Inverse Problem: General Workflow and Examples

In this example script, we'll reproduce many of the plots from the fitting release paper (Conroy et al. 2020).

For the few figures not included here, see the following:


Let's first make sure we have the latest version of PHOEBE 2.3 installed (uncomment this line if running in an online notebook session such as colab).

In [1]:
#!pip install -I "phoebe>=2.3,<2.4"

First we'll import, set our plotting options, and set a fixed random seed so that our noise model is reproducible between runs.

In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=14, serif='STIXGeneral')
plt.rc('mathtext', fontset='stix')

In [3]:
import phoebe
import numpy as np

logger = phoebe.logger('error')

# we'll set the random seed so that the noise model is reproducible

Create fake "observations"

Now we'll create a fake set of observations by setting some parameter values, running a forward model, and adding some simple random noise on both the fluxes and RVs.

In [4]:
b = phoebe.default_binary()
b.set_value('ecc', 0.2)
b.set_value('per0', 25)
b.set_value('teff@primary', 7000)
b.set_value('teff@secondary', 6000)
b.set_value('sma@binary', 7)
b.set_value('incl@binary', 80)
b.set_value('q', 0.3)
b.set_value('t0_supconj', 0.1)
b.set_value('requiv@primary', 2.0)
b.set_value('vgamma', 80)

lctimes = phoebe.linspace(0, 10, 1005)
rvtimes = phoebe.linspace(0, 10, 105)
b.add_dataset('lc', compute_times=lctimes)
b.add_dataset('rv', compute_times=rvtimes)

b.add_compute('ellc', compute='fastcompute')
b.set_value_all('ld_mode', 'lookup')

fluxes = b.get_value('fluxes@model') + np.random.normal(size=lctimes.shape) * 0.01
fsigmas = np.ones_like(lctimes) * 0.02

rvsA = b.get_value('rvs@primary@model') + np.random.normal(size=rvtimes.shape) * 10
rvsB = b.get_value('rvs@secondary@model') + np.random.normal(size=rvtimes.shape) * 10
rvsigmas = np.ones_like(rvtimes) * 20

Create a new bundle/system

Now we'll start over "blind" with a fresh bundle and import our "fake" observations in datasets.

In [5]:
b = phoebe.default_binary()

b.set_value('latex_repr', component='binary', value='orb')
b.set_value('latex_repr', component='primary', value='1')
b.set_value('latex_repr', component='secondary', value='2')


              rvs={'primary': rvsA, 'secondary': rvsB}, 

b.set_value_all('ld_mode', 'lookup')

For the sake of this example, we'll assume that we know the orbital period exactly, and so can see that our observations phase nicely.

In [6]:
afig, mplfig = b.plot(x='phases', show=True)

Run rv_geometry estimator

First we'll run the rv_geometry estimator via b.add_solver and b.run_solver.

In [7]:

<ParameterSet: 6 parameters | qualifiers: phase_bin, comments, phase_nbins, rv_datasets, expose_model, orbit>

In [8]:
b.run_solver(kind='rv_geometry', solution='rv_geom_sol')

<ParameterSet: 18 parameters | components: primary, secondary>

By calling b.adopt_solution with trial_run=True, we can see the proposed values by the estimator.

In [9]:
print(b.adopt_solution('rv_geom_sol', trial_run=True))

ParameterSet: 6 parameters
   t0_supconj@binary@orbit@com...: 0.1222387629027614 d
         q@binary@orbit@component: 0.30403564449043485
     asini@binary@orbit@component: 7.613088084311716 solRad
       ecc@binary@orbit@component: 0.14412343864664368
      per0@binary@orbit@component: 33.35897833027819 deg
                    vgamma@system: 80.12789348809352 km / s

And by plotting the solution, we can see the underlying Keplerian orbit that was fitted to the RVs to determine these values.

This reproduces Figure 1

In [10]:
afig, mplfig = b.plot(solution='rv_geom_sol',
                      show=True, save='figure_rv_geometry.pdf')

Run lc_geometry estimator

Next we'll run the lc_geometry estimator.

In [11]:

<ParameterSet: 8 parameters | qualifiers: comments, lc_datasets, orbit, t0_near_times, phase_nbins, expose_model, phase_bin, lc_combine>

In [12]:
b.run_solver(kind='lc_geometry', solution='lc_geom_sol')

/home/kyle/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/phoebe/solverbackends/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  ph_cross = phases[fluxes - np.nanmedian(fluxes) > 0]
<ParameterSet: 22 parameters | qualifiers: secondary_depth, primary_phase, fitted_uniqueids, adopt_values, analytic_phases, primary_width, eclipse_edges, secondary_phase, fitted_units, analytic_fluxes, adopt_parameters, input_sigmas, analytic_best_model, orbit, adopt_distributions, comments, primary_depth, input_phases, fitted_twigs, fitted_values, input_fluxes, secondary_width>

Again, calling b.adopt_solution with trial_run=True shows the proposed values.

In [13]:
print(b.adopt_solution('lc_geom_sol', trial_run=True))

ParameterSet: 3 parameters
   t0_supconj@binary@orbit@com...: 0.10027400036677848 d
       ecc@binary@orbit@component: 0.19518907139834202
      per0@binary@orbit@component: 19.373018708812523 deg

By plotting the solution, we get Figure 2, which shows the best two gaussian model as well as the detected positions of mid-eclipse, ingress, and egress which were used to compute the proposed values.

In [14]:
afig, mplfig = b.plot(solution='lc_geom_sol',
                      show=True, save='figure_lc_geometry.pdf')

Figure 5 exhibits eclipse masking by adopting mask_phases from the lc_geometry solution. Note that by default, mask_phases is not included in adopt_parameters, which is why it was not included when calling b.adopt_solution with trial_mode=True (all available proposed parameters could be shown by passing adopt_parameters='*'. For the sake of this figure, we'll only adopt the mask_phases, plot the dataset with that mask applied, but then disable the mask for the rest of this example script.

In [15]:
b.adopt_solution('lc_geom_sol', adopt_parameters='mask_phases')

<ParameterSet: 1 parameters>

In [16]:
_ = b.plot(context='dataset', dataset='lc01', x='phases', xlim=(-0.55,0.55),
           save='figure_lc_geometry_mask.pdf', show=True)

In [17]:
b.set_value('mask_enabled@lc01', False)

Run ebai estimator

And finally, we'll do the same for the ebai estimator.

In [18]:

<ParameterSet: 6 parameters | qualifiers: comments, lc_datasets, orbit, phase_nbins, phase_bin, lc_combine>

In [19]:
b.run_solver(kind='ebai', solution='ebai_sol')

/home/kyle/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/phoebe/solverbackends/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  ph_cross = phases[fluxes - np.nanmedian(fluxes) > 0]
<ParameterSet: 14 parameters | qualifiers: adopt_distributions, adopt_values, comments, fitted_uniqueids, input_sigmas, input_phases, fitted_units, adopt_parameters, fitted_twigs, fitted_values, ebai_phases, orbit, ebai_fluxes, input_fluxes>

In [20]:
print(b.adopt_solution('ebai_sol', trial_run=True))

ParameterSet: 6 parameters
   t0_supconj@binary@orbit@com...: 0.10578685258964121 d
   teffratio@binary@orbit@comp...: 0.7343802983266154
   requivsumfrac@binary@orbit@...: 0.42368704135493535
     esinw@binary@orbit@component: 0.06352496319332224
     ecosw@binary@orbit@component: 0.19200927799409095
      incl@binary@orbit@component: 75.11422901279198 deg

By plotting the ebai solution, we reproduce Figure 3, which shows the normalized light curve observations and the resulting sample two gaussian model that is sent to the neural network.

In [21]:
afig, mplfig = b.plot(solution='ebai_sol',
                      show=True, save='figure_ebai.pdf')

Adopt from estimators

Now we'll adopt the proposed values from the two geometry estimators.

In [22]:
b.flip_constraint('asini@binary', solve_for='sma@binary')

<ParameterSet: 25 parameters | contexts: component, dataset, system>

In [23]:

<ParameterSet: 12 parameters | contexts: component, dataset>

We'll keep the eccentricity and per0 estimates from the lc geometry, but use the ebai results to adopt the values for the temperature ratio, sum of fractional radii, and inclination. Note that since we flipped the asini constraint earlier, that value from the rv geometry will remain fixed and the semi-major axis will be adjusted based on asini from rv geometry and incl from ebai.

In [24]:
b.flip_constraint('teffratio', solve_for='teff@primary')
b.flip_constraint('requivsumfrac', solve_for='requiv@primary')
b.adopt_solution('ebai_sol', adopt_parameters=['teffratio', 'requivsumfrac', 'incl'])

<ParameterSet: 18 parameters | kinds: star, orbit>

In [25]:
print(b.filter(qualifier=['ecc', 'per0', 'teff', 'sma', 'incl', 'q', 'requiv'], context='component'))

ParameterSet: 13 parameters
C        requiv@primary@component: 1.668788066240706 solRad
C          teff@primary@component: 8170.153820400424 K
C          incl@primary@component: 75.11422901279198 deg
       requiv@secondary@component: 1.0 solRad
         teff@secondary@component: 6000.0 K
C        incl@secondary@component: 75.11422901279198 deg
            per0@binary@component: 19.373018708812523 deg
             ecc@binary@component: 0.19518907139834202
            incl@binary@component: 75.11422901279198 deg
               q@binary@component: 0.30403564449043485
C            sma@binary@component: 7.877456251217804 solRad
C           sma@primary@component: 1.8366273179749557 solRad
C         sma@secondary@component: 6.040828933242849 solRad

Now we can run a forward model with these adopted parameters to see how well the results from the estimators agree with the observations.

In [26]:
b.run_compute(irrad_method='none', model='after_estimators', overwrite=True)

<ParameterSet: 7 parameters | kinds: rv, lc>

In [27]:
_ = b.plot(x='phases', m='.', show=True)

Optimize with nelder_mead using ellc

To avoid a long burnin during sampling, we'll use the nelder_mead optimizer to try to achieve better agreement with the observations.

We'll use ellc as our forward-model just for the sake of computational efficiency.

In [28]:
b.add_compute('ellc', compute='fastcompute')

<ParameterSet: 33 parameters | datasets: lc01, _default, rv01>

For the sake of optimizing, we'll use pblum_mode='dataset-scaled' which will automatically re-scale the light curve to the observations at each iteration - we'll disable this later for sampling to make sure we account for any degeneracies between the luminosity and other parameters.

In [29]:
b.set_value_all('pblum_mode', 'dataset-scaled')

In [30]:
             fit_parameters=['teffratio', 'requivsumfrac', 'incl@binary', 'q', 'ecc', 'per0'],

<ParameterSet: 12 parameters | qualifiers: adaptive, comments, fit_parameters, priors_combine, expose_lnlikelihoods, xatol, compute, maxfev, maxiter, initial_values, fatol, priors>

In [31]:

ParameterSet: 11 parameters
     compute@nelder_mead01@solver: fastcompute
   expose_lnlikelihoods@nelder...: False
   fit_parameters@nelder_mead0...: ['teffratio', 'requivsumfrac', 'incl@binary', 'q', 'ecc', 'per0']
   initial_values@nelder_mead0...: {}
      priors@nelder_mead01@solver: []
     maxiter@nelder_mead01@solver: 1000000
      maxfev@nelder_mead01@solver: 1000000
    adaptive@nelder_mead01@solver: False
       xatol@nelder_mead01@solver: 0.0001
       fatol@nelder_mead01@solver: 0.0001

In [32]:
b.run_solver(kind='nelder_mead', maxfev=1000, solution='nm_sol')

<ParameterSet: 13 parameters | qualifiers: adopt_values, comments, nfev, niter, success, adopt_parameters, fitted_units, fitted_twigs, initial_values, message, adopt_distributions, fitted_uniqueids, fitted_values>

In [33]:
print(b.get_solution('nm_sol').filter(qualifier=['message', 'nfev', 'niter', 'success']))

ParameterSet: 4 parameters
R         message@nm_sol@solution: Optimization terminated successfully.
R            nfev@nm_sol@solution: 623
R           niter@nm_sol@solution: 380
R         success@nm_sol@solution: True

In [34]:
print(b.adopt_solution('nm_sol', trial_run=True))

ParameterSet: 6 parameters
   teffratio@binary@orbit@comp...: 0.8492275001092184
   requivsumfrac@binary@orbit@...: 0.5537344623565743
      incl@binary@orbit@component: 82.1005087477113 deg
         q@binary@orbit@component: 0.3494711456080207
       ecc@binary@orbit@component: 0.2007685680677181
      per0@binary@orbit@component: 25.017636491635187 deg

We'll adopt all the proposed values, and run the forward model with a new model tag so that we can overplot the "before" and "after".

In [35]:

<ParameterSet: 28 parameters | contexts: component, dataset>

In [36]:
b.run_compute(compute='fastcompute', model='after_nm')

<ParameterSet: 8 parameters | kinds: rv, lc>

Figure 8 shows the forward-models from the parameters we adopted after estimators to those after optimization.

In [37]:
_ = b.plot(x='phases', 
           c={'after_estimators': 'red', 'after_nm': 'green', 'dataset': 'black'}, 
           linestyle={'after_estimators': 'dashed', 'after_nm': 'solid'},
           marker={'dataset': '.'},
           save='figure_optimizer_nm.pdf', show=True)

It's also always a good idea to check to see if our model agrees between different backends and approximations. So we'll compute the same forward-model using PHOEBE and overplot ellc and PHOEBE (note there are some minor differences... if this were a real system that we were publishing we may want to switch to using PHOEBE for determining the final uncertainties)

In [38]:
b.run_compute(compute='phoebe01', model='after_nm_phoebe')

<ParameterSet: 8 parameters | kinds: rv, lc>

In [39]:
_ = b.plot(x='phases', model='after_nm*', show=True)

Determine uncertainties with emcee

So that we don't ignore any degeneracies between parameters and the luminosities, we'll turn off the dataset-scaling we used for optimizing and make sure we have a reasonable value of pblum@primary set to roughly obtain the out-of-eclipse flux levels of the observations. To get a good rough guess for pblum@primary, we'll use the flux-scaling from pblum_mode='dataset-scaled' (see compute_pblums API docs for details).

In [40]:
pblums_scaled = b.compute_pblums(compute='fastcompute', model='after_nm')

In [41]:

{'pblum@primary@lc01': <Quantity 12.40364591 W>, 'pblum@secondary@lc01': <Quantity 1.31706224 W>, 'pblum@primary@rv01': <Quantity 1.64916072e+26 W>, 'pblum@secondary@rv01': <Quantity 1.75113619e+25 W>}

In [42]:
b.set_value_all('pblum_mode', 'component-coupled')

IMPORTANT NOTE: it is important that you only apply this automatically scaled pblum value with the same pblum_method as was originally used. See pblum method comparison. Also note that if we marginalize over pblum using pblum_method = 'stefan-boltzmann' that the luminosities themselves should not be trusted - here we're just marginalizing as a nuisance parameter to account for any degeneracies but will not report the actual values themselves, so we can use the cheaper method. If we wanted to switch to pblum_method='phoebe' at this point (or to use the phoebe backend), we could re-run a single forward model with pblum_method='phoebe' and pblum_mode='dataset-scaled' first, and then make the call to b.compute_pblums using the resulting model.

In [43]:
b.set_value('pblum', dataset='lc01', component='primary', value=pblums_scaled['pblum@primary@lc01'])

In [44]:
print(b.compute_pblums(compute='fastcompute', dataset='lc01', pbflux=True))

{'pblum@primary@lc01': <Quantity 12.40364591 W>, 'pblum@secondary@lc01': <Quantity 1.31706224 W>, 'pbflux@lc01': <Quantity 1.09185926 W / m2>}

And although it doesn't really matter, let's marginalize over 'sma' and 'incl' instead of 'asini' and 'incl'.

In [45]:
b.flip_constraint('sma@binary', solve_for='asini')

<ConstraintParameter: {asini@binary@component} = {sma@binary@component} * (sin({incl@binary@component})) (solar units) => 7.6057339301225175 solRad>

We'll now create our initializing distribution, including gaussian "balls" around all of the optimized values and a uniform boxcar on pblum@primary.

In [46]:
b.add_distribution({'teffratio': phoebe.gaussian_around(0.1),
                    'requivsumfrac': phoebe.gaussian_around(0.1),
                    'incl@binary': phoebe.gaussian_around(3),
                    'sma@binary': phoebe.gaussian_around(2),
                    'q': phoebe.gaussian_around(0.1),
                    'ecc': phoebe.gaussian_around(0.05),
                    'per0': phoebe.gaussian_around(5),
                    'pblum': phoebe.uniform_around(0.5)},

<ParameterSet: 8 parameters | components: binary, primary>

We can look at this combined set of distributions, which will be used to sample the initial values of our walkers in emcee.

In [47]:
_ = b.plot_distribution_collection('ball_around_optimized_solution', show=True)

In [48]:

<ParameterSet: 13 parameters | qualifiers: compute, priors_combine, nwalkers, continue_from, progress_every_niters, thin_factor, burnin_factor, expose_failed, init_from_combine, comments, init_from, priors, niters>

Since we'll need a lot of iterations, we'll export the solver to an HPC cluster (with b.export_solver) and import the solution (with b.import_solution). We'll save the bundle first so that we can interrupt the notebook and return to the following line, if needed.

For 2000 iteration on 72 processors, this should take about 2 hours.

In [50]:'inverse_paper_examples_before_emcee.bundle')
                niters=2000, progress_every_niters=100, 

* optional:  call to save the bundle to disk, you can then safely close the active python session and recover the bundle with phoebe.load(...)
* run (within mpirun or on an external machine, if desired)
* once completed, copy to this directory, if necessary
* press enter to exit this pause
* call b.import_solution('')

(press enter to continue)

In [1]:
# only needed if starting script from here
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=14, serif='STIXGeneral')
plt.rc('mathtext', fontset='stix')

import phoebe
import numpy as np

logger = phoebe.logger('error')

b = phoebe.load('inverse_paper_examples_before_emcee.bundle')

In [3]:
# NOTE: append .progress to view any of the following plots before the run has completed
b.import_solution('', solution='emcee_sol')

<ParameterSet: 19 parameters | qualifiers: wrap_central_values, comments, distributions_convert, autocorr_time, fitted_units, samples, fitted_twigs, lnprobabilities, adopt_distributions, progress, fitted_uniqueids, failed_samples, acceptance_fractions, burnin, thin, adopt_parameters, imported_job, adopt_values, lnprob_cutoff>

To get as "clean" of posterior distributions as possible, we'll override the proposed thinning value and set it to 1 (effectively disabling thinning).

In [4]:
print(b.get_value('thin', solution='emcee_sol'))


In [5]:
b.set_value('thin', solution='emcee_sol', value=1)

Alternatively, we could run the solver locally as we've seen before, but probably would want to run less iterations:

b.run_solver('emcee_solver', niters=300, nwalkers=16, solution='emcee_sol')

in which case calling b.import_solution is not necessary.

Figure 9 shows the relation of any failed or rejected samples with respect to the final posteriors.

In [6]:
plt.rc('font', size=18)
_ = b.plot('emcee_sol', style='failed', 
           save='figure_emcee_failed_samples.pdf', show=True)
plt.rc('font', size=14)

Accessing posteriors from emcee run

In [10]:
plt.rc('font', size=18)
_ = b.plot('emcee_sol', style='corner', show=True)
plt.rc('font', size=14)

Figure 10 compares posteriors directly from the samples to those converted to a multivariate gaussian.

In [11]:
_ = b.plot('emcee_sol', style='corner', parameters=['teffratio', 'requivsumfrac', 'incl@binary'], 
           save='figure_posteriors_mvsamples.pdf', show=True)

In [12]:
_ = b.plot('emcee_sol', style='corner', parameters=['teffratio', 'requivsumfrac', 'incl@binary'], 
           save='figure_posteriors_mvgaussian.pdf', show=True)

Figure 11 demonstrates how posteriors can be propagated through constraints.

In [13]:
_ = b.plot('emcee_sol', style='corner', parameters=['ecc', 'per0'], 
           save='figure_posteriors_ew.pdf', show=True)

In [14]:
_ = b.plot('emcee_sol', style='corner', parameters=['esinw', 'ecosw'], 
           save='figure_posteriors_ecs.pdf', show=True)

Accessing Uncertainty Estimates from Posteriors

A nice latex representation of the asymmetric uncertainties can be exposed via b.uncertainties_from_distribution_collection for any distribution collection - but this is particularly useful for acting on posterior distributions.

In [15]:
b.uncertainties_from_distribution_collection(solution='emcee_sol', tex=True)

\begin{align} \mathrm{ T_\mathrm{ eff, 2 } / T_\mathrm{ eff, 1 } } &= 0.854^{ +0.006 }_{ -0.006 } \mathrm{} \\ \mathrm{ (R_\mathrm{ equiv, 1 } + R_\mathrm{ equiv, 2 } ) / a_\mathrm{ orb } } &= 0.573^{ +0.006 }_{ -0.007 } \mathrm{} \\ \mathrm{ i_\mathrm{ orb } } &= 79.9^{ +0.2 }_{ -0.2 } \mathrm{{}^{\circ}} \\ \mathrm{ a_\mathrm{ orb } } &= 7.09^{ +0.08 }_{ -0.07 } ~\mathrm{R_{\odot}} \\ \mathrm{ q_\mathrm{ orb } } &= 0.3^{ +0.01 }_{ -0.01 } \mathrm{} \\ \mathrm{ e_\mathrm{ orb } } &= 0.208^{ +0.004 }_{ -0.004 } \mathrm{} \\ \mathrm{ \omega_{0, \mathrm{ orb } } } &= 29.0^{ +2.0 }_{ -2.0 } \mathrm{{}^{\circ}} \\ \mathrm{ L_\mathrm{ pb, lc01 } } &= 12.24^{ +0.05 }_{ -0.05 } ~\mathrm{W} \\ \end{align}

As with the corner plots, these can also be accessed with distributions propagated through constraints into any parameterization.

In [16]:
b.uncertainties_from_distribution_collection(solution='emcee_sol', parameters=['esinw', 'ecosw'], tex=True)

\begin{align} \mathrm{ e_\mathrm{ orb } \sin \omega_0 } &= 0.102^{ +0.009 }_{ -0.008 } \mathrm{} \\ \mathrm{ e_\mathrm{ orb } \cos \omega_0 } &= 0.181^{ +0.001 }_{ -0.001 } \mathrm{} \\ \end{align}

Propagating Posteriors through Forward-Model

In [17]:
              sample_from='emcee_sol', sample_num=500, sample_mode='3-sigma',

<ParameterSet: 12 parameters | kinds: rv, lc>

In [18]:'inverse_paper_examples_after_sample_from.bundle')


In [19]:
# only needed if starting script from here
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=14, serif='STIXGeneral')
plt.rc('mathtext', fontset='stix')

import phoebe
import numpy as np

logger = phoebe.logger('error')

b = phoebe.load('inverse_paper_examples_after_sample_from.bundle')

And lastly, Figure 12 demonstrates posteriors propagated through the forward model.

In [20]:
_ = b.plot(kind='lc', model='emcee_posts', x='phases', y='fluxes', 
           s={'dataset': 0.005},
           marker={'dataset': '.'})
_ = b.plot(kind='lc', model='emcee_posts', x='phases', y='residuals', 
           z={'dataset': 0, 'model': 1},
           save='figure_posteriors_sample_from_lc.pdf', show=True)

In [21]:
_ = b.plot(kind='rv', model='emcee_posts', x='phases', y='rvs',
          marker={'dataset': '.'})
_ = b.plot(kind='rv', model='emcee_posts', x='phases', y='residuals', 
           z={'dataset': 0, 'model': 1},
           save='figure_posteriors_sample_from_rv.pdf', show=True)