Have you ever wanted to compare PS images to Landsat 8 images? Both image collections are made available via the Planet API. However, it takes a bit of work to identify crossovers - that is, images of the same area that were collected within a reasonable time difference of each other. Also, you may be interested in filtering out some imagery, e.g. cloudy images.
This notebook walks you through the process of finding crossovers between PS Orthotiles and Landsat 8 scenes. In this notebook, we specify 'crossovers' as images that have been taken within 1hr of eachother. This time gap is sufficiently small that we expect the atmospheric conditions won't change much (this assumption doesn't always hold, but is the best we can do for now). We also filter out cloudy images and constrain our search to images collected in 2017, January 1 through August 23.
In [1]:
# Notebook dependencies
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import json
import os
import ipyleaflet as ipyl
import ipywidgets as ipyw
from IPython.core.display import HTML
from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd
from planet import api
from planet.api import filters
from shapely import geometry as sgeom
Define the AOI as a geojson polygon. This can be done at geojson.io. If you use geojson.io, only copy the single aoi feature, not the entire feature collection.
In [2]:
aoi = {u'geometry': {u'type': u'Polygon', u'coordinates': [[[-121.3113248348236, 38.28911976564886], [-121.3113248348236, 38.34622533958], [-121.2344205379486, 38.34622533958], [-121.2344205379486, 38.28911976564886], [-121.3113248348236, 38.28911976564886]]]}, u'type': u'Feature', u'properties': {u'style': {u'opacity': 0.5, u'fillOpacity': 0.2, u'noClip': False, u'weight': 4, u'color': u'blue', u'lineCap': None, u'dashArray': None, u'smoothFactor': 1, u'stroke': True, u'fillColor': None, u'clickable': True, u'lineJoin': None, u'fill': True}}}
In [3]:
In [4]:
# define the date range for imagery
start_date = datetime.datetime(year=2017,month=1,day=1)
stop_date = datetime.datetime(year=2017,month=8,day=23)
In [5]:
# filters.build_search_request() item types:
# Landsat 8 - 'Landsat8L1G'
# Sentinel - 'Sentinel2L1C'
# PS Orthotile = 'PSOrthoTile'
def build_landsat_request(aoi_geom, start_date, stop_date):
query = filters.and_filter(
filters.range_filter('cloud_cover', lt=5),
# ensure has all assets, unfortunately also filters 'L1TP'
# filters.string_filter('quality_category', 'standard'),
filters.range_filter('sun_elevation', gt=0), # filter out Landsat night scenes
filters.date_range('acquired', gt=start_date),
filters.date_range('acquired', lt=stop_date)
return filters.build_search_request(query, ['Landsat8L1G'])
def build_ps_request(aoi_geom, start_date, stop_date):
query = filters.and_filter(
filters.range_filter('cloud_cover', lt=0.05),
filters.date_range('acquired', gt=start_date),
filters.date_range('acquired', lt=stop_date)
return filters.build_search_request(query, ['PSOrthoTile'])
print(build_landsat_request(aoi['geometry'], start_date, stop_date))
print(build_ps_request(aoi['geometry'], start_date, stop_date))
The client is how we interact with the planet api. It is created with the user-specific api key, which is pulled from $PL_API_KEY environment variable. Create the client then use it to search for PS Orthotile and Landsat 8 scenes. Save a subset of the metadata provided by Planet API as our 'scene'.
In [6]:
def get_api_key():
return os.environ['PL_API_KEY']
# quick check that key is defined
assert get_api_key(), "PL_API_KEY not defined."
In [7]:
def create_client():
return api.ClientV1(api_key=get_api_key())
def search_pl_api(request, limit=500):
client = create_client()
result = client.quick_search(request)
# note that this returns a generator
return result.items_iter(limit=limit)
items = list(search_pl_api(build_ps_request(aoi['geometry'], start_date, stop_date)))
# uncomment below to see entire metadata for a PS orthotile
# print(json.dumps(items[0], indent=4))
del items
items = list(search_pl_api(build_landsat_request(aoi['geometry'], start_date, stop_date)))
# uncomment below to see entire metadata for a landsat scene
# print(json.dumps(items[0], indent=4))
del items
In processing the items to scenes, we are only using a small subset of the product metadata.
In [8]:
def items_to_scenes(items):
item_types = []
def _get_props(item):
props = item['properties']
'thumbnail': item['_links']['thumbnail'],
'item_type': item['properties']['item_type'],
'id': item['id'],
'acquired': item['properties']['acquired'],
'footprint': item['geometry']
return props
scenes = pd.DataFrame(data=[_get_props(i) for i in items])
# acquired column to index, it is unique and will be used a lot for processing
scenes.index = pd.to_datetime(scenes['acquired'])
del scenes['acquired']
return scenes
scenes = items_to_scenes(search_pl_api(build_landsat_request(aoi['geometry'],
start_date, stop_date)))
# display(scenes[:1])
del scenes
In [9]:
landsat_scenes = items_to_scenes(search_pl_api(build_landsat_request(aoi['geometry'],
start_date, stop_date)))
# How many Landsat 8 scenes match the query?
In [10]:
def landsat_scenes_to_features_layer(scenes):
features_style = {
'color': 'grey',
'weight': 1,
'fillColor': 'grey',
'fillOpacity': 0.15}
features = [{"geometry": r.footprint,
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {"style": features_style,
"wrs_path": r.wrs_path,
"wrs_row": r.wrs_row}}
for r in scenes.itertuples()]
return features
def create_landsat_hover_handler(scenes, label):
def hover_handler(event=None, id=None, properties=None):
wrs_path = properties['wrs_path']
wrs_row = properties['wrs_row']
path_row_query = 'wrs_path=={} and wrs_row=={}'.format(wrs_path, wrs_row)
count = len(scenes.query(path_row_query))
label.value = 'path: {}, row: {}, count: {}'.format(wrs_path, wrs_row, count)
return hover_handler
def create_landsat_feature_layer(scenes, label):
features = landsat_scenes_to_features_layer(scenes)
# Footprint feature layer
feature_collection = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": features
feature_layer = ipyl.GeoJSON(data=feature_collection)
feature_layer.on_hover(create_landsat_hover_handler(scenes, label))
return feature_layer
In [11]:
# Initialize map using parameters from above map
# and deleting map instance if it exists
del fp_map
except NameError:
zoom = 6
center = [38.28993659801203, -120.14648437499999] # lat/lon
In [12]:
# Create map, adding box drawing controls
# Reuse parameters if map already exists
center = fp_map.center
zoom = fp_map.zoom
except NameError:
# Change tile layer to one that makes it easier to see crop features
# Layer selected using https://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/
map_tiles = ipyl.TileLayer(url='http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png')
fp_map = ipyl.Map(
default_tiles = map_tiles
label = ipyw.Label(layout=ipyw.Layout(width='100%'))
fp_map.add_layer(create_landsat_feature_layer(landsat_scenes, label)) # landsat layer
fp_map.add_layer(ipyl.GeoJSON(data=aoi)) # aoi layer
# Display map and label
ipyw.VBox([fp_map, label])
This AOI is located in a region covered by 3 different path/row tiles. This means there is 3x the coverage than in regions only covered by one path/row tile. This is particularly lucky!
What about the within each path/row tile. How long and how consistent is the Landsat 8 collect period for each path/row?
In [13]:
def time_diff_stats(group):
time_diff = group.index.to_series().diff() # time difference between rows in group
stats = {'median': time_diff.median(),
'mean': time_diff.mean(),
'std': time_diff.std(),
'count': time_diff.count(),
'min': time_diff.min(),
'max': time_diff.max()}
return pd.Series(stats)
landsat_scenes.groupby(['wrs_path', 'wrs_row']).apply(time_diff_stats)
It looks like the collection period is 16 days, which lines up with the Landsat 8 mission description.
path/row 43/33 is missing one image which causes an unusually long collect period.
What this means is that we don't need to look at every Landsat 8 scene collect time to find crossovers with Planet scenes. We could look at the first scene for each path/row, then look at every 16 day increment. However, we will need to account for dropped Landsat 8 scenes in some way.
What is the time difference between the tiles?
In [14]:
def find_closest(date_time, data_frame):
# inspired by:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36933725/pandas-time-series-join-by-closest-time
time_deltas = (data_frame.index - date_time).to_series().reset_index(drop=True).abs()
idx_min = time_deltas.idxmin()
min_delta = time_deltas[idx_min]
return (idx_min, min_delta)
def closest_time(group):
'''group: data frame with acquisition time as index'''
inquiry_date = datetime.datetime(year=2017,month=3,day=7)
idx, _ = find_closest(inquiry_date, group)
return group.index.to_series().iloc[idx]
# for accurate results, we look at the closest time for each path/row tile to a given time
# using just the first entry could result in a longer time gap between collects due to
# the timing of the first entries
landsat_scenes.groupby(['wrs_path', 'wrs_row']).apply(closest_time)
So the tiles that are in the same path are very close (24sec) together from the same day. Therefore, we would want to only use one tile and pick the best image.
Tiles that are in different paths are 7 days apart. Therefore, we want to keep tiles from different paths, as they represent unique crossovers.
There are also quite a few PS Orthotiles that match our query. Some of those scenes may not have much overlap with our AOI. We will want to filter those out. Also, we are interested in knowing how many unique days of coverage we have, so we will group PS Orthotiles by collect day, since we may have days with more than one collect (due multiple PS satellites collecting imagery).
In [15]:
all_ps_scenes = items_to_scenes(search_pl_api(build_ps_request(aoi['geometry'], start_date, stop_date)))
# How many PS scenes match query?
What about overlap? We really only want images that overlap over 20% of the AOI.
Note: we do this calculation in WGS84, the geographic coordinate system supported by geojson. The calculation of coverage expects that the geometries entered are 2D, which WGS84 is not. This will cause a small inaccuracy in the coverage area calculation, but not enough to bother us here.
In [16]:
def aoi_overlap_percent(footprint, aoi):
aoi_shape = sgeom.shape(aoi['geometry'])
footprint_shape = sgeom.shape(footprint)
overlap = aoi_shape.intersection(footprint_shape)
return overlap.area / aoi_shape.area
overlap_percent = all_ps_scenes.footprint.apply(aoi_overlap_percent, args=(aoi,))
all_ps_scenes = all_ps_scenes.assign(overlap_percent = overlap_percent)
In [17]:
ps_scenes = all_ps_scenes[all_ps_scenes.overlap_percent > 0.20]
Ideally, PS scenes have daily coverage over all regions. How many days have PS coverage and how many PS scenes were taken on the same day?
In [18]:
# ps_scenes.index.to_series().head()
# ps_scenes.filter(items=['id']).groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='D')).agg('count')
In [19]:
# Use PS acquisition year, month, and day as index and group by those indices
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14646336/pandas-grouping-intra-day-timeseries-by-date
daily_ps_scenes = ps_scenes.index.to_series().groupby([ps_scenes.index.year,
In [20]:
daily_count = daily_ps_scenes.agg('count')
daily_count.index.names = ['y', 'm', 'd']
# How many days is the count greater than 1?
daily_multiple_count = daily_count[daily_count > 1]
print('Out of {} days of coverage, {} days have multiple collects.'.format( \
len(daily_count), len(daily_multiple_count)))
In [21]:
def scenes_and_count(group):
entry = {'count': len(group),
'acquisition_time': group.index.tolist()}
return pd.DataFrame(entry)
daily_count_and_scenes = daily_ps_scenes.apply(scenes_and_count)
# need to rename indices because right now multiple are called 'acquired', which
# causes a bug when we try to run the query
daily_count_and_scenes.index.names = ['y', 'm', 'd', 'num']
multiplecoverage = daily_count_and_scenes.query('count > 1')
multiplecoverage.query('m == 7') # look at just occurrence in July
Looks like the multiple collects on the same day are just a few minutes apart. They are likely crossovers between different PS satellites. Cool! Since we only want to us one PS image for a crossover, we will chose the best collect for days with multiple collects.
In [22]:
def find_crossovers(acquired_time, landsat_scenes):
'''landsat_scenes: pandas dataframe with acquisition time as index'''
closest_idx, closest_delta = find_closest(acquired_time, landsat_scenes)
closest_landsat = landsat_scenes.iloc[closest_idx]
crossover = {'landsat_acquisition': closest_landsat.name,
'delta': closest_delta}
return pd.Series(crossover)
# fetch PS scenes
ps_scenes = items_to_scenes(search_pl_api(build_ps_request(aoi['geometry'],
start_date, stop_date)))
# for each PS scene, find the closest Landsat scene
crossovers = ps_scenes.index.to_series().apply(find_crossovers, args=(landsat_scenes,))
# filter to crossovers within 1hr
concurrent_crossovers = crossovers[crossovers['delta'] < pd.Timedelta('1 hours')]
Now that we have the crossovers, what we are really interested in is the IDs of the landsat and PS scenes, as well as how much they overlap the AOI.
In [23]:
def get_crossover_info(crossovers, aoi):
def get_scene_info(acquisition_time, scenes):
scene = scenes.loc[acquisition_time]
scene_info = {'id': scene.id,
'thumbnail': scene.thumbnail,
# we are going to use the footprints as shapes so convert to shapes now
'footprint': sgeom.shape(scene.footprint)}
return pd.Series(scene_info)
landsat_info = crossovers.landsat_acquisition.apply(get_scene_info, args=(landsat_scenes,))
ps_info = crossovers.index.to_series().apply(get_scene_info, args=(ps_scenes,))
footprint_info = pd.DataFrame({'landsat': landsat_info.footprint,
'ps': ps_info.footprint})
overlaps = footprint_info.apply(lambda x: x.landsat.intersection(x.ps),
aoi_shape = sgeom.shape(aoi['geometry'])
overlap_percent = overlaps.apply(lambda x: x.intersection(aoi_shape).area / aoi_shape.area)
crossover_info = pd.DataFrame({'overlap': overlaps,
'overlap_percent': overlap_percent,
'ps_id': ps_info.id,
'ps_thumbnail': ps_info.thumbnail,
'landsat_id': landsat_info.id,
'landsat_thumbnail': landsat_info.thumbnail})
return crossover_info
crossover_info = get_crossover_info(concurrent_crossovers, aoi)
Next, we filter to overlaps that cover a significant portion of the AOI.
In [24]:
significant_crossovers_info = crossover_info[crossover_info.overlap_percent > 0.9]
Browsing through the crossovers, we see that in some instances, multiple crossovers take place on the same day. Really, we are interested in 'unique crossovers', that is, crossovers that take place on unique days. Therefore, we will look at the concurrent crossovers by day.
In [25]:
def group_by_day(data_frame):
return data_frame.groupby([data_frame.index.year,
unique_crossover_days = group_by_day(significant_crossovers_info.index.to_series()).count()
There are 6 unique crossovers between Landsat 8 and PS that cover over 90% of our AOI between January and August in 2017. Not bad! That is definitely enough to perform comparison.
In [26]:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36006136/how-to-display-images-in-a-row-with-ipython-display
def make_html(image):
return '<img src="{0}" alt="{0}"style="display:inline;margin:1px"/>' \
def display_thumbnails(row):
for t in (row.ps_thumbnail, row.landsat_thumbnail))))
_ = significant_crossovers_info.apply(display_thumbnails, axis=1)
They all look pretty good although the last crossover (2017-08-10) could be a little hazy.