You've defined an AOI, you've specified the image type you are interested and the search query. Great! But what is the coverage of your AOI given your search query? Wouldn't you like to know before you start downloading images?
This notebook will allow you to answer that question quickly and painlessly.
Coverage calculation is performed in the UTM projected coordinate system. The geojson features are defined in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system, which is not a 2D projection. UTM preserves shape and minimizes distortion (wikipedia)
In [1]:
# Notebook dependencies
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import copy
from functools import partial
import os
from IPython.display import display, Image
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from planet import api
from planet.api import filters
import pyproj
import rasterio
from rasterio import features as rfeatures
from shapely import geometry as sgeom
import shapely.ops
%matplotlib inline
Define the AOI as a geojson polygon. This can be done at If you use, only copy the single aoi feature, not the entire feature collection.
In [2]:
aoi = {u'geometry': {u'type': u'Polygon', u'coordinates': [[[-121.3113248348236, 38.28911976564886], [-121.3113248348236, 38.34622533958], [-121.2344205379486, 38.34622533958], [-121.2344205379486, 38.28911976564886], [-121.3113248348236, 38.28911976564886]]]}, u'type': u'Feature', u'properties': {u'style': {u'opacity': 0.5, u'fillOpacity': 0.2, u'noClip': False, u'weight': 4, u'color': u'blue', u'lineCap': None, u'dashArray': None, u'smoothFactor': 1, u'stroke': True, u'fillColor': None, u'clickable': True, u'lineJoin': None, u'fill': True}}}
In [3]:
# this notebook uses rasterio Shapes for processing, so lets convert that geojson to a shape
aoi_shape = sgeom.shape(aoi['geometry'])
In [4]:
def build_request(aoi_shape):
old = datetime.datetime(year=2016,month=6,day=1)
new = datetime.datetime(year=2016,month=10,day=1)
query = filters.and_filter(
filters.range_filter('cloud_cover', lt=5),
filters.date_range('acquired', gt=old),
filters.date_range('acquired', lt=new)
item_types = ['PSOrthoTile']
return filters.build_search_request(query, item_types)
request = build_request(aoi_shape)
We convert the AOI to UTM and ensure that it is large enough to include at least a few grid cells 9m x 9m (approximately 3x PS Orthotile resolution). Then we determine the appropriate coverage grid dimensions from the AOI.
There are a lot of UTM zones, and the UTM zone we project to depends on the location of the AOI. Once this zone is determined, we create a function that can be used to project any shape. We will use that function to project the scene footprints to the same UTM zone once we get them.
In [5]:
# Utility functions: projecting a feature to the appropriate UTM zone
def get_utm_projection_fcn(shape):
# define projection
# from shapely [docs](
proj_fcn = partial(
pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'), #wgs84
return proj_fcn
def _get_utm_zone(shape):
'''geom: geojson geometry'''
centroid = shape.centroid
lon = centroid.x
lat = centroid.y
if lat > 84 or lat < -80:
raise Exception('UTM Zones only valid within [-80, 84] latitude')
# this is adapted from
zone = int((lon + 180) / 6 + 1)
hemisphere = 'north' if lat > 0 else 'south'
return (zone, hemisphere)
def _get_utm_projection(shape):
zone, hemisphere = _get_utm_zone(shape)
proj_str = "+proj=utm +zone={zone}, +{hemi} +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs".format(
zone=zone, hemi=hemisphere)
return pyproj.Proj(proj_str)
proj_fcn = get_utm_projection_fcn(aoi_shape)
aoi_shape_utm = shapely.ops.transform(proj_fcn, aoi_shape)
In [6]:
def get_coverage_dimensions(aoi_shape_utm):
'''Checks that aoi is big enough and calculates the dimensions for coverage grid.'''
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = aoi_shape_utm.bounds
width = maxx - minx
height = maxy - miny
min_cell_size = 9 # in meters, approx 3x ground sampling distance
min_number_of_cells = 3
max_number_of_cells = 3000
min_dim = min_cell_size * min_number_of_cells
if height < min_dim:
raise Exception('AOI height too small, should be {}m.'.format(min_dim))
if width < min_dim:
raise Exception('AOI width too small, should be {}m.'.format(min_dim))
def _dim(length):
return min(int(length/min_cell_size), max_number_of_cells)
return [_dim(l) for l in (height, width)]
dimensions = get_coverage_dimensions(aoi_shape_utm)
The client is how we interact with the planet api. It is created with the user-specific api key, which is pulled from $PL_API_KEY environment variable.
Unless you are expecting over 500 images (in which case, why are you concerned about coverage?), this code doesn't need to be altered.
In [7]:
def get_api_key():
return os.environ['PL_API_KEY']
# quick check that key is defined
assert get_api_key(), "PL_API_KEY not defined."
In [8]:
def create_client():
return api.ClientV1(api_key=get_api_key())
def search_pl_api(request, limit=500):
client = create_client()
result = client.quick_search(request)
# note that this returns a generator
return result.items_iter(limit=limit)
First query the planet api for the items that match the request defined above, then calculate the overlap between each item and the aoi. Finally, convert each overlap to a grid using rasterio.rasterize
, accumulate coverage over the overlap grids, and display the coverage grid.
In [9]:
def get_overlap_shapes_utm(items, aoi_shape):
'''Determine overlap between item footprint and AOI in UTM.'''
proj_fcn = get_utm_projection_fcn(aoi_shape)
aoi_shape_utm = shapely.ops.transform(proj_fcn, aoi_shape)
def _calculate_overlap(item):
footprint_shape = sgeom.shape(item['geometry'])
footprint_shape_utm = shapely.ops.transform(proj_fcn, footprint_shape)
return aoi_shape_utm.intersection(footprint_shape_utm)
for i in items:
yield _calculate_overlap(i)
items = search_pl_api(request)
# cache the overlaps as a list so we don't have to refetch items
overlaps = list(get_overlap_shapes_utm(items, aoi_shape))
In [10]:
# what do overlaps look like?
# lets just look at the first overlap to avoid a long output cell
In [11]:
def calculate_coverage(overlaps, dimensions, bounds):
# get dimensions of coverage raster
mminx, mminy, mmaxx, mmaxy = bounds
y_count, x_count = dimensions
# determine pixel width and height for transform
width = (mmaxx - mminx) / x_count
height = (mminy - mmaxy) / y_count # should be negative
# Affine(a, b, c, d, e, f) where:
# a = width of a pixel
# b = row rotation (typically zero)
# c = x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel
# d = column rotation (typically zero)
# e = height of a pixel (typically negative)
# f = y-coordinate of the of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel
# ref:
transform = rasterio.Affine(width, 0, mminx, 0, height, mmaxy)
coverage = np.zeros(dimensions, dtype=np.uint16)
for overlap in overlaps:
if not overlap.is_empty:
# rasterize overlap vector, transforming to coverage raster
# pixels inside overlap have a value of 1, others have a value of 0
overlap_raster = rfeatures.rasterize(
# add overlap raster to coverage raster
coverage += overlap_raster
return coverage
# what is a low-resolution look at the coverage grid?
display(calculate_coverage(overlaps, (6,3), aoi_shape_utm.bounds))
In [12]:
def plot_coverage(coverage):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cax = ax.imshow(coverage, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.viridis)
ax.set_title('Coverage\n(median: {})'.format(int(np.median(coverage))))
ticks_min = coverage.min()
ticks_max = coverage.max()
cbar = fig.colorbar(cax,ticks=[ticks_min, ticks_max])
plot_coverage(calculate_coverage(overlaps, dimensions, aoi_shape_utm.bounds))
In [13]:
demo_aoi = aoi # use the same aoi that was used before
demo_aoi_shape = sgeom.shape(demo_aoi['geometry'])
proj_fcn = get_utm_projection_fcn(demo_aoi_shape)
demo_aoi_shape_utm = shapely.ops.transform(proj_fcn, demo_aoi_shape)
demo_dimensions = get_coverage_dimensions(demo_aoi_shape_utm)
In [14]:
# Parameterize our search request by start/stop dates for this comparison
def build_request_by_dates(aoi_shape, old, new):
query = filters.and_filter(
filters.range_filter('cloud_cover', lt=5),
filters.date_range('acquired', gt=old),
filters.date_range('acquired', lt=new)
item_types = ['PSOrthoTile']
return filters.build_search_request(query, item_types)
In [15]:
request_2016 = build_request_by_dates(demo_aoi_shape,
items = search_pl_api(request_2016)
overlaps = list(get_overlap_shapes_utm(items, demo_aoi_shape))
plot_coverage(calculate_coverage(overlaps, demo_dimensions, demo_aoi_shape_utm.bounds))
In [16]:
request_2017 = build_request_by_dates(demo_aoi_shape,
items = search_pl_api(request_2017)
overlaps = list(get_overlap_shapes_utm(items, demo_aoi_shape))
plot_coverage(calculate_coverage(overlaps, demo_dimensions, demo_aoi_shape_utm.bounds))
Median coverage over 2 months has increased from 2 to 69! That's a decrease in average revisit rate from 1/month to over 1/day. That's what a constellation of over 100 satellites will do for you!
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