We need an .eng file for OpenRocket based on our initial guesses for a liquid rocket.
We want to set Thrust, Propellent Mass, and Tank Material. We will make assumtions about the $I_{sp}$, O/F ratios, and system pressure. We'll also add in some fudge factors for take ullage and engine mass.
In [1]:
from math import pi, log
# Assumptions
Isp = 230.0 # s Specific Impulse
OF = 1.6 # O/F ratio
r = 0.0762 # m Radius of the tanks (ID of rocket)
# Physics
g_0 = 9.80665 # kg.m/s^2 Standard gravity
# Tank Material
Al = { 'rho': 2800.0, # kg/m^3 Density
'Ftu': 0.214} # GPa Ultimate strength
Steel = { 'rho': 7830.0, # kg/m^3 Density
'Ftu': 0.862} # GPa Ultimate strength
CF = { 'rho': 1550.0, # kg/m^3 Density
'Ftu': 0.895} # GPa Ultimate strength
# Chemestry
rho_lox = 1141.0 # kg/m^3 Desity of LOX
rho_eth = 852.3 # kg/m^3 Desity of Ethanol (with 70% H2O)
# Extra
m_engine = 2.0 # kg
l_engine = 0.300 # m
m_plumb = 5.0 # kg
l_plumb = 0.300 # m
gaps = 0.100 # m
# Variables (Change these!)
Thrust = 1800.0 # N Thrust of engine
Burn_time = 45.0 # s Duration of the burn
Tank = Al # Choose from above table
In [2]:
# Total mass flow rate
mdot = Thrust / (g_0*Isp)
# Mass flow for each propllent
mdot_o = mdot / (1 + (1/OF))
mdot_f = mdot / (1 + OF)
# Propellent Mass
M_o = Burn_time * mdot_o
M_f = Burn_time * mdot_f
M_prop = M_o + M_f
print "Total Propellent Mass: %0.1f kg" % M_prop
print "Ox mass: %0.1f kg" % M_o
print "Fuel mass: %0.1f kg" % M_f
print "Mass flow: %0.3f kg/s" % mdot
print "Ox flow: %0.3f kg/s" % mdot_o
print "Fuel flow: %0.3f kg/s" % mdot_f
We'll model each tank as a cylinder. We're going to take a guess at the mass of propellant nessissary to run the rocket. We also know the diameter of finished rocket. So we can take a guess at the length of the tank $l_t$:
$$l_t = \frac{m_p}{\rho_p\pi r^2}$$Where $m_p$ and $\rho_p$ are mass and densisty of the propellent and $r$ is the radius of the tank.
In [3]:
def tank_length(m, rho):
l = m / (rho*pi*r*r)
return l
l_o = tank_length(M_o, rho_lox)
l_o += l_o*0.1 # add 10% for ullage
l_f = tank_length(M_f, rho_eth)
l_f += l_f*0.1 # add 10% for ullage
length = sum([l_o, gaps, l_f, gaps, l_plumb, gaps, l_engine])
print "Ox tank length: %0.3f m" % l_o
print "Fuel tank length: %0.3f m" % l_f
print "System length: %0.3f m" % length
Since we know the size of the tank, we can get the mass by calculating how thick it has to be and multiply that shell by the density of the material it's made out of.
We pre-compute the nessisary thickness (taking account of how much pressure it has to hold and the radius of the rocket) as a constant to apply the tank material strength factor to.
In [4]:
def tank_mass(l):
area = 2*pi*r*l + 2*pi*r*r
thickness = 9.448e-4 / Tank['Ftu']
material = area * thickness
mass = material * Tank['rho']
return mass
m_tank_o = tank_mass(l_o)
m_tank_f = tank_mass(l_f)
print "Tank thickness: %0.1f mm" % ((9.448e-4 / Tank['Ftu'])*1000)
print "Ox tank mass: %0.1f kg" % m_tank_o
print "Fuel tank mass: %0.1f kg" % m_tank_f
We have a system of a tank (lox on top, fuel on bottom), some plumbing, and a motor at the very bottom. We reference the top of the stack as the origin (0). Then we add in a tank, a gap between tanks, and another tank, another gap and the motor.
The system center of mass is the weighted sum of the cm's of everything in the system.
$$\mathbf{cm} = \frac{1}{M}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n m_i \mathbf{r_i}$$
In [5]:
from IPython.display import SVG
In [6]:
dry_mass = sum([m_engine, m_plumb, m_tank_o, m_tank_f])
print "Dry Mass: %0.1f kg" % dry_mass
# lox tank cm is in the center of the tank
cm_tank_o = l_o / 2.0
# next tank down has a gap.
cm_tank_f = l_o + gaps + (l_f/2.0)
# next down
cm_plumb = l_o + gaps + l_f + gaps + (l_plumb/2.0)
# finally
cm_engine = l_o + gaps + l_f + gaps + l_plumb + gaps + (l_engine/2.0)
# sum cm
dry_cm = sum([cm_tank_o*m_tank_o, cm_tank_f*m_tank_f, cm_plumb*m_plumb, cm_engine*m_engine])
dry_cm /= dry_mass
print "Dry CM: %0.3f m" % dry_cm
In [7]:
def mass(t):
m = M_prop - (mdot*t)
return m
def cm(t):
m_o = M_o - (mdot_o*t)
m_f = M_f - (mdot_f*t)
lcm_o = l_o - tank_length(m_o, rho_lox)/2.0
lcm_f = l_o + gaps + l_f - tank_length(m_f, rho_eth)/2.0
cm_prop = ((m_o*lcm_o) + (m_f*lcm_f))/(m_o + m_f+0.000001)
cm = ((dry_cm*dry_mass) + (cm_prop*(m_f+m_o)))/(dry_mass+m_f+m_o)
return cm
In [8]:
# NAR letter code
impulse = Thrust*Burn_time
print "Total impulse: %0.0f N.s" % impulse
nar_i = int(log(impulse/2.5)/log(2))
nar_percent = impulse/(2.5*2**(nar_i+1))
print 'NAR: "%s" (%0.0f%%)' % (chr(66+nar_i), nar_percent*100)
In [9]:
file_head = """<engine-database>
<engine mfg="PSAS" code="P10000-BS" Type="Liquid" dia="{diameter}" len="{length}"
initWt="{total_mass}" propWt="{M_prop}" delays="0" auto-calc-mass="0" auto-calc-cg="0"
avgThrust="{thrust}" peakThrust="{thrust}" throatDia="0." exitDia="0." Itot="{impulse}"
burn-time="{burn_time}" massFrac="{m_frac}" Isp="{Isp}" tDiv="10" tStep="-1." tFix="1"
FDiv="10" FStep="-1." FFix="1" mDiv="10" mStep="-1." mFix="1" cgDiv="10"
cgStep="-1." cgFix="1">
<comments>Made up</comments>
""".format(**{'diameter': r*2*1000,
'length': length*1000,
'total_mass': (M_prop+dry_mass)*1000,
'M_prop': M_prop*1000,
'thrust': Thrust,
'burn_time': Burn_time,
'm_frac': dry_mass/(dry_mass+M_prop)*1000,
'impulse': Thrust*Burn_time,
'Isp': Isp,
data = []
n = 100
res = Burn_time/float(n-1)
for i in range(n):
t = i * res
data.append(' <eng-data t="{t}" f="{thrust}" m="{mass}" cg="{cg}"/>\n'.format(**{
't': t,
'thrust': Thrust,
'mass': mass(t)*1000,
'cg': cm(t)*1000,
file_tail = """
with open('psas_motor.rse', 'w') as eng:
for d in data: