In [1]:

N-N sum and background subtraction

P. Schuster
University of Michigan
January 2018

Revisiting this in July 2018 for energy-based bhm.

Goal: Calculate the number of events in a specific time or energy range in the $nn$ cloud on the bicorrelation distribution.

Start by loading some data. I will use the data from the combined data sets from Cf072115-Cf072215b.

In [1]:
import os
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
import numpy as np
import os
import as sio
import sys
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import *

# Plot entire array

In [2]:
import seaborn as sns

In [3]:
import bicorr as bicorr
import bicorr_plot as bicorr_plot
import bicorr_e as bicorr_e
import bicorr_sums as bicorr_sums

In [4]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

In [6]:
det_df = bicorr.load_det_df()

In [31]:
dict_pair_to_index, dict_index_to_pair, dict_pair_to_angle = bicorr.build_dict_det_pair(det_df)

NEW METHOD: energy-based

Load bhm_e

In [7]:


In [8]:
bhm_e, e_bin_edges, note = bicorr_e.load_bhm_e('../analysis/Cf072115_to_Cf072215b/datap')

In [9]:

(990, 1, 600, 600)

In [10]:

Make bhp_e

In [13]:
bhp_e = bicorr_e.build_bhp_e(bhm_e, e_bin_edges)[0]

In [17]:
bicorr_plot.bhp_e_plot(bhp_e, e_bin_edges, show_flag = True)

C:\Users\pfschus\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook\ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance.  In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned.  Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance.
  warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
<Figure size 576x396 with 0 Axes>

Calculate sum

In [19]:
bicorr_sums.calc_nn_sum_e(bhp_e, e_bin_edges)

(13387567.0, 3658.9024310577074)

I'm going to add this to det_df.

In [20]:

d1 d2 d1d2 angle
0 1 2 102 15.0
1 1 3 103 30.0
2 1 4 104 45.0
3 1 5 105 60.0
4 1 6 106 75.0

Produce bhp for all detector indices.

In [22]:
bhp_e = np.zeros((len(det_df),len(e_bin_edges)-1,len(e_bin_edges)-1))

(990, 600, 600)

In [26]:
for index in det_df.index.values: # index is same as in `bhm`
    bhp_e[index,:,:] = bicorr_e.build_bhp_e(bhm_e,e_bin_edges,pair_is=[index])[0]

In [27]:
det_df['Ce'] = np.nan
det_df['Ce_err'] = np.nan

In [38]:
e_min = 0.62
e_max = 12

for index in det_df.index.values:
    det_df.loc[index,'Ce'], det_df.loc[index,'Ce_err'] = bicorr_sums.calc_nn_sum_e(bhp_e[index,:,:],e_bin_edges, e_min, e_max)

d1 d2 d1d2 angle Ce Ce_err
0 1 2 102 15.0 23776.0 154.194682
1 1 3 103 30.0 14170.0 119.037809
2 1 4 104 45.0 13777.0 117.375466
3 1 5 105 60.0 13033.0 114.162165
4 1 6 106 75.0 11558.0 107.508139

In [40]:
plt.errorbar(det_df['angle'], det_df['Ce'], yerr=det_df['Ce_err'], fmt='.')
plt.ylabel('Doubles counts')
plt.title('Doubles counts vs. angle')

OLD METHOD: $nn$ background subtraction

Build two bicorr_hist_master versions

  • One in the positive time range from 0 to 200 ns, bhm_pos
  • One in the negative time range form -200 to 0 ns, bhm_neg

This is built into the default flux data processing script in as follows:

print('********* Build bhm: Positive time range **********')
build_bhm(folder_start,folder_end,dt_bin_edges = np.arange(0.0,200.25,0.25))
print('********* Build bhm: Negative time range **********')
build_bhm(folder_start,folder_end,dt_bin_edges = np.arange(-200.0,0.25,0.25),sparse_filename = 'sparse_bhm_neg')

Here I will load those arrays and perform the background subtraction, then generalize the technique in a new function. I will coarsen the time binning from 0.25 ns spacing to 2.5 ns spacing for both arrays.

In [7]:
sparse_bhm_pos, dt_bin_edges_pos = bicorr.load_sparse_bhm(filepath = r'../analysis/Cf072115_to_Cf072215b/datap/')[0:2]

In [8]:
bhm_pos = bicorr.revive_sparse_bhm(sparse_bhm_pos, det_df, dt_bin_edges_pos)

In [8]:

(990, 4, 800, 800)
[ 197.75  198.    198.25  198.5   198.75  199.    199.25  199.5   199.75
  200.  ]

In [9]:
bhm_pos, dt_bin_edges_pos = bicorr.coarsen_bhm(bhm_pos, dt_bin_edges_pos, 4)

In [10]:

(990, 4, 200, 200)
[ 191.  192.  193.  194.  195.  196.  197.  198.  199.  200.]

In [12]:
sparse_bhm_neg, dt_bin_edges_neg = bicorr.load_sparse_bhm(filepath = r'../analysis/Cf072115_to_Cf072215b/datap/',filename='sparse_bhm_neg.npz')[0:2]

In [13]:
bhm_neg = bicorr.revive_sparse_bhm(sparse_bhm_neg, det_df, dt_bin_edges_neg)

In [14]:
bhm_neg, dt_bin_edges_neg = bicorr.coarsen_bhm(bhm_neg, dt_bin_edges_neg, 4)

Store bhp for $nn$ interactions

In [15]:
bhp_nn_pos = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_pos,dt_bin_edges_pos,type_is=[0])[0]
bhp_nn_neg = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_neg,dt_bin_edges_neg,type_is=[0])[0]

Take a quick look at plots:

In [20]:
bicorr_plot.bhp_plot(bhp_nn_pos,dt_bin_edges_pos,title='Positive time range',show_flag=True)

In [21]:
bicorr_plot.bhp_plot(bhp_nn_neg,dt_bin_edges_neg,title='Negative time range',show_flag=True)

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0xf2d3400>

Translate negative data to positive time range

I need to flip the data around. What is the most pythonic way of accomplishing this?

I'm going to start with a test array to make sure I have the correct method.

In [33]:
x = np.arange(-10,1,1)
y = x.T

test_array_neg = np.zeros([10,10])
test_array_neg[0,0] = 3
test_array_neg[2,9] = 6
test_array_neg[9,5] = 10

In [41]:
x = dt_test_neg
y = dt_test_neg.T
plt.xlabel('Dimension 0')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 1')

Flip the array. The result should look as follows:

  • The x and y axes should go from 0 to +10
  • Blue box in upper right
  • Yellow box on left edge
  • Green box on lower edge near right

In [37]:
dt_test_pos = np.arange(0,11,1)
test_array_pos = test_array_neg[::-1,::-1]

In [42]:
plt.xlabel('Dimension 0')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 1')

Try it for a smaller size.

In [52]:
x = np.arange(-3,1,1)
y = x.T

test_array_neg = np.zeros([3,3])
test_array_neg[1,1] = 6
test_array_neg[2,2] = 1
test_array_neg[2,0] = 12
test_array_pos = test_array_neg[::-1,::-1]

In [53]:
plt.xlabel('Dimension 0')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 1')

In [56]:
plt.xlabel('Dimension 0')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 1')

In [59]:
tens = 10*np.ones([3,3])

[[ 10.  10.  10.]
 [ 10.  10.  10.]
 [ 10.  10.  10.]]

In [60]:
plt.xlabel('Dimension 0')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 1')

In [61]:
plt.xlabel('Dimension 0')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 1')

This subtraction looks good. Now back to the data.

Do this now for the negative time range.

In [22]:
bicorr_plot.bhp_plot(bhp_nn_neg[::-1,::-1],dt_bin_edges_pos,title='Negative data flipped to positive time range',show_flag=True)

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0xfcfd5c0>

Look more closely at a corner, positive and negative.

In [25]:
bicorr_plot.bhp_plot(bhp_nn_neg[:10,:10],dt_bin_edges_neg[:11],title='Negative time range',show_flag=True)

In [24]:
bicorr_plot.bhp_plot(bhp_nn_neg[::-1,::-1][-10:,-10:],dt_bin_edges_pos[-11:],title='Negative data flipped to positive time range',show_flag=True)

It looks like the flipping is happening correctly. So continue on.

Subtract negative flipped from positive

At this point, the data is stored as unsigned floats, but I will encounter instances where the background-subtracted counts are negative, so I need to convert the datatype to floats.

In [23]:
bhp_nn_diff = np.subtract(bhp_nn_pos.astype(np.int32),bhp_nn_neg[::-1,::-1].astype(np.int32))

(200, 200)

In [24]:


In [26]:
bicorr_plot.bhp_plot(bhp_nn_diff,dt_bin_edges_pos,title='Background-subtracted bhp',show_flag=True)

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0xef21fd0>

This looks great. I have to keep the positive and negative matrices for error propagation when I calculate the $nn$ count rate sum.

Calculate $nn$ sum

I want to provide energy or timing windows as input parameters and calculate the number of events in that range. I will have to provide a normalization factor in case I have already performed the normalization.

Question... should I go from the bhm or bhp? bhm is in terms of the number of counts, while bhp may already be normalized.

I think I should work from bhp and provide norm_factor as an optional input parameter. It is returned from build_bhp so I will have to store it.

Convert energy to time

Following Matthew's code...

In [28]:
emin = 0.62
emax = 12

tmin = bicorr.convert_energy_to_time(emax)
tmax = bicorr.convert_energy_to_time(emin)


20.9260185521 92.0622074865

Find the corresponding time bins

In [29]:

array([   0.,    1.,    2.,    3.,    4.,    5.,    6.,    7.,    8.,
          9.,   10.,   11.,   12.,   13.,   14.,   15.,   16.,   17.,
         18.,   19.,   20.,   21.,   22.,   23.,   24.,   25.,   26.,
         27.,   28.,   29.,   30.,   31.,   32.,   33.,   34.,   35.,
         36.,   37.,   38.,   39.,   40.,   41.,   42.,   43.,   44.,
         45.,   46.,   47.,   48.,   49.,   50.,   51.,   52.,   53.,
         54.,   55.,   56.,   57.,   58.,   59.,   60.,   61.,   62.,
         63.,   64.,   65.,   66.,   67.,   68.,   69.,   70.,   71.,
         72.,   73.,   74.,   75.,   76.,   77.,   78.,   79.,   80.,
         81.,   82.,   83.,   84.,   85.,   86.,   87.,   88.,   89.,
         90.,   91.,   92.,   93.,   94.,   95.,   96.,   97.,   98.,
         99.,  100.,  101.,  102.,  103.,  104.,  105.,  106.,  107.,
        108.,  109.,  110.,  111.,  112.,  113.,  114.,  115.,  116.,
        117.,  118.,  119.,  120.,  121.,  122.,  123.,  124.,  125.,
        126.,  127.,  128.,  129.,  130.,  131.,  132.,  133.,  134.,
        135.,  136.,  137.,  138.,  139.,  140.,  141.,  142.,  143.,
        144.,  145.,  146.,  147.,  148.,  149.,  150.,  151.,  152.,
        153.,  154.,  155.,  156.,  157.,  158.,  159.,  160.,  161.,
        162.,  163.,  164.,  165.,  166.,  167.,  168.,  169.,  170.,
        171.,  172.,  173.,  174.,  175.,  176.,  177.,  178.,  179.,
        180.,  181.,  182.,  183.,  184.,  185.,  186.,  187.,  188.,
        189.,  190.,  191.,  192.,  193.,  194.,  195.,  196.,  197.,
        198.,  199.,  200.])

In [30]:
i_min = np.min(np.argwhere(tmin<dt_bin_edges_pos))
i_max = np.min(np.argwhere(tmax<dt_bin_edges_pos))


21 93

In [31]:

array([ 21.,  22.,  23.,  24.,  25.,  26.,  27.,  28.,  29.,  30.,  31.,
        32.,  33.,  34.,  35.,  36.,  37.,  38.,  39.,  40.,  41.,  42.,
        43.,  44.,  45.,  46.,  47.,  48.,  49.,  50.,  51.,  52.,  53.,
        54.,  55.,  56.,  57.,  58.,  59.,  60.,  61.,  62.,  63.,  64.,
        65.,  66.,  67.,  68.,  69.,  70.,  71.,  72.,  73.,  74.,  75.,
        76.,  77.,  78.,  79.,  80.,  81.,  82.,  83.,  84.,  85.,  86.,
        87.,  88.,  89.,  90.,  91.,  92.])

In [32]:


Functionalized to bicorr.calc_nn_sum.

In [33]:
bicorr.calc_nn_sum(bhp_nn_pos, dt_bin_edges_pos)


I am going to add some logic into the script to return the real emin and emax values that correspond to the bin edges:

# What are the energy bin limits that correspond to the bins?
emin_real = convert_time_to_energy[i_min]
emax_real = convert_time_to_energy[i_max]
energies_real = [emin_real,emax_real]

Calculate absolute sums for pos, neg, and diff regions

Look at the algebra for this.

I have measured the following:

  • Number of positive counts, $C_P$
  • Number of negative counts, $C_N$
  • Number of br-subtracted counts $C_D = C_P-C_N$ (diff)
  • norm_factor

In [34]:
Cp = bicorr.calc_nn_sum(bhp_nn_pos, dt_bin_edges_pos)
Cn = bicorr.calc_nn_sum(bhp_nn_neg[::-1,::-1], dt_bin_edges_pos)
Cd = Cp-Cn
print('BR subtraction removes ', Cn/Cp*100, ' % of counts')

BR subtraction removes  0.960905958599  % of counts

The background subtraction makes about a 1% correction.

The errors in the counts follow counting statistics:

  • $\sigma_{C_P} = \sqrt{C_P}$
  • $\sigma_{C_N} = \sqrt{C_N}$
  • $\sigma_{C_D} = \sqrt{C_D} = \sqrt{\sigma_{C_P}^2 + \sigma_{C_N}^2} = \sqrt{C_P + C_N}$

In [35]:
err_Cd = np.sqrt(Cp + Cn)
print('BR subtracted counts = ',Cd,' +/- ',err_Cd)

BR subtracted counts =  11996653.0  +/-  3497.06205264

In [36]:
print('Relative error = ', err_Cd/Cd)

Relative error =  0.000291503142805

Calculate normalized sums for pos, neg, and diff regions

The bicorr_hist_master is not normalized, but when I calculate bhp with a norm_factor then it is normalized, so I am actually working with the following:

  • Normalized number of positive counts, $N_P = C_P/F$
  • Normalized number of negative counts, $N_N = C_N/F$
  • Normalized number of br-subtracted counts, $N_D = C_D/F$
  • where $F$ is the normalization factor

Create new bhp arrays that are normalized.

In [37]:
num_fissions = 2194651200.00

In [38]:
bhp_nn_pos, norm_factor = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_pos,dt_bin_edges_pos,type_is=[0], num_fissions = num_fissions)
bhp_nn_neg              = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_neg,dt_bin_edges_neg,type_is=[0], num_fissions = num_fissions)[0]

Assuming there is no uncertainty in $F$, the errors in the relative counts are:

  • $\sigma_{N_P} = \sigma_{C_P}/F = \sqrt{C_P}/F$
  • $\sigma_{N_N} = \sigma_{C_N}/F = \sqrt{C_N}/F$
  • $\sigma_{N_D} = \sigma_{C_D}/F = \sqrt{C_P+C_N}/F$

In [39]:
Np = bicorr.calc_nn_sum(bhp_nn_pos,dt_bin_edges_pos)
Nn = bicorr.calc_nn_sum(bhp_nn_neg[::-1,::-1],dt_bin_edges_pos)
Nd = Np-Nn

In [40]:
print('BR subtraction removes ', Nn/Np*100, ' % of counts')

BR subtraction removes  0.960905958599  % of counts

In [41]:
err_Np = np.sqrt(Np/norm_factor)
err_Nn = np.sqrt(Nn/norm_factor)
err_Nd = np.sqrt((Np+Nn)/norm_factor)

In [42]:
print('The BR_subtracted counts is ',Nd,' +/- ',err_Nd)

The BR_subtracted counts is  5.52152948639e-06  +/-  1.60954319837e-09

In [43]:
print('Relative error = ', err_Nd/Nd)

Relative error =  0.000291503142805

Functionalize calc_nn_sum_br

Functionalize a method for calculating the number of counts after background subtraction.

Run it to confirm function matches previous calculations. Run commands above to produce the correct bhp.

Absolute counts:

In [53]:
bhp_nn_pos = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_pos,dt_bin_edges_pos,type_is=[0])[0]
bhp_nn_neg = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_neg,dt_bin_edges_neg,type_is=[0])[0]

In [56]:
Cp, Cn, Cd, Cd_err = bicorr.calc_nn_sum_br(bhp_nn_pos,bhp_nn_neg,dt_bin_edges_pos)
print(Cp, Cn, Cd, Cd_err)

12113048.0 116395.0 11996653.0 3497.06205264

Relative counts:

In [57]:
bhp_nn_pos = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_pos,dt_bin_edges_pos,type_is=[0], num_fissions = num_fissions)[0]
bhp_nn_neg = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_neg,dt_bin_edges_neg,type_is=[0], num_fissions = num_fissions)[0]

In [58]:
Np, Nn, Nd, err_Nd = bicorr.calc_nn_sum_br(bhp_nn_pos,bhp_nn_neg,dt_bin_edges_pos,norm_factor=norm_factor)
print(Np, Nn, Nd, err_Nd)

5.57510096374e-06 5.35714773585e-08 5.52152948639e-06 1.60954319837e-09

Calculate for all detector pairs

In the previous examples, I produced bhp for all pairs together. Now I will loop through each pair separately and calculate the sum. Work with absolute counts.

First create positive and negative bhp for all pairs.

In [67]:
bhp_nn_pos = np.zeros((len(det_df),len(dt_bin_edges_pos)-1,len(dt_bin_edges_pos)-1))
bhp_nn_neg = np.zeros((len(det_df),len(dt_bin_edges_neg)-1,len(dt_bin_edges_neg)-1))

In [69]:
for index in det_df.index.values: # index is same as in `bhm`
    bhp_nn_pos[index,:,:] = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_pos,dt_bin_edges_pos,type_is=[0],pair_is=[index])[0]
    bhp_nn_neg[index,:,:] = bicorr.build_bhp(bhm_neg,dt_bin_edges_neg,type_is=[0],pair_is=[index])[0]

Save these to file for future use.

I will call the files bhp_nn_all_pairs_1ns.npz. I have already saved something similar: bhp_nn_by_pair_1ns.npz, but that one has already cut out the fission chamber neighbors. I'll leave it in for this one.

I want to save:

  • bhp_nn_pos
  • bhp_nn_neg
  • dt_bin_edges_pos
  • num_fissions
  • note: 'Calculated in methods/nn_sum_and_br_subtraction, all pairs included'

In [74]:

'C:\\Users\\pfschus\\Box Sync\\Projects\\fnpc\\methods'

In [75]:
         bhp_nn_pos = bhp_nn_pos,
         bhp_nn_neg = bhp_nn_neg,
         dt_bin_edges_pos = dt_bin_edges_pos)

In [ ]:

In [72]:

Variable                 Type         Data/Info
Cd                       float64      11996653.0
Cd_err                   float64      3497.06205264
Cn                       float64      116395.0
Cp                       float64      12113048.0
Nd                       float64      5.52152948639e-06
Nn                       float64      5.35714773585e-08
Np                       float64      5.57510096374e-06
TqdmDeprecationWarning   type         <class 'tqdm._tqdm.TqdmDeprecationWarning'>
TqdmKeyError             type         <class 'tqdm._tqdm.TqdmKeyError'>
TqdmTypeError            type         <class 'tqdm._tqdm.TqdmTypeError'>
bhm_neg                  ndarray      990x4x200x200: 158400000 elems, type `float64`, 1267200000 bytes (1208.49609375 Mb)
bhm_pos                  ndarray      990x4x200x200: 158400000 elems, type `float64`, 1267200000 bytes (1208.49609375 Mb)
bhp_nn_diff              ndarray      200x200: 40000 elems, type `int32`, 160000 bytes (156.25 kb)
bhp_nn_neg               ndarray      990x200x200: 39600000 elems, type `float64`, 316800000 bytes (302.1240234375 Mb)
bhp_nn_pos               ndarray      990x200x200: 39600000 elems, type `float64`, 316800000 bytes (302.1240234375 Mb)
bicorr                   module       <module 'bicorr' from '../scripts\\'>
bicorr_plot              module       <module 'bicorr_plot' fro<...>scripts\\'>
det_df                   DataFrame         d1  d2  d1d2       a<...>n\n[990 rows x 4 columns]
dt_bin_edges_neg         ndarray      201: 201 elems, type `float64`, 1608 bytes
dt_bin_edges_pos         ndarray      201: 201 elems, type `float64`, 1608 bytes
emax                     int          12
emin                     float        0.62
err_Cd                   float64      0.00237248233736
err_Nd                   float64      1.60954319837e-09
err_Nn                   float64      1.57024153517e-10
err_Np                   float64      1.60186538842e-09
i_max                    int64        93
i_min                    int64        21
index                    int64        989
main                     function     <function main at 0x0000000009FCCD90>
matplotlib               module       <module 'matplotlib' from<...>matplotlib\\'>
norm_factor              float64      2.172704688e+12
np                       module       <module 'numpy' from 'C:\<...>ges\\numpy\\'>
num_fissions             float        2194651200.0
os                       module       <module 'os' from 'C:\\Us<...>\\Anaconda3\\lib\\'>
pd                       module       <module 'pandas' from 'C:<...>es\\pandas\\'>
plt                      module       <module 'matplotlib.pyplo<...>\\matplotlib\\'>
sio                      module       <module '' from '<...>\scipy\\io\\'>
sns                      module       <module 'seaborn' from 'C<...>s\\seaborn\\'>
sparse_bhm_neg           ndarray      5259412: 5259412 elems, type `[('pair_i', '<u2'), ('type_i', 'u1'), ('det1t_i', '<u2'), ('det2t_i', '<u2'), ('count', '<u4')]`, 57853532 bytes (55.17342758178711 Mb)
sparse_bhm_pos           ndarray      59750548: 59750548 elems, type `[('pair_i', '<u2'), ('type_i', 'u1'), ('det1t_i', '<u2'), ('det2t_i', '<u2'), ('count', '<u4')]`, 657256028 bytes (626.8081932067871 Mb)
sys                      module       <module 'sys' (built-in)>
tgrange                  function     <function tgrange at 0x0000000009FCC730>
tmax                     float64      92.0622074865
tmin                     float64      20.9260185521
tnrange                  function     <function tnrange at 0x0000000009FCCE18>
tqdm                     type         <class 'tqdm._tqdm.tqdm'>
tqdm_gui                 type         <class 'tqdm._tqdm_gui.tqdm_gui'>
tqdm_notebook            function     <function tqdm_notebook at 0x0000000007BFBE18>
tqdm_pandas              function     <function tqdm_pandas at 0x0000000009FCCAE8>
trange                   function     <function trange at 0x0000000009FA4A60>

Save these to file for future use. Then, calculate sums for each pair by looping back through bhp Then store sums to a dataframe Save dataframe to file with emin, max? Make it easy to calculate sums and fill dataframe for new emin, emax values so that I can calculate anisotropy vs. Ethresh.