De novo assembly pipeline

This is the de novo assembly pipeline used for the manuscript "Comparison of Two Whole-Genome Sequencing Methods for Analysis of Three Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Outbreaks." The pipeline takes sequencing reads from an isolate, specifically a pair of fastq files from paired-end sequencing, and a pair of fastq files from mate pair sequencing. The pipeline outputs contigs and scaffolds for the isolate.

As written in this notebook, this pipeline is used to assemble sequencing reads from a single isolate.

Software requirements (as used for this manuscript)

The software dependencies of the above software will also be needed.

Sources for custom code and scripts are included elswhere in this repository.

Other requirements

You will need a name for the sample (stored in the ALIAS variable), the location of the fastq files to assemble (stored in the PE_* and MP_* variables), and the target coverage for the data (stored in TARGET_COV).

The values for the parameters in the different tools are set as used for the processing of isolate sequencing data in the manuscript.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Copyright 2017, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.



Initial definitions for file locations.

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Remove sequencing adapters and low-quality bases using Trimmomatic. The Adapters.fasta file contains a list of Illumina sequencing adapters. It is provided with the Trimmomatic software.

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java -jar $TRIMMOMATIC_JAR PE -threads $NSLOTS $PE_1 $PE_2 \
  ${ALIAS}_pe_R1.c.fq ${ALIAS}_pe_U1.c.fq \
  ${ALIAS}_pe_R2.c.fq ${ALIAS}_pe_U2.c.fq \
  ILLUMINACLIP:Adapters.fasta:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 MAXINFO:220:0.1 MINLEN:70
java -jar $TRIMMOMATIC_JAR PE -threads $NSLOTS $MP_1 $MP_2 \
  ${ALIAS}_mp1_R1.c.fq ${ALIAS}_mp_U1.c.fq \
  ${ALIAS}_mp1_R2.c.fq ${ALIAS}_mp_U2.c.fq \
  ILLUMINACLIP:Adapters.fasta:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 MAXINFO:220:0.1 MINLEN:70

#concatenate single reads
cat *U[12].c.fq > ${ALIAS}_se.i.fq

Cleanup - continued

Remove reads with median phred score less than 30.

In [ ]:
for kind in pe mp
  seqtk mergepe ${ALIAS}_${kind}_R1.c.fq ${ALIAS}_${kind}_R2.c.fq > ${ALIAS}_${kind}.i.fq
  median_filter ${ALIAS}_${kind}.i.fq > ${ALIAS}_${kind}.mf.fq
  extract_paired_reads ${ALIAS}_${kind}.mf.fq

Prepare reads

Prepare reads for error-correction: interleave and compress paired reads; consolidate single (mate-less) reads.

In [ ]:
#concatenate single reads
cat *.se ${ALIAS} | gzip > ${ALIAS}_se.fq.gz

#renaming paired reads, compress
for kind in pe mp
  mv ${ALIAS}_${kind} ${ALIAS}_${kind}.fq
  gzip ${ALIAS}_${kind}.fq

Error correct

Error-correct all reads using SPAdes' error corrector. No assembly is performed yet.

In [ ]: -t $NSLOTS --only-error-correction -o spades_output \
  --pe1-12 ${ALIAS}_pe.fq.gz --pe1-s ${ALIAS}_se.fq.gz \
  --hqmp1-12 ${ALIAS}_mp1.fq.gz --hqmp2-12 ${ALIAS}_mp2.fq.gz


Extract corrected reads, consolidate as interleaved fastq files.

In [ ]:
cd spades_output/corrected

gunzip ${ALIAS}_*_*.00.*_0.cor.fastq.gz

${ALIAS}_pe_1.00.1_0.cor.fastq ${ALIAS}_pe_2.00.1_0.cor.fastq > ${ALIAS}
${ALIAS}_mp_1.00.0_0.cor.fastq ${ALIAS}_mp_2.00.0_0.cor.fastq > ${ALIAS}

mv *.ec.fq ../../

cd ../../

Normalize coverage

Normalize the expected coverage using specialk from KmerGenie, as well as it's R scripts.

  • Calculate peak coverage at k-mer = 51 using specialk
  • Randomly remove extra reads from files using seqtk sample, to match desired coverage.
  • Calculate new peak coverages for odd k-mer values from 31 to 121, as well as the error cutoffs. This is to be passed to velvet in the arrays COVS and CUTOFFS.

In [ ]:

ls *.ec.fq > ecfiles.txt
specialk ecfiles.txt -t $NSLOTS -l 51 -k 51 -o ${ALIAS}or
cp $R_SCRIPTS/*.r .
ACTUAL_COV=$(Rscript get-peak.r ${ALIAS}or-k51.histo)

FRACTION=$(python -c "print $TARGET_COV/$ACTUAL_COV")
echo "COV=$TARGET_COV" > coverage.txt

seqtk sample -s $A_NUMBER_1 ${ALIAS} $FRACTION > ${ALIAS}
seqtk sample -s $A_NUMBER_2 ${ALIAS} $FRACTION > ${ALIAS}
seqtk sample -s $A_NUMBER_1 ${ALIAS} $FRACTION > ${ALIAS}

ls *.ec.keep.fq > ecfiles.txt
specialk ecfiles.txt -t $NSLOTS -l 31 -k 121 -s 2 -o ${ALIAS}
echo "declare -A COVS" >> coverage.txt
echo "declare -A CUTOFFS" > cutoffs.txt

#add one by one to the coverages files
for kmer in $(seq 31 2 121)
  MY_COV=$(Rscript get-peak.r ${ALIAS}-k${kmer}.histo)
  MY_CUTOFF=$(Rscript get-cutoff.r ${ALIAS}-k${kmer}.histo)

Reverse-complement mate pair reads

To be passed to velvet as "innies" (FR orientation), using seqtk seq -r.

In [ ]:
seqtk seq -r ${ALIAS} > ${ALIAS}

Prepare reads for velvet assembly

Prepare the reads using velveth, as they will be used for multiple assemblies.

In [ ]:
velveth velvet_seqs 33 -noHash -create_binary -fastq.gz \
-shortPaired $CLEANDIR/${ALIAS} \
  -shortPaired2 $CLEANDIR/${ALIAS} \
  -short3 $CLEANDIR/${ALIAS}

velvet assembly

Assemble the reads using velvetg for odd k-mer values from 31 to 121, passing expected coverages and cutoffs for each k-mer value.

In [ ]:
for KMER in $(seq 31 2 121)
    mkdir velvet_$KMER
	cd velvet_$KMER
	ln -s ../velvet_seqs/CnyUnifiedSeq
	ln -s ../velvet_seqs/CnyUnifiedSeq.names
	cd ..

	#hash the reads
	OMP_NUM_THREADS=$NSLOTS velveth velvet_$KMER $KMER -reuse_binary
	#assemble the reads
	OMP_NUM_THREADS=$NSLOTS velvetg velvet_$KMER -scaffolding no \
      -exp_cov $MY_COV -cov_cutoff ${CUTOFFS[$KMER]} -read_trkg yes \
      -ins_length 500 -ins_length2 8000 -min_contig_lgth 1000

Select "best" velvet assembly

This just selects the assembly with the longest contig. This assembly will be passed to SPAdes as a suggestion through its --untrusted-contigs option.

In [ ]:
BEST_VELVET_CONTIGS=$( --no_header velvet_*/contigs.fa|sort -nrk8|head -n1|cut -f 10)

SPAdes assembly

Assembly with SPAdes progressively using k-mers 21,33,55,77,99,127 (default for longer input reads), using the "best" velvet assembly as a suggestion.

In [ ]: -t $NSLOTS --only-assembler -o spades_final_output -k 21,33,55,77,99,127 \
  --pe1-12 $CLEANDIR/${ALIAS} --pe1-s $CLEANDIR/${ALIAS} \
  --hqmp1-12 $CLEANDIR/${ALIAS} \
  --untrusted-contigs $BEST_VELVET_CONTIGS


The output scaffolds and contigs.

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