This notebook is a translation of fftlogtest.f
from the Fortran package FFTLog
, which was presented in Appendix B of Hamilton, 2000, and published at It serves as an example for the python package fftlog
(which is a f2py
-wrapper around FFTLog
), in the same manner as the original file fftlogtest.f
serves as an example for Fortran package FFTLog
Hamilton, A. J. S., 2000, Uncorrelated modes of the non-linear power spectrum: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 312, pages 257-284; DOI:
This is a simple test program to illustrate how FFTLog
The test transform is:
does NOT claim to provide the most accurate possible
solution of the continuous transform (which is the stated aim
of some other codes). Rather, FFTLog
claims to solve the exact
discrete transform of a logarithmically-spaced periodic sequence.
If the periodic interval is wide enough, the resolution high
enough, and the function well enough behaved outside the periodic
interval, then FFTLog
may yield a satisfactory approximation
to the continuous transform.
prefers it.The analytic integral above fails for $\mu \le -1$, but FFTLog
still returns answers. Namely, FFTLog
returns the analytic
continuation of the discrete transform. Because of ambiguity
in the path of integration around poles, this analytic continuation
is liable to differ, for $\mu \le -1$, by a constant from the 'correct'
continuation given by the above equation.
begins to have serious difficulties with aliasing as
$\mu$ decreases below $-1$, because then $r^{\mu+1} \exp(-r^2/2)$ is
far from resembling a periodic function.
You might have thought that it would help to introduce a bias
exponent $q = \mu$, or perhaps $q = \mu+1$, or more, to make the
function $a(r) = A(r) r^{-q}$ input to fhtq
more nearly periodic.
In practice a nonzero $q$ makes things worse.
A symmetry argument lends support to the notion that the best exponent here should be $q = 0,$ as empirically appears to be true. The symmetry argument is that the function $r^{\mu+1} \exp(-r^2/2)$ happens to be the same as its transform $k^{\mu+1} \exp(-k^2/2)$. If the best bias exponent were q in the forward transform, then the best exponent would be $-q$ that in the backward transform; but the two transforms happen to be the same in this case, suggesting $q = -q$, hence $q = 0$.
This example illustrates that you cannot always tell just by looking at a function what the best bias exponent $q$ should be. You also have to look at its transform. The best exponent $q$ is, in a sense, the one that makes both the function and its transform look most nearly periodic.
In [1]:
import fftlog
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
In [2]:
# Range of periodic interval
logrmin = -4
logrmax = 4
# Number of points (Max 4096)
n = 64
# Order mu of Bessel function
mu = 0
# Bias exponent: q = 0 is unbiased
q = 0
# Sensible approximate choice of k_c r_c
kr = 1
# Tell fhti to change kr to low-ringing value
# WARNING: kropt = 3 will fail, as interaction is not supported
kropt = 1
# Forward transform (changed from dir to tdir, as dir is a python fct)
tdir = 1
In [3]:
# Central point log10(r_c) of periodic interval
logrc = (logrmin + logrmax)/2
print('Central point of periodic interval at log10(r_c) = ', logrc)
# Central index (1/2 integral if n is even)
nc = (n + 1)/2.0
# Log-spacing of points
dlogr = (logrmax - logrmin)/n
dlnr = dlogr*np.log(10.0)
In [4]:
r = 10**(logrc + (np.arange(1, n+1) - nc)*dlogr)
ar = r**(mu + 1)*np.exp(-r**2/2.0)
In [5]:
kr, wsave, ok = fftlog.fhti(n, mu, dlnr, q, kr, kropt)
print('fftlog.fhti: ok =', bool(ok), '; New kr = ', kr)
In [6]:
logkc = np.log10(kr) - logrc
print('Central point in k-space at log10(k_c) = ', logkc)
# rk = r_c/k_c
rk = 10**(logrc - logkc)
# Transform
#ak = fftlog.fftl(ar.copy(), wsave, rk, tdir)
ak = fftlog.fht(ar.copy(), wsave, tdir)
In [7]:
k = 10**(logkc + (np.arange(1, n+1) - nc)*dlogr)
theo = k**(mu + 1)*np.exp(-k**2/2.0)
In [8]:
# Transformed result
ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(k, theo, 'k', lw=2, label='Theoretical')
plt.plot(k, ak, 'r--', lw=2, label='FFTLog')
plt.title(r'$k^{\mu+1} \exp(-k^2/2)$', fontsize=20)
plt.yscale('symlog', basey=10, linthreshy=1e-5)
ax2ylim = plt.ylim()
# Input
ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(r, ar, 'k', lw=2)
plt.title(r'$r^{\mu+1}\ \exp(-r^2/2)$', fontsize=20)
plt.yscale('symlog', basey=10, linthreshy=1e-5)
# Main title
plt.suptitle(r'$\int_0^\infty r^{\mu+1}\ \exp(-r^2/2)\ J_\mu(k,r)\ k\ {\rm d}r = k^{\mu+1} \exp(-k^2/2)$',
fontsize=24, y=1.08)
In [9]:
print(' k a(k) k^(mu+1) exp(-k^2/2)')
for i in range(n):
print("%18.6e %18.6e %18.6e"% (k[i], ak[i], theo[i]))