
S.K. Sirothia


NASSP Radio Interferometry Practical

Check the msfile

#Set up some useful variables
prefix = '3gc4_prac_01'
srcsplitms = ''

vis = srcsplitms

The listobs output on casa logger window

Imaging mode 'Channel'

CASA task CLEAN (Make the dirty image)

default('clean')                     #Set the clean defaults
vis = srcsplitms                     #Pick up our split source data
dirtyname = prefix + '.dirtyimg'     #Make an image root file name
imagename = dirtyname

mode = 'channel'                     #Setting the parameters related to imaging
nchan = 72                           #Set up the output image cube
start = 1
width = 1

field = '0'                          #Set the field to image
spw = ''                             #Set the spectral window to image

imsize = [256,256]                   #Set the image size
cell = [45.,45.]                     #Pixel size 45 arcsec for this KAT7 data

weighting = 'briggs'                 #Set the visibility weighting scheme
robust = 0.5

niter = 0                            #No cleaning since we are making the dirtly image
inp()                                #Check the inputs

clean()                              #Run the task clean to make the dirtly image

dirtyimage = dirtyname+'.image'      #Check the image

Clean log, in the casa shell window

Checking the inputs, in the casa logger window

Dirty image in the casa viewer window

CASA task CLEAN (Make the clean image)

default('clean')                     #Set the clean defaults
vis = srcsplitms                     #Pick up our split source data
imname = prefix + '.cleanimg'        #Make an image root file name
imagename = imname

mode = 'channel'                     #Setting the parameters related to imaging
nchan = 72                           #Set up the output image cube
start = 1
width = 1

field = '0'                          #Set the field to image (This is a single-source MS with one spw)
spw = ''                             #Set the spectral window to image
imsize = [256,256]                   #Set the image size
cell = [45.,45.]                     #Pixel size 45 arcsec for this KAT7 data

gain = 0.1                           #Standard gain factor 0.1
psfmode = 'clark'                    #Do a simple Clark clean
csclean = False                      #No Cotton-Schwab iterations
#imsize = [512,512]                  #Twice as big for Cotton-Schwab (cleans inner quarter)
#csclean = True                      #If desired, you can do a Cotton-Schwab clean 
                                     #but will have only marginal improvement for this data

niter = 6000                         #Fix maximum number of iterations
threshold=10.0                       #Also set flux residual threshold (in mJy)

weighting = 'briggs'                 #Set the visibility weighting scheme
robust = 0.5                         #Use Briggs weighting (a moderate value, on the uniform side)

#mask = [108,108,148,148]            #Set a cleanbox +/-20 pixels around the center 128,128
mask = ''                            #If you don't want any clean boxes or masks

interactive=False                    #If you want interactive clean set to True

inp()                                #Check the inputs
clean()                              #Run the task clean to make the dirtly image

clnimage = imname+'.image'           #Check the image

Clean log, in the casa shell window

Checking the inputs, in the casa logger window

Clean image in the casa viewer window

Imaging mode 'mfs'

CASA task CLEAN (Make the dirty image mode=mfs)

default('clean')                     #Set the clean defaults
vis = srcsplitms                     #Pick up our split source data
dirtyname = prefix + '.dirtyimg'     #Make an image root file name
imagename = dirtyname

os.system('rm -rf '+imagename+'*')   #remove previous version of these images

mode = 'mfs'                         #Setting the parameters related to imaging
nchan = 72                           #Set up the output image cube
start = 1
width = 1

field = '0'                          #Set the field to image
spw = ''                             #Set the spectral window to image

imsize = [256,256]                   #Set the image size
cell = [45.,45.]                     #Pixel size 45 arcsec for this KAT7 data

weighting = 'briggs'                 #Set the visibility weighting scheme
robust = 0.5

niter = 0                            #No cleaning since we are making the dirtly image
inp()                                #Check the inputs

clean()                              #Run the task clean to make the dirtly image

dirtyimage = dirtyname+'.image'      #Check the image

Dirty image (mode=mfs) in the casa viewer window

CASA task CLEAN (Make the clean image, mode=mfs)

default('clean')                     #Set the clean defaults
vis = srcsplitms                     #Pick up our split source data
imname = prefix + '.cleanimg'        #Make an image root file name
imagename = imname

os.system('rm -rf '+imagename+'*')   #remove previous version of these images

mode = 'mfs'                         #Setting the parameters related to imaging
nchan = 72                           #Set up the output image cube
start = 1
width = 1

field = '0'                          #Set the field to image (This is a single-source MS with one spw)
spw = ''                             #Set the spectral window to image
imsize = [256,256]                   #Set the image size
cell = [45.,45.]                     #Pixel size 45 arcsec for this KAT7 data

gain = 0.1                           #Standard gain factor 0.1
psfmode = 'clark'                    #Do a simple Clark clean
csclean = False                      #No Cotton-Schwab iterations
#imsize = [512,512]                  #Twice as big for Cotton-Schwab (cleans inner quarter)
#csclean = True                      #If desired, you can do a Cotton-Schwab clean 
                                     #but will have only marginal improvement for this data

niter = 6000                         #Fix maximum number of iterations
threshold=10.0                       #Also set flux residual threshold (in mJy)

weighting = 'briggs'                 #Set the visibility weighting scheme
robust = 0.5                         #Use Briggs weighting (a moderate value, on the uniform side)

#mask = [108,108,148,148]            #Set a cleanbox +/-20 pixels around the center 128,128
mask = ''                            #If you don't want any clean boxes or masks

interactive=False                    #If you want interactive clean set to True

inp()                                #Check the inputs
clean()                              #Run the task clean to make the dirtly image

clnimage = imname+'.image'           #Check the image

Clean image (mode=mfs) in the casa viewer window