prop haz
tree blocking visbilitypriv
tree stump removal in row
tree trim required public
tree split or hanging
tree remove hornet nestsrow
tree trim requird private 
tree wood pickup
tree removal requestpub tree
tree dead on priv prop stndrd

In [42]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'metalfurniturecollection'


cur_clusterid += 1

metal furniture spec collectn

In [43]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'yardwaste'


cur_clusterid += 1

yard wastertc

In [44]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'graffitiremoval'


cur_clusterid += 1

graffiti removal

In [45]:
clusterid_category_map[cur_clusterid] = 'deadanimal'


cur_clusterid += 1

dead animal

In [46]:

{0: 'streetmaintenance',
 1: 'miscellaneous',
 2: 'trashcart',
 3: 'buildinghazzard',
 4: 'buildingcomplaint',
 5: 'repairrequest',
 6: 'propertymaintenance',
 7: 'defaultrequest',
 8: 'propertycomplaint',
 9: 'trashcomplaint',
 10: 'servicecompliment',
 11: 'inspection',
 12: 'servicecomplaint',
 13: 'buildinginspection',
 14: 'buildingcomplaint',
 15: 'signmaintenance',
 16: 'requestforservice',
 17: 'litter',
 18: 'recycling',
 19: 'treemaintenance',
 20: 'metalfurniturecollection',
 21: 'yardwaste',
 22: 'graffitiremoval',
 23: 'deadanimal'}

Plot Cincinnati 311 Service Name Categories

In [47]:
import pandas as pd

category_totalcountdf =\
    pd.DataFrame({'totalcount': clusterid_total_count.values()},

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f5d998b0050>

Write service code / category map to disk

In [48]:
servicecode_category_map = {}

for clusterid in clusterid_name_map.keys():
    cur_category = clusterid_category_map[clusterid]
    for servicecode in clusterid_code_map[clusterid]:

        servicecode_category_map[servicecode] = cur_category
with open('serviceCodeCategory.txt', 'w') as fp:
    num_names = len(servicecode_category_map)

    keys = servicecode_category_map.keys()
    values = servicecode_category_map.values()

    for idx in range(0, num_names):
        if idx == 0:
            fp.write("%s{\"%s\": \"%s\",\n" % (" " * 12,
        elif idx > 0 and idx < num_names-1:
            fp.write("%s\"%s\": \"%s\",\n" % (" " * 13,
            fp.write("%s\"%s\": \"%s\"}" % (" " * 13,

In [ ]: