Kurs IR-Grundlagen, Praktischer Teil 5

1.1 Indexing of documents and queries

Modules needed

In [5]:
import re
import os

Path and file definitions

In [15]:


In [19]:
if os.name == 'posix':
    baseDir =  r'/home/hase/Documents/ZHAW/InfoEng/Lectures/Information_Retrieval/Exercises/PT_5_MiniRetrieve/'
    doc_path = r'/home/hase/Documents/ZHAW/InfoEng/Lectures/Information_Retrieval/Exercises/PT_5_MiniRetrieve/documents/'
    query_path = r'/home/hase/Documents/ZHAW/InfoEng/Lectures/Information_Retrieval/Exercises/PT_5_MiniRetrieve/queries/'
elif os.name == 'nt':
    baseDir = r'C:\ZHAW\IR\PT_5_MiniRetrieve\\'
    doc_path = r'C:\ZHAW\IR\PT_5_MiniRetrieve\documents\\'
STOPWORDS_PATH = 'stopwords.txt'

Read files

In [94]:
# First, read the entire document as a string
def readDoc(dir_path, file):
    path = dir_path + file
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        string = f.read()
    return string

In [93]:
# Reading document and create a string
string = readDoc(doc_path, '1')

Simple Tokenize

In [22]:
# Define regex to parse the string, and perform a simple tokenize
# Later will need a proper tokenize function to remove stopwords
split_regex = r'\W+'

def simpleTokenize(string):
    """ A simple implementation of input string tokenization
        string (str): input string
        list: a list of tokens
    # Convert string to lowercase
    string = string.lower()
    # Tokenize using the split_regex definition
    raw_tokens = re.split(split_regex, string)
    # Remove empty tokens
    tokens = []
    for raw_token in raw_tokens:
        if len(raw_token) != 0:
    return tokens

In [106]:

Remove Stopwords

In [85]:
# File with stopwords
stopfile = os.path.join(baseDir, STOPWORDS_PATH)
# Create list of stopwords
stopwords = []
with open(stopfile, 'r') as s:
    stopwords_string = s.read()
    stopwords = re.split(split_regex, stopwords_string)
type(stopwords), len(stopwords)

(list, 128)

In [54]:
def tokenize(string):
    """ An implementation of input string tokenization that excludes stopwords
        string (str): input string
        list: a list of tokens without stopwords
    tokens = simpleTokenize(string)
    # Loop the entire list and add words that are on not on the stopwords list to a new list
    filtered = []
    for token in tokens:
      if token in stopwords:
    return filtered

In [105]:

Inverted and Non-Inverted index

for each document 'doc' in the list of documents D:

get tokens by tokenizing 'd'
for each token in tokens:
    inverted index dict {token_one:[doc with token_one, frequency of token_one in doc with token_one],
                         token_two:[doc with token two, frequency of token_two in doc with token_two],
    non-inverted index dict {doc_one:[token in doc_one, frequency of token in doc_one],
                             doc_one:[another_token in doc one, frequency of another_token in doc_one],
                             doc_two:[token in doc_two, frequency of token in doc_two],

In [197]:
def noninvIndex(dir_path, num_files):
    """ A simple implementation of non-inverted index
    i.e. token frequency found in document
        dir_path (string): path were all the documents are stored
        num_files (string): number of files stored in dir_path; assuming the name is a number
        docNoniIdx (dict): tokens frequency for each document 
    # Create a list of files in the directory
    files = []
    total_files = int(num_files)
    for i in range(1,total_files):
    # Dictionary to store the non-inverted index for all documents
    docNoniIdx = {}
    # Loop the list files to parse all the existing documents
    for file in files:
        # Create a string for the file read
        path = dir_path + file
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            string = f.read()
        # tokenize of the string removing stopwords
        #tokens = tokenize(string)
        tokens = simpleTokenize(string)
        # With the list of tokens create a non-inverted Index
        noniIdx = {}
        for token in tokens:
            if token not in noniIdx.keys():
                noniIdx[token] = 1
                noniIdx[token] += 1
        docNoniIdx[file] = noniIdx
    return docNoniIdx

In [212]:
non_invIndex = noninvIndex(doc_path,10)

In [213]:


In [214]:

{'1': {'a': 7,
  'aerodynamics': 1,
  'after': 1,
  'agree': 1,
  'an': 3,
  'and': 1,
  'angles': 1,
  'as': 1,
  'at': 2,
  'attack': 1,
  'basis': 1,
  'boundary': 1,
  'by': 1,
  'comparative': 1,
  'configuration': 1,
  'control': 1,
  'curves': 1,
  'destalling': 3,
  'determine': 1,
  'different': 3,
  'distribution': 1,
  'due': 2,
  'effect': 1,
  'effects': 1,
  'empirical': 1,
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  'evidence': 1,
  'experiment': 1,
  'experimental': 2,
  'flow': 1,
  'for': 2,
  'found': 1,
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  'in': 4,
  'increase': 1,
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  'integrated': 1,
  'intended': 1,
  'investigation': 1,
  'layer': 1,
  'lift': 4,
  'loading': 1,
  'made': 2,
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  'potential': 1,
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  'produced': 1,
  'propeller': 1,
  'ratios': 1,
  'remaining': 1,
  'results': 1,
  'showed': 1,
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  'span': 1,
  'spanwise': 1,
  'specific': 1,
  'stream': 1,
  'study': 1,
  'substantial': 1,
  'subtracting': 1,
  'supporting': 1,
  'that': 1,
  'the': 12,
  'theoretical': 1,
  'theory': 1,
  'this': 2,
  'to': 5,
  'together': 1,
  'treatments': 1,
  'velocity': 1,
  'was': 4,
  'well': 1,
  'were': 1,
  'wing': 3,
  'with': 2},
 '2': {'a': 9,
  'again': 1,
  'an': 2,
  'and': 2,
  'approximation': 1,
  'arises': 1,
  'as': 1,
  'be': 3,
  'been': 1,
  'being': 1,
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  'by': 2,
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  'consider': 1,
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  'curved': 1,
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  'discussed': 1,
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  'has': 1,
  'have': 1,
  'here': 1,
  'high': 1,
  'hypersonic': 2,
  'in': 7,
  'incompressible': 2,
  'instance': 1,
  'investigated': 1,
  'inviscid': 3,
  'irrotational': 1,
  'is': 5,
  'it': 2,
  'layer': 5,
  'leading': 1,
  'libby': 1,
  'must': 1,
  'necessary': 1,
  'nose': 1,
  'novel': 1,
  'of': 6,
  'only': 1,
  'or': 1,
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  'plate': 3,
  'possible': 1,
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  'problem': 4,
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  'small': 2,
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  'speed': 1,
  'steady': 1,
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  'study': 2,
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  'that': 2,
  'the': 18,
  'there': 1,
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  'usually': 1,
  'viscosity': 2,
  'viscous': 2,
  'vorticity': 2,
  'wave': 2,
  'while': 1},
 '3': {'a': 1,
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  'equations': 1,
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  'for': 1,
  'gradient': 1,
  'in': 1,
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  'layer': 2,
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  'presented': 1,
  'pressure': 1,
  'shear': 1,
  'simple': 1,
  'steady': 1,
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  'with': 1},
 '4': {'a': 4,
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  'fluid': 1,
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  'is': 1,
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  'problem': 1,
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  'solutions': 2,
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  'technique': 1,
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  'thickness': 1,
  'to': 1,
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  'uniform': 1,
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  'with': 1},
 '5': {'a': 4,
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  'analytic': 1,
  'are': 1,
  'at': 1,
  'composite': 1,
  'conduction': 2,
  'dimensional': 1,
  'double': 1,
  'during': 1,
  'example': 1,
  'exposed': 1,
  'for': 3,
  'heat': 4,
  'heating': 2,
  'in': 1,
  'input': 1,
  'internal': 1,
  'into': 1,
  'layer': 1,
  'linear': 1,
  'may': 1,
  'occur': 1,
  'of': 1,
  'one': 2,
  'presented': 1,
  'rate': 2,
  'slab': 1,
  'slabs': 1,
  'small': 1,
  'solutions': 1,
  'subjected': 1,
  'surface': 1,
  'the': 1,
  'this': 1,
  'time': 1,
  'to': 2,
  'transient': 2,
  'triangular': 1,
  'type': 1},
 '6': {'2': 1,
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  'analytic': 1,
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  'are': 1,
  'at': 3,
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  'by': 1,
  'cases': 1,
  'contribution': 1,
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  'double': 1,
  'duration': 1,
  'face': 1,
  'flow': 1,
  'for': 3,
  'forum': 1,
  'gave': 1,
  'general': 1,
  'give': 1,
  'given': 1,
  'heat': 3,
  'here': 1,
  'his': 1,
  'how': 1,
  'i': 1,
  'in': 3,
  'incomplete': 1,
  'indicate': 1,
  'input': 2,
  'insulated': 1,
  'interface': 1,
  'is': 1,
  'it': 1,
  'layer': 1,
  'longer': 1,
  'method': 1,
  'multilayer': 1,
  'no': 1,
  'obtained': 1,
  'of': 2,
  'one': 2,
  'other': 1,
  'out': 1,
  'particular': 1,
  'point': 1,
  'problem': 1,
  'propose': 1,
  'rate': 1,
  'readers': 1,
  'recent': 1,
  'reference': 1,
  'resistance': 1,
  'slab': 2,
  'solution': 1,
  'solutions': 3,
  'temperature': 1,
  'than': 1,
  'that': 1,
  'the': 10,
  'thermal': 1,
  'this': 1,
  'three': 1,
  'times': 1,
  'to': 5,
  'transient': 1,
  'triangular': 1,
  'using': 1,
  'wassermann': 2,
  'were': 1,
  'with': 2},
 '7': {'1': 2,
  '12': 1,
  '2': 2,
  '3': 2,
  '4': 1,
  '5': 1,
  '67': 1,
  '71': 1,
  '90': 1,
  'a': 1,
  'after': 1,
  'and': 7,
  'appears': 1,
  'are': 1,
  'as': 1,
  'at': 4,
  'becoming': 1,
  'begins': 1,
  'boundary': 4,
  'breakdown': 2,
  'breaks': 1,
  'by': 2,
  'california': 1,
  'contaminates': 1,
  'contamination': 1,
  'controlled': 1,
  'dimensional': 3,
  'double': 1,
  'down': 1,
  'each': 1,
  'edge': 1,
  'effect': 3,
  'element': 1,
  'elements': 3,
  'ensuing': 1,
  'experiments': 1,
  'field': 2,
  'flow': 3,
  'fourth': 1,
  'from': 1,
  'has': 1,
  'height': 2,
  'in': 3,
  'inch': 1,
  'increasing': 1,
  'indicate': 1,
  'induced': 1,
  'initial': 1,
  'institute': 1,
  'investigate': 1,
  'is': 2,
  'jet': 1,
  'k': 1,
  'kinematic': 1,
  'laboratory': 1,
  'laminar': 2,
  'lateral': 1,
  'layer': 4,
  'little': 1,
  'local': 1,
  'mach': 1,
  'may': 1,
  'more': 1,
  'number': 3,
  'numbers': 1,
  'occurs': 1,
  'of': 14,
  'on': 3,
  'one': 1,
  'outer': 1,
  'per': 1,
  'performed': 1,
  'persist': 1,
  'position': 4,
  'power': 1,
  'propulsion': 1,
  'rather': 1,
  'relative': 1,
  'results': 1,
  'reynolds': 3,
  'roughness': 7,
  'row': 1,
  'size': 1,
  'spacing': 2,
  'speeds': 1,
  'spheres': 1,
  'spiral': 2,
  'still': 1,
  'strength': 1,
  'sublayer': 1,
  'such': 1,
  'suddenly': 1,
  'supersonic': 2,
  'surrounding': 1,
  'tained': 1,
  'technology': 1,
  'that': 2,
  'the': 24,
  'thickness': 1,
  'three': 3,
  'to': 4,
  'trailing': 1,
  'transition': 5,
  'trip': 3,
  'tunnel': 1,
  'turbulent': 2,
  'u': 1,
  'upon': 1,
  'v': 1,
  'varies': 1,
  'varying': 1,
  'velocity': 1,
  'violent': 1,
  'viscosity': 1,
  'viz': 1,
  'vortices': 2,
  'vorticity': 2,
  'were': 1,
  'when': 1,
  'where': 2,
  'wind': 1,
  'with': 1,
  'x': 1},
 '8': {'a': 5,
  'additional': 1,
  'after': 1,
  'an': 1,
  'and': 3,
  'appeared': 1,
  'as': 1,
  'at': 3,
  'available': 1,
  'based': 1,
  'basis': 1,
  'be': 2,
  'behave': 1,
  'between': 1,
  'boundary': 2,
  'bureau': 1,
  'conducted': 1,
  'could': 1,
  'course': 1,
  'data': 2,
  'desirable': 1,
  'dimensional': 5,
  'displacement': 1,
  'distance': 1,
  'dryden': 1,
  'during': 1,
  'edge': 1,
  'effect': 3,
  'element': 3,
  'elements': 3,
  'extend': 1,
  'flat': 1,
  'found': 1,
  'from': 1,
  'functional': 1,
  'h': 1,
  'height': 1,
  'higher': 1,
  'his': 2,
  'in': 3,
  'investigation': 1,
  'is': 3,
  'it': 1,
  'l': 1,
  'layer': 2,
  'leading': 1,
  'measurements': 1,
  'national': 1,
  'number': 1,
  'obtained': 2,
  'of': 15,
  'on': 6,
  'plate': 1,
  'position': 1,
  'primarily': 1,
  'range': 1,
  'reasonably': 1,
  'relation': 1,
  'represented': 1,
  'results': 1,
  'reynolds': 1,
  'roughness': 6,
  'row': 1,
  'same': 1,
  'see': 1,
  'some': 1,
  'standards': 1,
  'study': 1,
  'such': 1,
  'suggestion': 1,
  'terms': 1,
  'that': 1,
  'the': 17,
  'thickness': 1,
  'three': 2,
  'to': 4,
  'transition': 4,
  'trip': 1,
  'two': 3,
  'values': 1,
  'way': 1,
  'well': 1,
  'were': 2,
  'where': 1,
  'whether': 1,
  'wire': 1,
  'would': 1},
 '9': {'0': 2,
  '1': 1,
  '10': 6,
  '2': 3,
  '26': 1,
  '40': 1,
  '46': 1,
  '5': 9,
  '6': 1,
  '8': 2,
  '9': 1,
  'a': 9,
  'agreement': 2,
  'air': 3,
  'along': 1,
  'although': 1,
  'amount': 1,
  'an': 4,
  'and': 8,
  'angle': 1,
  'approximately': 1,
  'as': 4,
  'at': 9,
  'be': 2,
  'being': 2,
  'below': 1,
  'between': 1,
  'boundary': 6,
  'by': 4,
  'caused': 1,
  'coefficient': 1,
  'compared': 1,
  'complete': 1,
  'constant': 1,
  'contamination': 1,
  'degree': 1,
  'detection': 1,
  'developed': 1,
  'dimensional': 1,
  'direct': 1,
  'discussion': 1,
  'disturbances': 1,
  'downstream': 1,
  'earlier': 1,
  'edge': 1,
  'effect': 1,
  'effective': 1,
  'element': 1,
  'emphasis': 1,
  'extensively': 1,
  'far': 1,
  'flat': 3,
  'floating': 1,
  'flow': 3,
  'for': 5,
  'found': 3,
  'friction': 4,
  'fully': 1,
  'galcit': 1,
  'given': 1,
  'good': 2,
  'greater': 2,
  'hastening': 1,
  'head': 1,
  'hypersonic': 2,
  'in': 7,
  'incompressible': 1,
  'injected': 1,
  'injection': 2,
  'insulated': 2,
  'into': 1,
  'investigated': 1,
  'investigation': 2,
  'is': 1,
  'it': 1,
  'lacquer': 1,
  'laminar': 3,
  'layer': 6,
  'leading': 1,
  'least': 1,
  'local': 1,
  'low': 2,
  'lower': 1,
  'mach': 2,
  'made': 2,
  'means': 2,
  'measurements': 3,
  'much': 1,
  'nominal': 1,
  'not': 1,
  'number': 3,
  'numbers': 6,
  'obtained': 2,
  'occurred': 1,
  'of': 21,
  'on': 4,
  'only': 1,
  'onset': 1,
  'originated': 1,
  'over': 2,
  'phosphorescent': 1,
  'pitot': 1,
  'plate': 4,
  'possibility': 1,
  'qualitative': 1,
  'r': 1,
  'rake': 1,
  'range': 2,
  'regardless': 1,
  'results': 2,
  'reynolds': 7,
  'shear': 1,
  'sidewall': 1,
  'skin': 4,
  'speed': 1,
  'speeds': 1,
  'spread': 1,
  'stability': 1,
  'studies': 1,
  'surface': 1,
  'surveys': 1,
  'technique': 3,
  'than': 2,
  'that': 2,
  'the': 17,
  'these': 1,
  'this': 2,
  'to': 4,
  'total': 1,
  'transition': 5,
  'transverse': 1,
  'tunnel': 2,
  'turbulent': 4,
  'two': 1,
  'uniform': 1,
  'used': 2,
  'value': 2,
  'verified': 1,
  'was': 10,
  'were': 1,
  'wind': 1,
  'with': 4,
  'x': 5}}

In [206]:
def invIndex(dir_path, num_files):
    """ A simple implementation of inverted index
    i.e. token frequency found in document
        dir_path (string): path were all the documents are stored
        num_files (string): number of files stored in dir_path; assuming the name is a number
        dociIdx (dict): frequency of token in documents  dociIdx = {token:{'doc 1':freq, 'doc 2':freq}, 
                                                                    token_two:{'doc 1:freq}, ...} 
        # Create a list of files in the directory
    files = []
    total_files = int(num_files)
    for i in range(1,total_files):
    # Dictionary to store the non-inverted index for all documents
    dociIdx = {}
    # Loop the list files to parse all the existing documents
    for file in files:
        # Create a string for the file read
        path = dir_path + file
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            string = f.read()
        # tokenize of the string; remove stopwords later
        tokens = simpleTokenize(string)
        # With the list of tokens create a non-inverted Index
        for token in tokens:
            if token not in dociIdx.keys():
                #print(token, 'not in')
                dociIdx[token] = {file:1}
            elif token in dociIdx.keys():
                #print(token, 'in')
                if file in dociIdx[token].keys():
                    #print(file, 'in value')
                    dociIdx[token][file] += 1 
                    #print(file, 'not in value')
    return dociIdx

In [215]:
docinvIndex = invIndex(doc_path,10)

In [216]:

{'0': {'9': 2},
 '1': {'7': 2, '9': 1},
 '10': {'9': 6},
 '12': {'7': 1},
 '2': {'6': 1, '7': 2, '9': 3},
 '26': {'9': 1},
 '3': {'7': 2},
 '4': {'7': 1},
 '40': {'9': 1},
 '46': {'9': 1},
 '5': {'7': 1, '9': 9},
 '6': {'9': 1},
 '67': {'7': 1},
 '71': {'7': 1},
 '8': {'9': 2},
 '9': {'9': 1},
 '90': {'7': 1},
 'a': {'1': 7, '2': 9, '3': 1, '4': 4, '5': 4, '6': 4, '7': 1, '8': 5, '9': 9},
 'additional': {'8': 1},
 'aerodynamic': {'5': 1},
 'aerodynamics': {'1': 1},
 'after': {'1': 1, '7': 1, '8': 1},
 'again': {'2': 1},
 'agree': {'1': 1},
 'agreement': {'9': 2},
 'air': {'9': 3},
 'along': {'9': 1},
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