Let's first make sure we have the latest version of PHOEBE 2.3 installed (uncomment this line if running in an online notebook session such as colab).
In [1]:
#!pip install -I "phoebe>=2.3,<2.4"
In [2]:
import phoebe
from phoebe import u # units
import numpy as np
logger = phoebe.logger()
For the sake of a simple crude example, we'll just use the synthetic light curve of a default binary with a bit of noise as our "observations". See the inverse problem example scripts for more realistic examples.
In [3]:
b = phoebe.default_binary()
b.add_dataset('lc', compute_phases=phoebe.linspace(0,1,101))
times = b.get_value('times', context='model')
fluxes = b.get_value('fluxes', context='model') + np.random.normal(size=times.shape) * 0.01
sigmas = np.ones_like(times) * 0.02
b = phoebe.default_binary()
b.add_dataset('lc', times=times, fluxes=fluxes, sigmas=np.full_like(fluxes, fill_value=0.1))
PHOEBE includes wrappers around several different inverse-problem "algorithms" with a common interface. These available "algorithms" are divided into three categories:
To see the currently implemented set of solvers, we can call phoebe.list_available_solvers
In [4]:
As there are quite a few and each have their own available options, we won't get in to the details here. See the solver API docs for details or look through some of the solver example scripts.
As you may expect, to use a solver you must first call b.add_solver, set the desired options, and then call b.run_solver (or b.export_solver and b.import_solution).
In [5]:
b.add_solver('estimator.lc_geometry', solver='my_lcgeom_solver')
In [6]:
In addition to the solver API docs, remember that each parameter has a description and possibly a set of available choices (if its a ChoiceParameter or SelectParameter).
In [7]:
In [8]:
In [9]:
b.run_solver (or b.export_solver and b.import_solution) allows optionally setting a solution
tag (if not provided, one will be created automatically), just as b.run_compute allows setting a model
In [10]:
b.run_solver(solver='my_lcgeom_solver', solution='my_lcgeom_solution')
In many cases, the solution
itself is plottable - showing some sort of diagnostic figures. In some cases, such as sampler.emcee or sampler.dynesty, there are several different diagnostic figures available which can be chosen by passing the available options to style
In [11]:
_ = b.plot(solution='my_lcgeom_solution', show=True)
The proposed values can be viewed via b.adopt_solution.
By passing trial_run=True
the proposed changed parameters will be shown, but not changed in the bundle itself.
In [12]:
Otherwise, the changes will be made and all changed parameters (including those changed via constraints) will be returned.
In [13]:
Both optimizers and samplers require running a forward model and use a merit function to compare the synthetic model to the observational data. This merit function is described in detail in the 2.3 release paper (Conroy+ 2020).
Several bundle methods allow for accessing the values used in the merit function:
The log-probability used as the merit function within optimizers and samplers is defined as calculate_lnp(priors, combine=priors_combine)
+ calculate_lnlikelihood.
To see the affect of priors_combine
, we can pass the solver
tag directly to b.get_distribution_collection, b.plot_distribution_collection, or b.calculate_lnp.
In [14]:
b.add_distribution('teff@primary', phoebe.gaussian(6000,100), distribution='mydist01')
b.add_distribution('teff@secondary', phoebe.gaussian(5500,600), distribution='mydist01')
b.add_distribution('teff@primary', phoebe.uniform(5800,6200), distribution='mydist02')
In [15]:
b.add_solver('sampler.emcee', priors=['mydist01', 'mydist02'], solver='myemceesolver')
In [16]:
Now we'll look at the affect of priors_combine
on the resulting priors distributions that would be sent to the merit function.
In [17]:
In [18]:
_ = b.plot_distribution_collection('priors@myemceesolver', show=True)
In [19]:
In [20]:
b.set_value('priors_combine', 'first')
In [21]:
_ = b.plot_distribution_collection('priors@myemceesolver', show=True)
In [22]:
As with the example above, to run an emcee
run, just set all the desired options in the solver
parameters, and then call b.run_solver. This will then expose the resulting chains in the solution, which are available for plotting and adopting. See the solver example scripts or the individual API docs for solvers for more details on each available algorithm.
That's it!! You've completed all the basic tutorials. Now give PHOEBE a try or dig into some of the advanced tutorials and example scripts.