In this notebook we focus on classification of pixels in a scene as forest or non-forest. This scene is from a region in the Dominican Republic of Congo where roads have been built into the forest. Searching for and downloading the scenes is covered in the drc_roads_download notebook.
This notebook demonstrates the following:
In [1]:
from functools import reduce
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from planet import api
import rasterio
from skimage import feature, filters
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from utils import Timer
In this section, we use the ipynb module to import StripDownloader
from the drc_roads_download notebook. We then use StripDownloader
to download the portion of OrthoTile strip 73199 that overlaps the AOI.
In [2]:
from ipynb.fs.defs.drc_roads_download import StripDownloader
In [3]:
# load aoi. Saved in drc_roads_download notebook
aoi_geojson_filename = os.path.join('pre-data', 'aoi.geojson')
In [4]:
# load scenes database. Saved in drc_roads_download notebook
overlapping_scenes_filename = os.path.join('pre-data', 'overlapping-scenes')
overlapping_scenes = pd.read_pickle(overlapping_scenes_filename)
In [5]:
# filter to only scenes in desired strip
strip_id = '739199'
strip_scenes = overlapping_scenes[overlapping_scenes['strip_id'] == strip_id]
In [6]:
# create planet api client
planet_api_key = os.environ['PL_API_KEY']
# quick check that key is defined
assert planet_api_key, "PL_API_KEY not defined."
client = api.ClientV1(api_key=planet_api_key)
In [7]:
asset_type = 'analytic'
strip_downloader = StripDownloader(strip_scenes, aoi_geojson_filename, client), overwrite=False, verbose=True)
In [8]:
image_file = strip_downloader.get_filename(strip_id, asset_type)
In [9]:
# load local visual module
import visual
In [10]:
def load_4band(filename):
with, 'r') as src:
# orthotile band ordering: blue, green, red, nir
b, g, r, n =
mask = b == 0 # 0 is NoData
return [, mask=mask) for band in [b, g, r, n]]
def visualize_4band(bgrn_bands, title='BGRN Bands', figsize=(15, 15)):
rgb_bands = [bgrn_bands[i] for i in [2, 1, 0]]
visual.plot_image(rgb_bands, title=title, figsize=figsize)
In [11]:
In this section, we create features from the OrthoTile scene that will be used to classify pixels in the scene as forest or non-forest.
In this section, we perform texture analysis of the scene to create texture features which will aid in classifying pixels as forest or non-forest. Looking at the scene above, we can see that texture information could be very helpful in differentiating the two classes. Texture analysis is performed on a single band. For simplicity, here we will focus on the green band, which is pretty responsive to forest/non-forest.
In [12]:
def load_green_band(filename):
bgrn_bands = load_4band(filename)
green_band = bgrn_bands[1]
return green_band
def visualize_single_band(band, title='Single-band image', figsize=(15, 15)):
if isinstance(band, np.ndarray):
band =, mask=None)
visual.plot_image(3 * [band], title=title, figsize=figsize)
visualize_single_band(load_green_band(image_file), title='Green Band')
The first step in texture analysis is finding the edges. We use canny edge detection for this.
Because our image is in radiance, which is mostly consistent across images (there is some variation due to sun angle and earth-sun distance), we do not want to normalize it before edge detection. We just set our own thresholds for edge detection. This will ensure that edge detection is consistent across images (i.e. the presence of clouds won't be a factor).
To aid in visualization, we will zoom into the 1000x1000 pixel box in the lower-right corner of the image.
In [13]:
green_band_lr = load_green_band(image_file)[-1000:,:1000]
In [14]:
visualize_single_band(green_band_lr, title='Green Band, Lower-left Corner', figsize=(10, 10))
First we perform edge detection using the canny edge detection algorithm.
In [15]:
with Timer():
edges1 =,
low_threshold=0.0, high_threshold=0.01,
sigma=2), mask=green_band_lr.mask)
visualize_single_band(edges1, title='Green Band Edges', figsize=(10, 10))
We can see the clouds (as round blobs) and the roads (as elongated blobs). But there is still an aweful lot of noise. So, we will blur the edge image. This is equivalent to down-sampling the spatial frequency. We are looking to differentiate low-frequency edge changes (non-forest feature such as a road) from high-frequency changes (forest feature). We will do this in two steps, using different blur sizes (called kernel size). First, we will just do a two-pixel blur, then we will do a six-pixel blur. The different blur sizes allow us to call out different-sized features. Smaller features will be found in the two-pixel blur, larger features will be found in the six-pixel blur.
In [16]:
blurred =, sigma=2), mask=green_band_lr.mask)
visualize_single_band(blurred, title='2-Pixel Green Edges Blur', figsize=(10, 10))
In [17]:
blurred2 =, sigma=6), mask=green_band_lr.mask)
visualize_single_band(blurred2, title='6-pixel Green Edges Blur', figsize=(10, 10))
Alright! These look pretty good. We notice that the roads and clouds show up in both of the blurred images, both the large image and the zoomed-in region. They show up in the large image because the down-sampling of the frequencies before display has meant that the down-sampling that occurs in the display process no longer causes the road/cloud features to be lost. They show up really well in the zoomed-in images because the down-sampling of the edges has done a good job of differentiating the forest from non-forest features. These blurred edges will serve as great texture features for classification.
Let's put this all together in one function.
In [18]:
def get_texture_features(bands):
green_band = bands[1]
edges1 = feature.canny(green_band, low_threshold=0.0, high_threshold=0.01, sigma=2)
blurred = filters.gaussian(edges1, sigma=2)
blurred2 = filters.gaussian(edges1, sigma=6)
return [, mask=green_band.mask)
for texture_band in (blurred, blurred2)]
For our first attempt at classifying pixels into forest/non-forest, we will try one of the most simple classifiers, k-means. K-means is an unsupervised classification technique, which means we do not need any training data. We only need to know how many classes to find. To classify pixels, we will combine their Red, Green, Blue, and NIR spectral values with their texture (blurred edges) information into one feature vector, then we will feed that vector into a K-means classifier.
To create the feature dataset, first we combine the 4 spectral bands (blue, green, red, nir) with the two texture bands. Then we scale them all to the range 0-1. Scaling is required because KMeans is an isotropic calculation, that is, distance
between two data points is the same in all dimensions, regardless of the range of a given dimension.
In [ ]:
def get_feature_bands(image_file):
spectral_bands = load_4band(image_file)
texture_bands = get_texture_features(spectral_bands)
return spectral_bands + texture_bands
def normalize(band):
return (band-band.min())/(band.max()-band.min())
with Timer():
feature_bands = get_feature_bands(image_file)
n_samples = feature_bands[0].shape[0] * feature_bands[0].shape[1]
Because there are over 10 thousand samples, we will use scikit-learn's mini batch k means function to reduce computation.
In [20]:
def perc_masked(mask):
return 100*(np.count_nonzero(mask))/mask.size
def num_valid(mask):
return (mask.size - np.count_nonzero(mask))
def combine_masks(feature_bands):
masks = [b.mask for b in feature_bands]
total_mask = reduce(np.logical_or, masks)
print('{} valid pixels ({}% masked)'.format(num_valid(total_mask),
round(perc_masked(total_mask), 2)))
return total_mask
def valid_pixels(band, mask):
masked_band =, mask=mask)
return masked_band.compressed()
def bands_to_X(feature_bands, mask):
# X shape: (num_pixels, num_bands)
all_valid_pixels = [valid_pixels(b, mask) for b in feature_bands]
X = np.swapaxes(np.stack(all_valid_pixels), 0, 1)
return X
def y_to_band(y, mask):
band =, mask=mask)
band[~band.mask] = y
return band
def classify_kmeans(X):
mbk = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=2)
with Timer():
with Timer():
y_pred = mbk.predict(X)
return y_pred
def kmeans_classification(image_file):
kb_feature_bands = [normalize(b) for b in get_feature_bands(image_file)]
total_mask = combine_masks(kb_feature_bands)
X = bands_to_X(kb_feature_bands, total_mask)
y_pred = classify_kmeans(X)
y_band = y_to_band(y_pred, total_mask)
return y_band
In [24]:
# separate the class numbers into rgb bands
def classified_band_to_rgb(classified_band):
return [classified_band == n for n in [0,1,2]]
with Timer():
y_band = kmeans_classification(image_file)
visual.plot_image(classified_band_to_rgb(y_band), title='KMeans Classified Image', figsize=(15, 15))
The roads do show up in this classified image, although there is also a lot of noise.
To improve our classification results, we will use Random forests classification. We use the scikit-learn implementation. Unlike k-means classification, random forest classification is supervised, that is, it requires a training set.
To create the training set, we first save a version of one of the strip images as an 8-bit image so we can import it in GIMP. Then, in GIMP, we perform manual labeling of road and forest regions creating binary 'label images' for each class. We import these label images, and use them to create the training datasets from the original strip image. Finally, we use the training datasets to train the classifier.
In [25]:
label_img = os.path.join('pre-data', 'roads.tif')
with, 'r') as src:
profile = src.profile.copy()
profile.update({'compress': 'lzw',
'dtype': rasterio.uint8,
'count': 3})
bands =
# scale to rgb 0-255, masked pixels are set to zero and band order is reversed
bgr_bands = bands[:3]
nodata = bands[3] == 0
bgr_bands[:, nodata] == 0
bgr_bands = bgr_bands / (float(bgr_bands.max()) / (2**8 - 1))
rgb_bands = np.rint(bgr_bands[::-1]).astype(rasterio.uint8)
with, 'w', **profile) as dst:
Label images were created in GIMP and saved in the pre-data
In this step, we load the label images, convert them to binary masks and apply them to the feature dataset to obtain two sets of data points: one set that contains features for the forest class, and another set that contains features for the road class.
In [26]:
forest_img = os.path.join('pre-data', 'forestroad_forest.tif')
road_img = os.path.join('pre-data', 'forestroad_road.tif')
In [27]:
def get_label_mask(image_filename):
with, 'r') as src:
band =
label_data = band == 255 # valid data in white regions
label_mask = ~label_data # mask True (masked) for not valid data
return label_mask
def get_unmasked_count(mask):
return np.size(mask) - np.count_nonzero(mask)
forest_mask = get_label_mask(forest_img)
road_mask = get_label_mask(road_img)
In [30]:
# combine the label masks with the valid data mask and then create X dataset for each label
feature_bands = get_feature_bands(image_file)
total_mask = combine_masks(feature_bands)
total_forest_mask = np.logical_or(total_mask, forest_mask)
print('{} valid pixels ({}% masked)'.format(num_valid(total_forest_mask),
round(perc_masked(total_forest_mask), 2)))
X_forest = bands_to_X(feature_bands, total_forest_mask)
total_road_mask = np.logical_or(total_mask, road_mask)
print('{} valid pixels ({}% masked)'.format(num_valid(total_road_mask),
round(perc_masked(total_road_mask), 2)))
X_road = bands_to_X(feature_bands, total_road_mask)
In [31]:
def sample_pixels(pixels, sample_size):
if pixels.shape[0] > sample_size:
pixel_sample = pixels.copy()
pixel_sample = pixel_sample[:sample_size]
pixel_sample = pixels
return pixel_sample
def make_same_size_samples(list_of_X, size_percent=100):
# X: array of dim (num_pixels, num_classified_bands)
sample_len = min([p.shape[0] for p in list_of_X])
# only return size_percent number of pixels in the sample
if size_percent < 100 and size_percent > 0:
sample_len = round(sample_len * size_percent/100.0)
return [sample_pixels(p, sample_len) for p in list_of_X]
[X_forest_sample, X_road_sample] = \
make_same_size_samples([X_forest, X_road], size_percent=10)
In [32]:
forest_label_value = 0
road_label_value = 1
X_training = np.concatenate((X_forest_sample, X_road_sample), axis=0)
y_training = np.array(X_forest_sample.shape[0] * [forest_label_value] + \
X_road_sample.shape[0] * [road_label_value])
In [33]:
# save to file system
training_data_file = os.path.join('pre-data', 'classification_training.npz')
np.savez(training_data_file, X=X_training, y=y_training)
In [34]:
# load training data
def load_training_data(training_data_file):
npzfile = np.load(training_data_file)
X_training = npzfile['X']
y_training = npzfile['y']
return X_training, y_training
X_training, y_training = load_training_data(training_data_file)
In [35]:
def classify_forest(image_file, X_training, y_training):
clf = RandomForestClassifier()
with Timer():, y_training)
# for random forest classification, no normalization of the features is required
feature_bands = get_feature_bands(image_file)
total_mask = combine_masks(feature_bands)
X_rf = bands_to_X(feature_bands, total_mask)
with Timer():
y_pred_rf = clf.predict(X_rf)
y_band_rf = y_to_band(y_pred_rf, total_mask)
return y_band_rf
with Timer():
y_band_rf = classify_forest(image_file, X_training, y_training)
In [36]:
title='Classified Image (Random Forests)',
figsize=(15, 15))
Look at that! The classified image shows both clouds and roads as non-forest and there is very little noise in the forest region.
There you go, pretty great results classifying an OrthoTile AOI strip scene into forest / non-forest in 18 seconds. Hard to beat that!