This Jupyter notebook assumes that the R kernel for Jupyter (IRkernel) has been installed; see
This notebook contains code for generating the 10%/90% quantile boundaries for Figure 8 of the paper, using a LOESS approach to get smooth boundaries. It makes use of an algorithm from Sakov et al. (2010), as implemented in R by Tal Galili (see below for links).
The output data files can be found in the data/ subdirectory, and are read in and plotted
in the Python notebook s4gbars_barsizes.ipynb
In [1]:
basedir <- "./data/"
In [2]:
# Quantile LOESS function by Tal Galili
# The code was published on:
# Based on the algorithm published here:
Quantile.loess <- function(Y, X = NULL, number.of.splits = NULL, window.size = 20, = NULL,
the.distance.between.each.window = NULL, the.quant = .95,
window.alignment = c("center"),
window.function = function(x) {quantile(x, the.quant)}, ...)
# input: Y and X, and smothing parameters
# output: new y and x
# Extra parameter "..." goes to the loess function
# window.size == the number of observation in the window (not the window length!)
# "number.of.splits" will override "window.size"
# let's compute the window.size:
if (!is.null(number.of.splits)) {window.size <- ceiling(length(Y)/number.of.splits)}
# If the.distance.between.each.window is not specified, let's make the distances fully distinct
if (is.null(the.distance.between.each.window)) {the.distance.between.each.window <- window.size}
# If is not null, it will override the.distance.between.each.window
if (!is.null(
the.distance.between.each.window <- window.size * (
# loading zoo package
if (!require(zoo))
print("zoo is not installed - please install it.")
if (is.null(X)) {X <- index(Y)} # if we don't have any X, then Y must be ordered,
# in which case, we can use the indexes of Y as X.
# creating our new X and Y
zoo.Y <- zoo(x = Y, = X)
new.Y <- rollapply(zoo.Y, width = window.size, FUN = window.function, by = the.distance.between.each.window,
align = window.alignment)
new.X <- attributes(new.Y)$index
new.Y.loess <- loess(new.Y~new.X, family = "sym", ...)$fitted
return(list(y = new.Y, x = new.X, y.loess = new.Y.loess))
In [3]:
# *** Running median and quantiles plots for observed bar sizes
# * S4G data (D < 25 Mpc)
ff <- paste(basedir, "obs-barsize-vs-logmstar_sample1_for-R_sorted.txt", sep="")
logMstarSmaTable <- read.table(ff, header=TRUE)
plot(logMstarSmaTable$logmstar, logMstarSmaTable$log_sma_kpc, main="S4G: log(obs. bar size) vs logMstar", col='red', cex=0.7, xlab='log M_star',ylab='log sma [kpc]')
QL_90 <- Quantile.loess(Y=logMstarSmaTable$log_sma_kpc, X = logMstarSmaTable$logmstar, the.quant=.9, window.size = 10, window.alignment = c("center"))
QL_10 <- Quantile.loess(Y=logMstarSmaTable$log_sma_kpc, X = logMstarSmaTable$logmstar, the.quant=.1, window.size = 10, window.alignment = c("center"))
points(QL_90$y.loess ~ QL_90$x, type = "l", col = "red")
points(QL_10$y.loess ~ QL_10$x, type = "l", col = "red")
# uncomment the following to save the tables (will overwrite existing files)
#zz <- matrix(c(QL_10$x,QL_10$y.loess), ncol=2)
#write(t(zz), file="./data/s4g_barsizes_10percentile.txt", ncolumns=2)
#zz <- matrix(c(QL_90$x,QL_90$y.loess), ncol=2)
#write(t(zz), file="./data/s4g_barsizes_90percentile.txt", ncolumns=2)
In [4]:
ff <- paste(basedir, "obs-barsize-vs-logmstar_Hoyle+2011_for-R_sorted.txt", sep="")
H11logMstarSmaTable <- read.table(ff, header=TRUE)
plot(H11logMstarSmaTable$logmstar, H11logMstarSmaTable$log_sma_kpc, main="Hoyle+2011: log(obs. bar size) vs logMstar")
h11QL_90 <- Quantile.loess(Y=H11logMstarSmaTable$log_sma_kpc, X = H11logMstarSmaTable$logmstar, the.quant=.9, window.size = 10, window.alignment = c("center"))
h11QL_10 <- Quantile.loess(Y=H11logMstarSmaTable$log_sma_kpc, X = H11logMstarSmaTable$logmstar, the.quant=.1, window.size = 10, window.alignment = c("center"))
points(h11QL_90$y.loess ~ h11QL_90$x, type = "l", col = "blue")
points(h11QL_10$y.loess ~ h11QL_10$x, type = "l", col = "blue")
# uncomment the following to save the tables (will overwrite existing files)
#zz <- matrix(c(h11QL_10$x,h11QL_10$y.loess), ncol=2)
#write(t(zz), file="./data/hoyle+11_gz2_barsizes_10percentile.txt", ncolumns=2)
#zz <- matrix(c(h11QL_90$x,h11QL_90$y.loess), ncol=2)
#write(t(zz), file="./data/hoyle+11_gz2_barsizes_90percentile.txt", ncolumns=2)