Astro Example

Cosmic cleanning of an image composed by 12 Amplifiyers... Warning: gemnini biased!

In [13]:
# Astro-example

#Cosmic cleanning of an image of 12 detectors
#Uses L.A. Cosmic from P. van Dokkum 
#Requires python version of la_cosmic
#it also uses Parallel python PP

# La_cosmic must be in the same directory

import sys, os, string

import astropy
from import fits
import numpy as np
import pyfits
import scipy
from scipy import ndimage

import cosmics
import time

# Paralel python
import pp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

The image of this example is an IFU science exposure taken with GMOS Hamamatsu CCD: I.e. 12-amp mode readou. Also the image has bias and flat field corrected, but has not beeing mosaiced. So it is a .fits[sci] file with 12 extensions

In [14]:
imagen_in = "python_club_gemini.fits"

def separa_Amps(imagen_a_corregir):
    #header = pyfits.getheader(imagen_a_corregir)
    # Creating arrays
    imagen = []
    header_amp = []
    Amp = []

    for i in range(1, 13):
        print i
        # Reading each amp. 
        # and creating 12 images, where each one of them corresponds to an Amplifier 
        header_amp.append(pyfits.getheader(imagen_a_corregir, 'sci', i))
        imagen.append(pyfits.getdata(imagen_a_corregir, 'sci', i))
        Amp.append(str(imagen_a_corregir[:-5] + "_Amp_" + str(i) + ".fits"))

    for k in range(0, 12):
        print "writing", Amp[k]
        pyfits.writeto(Amp[k], imagen[k], header_amp[k])


In [15]:
print "Splittings Amps"

start_time1 = time.time()


start_time2 = time.time()

Splittings Amps
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_1.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_2.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_3.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_4.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_5.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_6.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_7.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_8.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_9.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_10.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_11.fits
writing python_club_gemini_Amp_12.fits

In [16]:
print type(image_data)
print image_data.shape

<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
(4176, 512)

In [17]:
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm


<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x112e78d50>

limpia_cosmicos calls la_cosmic from P. van Dokkum

In [18]:
def limpia_cosmicos(imagen_a_corregir, N_Amp):
    # imagen_a_corregir=imagen_in
    #la cosmic routine
    import cosmics

    array, header = cosmics.fromfits(str(imagen_a_corregir[:-5] + "_Amp_" + str(N_Amp) + ".fits"))
    rnoise = header["RDNOISE"]
    print "READING GAIN AND NOISE ", gain_h, rnoise, str(imagen_a_corregir[:-5] + "_Amp_" + str(N_Amp) + ".fits")

    #Edit this for SCI or STD or Images
    c = cosmics.cosmicsimage(array, gain=gain_h, readnoise=rnoise, sigclip=3, sigfrac=1, objlim=2.0)

    # There are other options, check the manual  la_cosmnic 

    # Run the full artillery 7 iterations is enough:

    # Write the cleaned image into a new FITS file, conserving the original header :
    cleaned = str(imagen_a_corregir[:-5] + "_CC2_" + str(N_Amp) + ".fits")
    cosmics.tofits(cleaned, c.cleanarray, header)

In [19]:
start_time1 = time.time()
start_time2 = time.time()

#print "iterations for cosmic rejection..."

ppservers = ()

ncpus = 4
# Creates jobserver with ncpus workers
job_server = pp.Server(ncpus, ppservers=ppservers)

print "Starting pp with", job_server.get_ncpus(), "workers aka CPUs"

#Fuerza Bruta....
Amplific= (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
jobs=[(input,job_server.submit(limpia_cosmicos,(imagen_in,input,))) for input in Amplific]
for input, job in jobs:
    print "executing job N", input, "is", job()

print "Total  time elapsed: ", time.time() - start_time2, "s"

Starting pp with 4 workers aka CPUs
executing job N 1 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 4.03 python_club_gemini_Amp_1.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 0 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1 FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None: FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None:
17288 cosmic pixels (17288 new) FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None:
Iteration 2
1948 cosmic pixels (1936 new)
Iteration 3
360 cosmic pixels (352 new)
Iteration 4
71 cosmic pixels (63 new)
Iteration 5
16 cosmic pixels (8 new)
Iteration 6
9 cosmic pixels (1 new)
Iteration 7
8 cosmic pixels (0 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_1.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  91.2477149963 s
executing job N 2 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 4.25 python_club_gemini_Amp_2.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 0 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1 FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None: FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None:
14373 cosmic pixels (14373 new) FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None:
Iteration 2
2639 cosmic pixels (2634 new)
Iteration 3
600 cosmic pixels (595 new)
Iteration 4
131 cosmic pixels (126 new)
Iteration 5
34 cosmic pixels (29 new)
Iteration 6
18 cosmic pixels (13 new)
Iteration 7
6 cosmic pixels (1 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_2.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  91.2484061718 s
executing job N 3 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 4.0 python_club_gemini_Amp_3.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 1 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1 FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None: FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None:
12264 cosmic pixels (12264 new) FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None:
Iteration 2
1855 cosmic pixels (1849 new)
Iteration 3
395 cosmic pixels (391 new)
Iteration 4
98 cosmic pixels (92 new)
Iteration 5
27 cosmic pixels (21 new)
Iteration 6
12 cosmic pixels (5 new)
Iteration 7
7 cosmic pixels (0 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_3.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  91.2486431599 s
executing job N 4 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 4.24 python_club_gemini_Amp_4.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 0 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1 FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None: FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None:
10422 cosmic pixels (10422 new) FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  if self.satstars != None:
Iteration 2
1836 cosmic pixels (1833 new)
Iteration 3
732 cosmic pixels (727 new)
Iteration 4
324 cosmic pixels (304 new)
Iteration 5
130 cosmic pixels (107 new)
Iteration 6
64 cosmic pixels (24 new)
Iteration 7
38 cosmic pixels (2 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_4.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  91.2488350868 s
executing job N 5 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 3.8 python_club_gemini_Amp_5.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 1 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1
13716 cosmic pixels (13716 new)
Iteration 2
4993 cosmic pixels (4423 new)
Iteration 3
3542 cosmic pixels (2494 new)
Iteration 4
2427 cosmic pixels (1587 new)
Iteration 5
1981 cosmic pixels (1083 new)
Iteration 6
1686 cosmic pixels (674 new)
Iteration 7
1481 cosmic pixels (417 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_5.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  166.568482161 s
executing job N 6 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 3.98 python_club_gemini_Amp_6.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 1 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1
10820 cosmic pixels (10820 new)
Iteration 2
1746 cosmic pixels (1745 new)
Iteration 3
371 cosmic pixels (370 new)
Iteration 4
79 cosmic pixels (78 new)
Iteration 5
23 cosmic pixels (22 new)
Iteration 6
12 cosmic pixels (11 new)
Iteration 7
9 cosmic pixels (8 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_6.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  166.568881035 s
executing job N 7 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 3.83 python_club_gemini_Amp_7.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 1 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1
11696 cosmic pixels (11696 new)
Iteration 2
1689 cosmic pixels (1684 new)
Iteration 3
421 cosmic pixels (417 new)
Iteration 4
97 cosmic pixels (95 new)
Iteration 5
30 cosmic pixels (28 new)
Iteration 6
6 cosmic pixels (4 new)
Iteration 7
3 cosmic pixels (1 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_7.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  166.734953165 s
executing job N 8 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 4.12 python_club_gemini_Amp_8.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 0 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1
12862 cosmic pixels (12862 new)
Iteration 2
2235 cosmic pixels (2232 new)
Iteration 3
540 cosmic pixels (540 new)
Iteration 4
115 cosmic pixels (114 new)
Iteration 5
15 cosmic pixels (14 new)
Iteration 6
2 cosmic pixels (1 new)
Iteration 7
2 cosmic pixels (1 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_8.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  169.388837099 s
executing job N 9 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 3.5 python_club_gemini_Amp_9.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 1 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1
15456 cosmic pixels (15456 new)
Iteration 2
2096 cosmic pixels (2085 new)
Iteration 3
459 cosmic pixels (450 new)
Iteration 4
92 cosmic pixels (86 new)
Iteration 5
31 cosmic pixels (24 new)
Iteration 6
8 cosmic pixels (5 new)
Iteration 7
4 cosmic pixels (1 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_9.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  246.958389997 s
executing job N 10 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 3.25 python_club_gemini_Amp_10.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 1 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1
20879 cosmic pixels (20879 new)
Iteration 2
5516 cosmic pixels (4893 new)
Iteration 3
3559 cosmic pixels (2341 new)
Iteration 4
2456 cosmic pixels (1652 new)
Iteration 5
1908 cosmic pixels (1218 new)
Iteration 6
1562 cosmic pixels (804 new)
Iteration 7
1287 cosmic pixels (474 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_10.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  257.066220045 s
executing job N 11 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 3.35 python_club_gemini_Amp_11.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 2 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1
16019 cosmic pixels (16019 new)
Iteration 2
2008 cosmic pixels (1969 new)
Iteration 3
414 cosmic pixels (373 new)
Iteration 4
122 cosmic pixels (81 new)
Iteration 5
62 cosmic pixels (20 new)
Iteration 6
52 cosmic pixels (10 new)
Iteration 7
49 cosmic pixels (7 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_11.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  257.066589117 s
executing job N 12 is FITS import shape : (512, 4176)
FITS file BITPIX : -32
Internal array type : float32
READING GAIN AND NOISE  1.0 3.46 python_club_gemini_Amp_12.fits
Detecting saturated stars ...
Building mask of saturated stars ...
We have 0 saturated stars.
Mask of saturated stars done
Starting 7 L.A.Cosmic iterations ...
Iteration 1
16942 cosmic pixels (16942 new)
Iteration 2
2465 cosmic pixels (2289 new)
Iteration 3
701 cosmic pixels (533 new)
Iteration 4
287 cosmic pixels (120 new)
Iteration 5
199 cosmic pixels (33 new)
Iteration 6
177 cosmic pixels (11 new)
Iteration 7
170 cosmic pixels (4 new)
FITS export shape : (512, 4176)
Wrote python_club_gemini_CC2_12.fits
Time elapsed parallel:  257.066709042 s
Job execution statistics:
 job count | % of all jobs | job time sum | time per job | job server
        12 |        100.00 |     1007.6895 |    83.974128 | local
Time elapsed since server creation 256.819142103
0 active tasks, 4 cores

Total  time elapsed:  257.067054033 s

In [20]:
print type(image_data)
print image_data.shape

<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
(4176, 512)

In [32]:
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm


<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x133f39c10>

In [31]:

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x133ccbfd0>

In [34]:
#Updating image...

imagen_in = "python_club_gemini.fits"
imagen_end = "python_club_gemini.fits"

FILE_FIN=imagen_end+"_CC2.fits"    #imagen final
FILE_TEMP=imagen_end+"_tmp.fits"    #imagen Temporal donde se hacen los cambios
imagen_header_original=imagen_in   # Imagen Original con todos los headers,

import shutil

#   making a copy of the priginal file to a temporal one.

for i in range (1,13):

    imagen_Corre=str(imagen_a_corregir[:-5]+"_CC2_"+str(i)+".fits")  # Output of correction "CC2", NAME_CC2.fits
    pyfits.update(imagen_header2,imagen_no_header,ext=i) #copia la imagen en si a la extension correspondiente
    pyfits.update(imagen_header2,imagen_no_header,header2,i) #copia el header original a la extension correspondiente

import shutil

##Final Sanity check
#print "Deleting files"

#print "Deleting _CC_ files and _Amp_ files"

#for m in range (1,13):
#    print " rm "+imagen_a_corregir[:-5]+"_CC2_"+str(m)+".fits"
#    os.remove(imagen_a_corregir[:-5]+"_CC2_"+str(m)+".fits")
#    print " rm "+imagen_a_corregir[:-5]+"_Amp_"+str(m)+".fits"
#    os.remove(imagen_a_corregir[:-5]+"_Amp_"+str(m)+".fits")

print "Cosmic cleaning done"

print "\n Marcelo D. Mora, 07.09.2016 v.2.0 \n"

Cosmic cleaning done

 Marcelo D. Mora, 07.09.2016 v.2.0 

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: